• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 5,271 Views, 235 Comments

Our New Queen - Miner

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The fifth date. part 2 Dinner & a talk

Earlier that same day.

"Are you sure about this Twilight?"

"I am sure, Applejack."

"You do know that after this date there is no hiding this from the media. They might not have caught on to your courting with Thorax before. But after tonight they will have proof that you two are dating. So I want to be absolutely sure that you know what you are getting yourself into."

"I am aware of what will happen Applejack. And don't forget. That tomorrow my week is up."

"And that is what I am worried about Twilight. Your answer to Thorax tomorrow is going to be Equestria news for weeks, whatever your answer is. I just don't want you to deal with a headache those newsponies will bring ya if your answer to Thorax is no. Not to mention what will happen to you if your answer is yes."

"Applejack. It is alright. I know what I am doing."

"Are you sure, Twilight?"

"I am sure."

"Are you one hundred perc-" Applejack was cut off when Twilight put a hoof to her mouth.

"Applejack calm down." Once Applejack show signs of relaxing Twilight, let go of her mouth. "I have never been more sure about something in my whole life before. I know what my answer to Thorax will be. However, there is something I want him to tell me first."

"And that would be Twilight? Twilight? Twilight?"

"Twilight are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh. I am fine, Thorax. I was just lost in thought that is all."

"If you say so."

Twilight and Thorax have just arrived at the restaurant to begin their final date together. Thorax was talking for the most of the date until he notices that Twilight wasn't paying him any attention. He didn't know why Twilight was lost in thought but at least what he was talking about earlier wasn't important.

"So much for starting this date up with a casual conversation." Thorax thought to himself. "Perhaps a different approach is needed."

"I have enjoyed our time together, Twilight."

"So have I Thorax. But tell me. What will you do tomorrow if my answer is no?"

Thorax was taken off guard with Twilight Question. "Is she serious? Was it something that I said? No that not it. Twilight has shown no signs of dislike of me for these for the past couple of days. Not to mention that I can feel that her love for me has grown stronger. She truly does have strong feelings for me. This must be coming from what her dad said."

"But from everything I have heard. You are just courting my daughter because you are need of a wife. Not because you are in love with her. I will not let Twilight marry some Stallion that doesn't love my daughter more than ME!"

"No matter who you look at it. Her father does have a point. Am I dating Twilight just because I need a wife or rather it is because I love her? I have told him that it was because of love. However, Twilight might have seen it as a spur in the moment. And because of that, there is a small amount of doubt inside her heart. Since she can't feel love like I can. There is no way for her to be sure that I truly love her as she loves me. Wow, those classes with Princess Candance really paid off. Okay, get it together Thorax. She is waiting for your answer."

"Twilight. That isn't a topic suitable for a date now is it?"

"I suppose you are right. Just call me curious that is all."

The meal arrives, and they eat in silence. Throughout the rest of their date, Thorax and Twilight would trade off more stories about their lives. However, Thorax notice that Twilight never did ask her question of earlier again. In the end, they paid their check and were on their way. Night has fallen across Ponyville as the two walks to Twilight's castle.

However, Thorax knew that the date couldn't end with a simple dinner. Not with Twilight in doubt about his feelings for her.


"Yes, Thorax?"

"Can we go to Ponyville lake?"


"I know it is out of the blue Twilight. But I would like for us to go there. Please."

Twilight wasn't sure what to make of Thorax request. Not to mention that this is the first time that he has ever beg her to follow him. Twilight thought that they were going to follow the schedule that he said over dinner with her parents. And then wait for tomorrow for her answer. But something in Thorax eyes made Twilight say, "Okay."

They soon arrived at the lake. Thorax has taken a seat under the tree and Twilight join him. Twilight sat close to Thorax. She watches Thorax as he stares out at the lake. Twilight waited for Thorax to talk to her again for she has no idea why he wanted to come here.



"Did you ever wonder why on our first date. We came to Ponyville lake without ever going in for a swim?"

"Not really. I have other thinking on my mind. So tell me, Thorax. What makes this lake special to you?"

"When I was younger. I was given my first mission of getting love from a pony. I waited until Sunset before I went out. I disguise myself as a young stallion. I found a mare alone swimming in the lake. I look around I saw no pony nearby and got closer to her. However, once I did get closer than did I notice that the pony was making a lot more splashes than she needs to for a swim. I then realize that she couldn't get to the shore."

"Before I knew it, I was in the water with her. She struggled for a bit until I was able to get her to the shore. She collapsed on the shore as I caught my breath. Looking around, I couldn't see anypony, and I had a mare all to myself. So I lend down closer to her and begin the process of taking her love. But that was when she looked up at me and spoke up "Thank you." and then she kissed me. Her kiss was so out of nowhere that I drop my disguise. Once she realizes that I wasn't a pony, she screamed, and I ran."

"What happened to the mare?"

"I do not know. I never got her name. I don't even remember what she looked likes anymore."

"So that is why this lake is special to you. Because it was the first time, you save a pony."

"That. And it also reminds me of the time I first fell in love."

"Oh." Twilight then looks away from Thorax.

"With you Twilight."

Twilight quickly looks back at Thorax. "What?"

"I had to admit, though. When I came to Celestia about a need for a queen. I did so because it was something that my hive needs. However, what I wasn't prepared for was that I would fall in love with the mare that agrees to give me a chance."


Thorax then brushes the side of Twilight's face with his hoof gently while looking into her eyes. "I love Twilight and nothing in Equestria can change that. And even if you leave me tomorrow. I will still go on loving you."

"Don't go all cheesy on me Thorax."

"Cheesy or not. My words are true. I am in love with you, Twilight. On our second date, when I left you there at the cafe. It was one of the hardest things that I have ever done."

"I didn't want you to go when you did that."

"I am sorry that I hurt you."

"What do you have to be sorry for? I was the one who drove you away."

"But I decided to leave. Cadence was pleading with me to stay and work things out. I should have listened to her."

"Well. She is the Princess of Love, after all."

"That she is."

Twilight then leans on to Thorax. Thorax then looks down at her, and she smiles at him. He smiles back. Then Twilight start moving closer to Thorax face. However, Thorax stops her from kissing him with a hoof on her lips. Confused Twilight has to ask him.

"Why won't you let me kiss you? We kissed before."

"But that was on accident. I want our first kiss as lovers to be special."

"And this isn't?"

"Twilight, please. I want the next time that our lips touch. I want them to be yours forever. Can you wait just a little bit longer for me?"

"Yes, Thorax. I think I can manage." Twilight then leans on to Thorax and enjoy the night sky.

Meanwhile in Twilight mind,

"IT IS NOT FAIR! Can't I kiss my special somepony when I want to! Why does he have to go all romantic on me and torture me like this!"

Inside Thorax head.

"Why did Princess Cadence tell me to do this? It sounds so much better on paper then it does right now. I want to kiss her so bad right now."

Meanwhile in Canterlot

"WHY!" Celestia said, throwing her chair across the room. "Didn't Cadence teach him to be more romantic than that! What a waste of a perfectly good midnight stroll!"

Luna watches her sister and finishes the last of the popcorn. "I thought it was sweet."