• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 5,271 Views, 235 Comments

Our New Queen - Miner

  • ...

Day 5

Twilight was able to get away from her sister in law and get back to Ponyville somehow. Not that she didn't look over her shoulder every now and then. She loved her sister in law, but the mare could get carried away sometimes. But enough of that! She had a school to run and a lot of work to catch up on. Oh, paperwork, her old friend, how she missed it! At least she could understand it better than her own feelings.

Twilight had just finished the first pile of paperwork when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

The door opens to review Spike, "Hay Twilight." Spike said as he makes his way to hug Twilight.

"Hi, Spike," Twilight said, returning the hug before getting back to her work, "how are you doing?"

"I should be asking you that. After all, you stayed behind in Canterlot and somehow got back to Ponyville before we even got here. Did something happen?"

Twilight stopped her pen for a moment thinking of a good answer. "You could say that I had excellent motivation to get back here."

"Is it anything that I should be worried about?"

"Not really," Twilight said as she moved on with her work, "Just if you see Cadence tell her I am not here."

"Did you two get into a fight?"

"Kind of. But enough of that, how are you doing?"

"I’m doing great!" Spike waited for a little bit to hear what Twilight would say, but after a minute had passed in silence, Spike restarted the conversation. "So how did your date with Thorax go?" Twilight froze and didn't move. Even the paper in her magic stayed still in mid-air. "Twilight?" Spike moved to get closer to her, "Twilight?" He poked Twilight on the side of her face, and she snapped out of it.

Twilight then puts the paper on top of the pile with the rest. "I am fine, Spike."

"But then why did your face turn red then?"

Twilight was going to make an excuse as to why she was blushing while thinking about Thorax, but she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to let it out. Twilight used her magic to lock the door and soundproof the room before grabbing Spike and squeezing him tight. "I don't know what to do anymore, Spike!"

Unknown to Twilight, her grip on Spike grew stronger every second she held him. Not wanting to die early, Spike did his best to get Twilight’s attention. "Twilight... can't breathe!"

"I’ve never felt this way about a stallion before! Every time I think about Thorax, I feel like my heart is going to explode!"

Spike's face was starting to turn blue. "That’s not the only thing that’s going to explode."

"I don't know if I can handle this level of stress anymore! I was still able to stay calm around him during our last date, but I have no idea how much longer I can keep it up!"

Spike's face was starting to lose all color as it turned white. "Same here," Spike replied weakly.

"What was that, Spike?" Twilight asked him before she finally noticed how he was looking. "OH! Spike, I am sorry!" She said as she loosened her grip on Spike so that he could breathe again, "I didn't think I was squeezing you that hard."

"It's fine," He gasped "I’ll live," Spike put some distance between himself and Twilight as she smiled apologetically at him, "So I guess it’s safe to say that you love Thorax?"

A small blush covered her face as she looked away from the little dragon. "Yes, Spike, I do," She looked back at Spike, "But I have no idea how to tell him!"

He scratches the side of his head, "Well, from what I’ve heard from everypony, you’ve been doing a good job so far."

Twilight slams her head onto the table with a low groan, "That’s not helping, because I have no idea what I was doing during those dates!"

Spike rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I’m not sure how much help I can be since I have never been on a date before. However, I have been in love with somepony before. And it was with somepony who was not a dragon."

Twilight looked at Spike, unsure. "I’m not sure how your crush on Rarity is going to help me."

"Actually I’m pretty sure it can. Because I’ve gone through the one thing that you’re afraid of."

Twilight sank into her chair as she wondered in fear what it was that Spike knew that she didn't. "What is that?"

"Being turned down by the pony you love."

"We don't have to talk about that Spike," Twilight spoke quickly, knowing how sensitive Spike was about that one subject, "I know how much you were in love with Rarity when that happened."

"No, it’s fine," Spike said waving his claw dismissively, "Besides it’s what you need to hear Twilight," Spike sat on the table next to Twilight and told her about his love life. "When I confessed to Rarity about my feelings for her, I thought for sure that she would feel the same way about me, but she didn't. She told me that I should be looking for somepony closer to my age. I didn't get why she said that, but I learned to live with her decision and moved on."

"Did you find somepony else?"

"Not yet, but I am still looking. And if I can handle rejection from my crush with Rarity, then you can tell Thorax that you love him. If he feels the same way for you then good, but if he doesn't, then I will be here to help you through the depression."

Twilight smiled weakly at her friend and hugged him. "Thank you, Spike. You’re always there when I need you."

"You can always count on me, Twilight."


Pharynx had just returned to the changeling hive and had no idea where his brother was. "Thorax! Where are you?" He called out.

"My room," Thorax answered him.

Once there he let himself in without knocking and saw his brother at a table writing a letter. "You know, even though you are the ruler of the Changelings, would it kill you to let me know when you come back home?" Then again he just got here too, but Thorax didn't need to know that.

"Sorry, Pharynx. I just have a lot on my mind. That’s all." he said not looking up from his work,

Pharynx moved next to his brother and looked over his shoulder, trying to find out what he was up to. "What are you writing there?"

"A letter to Trixie."

He gave him an unsure look, "Why?"

"Because I thought it would only be fair after so many letters she has sent me."

He nods at this, "And just out of curiosity, what kind of letters has she been sending you?"

"Love letters."

"Okay, that’s enough of that," Pharynx said as he grabbed the letter and ripped it to shreds.

Thorax’s eye twitched as he watched an hour of hard work being thrown in the trash can. He looks at his brother irritated, "What’s the big idea?"

Pharynx ignore the question completely and gave him one of his own, "Are you in love with Princess Twilight?"

This gives Thorax a moment of pause as he looks away, "Well, I wouldn't say love just yet, but it’s close."

His brother pushes him out of his chair, "Then why are you cheating on her?"

Thorax looks his brother from the floor, "What are you talking about?"

"You are already dating Princess Twilight and possibly marrying her by the end of this week," he gets in close to his brother so that they are face to face, "Why are you looking at others mares?"

Thorax blinks in confusion for a moment before he gives his brother a flat stare, "I wasn't going to send her a love letter Pharynx," He pushes him away and gets up from the floor, "I’m not dumb. I was going to send her a letter telling her that I don't feel the same way about her."

Pharynx shakes his head, "And break what is left of her fragile little heart when you haven't even replied to her before?"

Thorax let out a frustrated grunt as he knew his brother was right. "Well, what am I supposed to do then?"

"Get rid of her letters and plan for your next date with Princess Twilight."

He rolled his eyes at this, "I’ve already got that handled Pharynx," He looks back at the trach can, "It just doesn't seem fair to not reply to Trixie, is all."

His brother huffs and he uses his magic to burn the shredded paper in the trash, "What’s done is done. There is no more room in your heart for another mare, Thorax. She will move on, and so will you. I know it is not how you would do things, but it is out of your hooves. Remember who your mare is and stick with it. Understand?"

Thorax looks at the ashes of the letter and sighs, "Yes, sir."

They both move to the couch as Pharynx remembers why he was here, "So where are you going to go with Twilight tomorrow anyway?"

Thorax puts a hoof to his face in thought, "I was thinking about something like a family dinner."

His brother doesn't look certain, "Are you sure that is a good idea?"

Thorax smiles at his brother, "It’s just dinner with the ones who love Twilight. What’s the worst that can happen?"

"You don't read romance novels, do you?"

"No, why?"

He gets up and starts pulling out a scroll, "I will have some changelings on stand by then."

Thorax gets up and stops his brother, "Pharynx, don't worry. I’ve got this." He then leaves the room as Pharynx shakes his head as he watches his brother leave the room for possibly the last time,

"I seriously doubt that."