• Published 1st Sep 2018
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The love of chaos and harmony or the romantic adventures of the O&O gang - Shadowlight Wanderer

As Big Mac continues dating Sugar Belle, Discord and Spike are starting to wonder about their love lives and decide to take action and win the love for themselves. Together, O&O style. What can possibly go wrong?

  • ...

What is our love ?

Chapter 2

Where we debate of what to do

Discord snapped his claws once again and the group appeared in one of the usual locations of their meetings, the jazz club, sitting by the table in the middle.

The club was empty beside them but the quiet jazz music was playing on its own.

Discord got up and said

„Gentlemen, this is life changing moment. And because of that...” he snapped his claws and a tuxedo with a herb of chaos appeared on him” we have to have the professionalism.

Another snap and the whiteboard appeared in a flash along with a marker

Discord threw the marker to Spike, saying

„With my native professionalism, someone must do dirty...I mean, responsible task of writing down the suggestions”

Then turned to Big Mac

„As an already settled member, you have a right to make a first suggestion”

Red stallion thought for a minute and dictated

„ Maybe ya shall focus on what are ya likin’ in this galls, show them that ya care about who they are and appreciate what they are givin’ to the world ?”

Discord twirled his beard before muttering

„Not bad...”

Spike wrote on the board.


Discord grinned

„Well, I think I can begin...”

Suddenly, one of room’s wall disappeared and they saw Fluttershy covering animals to sleep and doing her last chores.

Discord turned back to stunned Spike and Big Mac.

„Before you ask, this is a real time projection. And she cannot see, hear and touch us.” draconequus explained.

Then he returned his attention back to yellow pegasus

„I actually saw many, many beautiful mares throughout my long life” he begin” I even tried to invite some to spread chaos with me. But nopony...no, no creature accepted me as I was. They either obeyed me cause they were scared or were forced by me. But there was never a sincerity in this, nor acceptance for my ways. And it seemed that it was fine that way...”

Fluttershy was sneaking up to her own bed and over a moment she was lying comfortably, breathing calmly.

Discord pulled his paw closer to him and the image zoomed in to Fluttershy’s sleeping face.

„But when I met Fluttershy, I realized...”the chaotic amalgamate continued” that there is that one chance for acceptance. She was so kind to forgive me for everything that ponies are mad at me. Yet, I still regret nothing. You see, I embody something that cannot be controlled by definition. But Fluttershy still likes me, even though she knows I am unpredictable. Sometimes, even I don’t know what I’ll do. But after my reformation, after this mess with Tirek, she still cared for me. And she still believed that I can change. And now, I feel that I may try. I don’t know if my doings were wrong. But the reason I think I love her, is that I can try to do this for her to be happy. I love her cause she helped me realize that there are still many things that I can be, even after such a long time. She is kind, and thanks to that, I can still feel the joy of changing the world to something new and unpredictable. She is the being I will fight for, cause she stood up for me so many times. And also, our relationship may not make sense to others, but this was to be expected since I am involved. But she made a storm of chaos in my heart and she still accepts me in the way I am. And that’s what I love and appreciate about her”.

Big Mac clapped his hooves while seating on a chair. Spike finished making notes

„Thank ya Discord, for this confession” said Big Mac "That was actually quite touching, especially coming from ya”.

Discord waved his paw and rolled his eyes

„Don’t get used to it” he grinned.

Spike nodded

„Yes, that was great. That was a wonderful confession and I am sure that Fluttershy will be more than happy when you show how much you appreciate those things in your relationship but...”

Discord slowly faced Spike, half of his face covered in shadows.

„Yeeeeeeeeesssssss ???”

Spike gestured to the real-life projection of sleeping Fluttershy

„Can you turn that off ? It is kind of creepy !”

Discord was taken aback as his head exploded into smoke

„Creepy ? I was just trying to fit into a spirit of confession !”

Then he looked at Spike and danced his eyebrows

„But now it is your turn. We are in this together, remember ?”

Spike’s eyes widened

“No, Discord, wait !...”


The projection changed. Now they were hovering near the Carousel Boutique. More specifically, near the bathroom’s window.

Spike’s heart was starting to beat faster and faster as he spotted a familiar silhouette behind the shower blinder. Even though Rarity was shielded by material, her shadow was clearly visible.

The water started running and the unicorn fashionista hummed merrily as she washed from her the worries and tensions of the day.

Spike felt that he could burst in flames at any moment. He started blushing madly as he watched as Rarity’s perfectly curled mane gives up to water and falls down into a thin but voluminous streaks, sticking to her neck in a seductive waterfall. Same as her tail, sticking to her perfectly curved-

Spike shook his head and glared at Discord angrily

“Stop tempting me!!! This is not why we are here !!!”

The spirit of chaos was now levitating in a cinema seat, eating popcorn and wearing 3D glasses.

“I thought that would be inspiring to you” he chuckled, chewing loudly, visibly enjoying the “spectacle” and Spike’s annoyance.

Spike was completely red at this point.

“This is a total invasion in privacy. I always dreamt of seeing Rarity like this but I want her to show it to me. I need to earn it and to have her permission”.

Discord rolled his eyes again

“Oh, you are no fun. And what will you do if I tell you that my glasses have an X ray vision ?”

Spike’s eyes lit up

“They have ?”

Then he facepalmed and growled

“Stop it !!! I am telling you, I can’t focus on the confession when sheeeee!!!” Spike’s heart did a flip, when Rarity reared her head back and her wet mane flipped from one side to another.

Big Mac coughed and stared at Discord intensely

Discord sighed and with a snap projection disappeared and the wall returned to its original place.

Spike blinked a few times, waking up from his fantasies.

“Thank you “ he said in a weird mixture of disappointment and relief “ So, as you could probably see, I really admire Rarity for her looks. I am not lying when I am saying that for me she is the most beautiful creature in the world. But besides that obvious style and flare, she is also kind, generous and fair with what she does. I may seem like a hopeless case, doing everything I can just to make her smile, but when she is happy, she radiates it around and the world is indeed a better place, not only for me, but for everypony. She is artist and can see beyond the surface of things. This reason was particularly important for me. Rarity perceives everything as unique and full of potential and I always felt that she alone saw me as Spike, not something between dragon and pony, just me. Regardless of her feelings, she was always open to me. I know she is a drama queen and sometimes can manipulate me into doing something. But I matured since my arrival to Ponyville and I am really doing this to help her and make her happy, not because she charms me into it. It would be nice to know if she can give me something in return though, I don’t want it to be one sided forever. That’s why I decided to put this scheme in motion. I am sure that Rarity thinks I am too childish for a potential relationship. But I can work hard and give her happiness. Helping her made me realize that there are small things in life that can make a difference when you care about someone. I know that I can make her happy, I just wish for her to see it. I love Rarity because she is generous and beautiful not only as a pony, but finds beauty and good in others. She is smart in her own right. And regardless of many ponies think, she is not shallow and superficial. I know her for some time and there are still new things about her that are just...wow. I mean, who would think that she can really rock with a guitar, that she can fight karate and is such a good detective ? Wow. Plus, sometimes she has really short fusion despite trying to be a proper lady and it is just too cute” Spike concluded.

Discord flipped the page in the book Freudian Analysis.

“Of course you like drama and panic attacks, why else would you hang up with Twilight during her craziness’ periods ?” his head turn to Twilight’s head which was grinning widely.

Spike raised a claw but then decided that Discord may actually have some point there.

“According to Freud, you may like Rarity because Twilight’s occasional tantrums and the fact that she is a unicorn”

Spike shrugged, unsure what to think.

“...and cause you have a subconscious desire to sleep with your foster mother, Twilight Velvet, and you projected this desire into a unicorn with a white coat.”

Spike chocked, hyperventilated and quickly grabbed the book from Discord’s grasp. He flipped the pages and yelled


“It is a work of a psychiatrist from another dimension, who talks about various traits that happen in subconciousness. It is a fascinating lecture, there is so much chaotic things going on underneath skulls, this is too rich. I borrowed it from my friend from another world, John DeLancie, during our monthly tea party. Quite interesting gentleman, I must introduce him to you someday. So Spike, what do you think about the book ?”

Spike expressed his opinion by taking a deep breath and burning book to ash.

Discord crossed his arms

„Now that wasn’t a nice thing to do”.

Big Mac looked like he wanted to say something but Spike silenced him with a glare

“Don’t ask. Believe me, it is better that way, that was some nightmare fuel. Now, with stating with absolute certainty that I don’t want to sleep with Twi’s mom, let’s move to the next part of our planning, shall we ?” the dragon muttered.

Discord looked at the clock, that was showing time backwards.

“Right. Point number two”

With a snap a new concept appeared on a board

“2. Expectations”

Spike tapped the table with his claws

“Well, I know that Rarity wants her partner to be kind, esteemed, refined, noble, to be high in social circles, loyal, caring, independent, willing to give her some space” he counted down “ She wants a prince from a fairytale...that’s why she fell for Blueblood so easily...”

He clenched his fists when he remembered how Rarity was treated on that particular Gala.

„I think that I am capable of giving her what she wants. I actually don’t know who are my parents or who they were...but I am almost like a son to Princess Celestia and over the years I befriended some of the Canterlot Elite...Fancypants for example. Sometimes he invites me to have a tea with himself and Fleur and we exchange stories from Canterlot and Ponyville.”

Big Mac gently patted Spike on the shoulder

„This is good Spike, if she needs anythin’ else in a relationship, we will discover it”.

Spike noded with determination his eyes

„As for myself, I want to work on this manipulation business. I would like Rarity to be honest with me, but I need to try to convince her that I am a good catch first. No more games, I will just prove my values to her. I want her to be happy and this is just it.”

Discord created a small tornado on his paw and swirled it playfully around the table

„Same goes for Fluttershy. I want her to see more things that my powers can offer. I can and want give her the most fulfilling life that mortal creature can have. Not so long time ago she told me that she likes me cause we are so different and that is something that will make a lot of space to do what I want to do”.

Spike smiled

„Now for a final ingredient, we need some outside opinion about things we have to overcome in our relationships”.

Discord face literally lit up

„Leave it to me”

A chart appeared in his claws.

Discord snapped up the item 3 on the board

„3.Outside Opinions”

then started reading

“According to recent researches, both Fluttercord and Sparity have strong base of followers and haters in the fandom. For pros, the fans point out the devotion and strength of feelings of respectively Discord and Spike. Stories as “Bride of Discord”, “Daughter of Discord”, “Like a Fine Wine” and “For the Ones We Love” prove that they can overcome the challenges and create a blissful couple with the mares they love. As the cons, haters point out:

For Fluttercord

a)Discord is Faust knows how older than Fluttershy

b)Discord is unpredictable and irresponsible, certainly not a good material for innocent mare as Fluttershy.

For Sparity

a)Spike is a baby dragon, Rarity is an adult mare, it would be a paedophilia, age difference makes the couple impossible

b)Rarity never cared for Spike the way he does. It will always be one sided “

Spike stared at Discord, confused

“Sparity ? I would never thought...”

“I found those ridiculous and not in good sense” Discord interrupted “ I may be millenias older than Fluttershy, but this only means I have more life experience. I can make myself younger physically, if that would make her happy and comfortable. And to say I am unpredictable and irresponsible...well, this is a bit true but I would never let any of my chaotic behaviour hurt Fluttershy. I would try to brighten her life a bit and protect her. What is a life without some adventure ?”

Spike stared at the dance floor of the bar and said

“As for me, I am not that much younger than Rarity. I am maturing and it started with molt. You can put two different species in same age scale, it is stupid. Besides, we can still share a special bond and wait till I’ll be ready for more...physical commitment. And about caring about me...well, Rarity never said no or yes, so I can assume that she just thinks my feelings are just a simple boyish crush, without any meaning for the future. She just underestimates my desires, I guess that it is understandable, but now I will show her how long my feelings truly run.”

Spike and Discord became silent, analyzing their confessions and smiling to themselves.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by Big Mac, who muttered quietly

“Y’all seem to forget one very important thing”.

Discord raised an eyebrow

“And that would be ?”

Big Mac cringed and shifted nervously, before answering

“Ya, Discord, are immortal, and Spike is a dragon, who can live for the millennia. Don’t ya see that ya will outlive them and inflict misery upon yerselves ?”

The silence that fell in the bar, disturbed only by the quiet jazz music, was not a refreshing silence when one thinks about new ideas. This one was a grim, dangerous one. Even Discord stopped smiling.

Big Mac shivered looking at his friends, who froze at the table. He feared that he did something wrong or went too far.

After which seemed like eternity, Discord snapped his fingers and in front of each friend appeared their favourite drink: chocolate milk for Discord, sapphire milkshake for Spike and fresh apple cider for Big Mac.

Discord took a sip and said

“It is our choice”

“Since they will be the first to pass away, we will be the ones to carry the burden. But I still think it is worth it” added Spike

“My experience with immortality taught me that it is better to engage in things than to avoid them, cause in that case you will at least have memories. In the other you will be left with nothing” finished Discord.

Big Mac looked like he wanted to ask more, but Spike quickly changed the subject.

“So, I guess we have enough information to get to our act. What do you think we should do now ?”

“We have to arrange some situations when we can prove and demonstrate the things we talked about earlier” said Discord. Though he would never said it, he was grateful that Spike finished quite disturbing dispute about outliving your friends.

“Yep” Big Mac approved.

Discord clapped his hands

“Leave it to me !”

Spike finished his shake and protested

“Why you got to organize it ?”

“Simple “ explained draconequus “ I have the most creative ideas. And secondly, I have a power to make the wildest imaginations come to life. You won’t be disappointed and I am sure the ladies won’t be too”.

Spike would argue about the first point, but he agreed on the second one. Discord was almost omnipotent and he could create many, many different scenarios. He also seemed rather serious about the whole affair.

He extended his hand and Discord shook it. Then Big Mac broke their handshake with a hoof, sealing the deal.

Discord got up and stretched

“Thank you for the night, gentleman. Now I will teleport you to your beds and will think about our “dream date” project. Splendid night !”

Then, with a snap, Spike found himself in his bed in a castle.

Soon he was sleeping peacefully, the excitement of the day taking a toll on him, and in his dreams, he walked through a beautiful park alley, with even more beautiful white unicorn by his side.