• Published 1st Sep 2018
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The love of chaos and harmony or the romantic adventures of the O&O gang - Shadowlight Wanderer

As Big Mac continues dating Sugar Belle, Discord and Spike are starting to wonder about their love lives and decide to take action and win the love for themselves. Together, O&O style. What can possibly go wrong?

  • ...

The return of Dark Harmony Part 2

Chapter 13


Spike groaned and slowly raised up.

Discord's crazy plan probably worked, didn't it ?

He looked around and gasped.

Young dragon was standing on the path of glass...or crystal, but in that case, very see-through.

The paths of glass were stretching up, floating up in the black nothingness, leading in every direction. Shining paths were very distinctively separated from dark background.

Spike noticed that his reflections were also stretching in each fragment of glass.

He narrowed his eyes.

So this was the core of the Tree.

This realm was the birthplace of Harmony.

But now, if it was infected...Celestia knows what could await them.

However, according to Discord, it was still the best chance to end this once and forever.

He started walking quickly, with determined look on his face.

In a hurry he didn't realize that one of his reflections didn't followed him, but instead glared at him behind his back and smiled, showing sharp fangs.


Despair yelled in fury as she appeared in a corridor of glass, floating in the limitless abyss.

"How is it possible ? That's...but no matter ! Those fools just sentenced themselves to death !"

'I won't let that happen !'

Despair felt another presence touch her mind.

She turned around and lustrated her surroundings. In this realm, barriers of mind didn't exist and someone could easily get to one's head. Not hers, she was obviously too smart for that. But still...

No, the presence had to come from the inside. Which meant... she jumped within her own mind.

On the small field woven of violet starlight, a small figure of lavender alicorn was facing the sea of darkness before Despair's back

"So...you are still alive ?" Despair eyed her counterpart with angry fire in her eyes

"You still in my body" Twilight replied coldly.

"There is nothing you can do about it, this a lost cause for you"

"On contrary, I think I can. Princesses' actions on the other side allowed me to regain 49,5 % control over cerebral transference. But 1% is still in the balance"


Twilight wobbled through the corridor, shouting

"Get out of my head ! If you want me whole, I won't come willingly. I won't let you put a hoof on my friends"


"Make me ! You have to see that there is no hope left for you now, with all of us trapped inside this Tree, that is in our control" Despair yelled using the same lips.


"If I didn't knew better, I would say that I am a good rival for you." Twilight muttered, as the control switched once again "We share the same brain, which means the same brain capacity. I challenge you "


Despair clenched their head and laughed madly

"You ? You of all ponies ? I am not fooling for this ! I won't accept a challenge from the weakling like you "

"If you are truly that strong, beating me shouldn't be any problem. Believe me, I came so far, faced so, so many different things, changed so much to become who I am now. They are my everything. So I am not stopping now"

Twilight felt as half of her lips raises up and she felt her vocal cords...growling, without her control.

"You know what, fine. You have to be really an idiot to insist upon your doom" Despair purred and suddenly, the glass shattered and partially darkened, creating a chessboard.

Despair appeared on the other side smiling widely

"If I win, you will disappear forever, Twilight Sparkle. If I lose, I will give you control back. Deal ?"

"You have something hidden out there, behind the lights in your irises" Twilight whispered, making the first move and looking into her own face " I can sense it"

"I am your darkness Twilight, all that is hidden within you. Ask yourself and you will find the answers" Despair moved a knight.

And after a few minutes...

Twilight felt herself sweating heavily as her body started to glow and crack, when she lost her first figure.

Despair was beaten up as well but that was just too risky...

They were both struggling to take hold, in this chessboard in the edge of creation, with the air filled with aural smell of old books.

She had to pull through...

But could she really...

The pieces were still...missing...


Rainbow Dash

"Okay, what is your problem ?" Rainbow yelled, floating in the cerise vortex.

Treason looked at her with her eyes half closed and yawned

"Look, it isn't actually quite personal, but I like to be alive. Sorry about Despair, she can be real pain in the butt."

"But why me and my friends ?!!!" the blue pegasus yelled.

"Isn't that obvious ?" her counterpart rolled her eyes "You are powerful and strong, you are the ideal target."

Treason suddenly jumped , leaning directly over Rainbow Dash

"In fact, you are even better" she grinned "So buddy, what if we join your friends and fight my dark friends together ? Sounds good, huh ?"

That actually does sound nice, Rainbow thought. But an alarm was still ringing in her head. She was named Treason for a reason...

"As promising as that sounds, I will pass. Who can tell what would you do to me and the girls later"

Treason licked her lips

"Good girl. You are so good. Is to.."

Rainbow swiftly avoided the aural knife that behind her back

"To die for ? Really, you seriously need to improve your since of humour. Well, since you are my opposition, that explains it"

"Oh really ? Allow me to give you so insight in that fricking swamp of manipulation ? What can you do to win, to be first, to be adored...to have a purpose ? "

She pulled the cyan pegasus in the headlock but Dash countered with a kick in the stomach and freed herself once more.

"We can do this Celestia knows how ! I am not backing up. For someone that should be changing fronts so quickly, you seem pretty determined to beat me up" Rainbow cleaned herself from invisible dust

A sparks of electricity shot into the air as Treason raised her eyebrow

"I just want to satisfy myself. I want to stay alive and wealthy, and I do whatever that takes to keep it that way. No matter the costs, promises or lives, I will win. I admit, you have impressive reflexes but you just can't avoid me forever. Some time you will make mistake...and it will be your last one."

"Bring it on, sucker. I am not afraid" yelled Rainbow as two halves charged at each other.


Pinkie Pie

"Hello ?" Pinkie shouted and only echo answered, resonating in a strange pink abyss.

Pinkie, for obvious reasons, usually liked the colour pink but this shade was like something that could be seen in a horror movies. The cheap horror movies but it was really creepy anyway.

"As fun as that place looks, I think I should look for the exit." Pinkie bounced around, looking forward" No walls, not even that invisible one with the stickers and faces on the other side. That place is incredible ! If I could throw a party in here, I am sure that it would be bombastic !"

"No..." came a sad voice behind her.

Pinkie turned around to see a pink mare with a dark, dead eyes and a straight, dark pink mane.

"Who are you ? Oh , let me guess, let me guess !!! You are me !"

"Your happiness almost brings more misery into my already crappy existence" Said Sorrow, tears flowing down her face " Come join me ! We can wait here...till we die. There is no use in running it is going to happen anyway"

"Oh come on you little grumpy, no one wants to die when you can live" Pinkie smiled " Don't be so gloomy, come join the party."

"You still can't see it, can you ?" Sorrow's voice got a bit higher and her eyes shone crimson red.

Pinkie shivered slightly


"Yes, me" Pinkamena Diane Pie smiled a exploded into a mad giggle " Something finally got into that cotton candy brain of yours."

"How can you be here ? I should forget you, threw away , like a big party pooper you are " squealed pink party planner.

"Our mind" continued the psycho killer " is so complex that it can house many personalities. You didn't actually believe that all those parties can bury the feeling of revenge you felt when you were abandoned and without love on a cold stone of the rock farm ? I will always be here by your side. And one day, I will make a five sets of very special cupcakes"

"Neverrrrr!!!" Pinkie growled and her pink aura formed into a giant party canon, ready to fire.

"Cream frosting with strawberry icing, what am I gonna do" she thought when suddenly she heard someone calling her from behind.



They died because of you...you wasn't there...it was your fault...

"Noooooo!!!" yelled Applejack, breathing shakily " Get out of mah head !"

"What in Equestria do you mean sugarcube ?" purred Deception " I have a right to visit some of my old memories, don't I ?"

"Ya bloody wish they were yers" Applejack spit on the jade light soil that was stretching into endlessness beyond them " Why did I even believe ya ? Those lies are terrible...well, lies"

"Shucks, since I fused with ya, I suppose I became better with. This is mah disharmonic gift. So how many times I will have to brainwash ya before ya disappear"

"Ya sick hussy, ya'll never-"

Applejack screamed and collapsed, clenching her head

Sis, where is mommy...I have to be strong...but I want to cry...they mustn't now...

"No. I. Won't. Give. UP!!!" Applejack raised up and with pained expression started to move towards Deception "They need me...my friends...my family...they need me, regardless of who I am, I must protect them..."

"Seems like we have to repeat this AJ" Deception growled.

But then, Applejack saw a small silhouette entering the pool of green light

Was that ?...



"Eeek..." Fluttershy squealed and tried to run away.

Her counterpart sighed and reappeared right in front of her

"Hey, you little mistake. This f***ing place is inside our body. You won't be able to hide from me. Besides, if you will try to move, your demise will be more painful. Come to think of, it that's better for me if your death will be more painful. Woooohooo!!!!"

"Why..." Fluttershy shivered, still trying to back away" Why are you doing this ?"

"You know sweetie..." Cruelty's eye twitched as she eyed scared pegasus " I didn't ask to be born in this fricking world, and have all this wrath within. THIS IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF !!!! So, if I am like this, I shall enjoy it, right ? I will bring suffering to every living creature in this damn reality and"

"And then what happens ? You will be left with nothing else. You will push everypony away" Fluttershy managed to raised her head and look Cruelty in her place.

Cruelty laughed loudly and moved closer to Fluttershy's ear

"Look, I don't need your pity. Tonight, I will strike down the gods in heaven and drench this bloody world in all the cruelty that I have in me. And no one will stop me, especially not you"

"I...I am sorry...for you" Fluttershy whispered, tears flowing down her face.

Cruelty's expression become the one of the shock, before turning into twisted, vengeful mask once again

"Hey, earth to idiot ! Those are the last moments of your life. I am going to kill you any moment now. And you...still pity me ?"

"I just realized who could I become if I took in all the insults world threw at me. What would I turn into if I didn't meet girls and...gave my heart to Discord... so I am sorry..."

"Ugh, you are insufferable "Cruelty groaned loudly " You are going to vanish from existence and you not only pity me but also confess your love ? Seriously ? You have to be threatened like this to drop your barriers and realize your feelings ? You make me sick. You and your animal accident lovey-dovey. I will go sprightly to kill him after I assume full control over body."

Fluttershy suddenly jumped, enraged

"Don't hurt him ! You can have my body but don't you dare put a hoof on him ! Please... I won't let you near him as long as my heart beats !"

Cruelty jumped high, roaring

"To bad it won't be having to many beats left !"

And then, she was caught in the middle of the flight and turned around, to meet the pair of red irises glowing in fury

"According to those stupid pony traditions, you shall invite girl to dinner before you ask for her heart. I am sorry, Cru-cru, but you want the heart a bit too literally. So, to be clear... LEAVE MY LOVE ALONE OR I WILL DESTROY YOU IN ALL REALITIES !!!!"



Darkness, stillness...

Was this death ?...he never knew how dying felt like...

No, as far as Discord could tell, his senses were still active.

He managed to get to the other side.

Which meant that now he got to find the others.

He gulped as he remembered Cruelty. In this realm, the barriers of the minds were lowered. Who knew what kind of torture sadistic spirit could serve Fluttershy.

He will save her... even if he needed to bust through entire Tree to get to her.

But that place... it was so dark, he couldn't even manage to find a proper direction...

And then, he heard it. The faint sound of some song.

No, not just some song...that was...

Discord quickly extended his senses and followed the sound, whispering in the absolute darkness.

Every atom of his being resonated along with the melody.

The song didn't have words. It didn't need them.

He heard it only once. But he memorized it and couldn't let go through his endless existence.

The melody that sounded in the first days of the universe.

The Chant of Creation.

He remembered as he was wandering in empty universe, full of random elements, filled with chaos, cold, alone and not understanding anything.

A newborn draconequus.

And then, this song came.

It filled heart with love...and hatred.

Finally, Discord spotted something.

It was a ball o light, medium sized, floating in the empty space. Its glow was faint but still bright in the darkness.

Discord slowly took ball between his hands.

"Discord..." a distant female voice came from the orb " I knew that you'll come..."

"That was a tricky one" the spirit managed to grin " Only two beings in the universe can sing that song, even if it resonates within everything..."

"I was born to it" Harmonia said quietly

"I know. That's...why I hated it" Discord muttered.

"Look at us now. We lived billions of years, trying to overthrow each other, and now you are within my core, holding me in your arms. See how far we've come..."

"I guess that I learned something from mortal creatures" said Discord.

"I think...I might be dying..." Harmonia whispered.

The abyss remained quiet for a moment

"I...cannot comprehend...what is like to die ? And I am...agitated....moved...scared ?" the spirit of harmony added.

"You can't die" Discord shook his head " Without you this universe will cease to exist. This world needs you. And I need you...too."


"After all this time, we learned that we don't have to hate each other. Fate sure is strange." the voice from the orb whispered

"Well, sometimes we destroyed a few civilizations in a fight for domination " Discord looked at the orb" But there is no denying that you were the one who understand me best...my sister, Harmonia. I shouldn't feel that way, we are supposed to be enemies. But rewriting destiny is one of my specialities. My mortal friends... Compared to us, they are so tiny and fragile, they lives are a droplet in eternity, that we walk through. But those creatures showed me how to live a happy life and...Harmonia, I think I found love"

He could almost feel his female counterpart smiling

"I always knew that you have what it takes to feel this way. We are have potential to overcome our nature. If we could only work together for once...After all, love is most potent form of chaos there is."

"True, but without harmony to stabilise it, it is just eternal thirst and longing."

"Discord...can't you see we are both needed for this world. Isn't that crazy ? We can both be who we wish to be, spread our magic. I know that we are separated by Ancient Laws, and the closer we get, the more we kill each other...But I believe that together, we could create a better world"

"I guess that without harmony chaos is just destruction..."

"And when the darkness of destruction overcomes the realm of the living, the things have to go unplanned for creation to shine so brightly"

Discord suddenly hugged the orb, which equally surprised both of them.

"I promise that it won't like this. I have plan and this... this time I will save everyone ! I will save Fluttershy, others and even you ! My mortal frenemy !"

"Discord, what happened back there with the parents of Sun and Moon...you should let go of"

"Don't you dare die on me ! I...I...just stay here" Discord snapped

"Of course" Harmonia said softly" I shall manage to create a portal for you"

A door opened in the void.

Discord turned around and floated to them. Just when he wanted to pass them, Harmonia spoke once again

"Hey, Discord..."

"Hmm ?"

"Please be careful. It would be boring without you here. So fight hard. And when you reunite with one you love...trust your heart and don't let go"

Discord saluted and nodded

"See ya, Harmonia. Thank you for everything"

The door closed behind him

"Farewell brother. I will be waiting" said the dying spirit of harmony.


"What...what sorcery is this ?" Luna yelled as she examined her body, floating in the ethereal, silver mist.

All parts were in place, except...

"Why am I SMAAAAAAALLLL???!!!!" squealed filly princess.

Her mane, her beautiful flowing mane from the enchanted starlight, was now loose, light blue mane, quite short. That was the look you she wore in the older days, before she discovered her true nocturnal abilities. When she returned from being Nightmare Moon, she was so weak that her entire body reversed in growth into this very state. It took time before she grew again.

"Enjoying that body princess ? " Whispered a disembodied voice.

Luna looked at the dark mist that mixed up with her silver aura and revealed all too familiar head wearing a helmet.

"What are you doing here Nightmare ?" she asked quietly.

"What do you mean ? You can very well ask yourself. Why, you are..."

"if you are going to say "me", I would rather send myself to the moon. I am never ever sharing a mind with you and all that stupid crap."

Nightmare's spirit giggled

"You know, even if your friends will be purified, our connection is a bit different. You won't be getting away so easily. But for the time being, I will let you taste the happiness. You have to feel what you'll lose. Farewell, for now..."

Malicious mare lowered her head to Luna's level and looked her in the eyes.

"But remember no matter where you'll be, I will be watching you...from the shadows !"

Luna blinked and looked around. She was alone in the dark corridor. To her surprise, her body returned to its normal, mature form.

"Well, that was creepy...and kind of ominous" she said, shaking with each step as she forced herself to march forward.

One of Luna's eternal dilemmas was the choice between her own lifestyle and others. She felt no inferior to those around her and felt that her personality was worth preserving as well.

But she was born in difference, she was like this from the very beginning. She chose to venture and discover something no pony has ever dared to discover.

But she was also always on the edge. She was the daughter of the incarnates of night and day. She had power, knowledge.

And freedom.

But freedom brought solitude to her life.

A feeling she could never get rid off.

Suddenly, a motion caught her attention

"Who goes there ?" she asked in the voice a bit high and shaky.

"Oh, thank heavens, Luna !!!" the shadow galloped closer and turned out to be none other than Celestia.

She jumped on a shocked Luna and hugged her tightly.

"Oh, I was so worried about you" she said, squeezing her to death.

And then, two sisters just broke into tears in each other's embrace, releasing all the tension they've been through.

After a few minutes, Luna spoke

"What have you see Tia ? Was it..."

Celestia nodded sadly

"Yes, it was her. She...she burnt all the world...and she kept laughing...and finally I felt that one laughing is none other than me..."

Celestia gave her sister a tired look

"Luna, please tell me...after everything we've been through...everything we gained and lost...are we a good ponies ? With all the bitterness and rage harboured through those lives, with all the danger we present, how can we be called a good ones in that story ? Little sister, I saw want to return to those old days. When it was just me, you, Discord and world, waiting to be discovered. But so much have changed since then...how we can ever go back ?"

Luna blinked before frowning a little

"I...honestly don't know." She looked high in the sky and a droplets of her silver aura raised high and shone brightly, just like stars. "You know, I remember when I first created a star. All the excitement I felt back then. It was as if I put a part of my soul outside and let it shine like the one inside never could. Peace and understanding, dear sister. That's all I ever wanted in this life. And when we went further and further, I was sometimes losing faith that I can still love. That I can smile. And that I can forgive. Through the centuries, I was rejected, misunderstood or even hated. But after I saw you, awoken after a thousand years-long nightmare, I remembered again...what it felt to love. Tia, we can't know all the answers. That's why we need to keep moving forward and try to learn from our mistakes. So even if winds of destiny erase our hoofsteps from the face of that life, the world may be changed, to show that we fought for what we believe. Our struggle is far from over. But we are still alive and that's what matters. And you can still protect the ones you love. Then at least, you'll be at peace. Because sometimes, when the wind blows gently, the trees are humming their melody and moon shines brightly, I feel that everything still has meaning. Every creature I see, I see as the glow of that first starlight. And on those nights, I can feel that I... am ready to let go. And my thoughts are becoming stars. It doesn't matter if it happens right here and now. Even if star dies, her light can still illuminate the worlds that never saw the light. And that's who I am."

"You are right, my little Luna. Whether you are bad or good is not for you to judge...not yet at last. But you can still shape your fate into a better one" came a voice from behind the princesses.

Two alicorns turned around and froze in shock.

There, in all they glory, stood...

"Father ?!..." Celestia cried

"Mommy..." Luna whispered

"My girls, how long has it been ?" said Dusk softly, his translucent body glowing in dark but still visible aura " A thousand years ? I know you were worrying but there was nothing we can do. We were in this dimension this whole time but we can no longer manifest ourselves in the physical realm."

"We know all about your troubles and...we are truly sorry that we couldn't be there for you. We failed you as parents. And now you are in danger again" Aurora looked sadly at her daughters.

"I...thought we won't see you again" Celestia said, crying once again " I am so glad."

"Celestia, look at you. You grew so much. And I like your new mane too. Though I wander if a lady should wear something so flashy"

"Mother, we need to save our friends and subjects. They supposedly are here as well. Can you help us ?"

"The one with a strong magical aura, smelling like books,is not so far away " Dusk interrupted " But her lifeforce is fading fast. You need to act quickly if you want to help"

"Yes, that sounds like Twilight" Luna nodded.

"My little Lunypie is so strong, just like her dad " Dusk grinned widely" Tell me, did you managed to become a proper hunter ?"

"Ymm..." Luna didn't exactly wanted to tell her father that in the modern times, cast of hunters almost completely vanished. Umbrums liked taste of meat, but Dusk and Sombra were the last of their species. Normal ponies were herbivores. So the need for hunters disappeared.

"You cannot believe how happy I am that we can see you" Celestia bit her lip " But that pony you sensed... she is very close to my heart. If she is in danger..."

Suddenly, a hoof phased through Celestia as Aurora tried to grab her in a hug.

Embarrassed, the Queen of the daylight said

"Ups, my bad. Tia, being a royal means confronting a difficult choices. We know that you wanted to talk to us and we don't want the two of you to go anywhere."

"But if you want to put yourself in danger to protect the one you care about, we couldn't be more proud of you. Both of you" Dusk looked at Luna and extended a hoof to her face.

"Go, my children. Help your friend. We will try to aid you in whatever way we can and maybe meet up later"

Celestia and Luna stood there with tears in their eyes, before slowly nodding and turning in the direction pointed out by Aurora.

They started to gallop off, when Aurora's voice came from behind

"Girls !"

"Yes ?!!!" both alicorns asked in unison.

"If you meet Discord, tell him that it was not his doing. He won't be able to find a true peace if he doesn't let us go first. So tell him that we forgive him. Do it for him. And for us"

Celestia smiled and nodded

"Yes, we will do just that"

"Then farewell. Hope we see each other soon"

Two princesses exchanged one last look with their parents and dashed to help Twilight Sparkle win her life back


Sweetie Belle

"Where am I ?" Sweetie Belle's voice echoed through the nothingness.

"Where you always were and where you've never been" she heard a voice behind her.

Sweetie turned around and screamed when she saw her own reflection behind the crystal.

"That was so freaky" she muttered to herself.

"What do you mean freaky ? I look quite good, if I can say so myself" her reflection frowned.

"Whaaaa!!!!" the filly unicorn clenched her head and started to trot around" That's it. I went nuts. Now I am talking to myself. This is just awesome"

"You don't need to fear. Each of your friends has some kind of mental battle now. You are now in place where mind is all and heart is the compass. I am you, your hidden part brought to you by the dying Tree of Harmony"

"The Tree is dying ? We must help it fast then !"

"Sweetie Belle, what are you afraid of" reflection tilted its head.

"What ? " unicorn asked

"You can't very well go out there with your heart in a mess. Do you feel important ?"

"why are you asking me this now ? And if you really are me, shouldn't you know the answers ?"

The reflection smiled weakly

"Just because I am you, doesn't mean that I can talk to you like this every day. This is a very rare occasion so I want for you to truly understand before you do what you feel is right"

"You know, I still don't like being overshadowed..."

"Like the fact that Rarity is taking your every chance to be with Spike ?"

Sweetie Belle's eyes widened and she just stood there motionless for a moment

"I...I hated my sister for that" she muttered after a while.

"And what changed ?"

"Emm, I am still convinced that I would be a better choice but...the thing that I fell in love with Spike...it wasn't all that easy. In the first moment, I was afraid of my feelings. A pony and a dragon. Ridiculous, right ? But then there is a thing...even though Spike is quite handsome, I felt enamoured by his nobility. The fact that he always put others before himself. And if he started going out with me but still wanting Rarity, it would just be a dumb life for all three of us. I am willing to back away...if it makes Spike happy"

Reflection looked at her blankly

"And what about your own happiness ?" she recited

"I wish I could be happily in love but I just feel like he is too important to me to overlook his feelings"

"Well, Spike feels the same way about the ones he chose to protect. "

"Again, that's why admire him so much. For once, he should let the other take his problems to heart. I can save him. I would feel truly happy knowing that he is safe from harm. I need to do this"

"Why him ?"

"Because of Spike is always there for others when they need them, always trying to cheer them up, not caring that his own life wasn't exactly a piece of cake. I can understand how he feels about being an orphan. My parents...I love them very much but they aren't exactly the role models in the area of parenting. They were leaving me with my sister so often that I once thought that Rarity is more a mother than a sister to me...Spike is between the worlds, he doesn't know where he fits. And I want to have a circle of friends...and family where everyone knows where they belong."

"Is that...compassion ?"

"Yup. Always"

"This may get you in big trouble"

"Hey, I am already in a weird, dying dimension inside of a corrupted Tree. I don't think it will get any more weird."

Her other half smiled weakly

"If your heart is pure, and desires clear, here is what you have to go through..."



"Hey, turn around right now" Rarity yelled in fury

"WHAT THE HELL ???!!!" Greed roared back.

"I demand you to release me immediately" Rarity huffed " and stay away from Spike."

Greed slowly approached her, her eyes shining dangerously in the sapphire blue light.

"Yes, that's right " Rarity continued, even though she was starting to shake violently " I heard you thinking about him. And you are not getting anything when I am here"

"That's why I have to get rid of you, missy" the dark beauty snarled, licking her lips " Such a shame. Really, I am the last to throw something away. But you, like all the things in this pathetic world, are expendable. Everything is fading. Money, power, lovers, slaves, health, beauty. So this is why I shall take it, take it all. I am Greed the Avaricious and I will make this world my domain !!!"

"Bravo, bravo !" Rarity nodded in sarcastic acknowledgement " How creative of you... I cannot let that happen ! Release me and my friends at once, you ruffian !"

Greed smiled at the fashionista

"And why shall I do that ? I have much better idea. I shall crush all your faith by taking the heart of your little dragon lover."

Rarity jumped, only to crush on the invisible wall between them.

"If you harm him, I will destroy you" hissed the Element of Generosity " I will rather kill myself trying to stop you. He already suffered enough because of me. He..."

"Oh really ? How valiant of you ! And why has that sudden change of heart occurred ?"

"My heart never said no. I just had to listen in the right way to overcome my own limits" whispered Rarity

Fool !" Greed dismissed that confession with a wave of a hoof " As long as your feelings are in flux, you are lost. And so is he...

"I won't say so" someone said quietly and both unicorns turned their heads to see...

"Hmm, isn't that convenient ? Me and miss prissy were just talking about you, Spike the Dragon"

"So I noticed" Spike, said looking at the ground.

Rarity leaned closer to see Spike's face. Her eyes widened.

His lips were trembling, and there was a track of tears down his scaly cheek. His posture was seemingly relaxed, but underneath there could be sensed something dangerous. As if he there was a screaming rage just wanting to be unleashed.

'Oh Spikey, what has happened to you' thought Rarity, knowing that something had to occur earlier, before he managed to somehow get into her mind.

"My friend Discord told me that in this reality, there is no difference between thought and a word. Correct ?" Spike asked in a cold, dry manner, that made Rarity shiver even more

"Yes" Greed slowly nodded.

"Very well. I give you one last chance. Leave Rarity alone and never come near her"

"Never" the avaricious villain laughed " You are a good natural resource"

"I see that you are hungry. So then" Spike threw his arms in the air" let me give you my feelings. I know you can sense them. So, I give you all my feelings for Rarity and you will let her go"

"Spike, no !" Rarity shouted " I...I am glad that you came. But please, run while you can. She still controls most of this place, you are not safe"

"I am not leaving you here" dragon remained in place.

Greed opened her mouth and looked at Spike, madness flashing in her eyes.

"I won't reject such a kind gift. Now, GIIIIIIIVEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!"

Spike was pushed forward as the streams of his emerald aura started to leave his body and envelop around Greed

Magical bonds were pure emotions and both Rarity and Greed were consumed by them, in the sea of thoughts, dreams, and memories...

Rarity, I just want you to know... how much do you mean to me..."

Spike looking for Rarity at the Gala, to dance with her...

"What would I do to protect you..."

Spike charging at Diamond Dogs with a battle cry on the lips...

"What would I do not to lose you. For me..."

Spike helping free Rarity from the grasp of the Nightmare, ruby heart becoming whole once again.

"or for your own good..."

Spike releasing Rarity from the Inspiration Manifestation spell

"Even when you lived your own dreams, the ones that was bad for me..."

Rarity smiling at the pictures of Trenderhoof with Spike standing quietly beside her.

"You were the part I reached for in my darkest hour"

Spike rampaging through Ponyville, fuelled by his greed, until Rarity's kiss allowed him to change back

"I loved you even beyond this world..."

The image of gorgeous teenage girl with violet hair hugging a puppy.


Rarity felt something...ignite. She felt her heart melt within the sea of loyalty, devotion and compassion in front of her soul

Even if her wildest dreams, she would never thought.

"Spike !!!!!!" she screamed, looking at the dragon, now kneeling, his memories and feelings still being drained away.

Greed was now levitating high above them, howling in ecstasy.

Suddenly, the magic beneath her started to swirl and shine.

Greed looked at that with confused look of her face


"You see" Spike said with effort " I didn't come here unprepared. My love for Rarity was unrequited. It may be unhappy, but someone close to me taught me that it can also be a whole universe. Dreams of days never lived, stories never told, paths never crossed. It is infinity. At it is too much, even for your appetite."

The magic exploded and engulfed Greed

"You littttllllllaaaaaaahhhh !!!!" screamed the evil spirit before turning into a trail of smoke and vanishing.

Rarity fell on the side. Spike quickly got to her

"Did you...just overpowered her with love"

"Yeah" Spike rubbed his head " I know it sounds lame but hey, Shining Armor and Cadence once did something like that"

"Spike...I am sorry" she smiled at him.

"We need to get you out of here. Lack of Greed will soon make this part of your mind collapse. You can't stay here. So take this"

Spike opened his hand. Within it was a ball of green aura, pulsing like a heart.

"This is..." he hesitated for a moment " a key to get out. It can act like liquid, so drink it and you will be safe."

He was starting to hand mysterious orb to her when the white hoof stopped his movements

"Spike, don't interrupt the lady while she is explaining herself. I know I was manipulating you in the past and that I was indecisive...but not anymore. So what I want to say is..."

"Rarity, you have no idea how long I wanted to hear those three little words, but this is not a good place" Spike exclaimed, as the entire reality around them started crack and shatter.

Rarity blushed and yelled

"What I want to say is that you should use it yourself, idiot. Can't you just be selfish for once ?! Please save yourself Spike !"

Spike raised an eyebrow and slowly took the ball to his lips and "drink it".

Rarity smiled and closed her eyes.

But a moment later, they snapped open.

She felt the warm lips around her own, half-opened ones.

She couldn't believe that was real.

And through that warm and gentle kiss, he gave her all the liquid-like aura,, which Rarity instinctively swallowed

They parted and the unicorn looked at Spike with disbelief.

Dragon smiled sadly


"Spike, no, nonono, please don't-" Rarity begged before she vanished in a flash of sapphire light.

The reality .shattered completely and Spike started to fall down. He prepared for death.

But it didn't happen.

Instead he felt someone grabbing him by the neck.

He opened his eyes once again and craned his neck to look up

"Discord ???!!!!!" he yelled.

Draconequus smirked tiredly, his entire body glowing in burning crimson light. He seemed as if he was in great pain.

"I am not letting go of you that easily, Garbunkle. You still owe me for the last match, remember ?"

"Thanks. I thought I was done for. So, how are we going to get out ?"

"I have no idea" Discord laughed at the thought.

Spike's eyes showed absolutely everything he thought of Discord's amazing planning abilities.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, I was a little busy this week and that's this took me a little longer than usual. It was a big chapter. But I simply couldn't split it. Anyway, it was a writing full of emotions and I am really glad that this story is concluding rather nicely. This is penultime chapter. I think it is full of great moments, though I am still not 100 % satisfied with it, so slight changes may come.

In the next chapter, we will see the liberation of the Mane Six from the Dark Harmony. But the spirits are still around them and the Tree is still dying. Our heroes have to think fast. Can love of Discord and Spike be the key to save all of their friends ? Will their loves finally say yes ? Will Elements of Harmony unite again ? What about Sweetie Belle ? Also, do you wonder what happened to Spike before he confronted Greed ? Or how Discord fought Cruelty and came for Spike ?

The answers will be found in the last chapter before the epilogue, "What's worth more ?"