• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 5,271 Views, 235 Comments

Our New Queen - Miner

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Our New Queen

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Twi-Fi Bony, for editing this long overdue chapter. Enjoy.

One week later.

"Extra! Extra! Princess Twilight to wed King Thorax! Read all about it!" A newspony said as the ponies of Canterlot gather around to read the article.

"So, the rumors about the princess seeing the changeling were true." One stallion said.

"Yes," A mare said. "But to think that she would marry him."

"It just shows you what love can do." Another mare said next to them.

The stallion turned to face her. "What are you talking about?"

The mare folds her newspaper and turned to face the ponies. "That love isn't bound to one's appearance or species. So long as they are willing to stay committed to each other, then anything is possible. And if that is not an example of love than I don't know what is." The mare leaves them and heads to the ticket both of Canterlot Train station.

"I would like a ticket to Las Pegasus." She said.

"That will be ten bits." The ticket pony said. "But don't you want to head to Ponyville Miss. I mean history in the making this being made there."

"There is nothing in Ponyville that I want to see right now," she said, shaking her head.

"If you say so. Here you go."

"Thank you." The mare then made her way to the train station and came face to face with Starlight Glimmer. Starlight looks at her with worry before she speaks up.

"Are you sure about this Trixie?"

"I don't think I can contain myself if I go to his wedding. If only I acted sooner or even told him how I felt for him in pony, then things may have ended differently between us. It is not going to be easy, but I need to move on."

"But why go to Las Pegasus?"

"I need time to find myself again, and who knows what I might find there."

Starlight hugs her friend. "I am going to miss you, Trixie."

"I am going to miss you too Starlight," Trixie said, breaking the hug and going on her train. But she stopped at the doors and turned to face her friend. "Hey, Starlight."


Trixie used her magic to lift a small present from her saddlebags and gives it to Starlight. "Can you give this to Thorax?"

"Sure." Starlight holds the box next to her ear and shakes it a little. She couldn't tell what it was. "What is it?"

"Something I want him to have."

"Take care of yourself, Trixie."

Meanwhile at Ponyville. Correction the Castle of the Two Sisters.

"What a wonderful idea." Rarity said working on Twilight's Wedding dress. "A wedding in front of the Tree of Harmony. Where did you get such an idea?"

Twilight, in her new form, moves next to her friend. "You can say a little birdy told me."

"You will look stunning with the lights coming from the tree reflecting off your dress. I can barely contain myself."

"Calm down Rarity. If you pass out now, then who is going to finish my dress?"



"Also Twilight I been meaning to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Why is there a battalion of guards from Canterlot and the changeling hive around the castle?"

"That would be my mom's insurance policy of making sure that we won't have a disaster of a wedding. As we did with my brother's wedding."

"I can understand her concern, but doesn't she think that this is a bit much? Also, I thought for sure I saw Discord doing something to the Castle grounds earlier. "

Twilight is confused by this and turned to her faithful assistant for an answer. "Spike?"

"Mom's idea," Spike said.

"Enough said."

In another room of the castle.

"Alright, Thorax," Pharynx said, pacing in front of his brother. "This is the big day. You are going to marry Princess Twilight, and I better not have to drag you to the altar ... understood?"

"Yes, brother."

"There are a lot of things that can go wrong today. But you only need to focus on your marriage. Got it?"

"Got it," Thorax said before his brother transformed into a dragon and blew fire on Thorax's hooves. "HOT!" Thorax shot up into the air before looking at Pharynx. "What was that for!"

"Just in case you had cold hooves." Pharynx said, changing back to normal as his brother landed.

A changeling enters the room. "We are ready for you, your highnesses."

"We are on our way," Pharynx said to the changeling before he looked to Thorax. "Remember what I said."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Thorax then leaves the room only for Pharynx to stop him.

"Thorax! Where are you going!"

Thorax looks back at him with confusion. "Ah... to my wedding?"

"Without your suit?!" Thorax looked down and noticed that he is not wearing his suit and runs back into the room to get his suit. "Honestly. What will he do without me?" Pharynx said, shaking his head.

Thorax exits the room wearing a black tuxedo and green bowtie. "We better get going then."

"And Thorax."


"You got this."


The Tree of Harmony. The resting place for the six Elements of Harmony, and now the centerpiece for Princess Twilight's wedding. The entrance of the cave has a white curtain blocking it. Ponies move back and forth to make sure everything is perfect for the wedding. There is no room for error. However...

"But I want to be the flower filly!" Applebloom said, trying to pull a basket of flowers from Ocellus.

"You were the flower filly from the last wedding." Ocellus said, pulling back. "It is my turn!"

A debate over who the flower filly for the wedding is underway. The Cutie Mark Crusaders mainly Applebloom is trying to take the one basket of flowers away from Ocellus. The Crusaders are wearing the same dresses as the last wedding while Ocellus is wearing a similar dress but is light green.

"That just means I have more experience than you have."

"But Thorax wanted me to be the flower filly."

Meanwhile Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle as watching the two fight over the basket. "Why is there only one basket?" Sweetie Belle asked Scootaloo.

"Because I-err somepony eat the rest of the flowers because they thought they were a snack and not part of the wedding. Hehee."

Fluttershy hears the ruckus and moves in to see the fillies fight each other. "Girls, what is going on here?"

"They both what to be the flower filly," Sweetiebelle said. "but there is only one basket."

"Oh, I see. That is odd I thought for sure we had more than one basket."

"Yeah. I wonder why we only have one basket." Sweetie Belle said while looking at Scootaloo, who is whistling and looking away.

"Well since Ocellus never been the Flower Filly before. I say she should do it."

before Apple Bloom could say anything, Ocellus takes the basket and leaves with a smile on her face.

Applebloom the looked at Fluttershy. "But what about us?"

"Well if you can get flowers before the wedding starts. Then I don't think anything would be wrong-" Fluttershy noticed that everypony in moving behind the curtain. "OH no never mind. It is starting now. Places everypony."

In front of the Tree of Harmony,

A red carpet was placed across the floor with Princess Luna at the altar. To her left Pharynx and Thorax stand and the rest of the Changeling hive behind them. To her right, stands Princess Cadence along with the rest of the main six and behind them; Twilight's family and every friend that Twilight has made over the years. And at the end of the aisle, a curtain of white was placed to hide Twilight behind.

Luna signals Fluttershy to began the music. Once her birds started singing, and the curtain was pulled back to reveal Ocellus, Twilight Sparkle, and her Father. Twilight's dress is a traditional white wedding dress with fading purple lining the trim around the edges. She also has a white veil covering her face.

Ocellus moves down the aisle, leaving a trail of flowers behind her. Nightlight looks at his daughter and smiles. She smiles back before the walk down the aisle together. As they walk, Twilight can see all of her friends looking back at her and notice that Princess Celestia is in the audience and not at the altar.

"I thought Princess Celestia was going to wed Thorax and me," Twilight whispered to her father.

"I believe they had a disagreement earlier about who would wed you two and it would appear that Princess Luna is going to do it," Nightlight whispered back. "Is that a problem?"

"No. I am just surprised that is all." Twilight said right before they stop at the altar. Nightlight gives Thorax a stare before leaving Twilight at the altar and joining his family and not getting wet by his son's tears.

"Mares and gentlecolts," Luna started. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two royal ponies. Princess Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship. And King Thorax, the Ruler of the Changelings. Pharynx the crowns please."

Pharynx then brings purple pillow holding two identical crowns one silver and one gold. The crowns are one whole piece with the middle section higher than the ends and wrapping around half of the pony's head. The gold crown has one sizeable blue stone in the middle. The silver one has six different colored stone, each one matching the colors of the Elements of harmony.

Luna then uses her magic to bring the pillow with the crown in front of her. "Princess Twilight," Luna said. "Please recite your vows as you place the crown on King Thorax head.

"I Twilight Sparkle," She said, lifting the gold crown with her magic. "The Princess of Friendship, vow to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, King Thorax till death do us part." she finished with placing the crown on his head.

"And King Thorax," Luna said. "Please recite your vows as you place the crown on Princess Twilight head."

"I King Thorax," he said, lifting the silver crown with his magic. "The Ruler of the Changelings, vow to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, Twilight Sparkle till death do us part." He finished with placing the crown on her head.

"Now if anypony sees that these two should not be together," Luna said. "Let them speak up now." No pony spoke up. "Then, by the power invested in me. I Luna, the Princess of the Night, now pronounce you Queen and King. You may now kiss the bride."

Thorax then lifts Twilight's veil and kisses his bride. Everypony in the room exploded with the sounds of cheers. The two lovers break the kiss and make their way down the aisle.

Pinkie then shouts loud for everypony to hear her. "Alright, everypony. The Wedding Party is going to be at Castle Of Friendship, and it is going to be a blast! See you all there." Everypony then starts making their way to the castle...

"Hold it!"

"What now Pinkie?"

"What about the part where Twilight throws her flowers?!"

"In this case. It is going to happen at the party. Now please stop doing this you are ruining the story."

"But the story is almost over, and I still don't have a love interest! I have to get those flowers!"

"Then what are you wasting time talking with me? Go to the party already."

"Okay. But I am warning you."


"Sheesh you don't have to shout."

"That is it. I am out of here. See you in the finale."