• Published 5th Sep 2018
  • 3,759 Views, 2,659 Comments

Crossing the Trixie Bridge - EmptyPlotFiller

Seven friends are thrust from their homes on Earth to the world of Equestria. Two unfamiliar worlds will have to learn to adjust to each others rules and how each others interactions can bring change or create new influences on one another.

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Comments ( 95 )

well done what does wera stand for anyway

also that ending was ominous.......is harmony still alive

wow this fic started 3 years ago

To see the complet... I'm happy and sad. Happy for this amazing Journey to be a activ observer. Sad that this story is complet.
Magnificent story. Epic is quite fitting.
Top 10 of my favorit's indeed :pinkiesad2:

Nicely done! A lovely ending

What a ride! I enjoyed this very much! one of my top five favorites! I hope your next fic is just as good!

Dormant for now... Harmony still probably be the Storm King's guidance. Fighting Rose to reclaim her place and being able to return to her ways... Or perhaps something totaly different.

So...this is it for CTTR...at least for now.

Let me just say that this generation of My Little Pony or basically My Little Pony as a whole never interested me in either its glory days or it's very conclusion (not counting my time watching the final four episodes of the G4 iteration).

Fast forward to June 2020 a few months after the final four & I started learning about the Fandom behind this show & stumbled across this website. 

Constantly deleted & restored accounts because I wasn't sure I wanted to even roam the site but low and behold, I found your story & now here we are in 2021 with me bookmarking multiple stories plus yours & I've gained a lot of respect for this fandom's dedication to a show primarily aimed at children. It's still kinda insane how big this show got & it'll forever continue to boggle my mind how it was so huge. 

Your story made me respect you guys alot & I thank you very much.

As far as the final chapter here? It's fitting sequel & or prequel material or maybe as you said, we get to see Sunset's perspective which does sound interesting. So much potential!

  • Celestia forcefully going after Peter with no fucks given to whether Twilight will accept her? 👀
  • Kelly getting her life in order
  • Justin dealing with the huge harem of new & old flames & how's he going to deal with it. This man has TWO ROYALS pining for him too! He got some type of game just like Peter!
  • Benny's new life with Vinyl, Octavia,  & his adopted changeling daughter Ocellus & can I just say seeing this would be adorable as fuck!
  • Chris…...just Chris. He's just living his dream & I would love to see more of that.
  • Anything involving Lumberjack.
  • Becky being able to actually have a full life & for her & Shining's relationship to go somewhere.

So much potential in the future. I'm likely going to still roam this site as there's still stories I've yet to finish. 

Thank you so much again for such a great introduction to such a unique website & fandom!

Still can't believe it actually says 'Complete' now

To the future we go! 20/10 Story! 

Whoo! Looks like Daybreaker is coming out...and without Harmonys influence, who knows how far she'll go this time?

Honestly, out of everyone, I feel the most for Luna, Mac, and Kelly. I loved their relationship, and even if I can fully see why Kelly separated from them for now, it still sucked to see.


wow this fic started 3 years ago

It's been a long time to get this arc done, but still feels just like yesterday I posted my first poorly written chapter that was eventually fixed by my first editor.

also that ending was ominous.......is harmony still alive

That is a good question. It's hard to say what she's capable of now since she lost her tree that gave her power to begin with.

well done what does wera stand for anyway

MLP WERA Connections is short for the MLP Writers Editors Readers & Artist Connections.


To see the complet... I'm happy and sad. Happy for this amazing Journey to be a activ observer. Sad that this story is complet.
Magnificent story. Epic is quite fitting.
Top 10 of my favorit's indeed

I could've continued to drag this on with what else this story has to tell, but I knew this is was to be where the first arc had to end, story-wise. Arriving in Equeqestria started the story, figuring out why they were there set the purpose for the story, and knowing why ended it. Now, it's all about them figuring out a way to live, and more than likely, survive.


Nicely done! A lovely ending

I don't know about "lovely," but certainly fitting that the cast come to see what an ending that isn't perfect looks like now that they get to face an unscripted reality.


What a ride! I enjoyed this very much! one of my top five favorites! I hope your next fic is just as good!

I'm happy to of had you along for it. I put a lot of time and effort into making this story. My future works will hopefully only get better.


Dormant for now... Harmony still probably be the Storm King's guidance. Fighting Rose to reclaim her place and being able to return to her ways... Or perhaps something totaly different.

I'm sure by now you should know to expect the unexpected. :raritywink:

Sooo... Harmony posses a Breezee and take over the world with the power of Friendship and mint Biscuit's?


So...this is it for CTTR...at least for now.

For now, but there is still more to come.

Let me just say that this generation of My Little Pony or basically My Little Pony as a whole never interested me in either its glory days or it's very conclusion (not counting my time watching the final four episodes of the G4 iteration).

Fast forward to June 2020 a few months after the final four & I started learning about the Fandom behind this show & stumbled across this website.

Constantly deleted & restored accounts because I wasn't sure I wanted to even roam the site but low and behold, I found your story & now here we are in 2021 with me bookmarking multiple stories plus yours & I've gained a lot of respect for this fandom's dedication to a show primarily aimed at children. It's still kinda insane how big this show got & it'll forever continue to boggle my mind how it was so huge.

Your story made me respect you guys alot & I thank you very much.

I never really expected my story to grow as it did. Not necessarily by popularity, since I can't really say it reached that level compared to it's length. Mostly the word count and complexity, but really, the story was just something I wanted to do. Partially to vent out some of my own issues, but I also never really read a story that explored some of the deeper concepts that I tried to dive into.

Granted, I didn't always spell them out and most of them were dove into by having the characters live them out, but spoon-feeding a narrative makes for terribly dry writing. Actually, now looking back, the biggest one I wanted to touch on was what it meant to be human, which I approached mostly by having the humans fight their initial prejudicial thoughts about being intimate with cast of characters... Granted I cheated a bit with later developments, but that could also be used to argue if the concepts of being human were still valid based on those discoveries.

As far as the final chapter here? It's fitting sequel & or prequel material or maybe as you said, we get to see Sunset's perspective which does sound interesting. So much potential!

Sunset's role played a great deal of importance to this story. Mostly for how much influence it held over Celestia and how her interference ended up changing Celestia in the long run, while also still being the pony boogie man for so many of the characters.

Even if the cast of characters didn't realize it, she had her own role to play in this story beyond what they could see. So, yeah... Seeing how she fits in with the series of events will prove to be interesting.

  • Celestia forcefully going after Peter with no fucks given to whether Twilight will accept her? 👀

Well, if you recall, at no point in time did Celestia every find out that Twilight was romantically involved with Sniff. Lyra failed to mention that, as well as her own sexual discoveries. So, for Celestia, Sniff has only been doing practice dates with random mares and kept Twilight as a close friend.

  • Kelly getting her life in order

Kelly was always the problem child of the group. Childish, over-emotional, lack of self-control when it came to her flirting and libido, and her struggle to keep a stable relationship were always things she struggled to correct herself on. Looking back, some did help by giving Big Mac and Luna the extra strength they needed for the final fight, as well as her own anger issues had her keep the knife that changed the tide of battle multiple times.

However, she knows her choices weren't healthy or productive ones, so a change is needed.

  • Justin dealing with the huge harem of new & old flames & how's he going to deal with it. This man has TWO ROYALS pining for him too! He got some type of game just like Peter!

I never really wanted any one of the characters to be the irresistible chick magnet aside from Sniff. However, for Cerb, always putting himself out there and trying to put his best foot forward and making sure he gave a good impression kind of made that unavoidable. At the same time, I never let the interest others had for him make them blindly lusting after him to the point of ridiculousness.

Rainbow gave up on Cerb for Cerb and Fluttershy's sake.
Cadance never wanted to betray Shining, even when it was Shining pushing her towards him.
Pinkie just fucking knew better.
Top Shelf figured he was unobtainable.
Luna passed him over for Kelly, despite her obvious physical attraction to him.
I'm sure I'm forgetting others, but you know what I mean.

  • Benny's new life with Vinyl, Octavia, & his adopted changeling daughter Ocellus & can I just say seeing this would be adorable as fuck!

Benny the loving father, Octavia the stern mother, Vinyl the fun mom, and Ocellus as the fish out of water child in an overstimulating world of danger... So much potential.

  • Chris…...just Chris. He's just living his dream & I would love to see more of that.

There is still so much to write about Chris. A brony, and a romantic at heart, thrust into a harem by his guardian mare that wanted to give him anything and everything he wanted to keep him happy enough so he wouldn't leave her. Then, at the same time, fell in love with the life she created for him and now has devoted herself to keeping what she created.

Hell, Chris hasn't even had a chance to date all his mares yet. He's still getting to know them just as they are getting to know each other.

  • Anything involving Lumberjack.


The most wholesome pairing and arguably the best chemistry.

  • Becky being able to actually have a full life & for her & Shining's relationship to go somewhere.

Becky only recently started to skirt the idea of giving in to find a romantic interest. At the same time, Shining is one of the few ponies she actually trust and confides in. At the end of this arc, she still didn't know that Shining and Cadance were taking a break.

He's played his cards very well just to get and stay close to her, so... Only time will tell how things play out for them.

So much potential in the future. I'm likely going to still roam this site as there's still stories I've yet to finish.

There are a few stories I need to finish as well, but hopefully, I can start putting something out before you move on to something else. There is so much potential needed to be realized for our Stranded Seven and the large cast they've brought together.

Same goes for all of those still plotting their evil plans. We can't forget that the changelings have successfully infiltrated the Solar Guard. Canterlot might not end up being the safest place for Sniff after all. Lord only knows how Celestia will react if anything tries to come between her and her new desires.

Thank you so much again for such a great introduction to such a unique website & fandom!

Still can't believe it actually says 'Complete' now

It has been a pleasure to share this story and an absolute joy to find those who enjoyed it. I hope to see you revisiting my pages again when my next story comes out.

To the future we go! 20/10 Story!

My best score yet. Thank you. I hope I won't keep you waiting for too long.


Whoo! Looks like Daybreaker is coming out...and without Harmonys influence, who knows how far she'll go this time?

Day Breaker really only came about as a "what if" during a dream scenario later in the series after the point this story was started. So, Harmony understood that potential. However, This Day Breaker came about under different circumstances, so it might not be the same as she, or The Words, intended. If anything, this version seems more bent on getting Celestia's personal needs met rather than oppression and domination.

Although, who knows what the future will bring for them?

Honestly, out of everyone, I feel the most for Luna, Mac, and Kelly. I loved their relationship, and even if I can fully see why Kelly separated from them for now, it still sucked to see.

That trio was always meant to be a lovable development, but also unstable. Kelly never had full control over herself or any of their relationships. Even the dynamic of Mac and Luna was both of them coming together for Kelly and expanding their own sexual interests after finding minimal common ground.

Every boundary Kelly tried to set for them, she ended up breaking. She rushed sex with Mac, then Luna, and gave into their temptations far too easily that impacted Mac's safety and Luna's responsibilities. The last straw, while not fully covered or demonstrated, was Sugar Belle showing up and Kelly again fell into her old habits of escalating things.

In some ways, Chris had some of the same problems, with the exception that his mares came together to support each other an equally mutual relationship. They were happy with who and what they had and didn't need nor want to bring any pony else in (minus Trixie that one time).

Although... Starlight has her own dirty little secret she never admitted to Chris.

... Food for thought.

Stranger things have happened in fanfics.

I think it would be easier for me to just stick to only one mare if i were there because I wont have to divide my attention plus the main downside of a herd type relationship is that eventually one of the mares will eventually start to feel neglected.

That essentially was the reason Chris originally didn't want to try dating multiple ladies or even humor the idea of starting a harem. Lumberman never even considered it, and made it clear that neither him nor Apples are open to the idea.

Kinda odd, since both of them have had about the same level of success in keeping keeping stable relationship.


Before I even read the chapter, I gotta say Swift Sails in that picture looks absolutely friggin adorable, I love it.

Swift Sails, or Swifty, quickly became a favorite character for me to write and get creative with. More than just a bubbly blond, she is so much fun to read about and see interacting with others. I'm sure you'll enjoy what comes about with her character.


53. The Trials of Lonely Hearts: Part 2
Gotta agree with the ending there, there's just something about laying in bed with someone you care deeply about...... I have no words to describe it, aside from the fact that when it's gone you find yourself truly missing it....

It's just relaxing and comforting, and as Sniff talked to Ovens about, there is a lot of power behind something as simple as the human touch. It's something I really miss.

54. The Trials of Lonely Hearts: Part 3
I am loving the whole "teaching ponies to curse" bit lmao it's fuckin fantastic haha

I had too much fun trying to integrate how human curse words would work when introduced to the ponies. Sure, there's a lot of positive influence behind the humans using them, so that has a lot to do with it.

57. Protection, Lust, and Trust
The Pink One...... has two cannons called "Happy War Noises" and "Mr. Mandatory Fun Enforcer"........ while also now having access to C4 and is gonna try use it in a cannon.......

That is honestly and legitimately terrifying.

I got a friend who is not into the show, but knows enough characters because I told him or made him watch different clips and stuff, but he said the same thing about Pinkie.

62. Broken Arrow

Said cannons all of different shapes, sizes, and had names painted over them. HAPPY WAR NOISES, PARTY ARTILLERY, INDISCRIMINATE CELEBRATION CANON, and MANDATORY FUN ENFORCER, all appropriate identifiers.

And just like that I'm terrified lmao Never doubt The Pink One hahaha

That entire fight scene though, hot damn the ponies, and dragon, really let their inner badass show, and I LOVE IT!!

I think Cerb said it best: “You know… when you get right down to it, this place is fucking terrifying. Who the hell thought this would make for a good kid's show?“

But yeah, writing out combat was a challenge. Trying to convey what I saw in my mind and not make it overwhelming or boring. At the same time, thinking of all their strengths and weaknesses while adding something new. Spike was a big one who stood out, all while dropping little bread crumbs here and there about what's happening.


Careful Sunbutt, your Daybreaker is showing........

Dun, dun, dun!

Ooooooh, yeah. The Twilight learns, the better and funnier she gets.


76. Post-War-Party Party: Part 2. Party on.

"Thanks, I'm going to need it. Chris has a huge penis."

At that point, even Becky lost it and was laughing just as hard as Luna.

I'm fucking wheezing, I just can't help but to hear it in her voice lol

Derpy's cute bubbly personality, totally socially clueless, but just too damn happy not to share the good news? Damn... just to be a fly on the wall to watch all that go down. It must have been priceless. Especially to get Becky laughing along with it.

Also glad to see Mayor Mare is getting some love, shamefully few stories with her getting any loving.

Mayor Mare is kind of a hard character to write when going beyond the surface level if you know more of her actual history. I think you'll start to understand why when you get further into the story. She's not exactly who or what she seems, and even in this story, I wasn't able to cover her properly to get the wider picture.

77. Post-War-Party Party: Part 3. Leaving an Impact
Indeed, my friend. Methinks ponies be getting a bit of a power boost from the humans.......

The evidence is growing and the fan theories are evolving.

I love it.


22. Of Musk and Madness.
This chapter helped me with one of my story. Human smelling nice seem to be a famous addition to many Fimfiction storys

The whole scent thing kind of came late in the game. There was always going to be a tie with the scents the humans had, but when it came time to describe it, this is where it lead to.

23. Exchange of Services.

A few chuckles from the two distracted them long enough to miss Fluttershy's ear twitch again and her blush. For a moment she wondered what she had that he could break, but nothing came to mind, though the thought was nice.

Fluttershy wanted to be broken in :trollestia:
Riding bare back most likely

All in due time, but poor Fluttershy really just wanted an excuse to spend more time with him. Turns out, she had other opportunities just waiting to be taken.


I struggeling to make 2000-5000 chapters. You'r chapters are just mindblowing huge :raritystarry:

I had a few shorties... mostly just clop, but still. Also, I had a huge cast of characters to cover and a LOT of story to get through while exposing as much of the characters as I could.

... not easy.

Since like 1/3 of the Pony population has a pointy horn, did some stab save general use clothing would be a preferance for all humans...

I think lots of clothes were ruined by horns... unless they figured out to focus on shirts that open in the front.


You know shit is completely fucked when even Discord, Master of Chaos himself, gets completely serious about things.......

To be fair, things are getting serious. At the same time, Discord provided a valuable service here by explaining so much. The differences in magic, how they work, the role that Order plays with all of them.

Some of them were a little hard to try and explain without visual aids, so I hope the pictures helped.

Also, be on the lookout for other characters getting into mischief and shenanigans.

I know I read the finale epilogue but what exactly did Rarity do to make her near hated by everyone? I know she can be a manipulative bitch sometimes but still.


I know I read the finale epilogue but what exactly did Rarity do to make her near hated by everyone? I know she can be a manipulative bitch sometimes but still.

I wouldn't go as far as say that Rarity, or even Fluttershy, had become hatted by everyone. Mostly, it centered around the fact that Rarity had decided that she would focus her attention on tending to Fluttershy who was an emotional mess after the final battle. That was such a major taboo for the likes of Cadance, Thunder, Smolder, and Zecora because of their affinity towards Cerb and having to watch him suffer without his two mares.

Cerb's leg injury had been magnified to the point he could hardly walk on it, and no longer was receiving the physical therapy they would normally give him. On top of that, his left arm was in a sling, the puncture wound in his back was full of crystal shrapnel, and the rest of him was covered in other smaller wounds/cuts/bruises. So, physically, he was always suffering and needed constant care. Lastly, given the severity of the battle, he was suffering even worse night terrors.

Smolder and Thunder, along with some friendly help from Rutherford, were the only ones keeping Cerb company to help him through the day and try to hold him still when he lashed out during his nightmares. The trade-off of reducing how much Cerb would worsen his wounds was the three getting injured themselves, as it was a struggle to restrain him when he wasn't in control of his outbursts.

Cerb himself was struck with guilt, having failed to protect everyone that he fought alongside with because his PTSD kicked in. The prolonged fight ended in a delay to save the children, Fluttershy getting bashed in the face, Gruff getting lost in a dream realm, Discord getting taken out when they couldn't contain Harmony, and Trixie had to sacrifice herself to stop The Darkness from invading, on top of so many others needing intensive care.

Not able to let go of consequences, if he even ever had the intention of not remaining ready to join the next fight, Cerb refused to give up on rescuing those who didn't make it back, and wanted to start preparing for the next war.

Rarity couldn't handle dealing with Fluttershy and simultaneously nursing Cerb back to health so he could join yet another bloody war. That would have been on top of trying to keep Fluttershy from freaking out, as she was still in shock from losing Discord and having to remember how Cerb killed the owlbear and how she watched it die up close and personally.

Sooooo.... all the ladies, including Rainbow at the end, held so much contempt for Rarity because they all had lost their chances to be with Cerb after Rarity jealously guarded him. Not just jealously, but often with threats of violence if any came too close or posed a threat to him. Even as far back as the Welcome Party dance and Thunder wanting to spar/train with him both were public displays that kept many at bay, which was further compounded in more private displays like Pinkie admitting her lustful thoughts about him.

Near the end, after refusing to check up on him, she gave him an ultimatum to give up his warrior ways (while ignorant of what all he was dealing with) with a chance she could bring Fluttershy to welcome him back (another insult to injury), or to go it alone. All of that flew in the face of their mutual promises to stand by him and provide whatever help he needed even if he didn't agree to get romantically involved with him.

Realistically, there were valid reasons for just about every choice Rarity, Fluttershy, and Cerb all made. However, with emotions running high and the wants and desires creating a bias, it was hard for so many not to see Rarity as in the wrong. Even when coming around, they did so after Cerb made the personal sacrifice to put other's needs before his own, resulting in him making the choice to suffer with her or Fluttershy if it meant he could still protect those he cared about and make amends for his faults during the battle.

Too little and too late, Rarity attempted to force her way back into Cerb's life after he made the choice she didn't want him to, and surrendered his well-being to those who had stood with him in his darkest hours.

Sadly, Rainbow probably said it best. Rarity didn't appreciate what she had and faltered in the loyalty she had committed to Cerb. Now, like Kelly told Luna, he's single and needs someone who will treat him right, which made Zecora's prediction true as well... There's going to be a long line or mares and other creatures racing to win Cerb over.


Rarity misplaced her priorities and left Cerb suffering on his own for too long because she couldn't handle how chaotic emotionally draining her life had become dealing with everything. That made the girls that wanted Cerb be lost out to grow hostile towards Rarity for abandoning the man they all wanted.


"Excessive bleeding from a tear, air leaks, pneumonia, collapsed lungs… Too many risks with anything that would change the size of my lungs."

Is Becky from an era of medical science that made the stem cell discovery and its potential for growing whatever material the body needs? It would make sense for such a thing to not be mentioned if that was the case. I know starfish can regenerate their severed limbs. Would Equestria's planet have starfishes or other aquatic fauna that would be capable of having regenerative properties? But then if so, the next problem to tackle would be how to have the regeneration stop upon completion without turning into cancer. Your thoughts?


Becky would have studied when stem cell research would have been well known and had varying degrees of viability. However, she would have bounced around in her studies that she would have missed out on too much to have much information on how to recreate it. Otherwise, the science needed to modify the genetic properties of other species for the benefit of human medicine would be well beyond Becky's understanding and source materials provide. Even for the ponies to try and figure it out on their own would likely be starting from scratch. At this rate, they're probably better off looking for a magical cure.


"Thank you again, girls. I believe my impatience has played a large role in this. I should have taken my time with Baked Fresh like Peter did with you. Let him decide he was okay with and cater to what he enjoyed instead of trying to recreate what you all have. Same for thinking he would have been fine with Ovens dating Peter with getting to know him first."

Ideally a marriage has proper communication, such as 'hard no' topics, 'soft no' topics, and the 'yes' topics. And it isn't necessarily limited to just sexual ideas and fetishes. It can be about anything, from taking out trash, doing laundry, or cooking meals; to abortion, interracial/interspecie relationships and intermingling and the death penalty.

I think Cutter should communicate with Baked and find out his stance on interspecie relationships, both in general and as applied to Oven. Maybe find out his feeling about non-pony species in general. Is it a hard no for him? A soft no? Then find out if a win-win solution can be achieved or if Baked would at least settle for a compromise.

Unfortunately sometimes some things are just no-win, and it will be up to Baked and Cutter on what they will do if they are having a no-win situation regarding this matter of interspecie relationships. Or Cutter wanting another foal.

There is a lot that played into the unfortunate hostilities that exist in Ovens's family. Some has been hinted at, and some might have been explained from only one perspective that didn't take into consideration of factors.

However, don't expect this to end here with Baked Fresh walking off. Cutter will have more chances to address her relationship issues and see where her husband stands with everything and everyone.

Otherwise, yes. She did practice some bad communication with her husband, which might have made things worse... or maybe she came on so soft because she was already aware of what he might have thought.


Had to take a break from reading, life stuff happened. But now I ended up getting covid, so now I can't do much aside from read. Can't wait to see how this goes.

Also, Chris is definitely a motherfucker, in the most literal sense of the word lmao

No worries, given how I had a death in the family as of recent, so I know how shit can get from time to time. As for Covid, I hope you start feeling better soon. I know the effects tend to vary from person to person.

Also, yes... Chris really is a motherfucker, and very pleased to be one.


That conversation between Cream and Cheerilee at the end........ my heart goes out to Cream, poor gal

It seems as though all these girls have been suffering to some degree. Then again, having never loved, or to lose a loved one and going on missing that part of your life... It's hard not to feel for them.

At least they all have each other now. So, that's going to do wonders for them.

That Pic had RainbowFash a bit larger that I originally intended. There are some more pics ahead that give a better perspective. Namely, Luna and Kelly, and another of Becky with Shining.

88.2 Comparing Apples to Jelly Donuts.

I love the way you write AJ in this. If there's one thing I have a weakness for, it's a pretty country gal, and AJ is exactly that.

Also, that pic. I see Lumberman and all I can think of is that stupid Chad meme haha like damn that's one chiseled jawline lol

I always have fun when writing AJ, and with Lumberman there, I think they make a pretty good pair.

89. A Man About Town.

"Something or somepony made it so I can't love your father the way we should be able to."

I can feel my heart break from reading that...... poor Cutter.......

One of the reasons Cutter had to come into the story was to help expand upon how this world actually has been operating. However, there is still a lot more of her story to tell.

89. A Man About Town.

"Anything you say...mom," Sniff answered as he properly returned the hug and kissed her forehead again. " I won't let you down."

Hnnnnng....... my heart........

I don't know what it is, but in HiE stories, when the MC gets a parental figure like this, especially when said MC left family they love behind in their world..... it makes me so very happy to see it. There's just something so feckin heartwarming about it.

Sniff really needed another mother figure in his life. In fact, all of the Stranded Seven do, but it means a lot more for Sniff, and he picked one hell of a mom for them.

90. Building Better Bonds, and Mother of the Year.
That pic with Becky and Dinky....... Very few things I have seen equal that level of complete adorableness......

Also, momma Cutter showing up in full force is definitely something to see here. I like it haha

Oh, Dinky. Always stealing the spotlight. And, yeah. Cutter is easily a fan favorite of this series. Top three at least.

91. Gossip and Gucci Perfume.

The Discord in the chair immediately sat up, clearly not satisfied with the answer. “You know, I remember this gag being a lot more amusing in that one samurai show. Who would’ve thought another version of me would be taking it more seriously.”

Top kek, gotta love the references. Though the ending to Samurai Jack hit me in the feels......

That one I have to give more credit to my editor for with the reference. Even still, poor Discord.... Poor a lot of characters, really.

92. Welcome to Canterlot. Bring Your Secrets to Share.
Hooooo boy, seeing both Gallus and Gilda verbally tear Gruff a new one...... can't say he didn't deserve every word of what they said, he's been nothing but a right bellend since he was introduced into this story.

Gruff has also been kind of a dick, but at least this time around his character will actually serve a purpose and have some depth.

Actually, I had to take some creative liberties with Gruff in here since the canon material offers virtually nothing of significance for his character. I guess all I can say is get ready to see how well this world really has been put together.


Ahhhh, I remember playing a game similar to this a long time ago, was some real good fun from what I remember. Though instead of werewolves, it was sci-fi with aliens.

There are different versions of this type of game out there, but Werewolf Party is the one I played. Even then, it was just the card version where we all sat around in a circle to play. Although, what comes up in the story will be a blend of what I could remember from the game and what I thought could work best for who all would be playing.


That ending........... wut the fuk?

And just like that. BAM! M. Night Shyamalan is regretting not studying under me.


99. A String of Whispers.
This is getting so convoluted, I can't even tell what's what anymore, I can't even tell who the antagonists truly are anymore.

Little hints were dropped every so often, but I never wanted a clear cut and dry story. Not even for the villain.

100.2. Harmony: Run.
Honestly....... I kinda feel bad for Gruff now, knowing what he has had to endure....... and yeah, long life like that, living over 1000 years..... it's definitely a curse, and only a complete and utter fool would say otherwise.

Living for as long as he has, under his conditions, that's certainly been a curse. In fact, much of all of those have had their fair share of misery, but Gruffo... That poor bastard became a reflection of his environment. Such a shame.

100.4. Harmony: I Am Your Life. I Am Your Death. [The Final Conflict.]
Welp, now I definitely know who the big bad is. Typical God entities, arrogant, believing mortals to be nothing but playthings in their game.
Fuck her shit up, along with the rest of her misbegotten ilk........

Can't say she didn't have her reasons, and being so devoid of emotion must have made it so much easier to become so wicked and heartless.

100.5. The End. Part 6.
Damn....... lost Gruff, Discord, and Trixie........ Honestly Trixie hits me the hardest, always liked her character.......

Gruff sacrificed himself to make amends for the mistreatment of Galus and to pay homage to the father he lost. Discord's hand was forced when Harmony threatened the one thing she made him care about, and he finally got his shot at her for payback. Trixie... Well... Trixie did what she had to do to make up for always running away and trying to take the easy way out. Sadly, procuring the freedom she longed for meant she wouldn't be there to enjoy it.

Epilogue. Post Conflict: A Whole New World. Part 1.

"But Benny is going to need you again. Probably sooner rather than later… He… Justin… I can’t save Ocellus."

Aw come on........ not the lovebug too.......

Not everything has a fairy tale ending when Harmony losses control, and modern medicine can only do so much.

You're at the home stretch though. I'm sure I'll see your final thoughts when I wake up in the morning.

Holy shit this was a wild ride..... I'm fully invested into the universe you've created, and cannot wait to see what comes next


Holy shit this was a wild ride..... I'm fully invested into the universe you've created, and cannot wait to see what comes next

There's a lot going on in the near and foreseeable future for me, but I've already started on one of the branch-off series. Otherwise, I hope I provided an enjoyable story that stands outside the norm and brought you something you weren't expecting.


I've already started on one of the branch-off series.

Hi, long time no see, are you saying the story you're working on is connected to CTTB or not at all? I don't object to an entirely new story but I'd be a horrible liar if I said I objected some sort of continuation of where we are with everyone regarding CTTB.

Feels like I came onto your little story a little late & left with lot more hope than satisfaction. Not saying that the ending wasn't great at all, infact it was a really good send off to it's title character, I can however say that the feeling of wanting to see just where everyone else's fates lied was always at the forefront of my mind after the final chapter.

Guess you could say I felt "cheated" in a sense? It's hard trying to describe how I'm feeling after all this time. So many unanswered questions in my head.



I've already started on one of the branch-off series.

Hi, long time no see, are you saying the story you're working on is connected to CTTB or not at all?

Both stories that I have begun plotting out (no pun intended) are both directly connected. One being a prequel for Sunset Shimmer, and the other focusing on Cerb making his way to the Crystal Empire.

I don't object to an entirely new story but I'd be a horrible liar if I said I objected some sort of continuation of where we are with everyone regarding CTTB.

Feels like I came onto your little story a little late & left with lot more hope than satisfaction. Not saying that the ending wasn't great at all, infact it was a really good send off to it's title character, I can however say that the feeling of wanting to see just where everyone else's fates lied was always at the forefront of my mind after the final chapter.

Guess you could say I felt "cheated" in a sense? It's hard trying to describe how I'm feeling after all this time. So many unanswered questions in my head.

I knew that would be one of the downsides to ending CTTB that way. However, I felt it was the better way to end that arch of the story and then branch off with the others in a more focused manner. Arch 1 was only meant to establish the world they now live in and finalize the fact that this is where Trixie's involvement had led them. Arch 2 will do a better job of showing where the Stranded Seven can carve out a life for themselves.

Keep in mind. Troubles do lay ahead.


“Nightmare Rarity? That was years before the Crystalling. What about it? Do you have another fucking movie of that, too?”

Chris was about to reach for his phone, but since he still had casts and bandages over both hands, he figured that the visual evidence wasn’t going to do any of them any favors.

“N… no… It was never part of the show. It was in the comics.”

“IN THE COMICS?!” Rose shouted in rage-fueled disgust. “The fucking movies weren’t enough?! You have comics of… Wha-What is this?”

I know that this was supposed to be serious but visualizing this part-animated & in the voices I have for these characters in my head made me chuckle like mad. That "IN THE COMICS?!" is too damn good to not be used comically.

To be fair, Chris's flat delivery of the truth was somewhat meant to be humorous, as often the case when someone foregoes the use of tact. Otherwise, having rose see that her existence would be based on something so trivial as a show for children and the path to a better future was nothing more than the script... that would be devastating. Even more so when realizing that all her friends and family from her world died because she couldn't recreate a cartoon. Throw in the fact that she lost her Chris along with that world... Yeah... crushing doesn't even begin to start to describe what that must have felt like.

I didn't even plan it that way, but holy shit.

Oh please oh please, I beg of thee story, heal my broken heart, do not end a 1.3 million word story with a bittersweet end twice in the same day. (Or in this case, 1.6 million)

And I just realized the stupidity that my comment just implied of me finishing a 1.6 million word story in the same day:facehoof:


Oh please oh please, I beg of thee story, heal my broken heart, do not end a 1.3 million word story with a bittersweet end twice in the same day. (Or in this case, 1.6 million)

And I just realized the stupidity that my comment just implied of me finishing a 1.6 million word story in the same day:facehoof:

I apologize the story didn't have a definitive ending. This was just the first arch. As I said in the Author's Notes, there is more story to tell. I'm already working on the next arch and plan to do a sequel of how Sunset Shimmer came into play.

Regardless, I hope you were at least able to enjoy the story thus far. And I'm open to hearing and criticism, good or bad.

Oh. You misunderstand. I haven't even read chapter four yet. I just had my heart broken from Prey and Lamb at 1.3 million words being completed. So I came here looking for another long fic.

Which is why it was kind of dumb of my previous comment to imply that I was anywhere near the end or would read through this fic in one day.

Oh, the way I saw the comment, the site said it was made under the last chapter. But, on the bright side, at least I didn't give out any real spoilers.

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