• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 1,286 Views, 21 Comments

The love of chaos and harmony or the romantic adventures of the O&O gang - Shadowlight Wanderer

As Big Mac continues dating Sugar Belle, Discord and Spike are starting to wonder about their love lives and decide to take action and win the love for themselves. Together, O&O style. What can possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Spike: Throughout the years

Chapter 8

(If some mistakes can be found in this chapter, I sincerly apologize. Still tracking them down, should be clear in day or two)

Where feelings are pushed back and forth.

Spike opened his eyes and stretched up

"Oh, that was quite a night " he whispered, looking at his friends, still laying on the field.

He had no idea what hour it was. Celestia had to get up to raise the sun earlier but now she was quietly snoring alongside

Spike took off into the air, flying higher and higher above the group. For some time he was just passing over the Everfree without any direction. But as he wandered further and further, so did his thoughts.

This camping trip was nothing but a success so far. He and Rarity managed to spend time with each other twice and had a good time together. Spike was rather sure that she was genuinly content with it, as was he. Everything was going smoothly and there was a chance for Rarity to finally understand Spike's affection towards her.

There shouldn't be a disturbing sense of worry within him, should it ?

But it was there and it was quite annoying cause Spike couldn't actually identify what was the source of this mysterious heartache.

Do I fear that I am not worth her ?

Nah, that couldn't be it. Spike may lack confidence in many areas but he truly believed that he wasn't any less good than all the other stallions that Rarity was chasing after.

He knew that he may not be the perfect choice. But what mattered is that he wanted to improve himself. Since the day he laid eyes on beautiful seamstress, it was obvious to him that he wanted everything good for her and to protect her from any harm. It was after all what love was all about, wasn't it ?

And what if she finally says "no" ?

Well, even if that was the problem, that was why he was there. He was trying to appear to Rarity in the best way he could. He believed that it should be enough to let her finally see the real him. And if all that was for nothing... he was very well aware how much that kind of rejection would hurt him. But that still didn't change the reality: he still loved her. And he wouldn't risk their friendship to fall apart. He would stick to it if it made Rarity happy.

Would it be unfair towards him and all his efforts to be an equal in pony society and to find some love for himself ? Hell yeah.

But if he had to choose between his and Rarity's happiness, the choice was obvious.

Or maybe you are afraid that she will leave you, dying first, and you will be able to just remember her till you die ?

Spike froze in the air. Yep...that could be it. When he was younger, he didn't pay much attention to this. And now, he was avoiding it because he was scared of confronting the truth. Dragons, if healthy and in good environment, could live for a few millenias, when for a ponykind living nine decades was a blessing.

She could leave him... dragon forced to relieve the moments spent with one he loved but unable to truly unite with her.

Spike couldn't imagine how much anguish Discord felt about this topic. As long as dragon's life was, it was still a finite one. Discord however was destined to exist forever.

A faint sound of hoofsteps brought Spike back to reality. He looked down at the forest below and notied some silhouette walking on a path between trees. He descended and approached the silhouette, which turned out to be Pinkie Pie's older sister, Maud Pie.

Spike's eyes widened. Well, that was certainly unexpected.

He landed and slowly walked towards the grey earth pony

"Hi Maud, how are you feeling ?"

It took a few seconds before apathetic mare responded

"With my nerves..."

Spike chuckled nervously

"Hehe, good one..."

They were walking in silence for a minute.

"Boulder wanted to go for a walk " Maud finally said "And laying on the sun is bad for his complexion, so I wanted to ease his tension and take him to shadow."

"Yeah... say, Maud, did you like our game on the beach ?"

Maud blinked slowly few times

"You mean that big building with fortyfing purpouses made of loosely bonded quartz, granit and with coral specks ?"

"I guess so..."

"The flags were not made of rocks, it was kind of disappointing"

"But Maud, how would you carry a flag made of stone ?"

"With your mouth. Or that pointy, sharp extensions of your hands"

Really should have seen this coming Spike growled in his thoughts.

Despite how he and his friends respected Maud, coexistence with her could be...tricky, to say at least.

Spike was just about to make his leave when some idea crossed his mind.

It was a really stupid one, but hey, Pinkie told him once that even the most crazy ideas can be benficient in certain circumctances. It never hurt to try.

"Maud, wait ! Can I ask you for advice ?" he shouted.

Maud stared at him, turning her head sllightly to the left

"I think you can ask me. You just did."

Spike sighed and began explanation

"You see, I have a friend who has friend too. He really cares about her and doesn't want anything bad to happen to her. But she has to go on a trip from which she may never return. So what is he supposed to do to be stronger and not to miss her so much but instead, keep her close enough to remember her fondly but not to be hurt by not having her around ? She is very important to him so he can't just forget her. But knowing she may not return...should he move on to not grow sad and bitter ?" Spike finished and closed his eyes.

That wasn't smooth at all. That was a horribly fabricated story.

Suddenly, he heard Maud's voice

"I think that I may have a resolution."

Spike rised an eyebrow

"You do ?"

Maud slowly drew a circle on the path

"Some gemstones are building their structure of bondings around more common and fragile rocks" she drew another smaller circle inside the bigger one" They do that in order to stabilize and harden even more. It happens cause they have a core that helps them endure the resonance and interferences of the outside forces "

She made a larger circle even deeper.

"But in return, those common cores have some of the minerals from the gem get into them and harden them as well " she erased the smaller circle so only the big remained" And in some cases, the cores became one with the gem "

Spike waited for the finale but it seemed that Maud said what she wanted to say.

So with that, dragon assumed that he must crack the riddle by himself

"Dragons are usually so fierce, strong and ancient when compared to ponies. Their durability is almost like the one of the gem... " he thought slowly " Ponies are...well, soft and easy to hurt. They are fragile compared to dragons. But they aquired stability and are living comfortably when dragons must sleep in the caves. So...maybe when I and Rarity do stuff together, we are living in...how Twilight called it ? Ah, symbiotic relationship We each give other something for our life to be better. Ponies changed me to be more gentle, caring and generally nicer than other dragons. Rarity did her job here as well. I feel better for all she and my friend are offering me. And in return, I am more than willing to protect them...and Rarity. I would do anything to keep them safe. One day I will become large and strong and no one would mess with them if I will be around. But what about my dillema about Rarity dying first..."


"Maud, if the same thing could happen to living creatures..." Spike spoke at last " If they both take and give each other strenght and courage and benefit from it, is it possible that...on the way of that exchange they would stumble upon the level of understanding that would make them be as a one creature ? With different personalities but so in synch...that if one of the partners leaves, the other will be able to live on because the memories that he carries inside...becuase they would be in such a unity that the part of the one would be leaving with other...and with one alive, the other won't be truly gone ?"

Maud stared at him for what seemed to be an eternity.

And then corner of her lips twitched. Her version of the smile.

He understood it.

The aphatetic earth pony turned around and walked deeper into the forest without any word.

Spike was just standing there, trying to process what happened. His head was pounding, he wasn't used to thinking this kind of stuff. That was usually Twilight's domain.

"Well, I am glad that I did " he thought, taking off and returning to the camp" Maybe it will help clear up the mess in my head, even if just a little."


"Spike, this place is simply gorgeous. You have a really good taste when it comes to choosing picnic places" Rarity complimented, levitating a napkin and cleaning her lips.

"Thanks Rarity, I just passed this spot in the morning" Spike took a bite of his panini " And those sandwiches are amazing!!!"

"Well, I am not much of a cook, but I gussed that I have to prepare something as a gratitude for your invitation."

They were both sitting on the line of grass between the forest and the lake. When Spike returned from his morning escapade, he got the idea of inviting Rarity to a picnic. The unicorn was quite taken by surprise but ultimately didn't saw any objections. She even took her time to make them some snacks. As usual, they were discussing Rarity's recent ideas for clothing and gossping about their friends.

It was a good time for both of them.

And now they were laying on the grass and watching, a faint blush appearing on both of their cheeks from other's proximity.

Rarity gasped and pointed towards the sky

"Oh Spike, look ! That cloud over there looks just like the Golden Oak Library ! The resemblence is remarkable !"

Not hearing an answer from Spike, she twisted her head a little to see the dragon gazing upon the very same cloud with a nostalgic look on his face.

Rarity's gaze softened

"Ah... I am sorry, I forgot that you and Twilight were..."

Spike raised his claw in the air

"It's okay, I am passed the grief. But it is still sad. So many good memories happened in it. Remember Twilight's welcome party ?"

Rarity smiled

"How could I forget ? That long night changed our lives forever after all"

"Yeah, if I was told before we moved to Ponyville, that I would one day live in the castle with my own throne, my friends being six bearers of Harmony, ancient god of chaos, Dragon Lord and Changelling King, I would laugh my guts out. But...sometimes I can't believe how far we come

„Indeed, though I am definately glad that some things are staying the same” Rarity said with her eyes closed and face turned towards the sun.

Spike shrugged

„Yeah, we always are and will be there for each other...”

„That too. But it is just unbelievable how loyal you are, being enamoured with me” Rarity whispered, her face bathed in sunlight.

The sounds were distant and echoed in Spike's mind.

Did she just...

Rarity faced him and snorted

"Oh come on, don't stare like that at me darling. You weren't actually very good at hidding that. I knew for some time".

Spike held his breath. She knew ? But what does she ...?

"H-how a-are y-you feeling a-about me ?" he managed to say.

Rarity giggled

"Well, I was sure that you will grow up and move on. But I was quite touched with your determination. Of course I was worried what others may think about it. But besides, I was more than content."

Spike gazed at the alabaster fashionista in astonishment. That has to be a dream, one of the thousands he dreamed before.

"Still, I was unsure how you will react when I will be older and my looks will fade. Spike, your devotion to be with me and doing me favours to win me over were so sweet, I couldn't appreciate..."

Twilight once told Spike that dragon's heart is beating much slower than ponies, due to their lifespan and density of blood.
Now Spike felt as if his heart froze and with each slow beat the words echoed in his head


Looks that will fade away...


Doing favours to win over...

"Is that really all ?" he whispered outloud

"Spike ?" Rarity leaned forward

And then Spike laughed in a histerical, high pitched manner

They were right all along. She really doesn't see...

"You might mistake things juuuust a liiitle" he hissed, the ice in his chest quickly melting within the flames of wrath and grief so powerful that his entire body started shaking.

"You think that I like you only because you are beautiful ?!!!! I am not some random stallion chasing with a mare with a nice flank. Rarity, you are the most stunning and beautful pony I know and I would even risk saying that you are the prettiest in all of Equestria. But saying there is so much more to you and I learned throughout the years how gorgeous is your inner beauty. Your intelligence, determination, resilience, generosity. Telling me that I can't see that... this is CRUELTY!!! Before judging me and my feelings, maybe you should realize what those feelings really are. You have no idea..." Spike was now yelling out of pure fury

"How much do you mean to me...What would I do to protect you...What would I do not to loose you. For me... or for your own good... Even when you lived your own dreams, the ones that was bad for me...You were the part of my memories I reached for in my darkest hour. I loved you even beyond this world..."

Spike was now breathing heavily, the tendrils of smoke rising from his nostrils.

"And with all this in mind, you thought I did all that work to WIN YOU OVER ??!!!! ALL THAT MATTERED FOR ME WAS YOUR HAPINESS, SAFETY AND PROTECTION !!!!... I would never, ever use you. But maybe once, you should make an effort to see the real me !!!! Did you ever adress your opinion on my feelings through this time???!!! NO!!!!!

Right now, I should be really mad at you. But even now, when a part of my wants it, I can't be because I still LOVE YOU LIKE A MAD DRAGON I AM!!!! Good looks ? One interesting fact, you probably didn't notice or didn't even care about: I WOULD DIE FOR YOU!!!!" Spike roared and looked at Rarity, frozen in place, with her hoof over her mouth.

He reached his hand to her and his gaze softened for a moment, but then he clenched his fist and ran to the forest, not looking back.

"Spikey..." Rarity whispered, her voice cracking a bit, as her mascara marked the trail of the waterfall that began to flow down her snowy coat.


Running was all Spike could do.

His own warm tears fell down when he sprinted towards the camp.

He felt so sad, angry and frustrated...Crying was now all he can do.

But when he spotted familiar camping houses, he started to slowly calm down.

And a wave of guilt washed over him.

Rarity deserved to hear that. She wasn't all innocent in all of this. But he left her all alone, shouting all his frustrations, and not even leaving her a chance to defend herself.

No, that certainly wasn't right. He needed to apologize to her, even if his anger was justified in some ways.

He then shook his head. He had to do this but definately not now either. He wouldn't be able to face her... not so soon. He needed to think about what to say to Rarity.

Did I hurt her ? Oh no...

Spike sighed and clenched his head. He still didn't want this but Rarity had to hear the truth.

His gaze hardened once more. Did she ever reach to adress their relationship in one way or another ? She kind of owed him that.

But he would ease that, he had to...

Even now he longed for her presence.

Young dragon snorted in annoyance and grief as he was making his way towards his own camphouse, the eastern like residence circled by the ring of fire.

He passed the flames, not feeling anything, and ascended the stairs before opening the door with a massive golden dragon on them.

He entered a small hallway. He clapped his hands and torches lit up with green fire.

Spike felt numb and empty. He didn't want to deal with anyone now. Right now his friends will be the fridge and the big pack of sapphire milkshakes inside.

It looked like Rarity's stress-eating habits rubbed on Spike after all.

That realization didn't make his already grim mood better as one more stream of tears ran down his cheek.

He opened the fridge and took the can. But right then a hoof appeared from behind and pressed itself against his lips

"MHWHHWHWHMMM!!!!" He screamed silently.

"No, no, don't freak out !!! Don't scream!! It's just me..." said the voice behind him, the first parts of the sentences noticibly higher than the last ones.

"SHwity Bherrll ?" Spike muttered.

"You won't scream ?" the young unicorn moved her head closer to Spike's and looked around suspiciously.

Spike noded and Sweetie removed her hoof.

"W-what the hell was that ?" Spike faced the unicorn filly.

"Sorry, sorry, I just didn't want you to scream and make everypony come in here" Sweetie tried to apologize.

"Yeah, cause sneaking behind someone and muting them is the best way to ensure that they won't freak out" Spike said sarcastically.

Sweetie Belle blinked a few times, before smiling lightly

"Good point"

"So..." Spike shifted his balance from one leg to another" Why did you want to see me ? And most importantly, how did you even get in here ?"

"Scootaloo helped me catapult myself over this ring of fire " squeaked Sweetie Belle "Though I can't say that it went so easy."

She pointed at her curly, pink and violet tail, that was black at the end.

Spike gulped. Man, talk about determination.

"It's nice to see you Sweetie, but I must ask you again what brought you here now ?"

Sweetie looked at her hooves

"Well, I have a confession to make...and that's why I was waiting here. I needed to meet you in private"

Spike's head pounded even harder

"I am sorry Sweetie, but can't we wait with this till tommorow ? I had a really awful morning and I am not really in the mood
for talking-"

"Oh, it won't take that long. And it isn't much of a talk either, more of a demostration". Sweetie Belle explained.

Suddenly, Spike felt his hands being pressed to the fridge by Sweetie's hooves as the filly nearly pressed her body against his.

"Sweetie, what is-" was all dragon managed to say before Sweetie Belle's lips locked with his own.

A wave of heat washed over him. He couldn't...that wasn't...WHAT???...

Sweetie continued deepening the kiss and as innocent and unexperienced as it was, it was very warm and passionate.

After few moments of confusion, natural insitcts won and Spike gave in to the kiss, allowing Sweetie's mane brush his cheek.

He felt exhilariated and bevildered as their bodies embaraced each other in that primal form of affection.

But his mind didn't give up complately and kept shouting:


Sweetie Belle's hooves left his hands as the pair slid down the surface of the fridge.

Spike felt warm, sweet lips of Sweetie Belle and he realized that young unicorn seemed almost...hungry for this. Like every second was a lifesaving medicine.

Then again, he felt that he needed this kind of affection as well, so he didn't complain. He didn't even dream about it.

Finally, they parted, desperately gasping for air.

"Oh, that felt even better than I thought. Wow !" Sweetie Belle said, her cheeks rosy red.

"Mhm Sweetie hghmm" Spike still couldn't clearly formulate a thought after a sudden rush of adrenaline "Did you ....aaaaa...are you in lo-"

"For two years now, yeah" Sweetie Belle gazed at him with a bit of uncertainty "I kind of struggled to tell you because honsetly, I couldn't explain why is that. I admire your nobility and the fact that you always have time to play with us. Not to mention that you are good looking guy too."

She bit her lip

"Rarity always said that lady doesn't kiss and tell. But I am not my sister and this is exactly what I am doing: I think that I included all in my kiss but if you want to hear that...Spike, I started crushing on you two years ago and recently I realized that I may really be in love with you." Sweetie concluded.

"Aaa...haahhh..." Spike was seriously concerned about the state of his brain because it felt like it was melting inside of his skull.

Sweetie Belle giggled

"Yep, that's why I like you Spike. You are so good when it comes to communication."

Spike shook his head

"Sweetie Belle, I just...I don't know what to say...I thought you and Button Mash were dating..."

Sweetie Belle's gaze became more distant.

"Spike, you and Button were always the only ones that I was thinking about. And my heart was kind of jumping between you. Each of you has virtues and flaws. But recently me and Button had a bit of an argument..."

"I understand" Spike noded quietly. He didn't need to be told after today.

"I mean, Button is a great guy. Like, really, really great to spend time with. But I don't have this feeling of complete safety that I have...when I am close to you. Spike, you are loyal and I think I can relay on you. You are not the second resort. I think I made the right choice...better one".

She looked at Spike who stared at her in the mixture of bevilderment and disbelief.

Then her face fell a little

"You said that you had an awful morning... was my sister involved in it?"

Spike's eyes widened

"How did you-"

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow

"Spike, you spend almost as much time in the boutique as myself. I figured out that you loved Rarity a while ago. And now you exactly like me after an argument with Button. I know that something went wrong. Which makes it easier for me to say that..."

She leaned closer to Spike and met his emerald eyes.

"Look, I just want to say that I WON'T get mad if you choose Rarity over me. You have still the right to choose as much as we have it. I know that my sister would go green from envy if she was in my shoes right now but in the end it is still you who needs to choose between us. So don't worry. But with all that..."

She gave him a small peck on the cheek and galloped towards the door. Just before departing, she turned around.

"...there is no saying that I can't try to convince you. But I am sure that you will choose good. See ya around !"

And then Sweetie Belle was gone.

Spike raised from the ground and shakily walked few steps before puting his head against one of the columns inside the hallway.

"That...that was..."

"Amazing ?" whispered disembodied voice and Spike noticed Discord eating cotton candy on the sofa standing on the celling

"What did you- ?" dragon asked

"Oh, everything from your lovely outburst." Discord grinned " Maybe you should reevaluate..."

"NO!!! ARE YOU CRAZY??!!! One argument can't stop me from loving Rarity. She is the love of my life !!!"

"Are you sure that is true ? " Discord said, reappearing close to him.


"Cause you know, we can always introduce you to someone new. Do you prefer blondes ?"

With a snap, an light orange pegasus with a blond mane tied up in ponytail. She looked at Spike

"Oh my god, are you a chimera ? Wow, you have such sharp claws !!!Can you be a model for my new line of automails ?!! If I just could make Ed that one, he surely..."

"Or we can go with brunette" Discord snapped his claws once again

Orange pegasus disappeared and was replaced by a weirdest looking earth pony mare Spike ever saw. Her coat was red and covered in black spots. Her short black mane was pulled into two short buns

"Where am I ? Chat, if this is one of your pranks..." he noticed Spike and Discord" Oh no, akumatized villans. Tikki, spots..."

"Next ! Maybe someone more oriental"

A peagasus mare with a short raven mane and in a green cloack soared through the air, swining the sharp, long blades.


"WHAAAAA!!!" shrieked Spike and fortunately, the mare disappeared before she managed to hit him.

Spike rubbed his head in confusion when the stallion materialized in front of him

"Hi little dragon, I am capitan Jack Harckness. Let's run away-"

"NOOO!!! Anyone but you !!!" howled Discord and stallion disappeared.

Discord sighed

"All right then. One last shot"


An earth pony with a long ,fiery red mane materialized out of thin air. The mare was wearing a red suit that was sticking closely to her skin

"Hey ?!!! Who are you ? A new angels ?!!! Shinji, get into the goddamn Eva and come for me, baka !!!"

"Miss, allow me to introduuuugggghhh!!!!!" Discord bent in half when the mare kicked him right between the legs

"What the hell is going on here ? One moment I was standing in the elevator with Ayanami and next..."

She disappeared in a flash.

Spike sighed and walked to Discord who was still holding his private parts.

"Are you done or do you want to bring the entire universe to beat us up ?"

"N-n-noo" Discord hissed and got up "But why are you so indecisive ?"

"If you listened to me instead of messing with girls from different dimensions, we would avoid this mess. I told you that I love Rarity and one fight can't mess it up" Spike exclaimed calmly.

"But she proved totally ignorant towards your feelings. And I bet you are already having second thoughts after what Sweetie Belle did with you, hmm ?" Draconequus smiled sarcastically

Spike's scaly cheeks flashed red when he muttered

"Rarity is too dear to me to just throw her away. I also didn't express my feeling properly all this years so I shall take part of the blame and sort things out. And as for Sweetie Belle..."

His entire face began to reden even more

"That exactly wasn't bad either " he whispered after a moment." She is quite cute..."

Discord stared at him unconvinced. Spike smiled weakly

"Oh fine, she is also an amazingly good kisser"

Discord threw his limbs into the air

"I knew it." he started to sing in terrible falseto " Your heart is in two places, you can only love the one..."

"Oh, cut it out " Spike groaned " it all just came us such a surprise. I mean...Sweetie Belle and Rarity are one of the most, if not the most, gorgeous mares in Ponyville. And I am involved in some way with each of them...Oh Celestia, how did this happen ? They are just so...so..."

"Yummy ?" Discord, as a loyal and helpful friend, suggested right away.

Spike cringed and looked at the lord of chaos.

"I was going to say lovely and cute...but they are just stunning, both of them. How is this possible ?"

"Well, they are sisters after all" answered Discord, playing with DNA helix.

Spike sighed and raised his hands towards the sky.

"Exactly. Oh Cookie Crumbles, what is your secret ?"

"You know she used to be cheerleader ?" Discord said, examining the state of his claws.

Spike's eyes widened.

"No. Way" he whispered.

"Yeah, but then she discovered her talent in making cookies and got a bit...ekhm, round-y. But Rarity's dad was a hoofball player and she was always cheering on him to fight."

"How do you know that ?" Spike asked with curiosity in his voice.

"Because they used to date right under my feet" the spirit said with dismay.

Noticing Spike's blank expresion, he quickly explained

"I mean literally, they were going to Caterlot Royal Gardens and sit under my statue. He was always telling her some stories and she was treating him with cookies" Discord shivered

"Emm...what's wrong with cookies ?"

Discord glared at the dragon under half-closed eyes.

"They were never cleaning after themselves. Those little pieces were later eaten by the pigeons. Do you know what happens when pigeon complately digests the food ?" his eye twitched as he hissed " And do you know how hard is planning the strategy of conquering the world when dozens of pigeons are POOPING ON YOU ??!!!"

Spike chuckled and Discord rolled his eyes

'Looks like I helped him lighten up after all. What a little jerk. Than again, he is really in a pickle here. I am lucky that I don't have a problem like that' draconequus thought.

Then he shivered as he felt as if something cold passed right behind him.

He clenched and unclenched his fist and then turned to Spike with a sly smile

"It is rather chilly out here. Why don't we move outside and join the others at the skatepark ? In the meantime, I can tell you some manly jokes that I created while watching the parents of your two cutie pies "

"No, please don't !!!! Spare me !!!" Spike begged.

"How did HONDO get his second name ?" Discord waited for a few seconds and then finished "Because to be a father of such beauties as Rarity and Sweetie Belle, he had to look for nice FLANKS!!!!"

"Sometimes I really hate you" Spike muttered when the doors closed behind them.

Author's Note:

Sometimes a story needs a good drama sequence. I always loved a possibilities of Rarity-Sweetie-Spike love triangle. What our dragon will do now ? What ship do you like better ?

Well, as I mentioned before, if there are any errors in the text, they shall be corrected shortly.

We are now just after the middle point of the story. Next time we shall see if Discord has his own dillemas and what or who he must confront to overcome them.

Also, did you know all the crossover refrences ? Those are all my favourite shows.

See you next time ! Stick with new uploads, every six days!