• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 5,271 Views, 235 Comments

Our New Queen - Miner

  • ...

The first date

"Rarity I know you want to help me get ready for my date today," Twilight said as Rarity applied more makeup to Twilight’s face, "but isn't this a bit much?"

"Nonsense Twilight," Rarity said as she moved to her workstation. "This is the first date you’ve gone on since becoming a princess. It has to be special. So you must look your best."

"Rarity, we’re not going to the Gala or even to a fancy restaurant. We’re just going for a casual date around Ponyville," Twilight said as she used her magic to remove the dress, jewelry, and makeup that Rarity had put on her.


"Look Rarity I appreciate your help, but I am not trying to impress Thorax or anything like that during this date. This is just an icebreaker to make us comfortable with each other, nothing more and nothing less. Okay?"


"Thank you."

"At least wear the dress," Rarity pleaded.

"I’ll think about it."

"You know Twilight, you are taking this a lot better than I thought you would," Rainbow added suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I thought that you would be all nervous and a mess, going on a date."

"That kind of stuff only happens when you are going to be spending some time with a pony you like. I only see Thorax as a friend right now, and as such, I will treat this date as no more than two friends catching up with one another."

"You know you’re taking all the fun out of this for me, right?"

"As I said, I don't see Thorax that way, so I’m calm."

"But isn't this still, like, your first date ever?"

"No, actually."

"You went on dates before?! Since when?"

"Ever since my brother married the Princess of Love."

"Oh, Cadence has been trying to ship you for a while, huh?"

"25 stallions and counting."

"What was wrong with them?"

"I can give you a list, but let’s go with the top five reasons as to why those dates didn't go well. *Ahem* Number five: "Oh I forgot where we were supposed to meet, Twilight. My bad." "

"Did he have short-term memory loss or something?"

"More or less. Number four: he didn't let me talk at all the whole time."

"A chatterbox, huh?"

"I’d rather forget about him. Number three: “Give me some personal space, please.” "

"Oh, I hate those kinds of stallions."

"Yeah but this one also forgot to bathe before the date."


"Number two: “Are you going to blank that?” "

"What does blank mean?"

"You fill in the blank with whatever you think it means and that’s what most likely happened."

"What kind of stallions is Cadence setting you up with?"

"They all look nice at first glance, but when the date came around, it was like they were a completely different stallion. And finally the number one reason."

"What is it?"

"They do their impression of Fluttershy the whole time we’re together."

"How much of an impression are we talking here?"

"When Luna came to Ponyville on nightmare night, and I took her to Fluttershy’s house."

"That is bad."

"I know, right? That’s why I’m not overly concerned with how this date will turn out. In fact, I’m a little excited that I might have a date I might enjoy for once. So that’s why I’m going to be calling the shots the whole time."

"Are you sure about that Twilight?"

"Yes, I’m sure. Now if you would excuse me, I believe my date should be here by now."

"Hey, can't we talk about this?" Thorax said as his brother pushed him towards castle friendship.

"You were the one who agreed to date the princess in the first place," Pharynx growled, "So the least you can do is go through with it."

"I know. How about..."

"Don't even try getting out of this Thorax. I am going to be nearby to make sure you don't chicken out. You are going to take Princess Twilight on a date, and you are going to like it!"

"I know this was my idea, but that was before I realized that I have no idea what I’m doing!"

"It’s too late to back down now. We’re already here."

"It’s never too late!" Thorax said while trying to fly away, only to be squashed by his brother turning into a bear and sitting on him.

"It is too late!" Pharynx said before dropping his disguise and flying away just as Twilight opened the door.

"Hello, Thorax."

"OH!" Thorax said, getting to his hooves and standing straight, "Hello Princess Twilight, nice to see you today! How are you doing?"

"Fine thank you," Twilight said, there was a moment of silence before a small rock hit Thorax on the side of the head, making him snap out of it.

"I brought you some flowers!"

"Thank you," Twilight said as she took them with her magic, "and Thorax."

"Yes, your highness?"

"At ease."

"Thank you," Thorax said, relaxing his whole body.

"Don't be so nervous, Thorax, this is going to be fun!" Twilight giggled as she walked by Thorax and down the steps, "You coming?"

"Oh, right!"

They started the date by going to Sugar Cube Corner for some treats. Twilight ordered some donuts for them and some milk and took a seat in a corner table in the store. As Twilight eats her donut, she starts to notice something about Thorax. It looks like he wants to talk to her, but he could get it out.

"Great." Twilight thought to herself. "Another shy stallion. I was kind of hoping that Thorax wasn't this bad around mares. Maybe he just needs a push."

"So Thorax, how is your donut?"

"Hun? Oh! Sorry Twilight I haven't tried them yet."

"Is something wrong?"

"Not with our date. It is just I am getting the feeling that we are being watched."

"Thorax. We are both considered royal ponies. So seeing two of them eating donuts in a place like this is unusual. Of course, we are going to get the attention of some ponies."

"I guess you are right. But that doesn't mean I am going to like it."

"That is true. It reminded me of the time when I was eating at a hayburger, and there was an entire hoard of fillies and colts were watching me from the outside of the window."

Thorax smiled at that. "That is nothing. I once caught a whole group of changelings sneaking around in my room one night."

Twilight was surprised at this. And thought it funny to find a group of changelings sneaking around Thorax room. "What were they doing in your room?"

"To this day. I still have no idea."

Twilight and Thorax laughed are their funny moments.

To avoid any unwanted attention from any ponies. They went for some quiet time at the lake. Thorax gave more shade from the tree to Twilight as they sat down to rest. There were about two feet of space between them as they lounged. There wasn't much happening today. In fact, as far as Twilight was concerned, this was one of the most peaceful days in Ponyville since she had come here, which was starting to worry her.

Meanwhile, not that far from Ponyville:

"Keep that Hydra away from the town!"

"Why is it even heading there anyway?"

No. No, she was probably just being paranoid.

"This is a nice date, Twilight."

"Hum? Oh, yes so far it has been very nice. I was beginning to think that you were going to be quiet and stiff the whole time since I saw you at the castle earlier."

"Well, to be honest, I haven't been on many dates before this one."


"Yeah, at least you want to be with me. The other girls I tried to court always looked like they wanted to be somewhere else."

"That wasn’t very nice of them."

"Well back then I was just another drone in the hive. And that is the thing. I was average. I had nothing that made me stand out from the rest. So no female ever gave me a second look after they didn't like what they saw."

"That sounds rough."

"Yeah, but now that I am the leader of the hive, I get about two letters a day from random females who want to be with me."

"You don't sound too happy about that."

"It’s because I know who is sending me those letters. They’re the same ones that turned me down so many years ago. They probably don't even remember that it was me back then. But I didn't forget — not a single one of them. I have no bad intentions for them. It’s just that I can't feel any romantic feelings for them whenever I think about them."

Thorax looked at Twilight. "What about you, Twilight? Surely you have your tales of broken hearts."

"Mostly just mine."

"What? Why?"

"It’s just that I never thought a lot about dating before I became a princess. Sure my sister in law set me up with some stallions, but let's just say that I couldn't stand them and there was never a second date and leave it at that."


"Then, after I became a princess, the nobles of Canterlot wanted to court me! I couldn't stand any of those stallions!"

"Blue Blood tried to date you didn't he?"

"Yuck, yes. Wait. Do you know Blue Blood? When did that happen?"

"It was during one of the meetings I was having with Celestia on relationships between our races. Let's say that I didn't like his attitude when I meet him, and now he is afraid of bugs and leave it at that."

Twilight tried to speak and not laugh at the same time. "What did you do?"

"I made sure he wouldn't come near me or any other changeling ever again. Princess Celestia was looking the other way the whole time."

"Aw, you’re not going to tell me?"

"It’s not something you want to say on a date Twilight."

"Okay, I’ll drop it."

They laughed together after that.

Meanwhile, not too far away, Pharynx was disguised as a bird, looking down at them.

"So far, so good. Maybe they are a good match for each other," He then noticed Rainbow Dash looking down at them from a cloud above. "Hold on, what is she doing here? I better make sure she’s not up to anything," Still in his disguise, Pharynx flew up to Rainbow and landed on her head.

"Hey, get off me!" Rainbow tried to get rid of the bird on her head, but no matter what she did, the bird refused to budge. "Alright fine stay up there! I will just have to stop by Fluttershy’s to get you off."

Pharynx didn't know why she was here, but he was not going to stand around and find out, so he started to peck her on the head.

"Ow! Hay! Knock it off!" Rainbow flew up off the cloud and noticed that the bird was now standing on her napping spot. "Oh, you want to play it that way, huh? Well, I saw that cloud-first!" Rainbow started swinging her hooves, hoping to smack the bird away, but the bird was turning out to be a formidable foe, as it avoided everything she threw at it.

"What are you, a ninja bird, or something?" Rainbow said as the bird stretched out its wings to the sides and lifted one of its legs and took the position of the crane. Rainbow’s eyes widened at this. "Oh, a karate bird, huh? Well, I am a black belt, and a bird will not beat me!"

"And then Starlight started to lift herself with her magic to fight me in the air and..." Twilight was interrupted by the sound of a big splash coming from the lake. "What was that?"

Thorax and Twilight looked at the lake and saw Rainbow Dash slowly swimming to the shore as a bird landed on her head.

"Rainbow Dash. What happened? Are you hurt?"

' Just my pride and whole body' Rainbow thought to herself. "No, I’m okay. There was this bird earlier that wouldn't leave me alone while I was cloudnapping and I thought it might leave me alone if I dove into the water. Did it work?"

"No, the bird is still there, Rainbow," Thorax said.

"It is? I must have hit the water too hard. Don't mind me; I’m just going to find Fluttershy and see what’s this bird’s problem. Have a good date, you two."

"Later, Rainbow."

"Bye," Rainbow said while limping away from the pair.

"That was unusual," Twilight said, looking after her friend.

"Indeed, I’ve never seen my brother get so attached to a pony before," Thorax added as Twilight turned to face him.

"Wait that was Pharynx!? How could you tell?"

"Well, changelings have a very distinct smell they give off which only other changelings can pick up. It’s how we can tell who we are talking to in the hive."

"That’s interesting. What does it smell like?"

"I don't even know where to begin."

"How about what you smell like?"

"Really? What kind?"

"I don't remember anymore. But my brother’s smell can be compared to that of a burning campfire."

"Really? I can't imagine why?"

They laughed together at this. The sun was beginning to set when Thorax decided to take Twilight back to the castle. Along the way, Twilight started to think to herself.

'This wasn't such a bad date after all. I thought for sure I would have to entertain myself the whole time but no, I had a very good time with Thorax. I can't wait for the next time. Wait.' Twilight stopped walking in shock. 'Next time?! I want a second date?! But I’ve never been on one before. I’ve never liked a stallion enough to even consider having one before. Wait, like! As in LIKE like! I like Thorax?! But we are just friends!'

Twilight started to hyperventilate as Thorax took notice of her actions. "Twilight are you okay there?"

'I just like him that’s all. It’s not that I love him or anything. Why did I think about the word love now of all times!'

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Thorax said, snapping her out of it. "You feeling okay? Your face is turning red, are you getting sick or something?" Thorax put a hoof on her forehead. "Hey, you’re burning up!"

Twilight backed away from his hoof. "I’m fine!" She almost screamed, "I’m just tired, that’s all! Yes, I’m just tired of all this walking."

"Oh, well if that’s the case you should’ve said something earlier!" Thorax grabbed her and pulled her close.

"Eep!" Twilight cried in shock as Thorax lifted her and placed her on his back. "Ah, Thorax?"

"You’re my date, Twilight, and your wellbeing is my first priority."

"I could have just rested for a few minutes, you know."

"Well, this way you can rest and get closer to your castle all at the same time."

"I guess you’re right."

Thorax was no fool. The moment he put his hoof on Twilight’s head, he could feel the faint presence of love in her. This was not unusual for a pony, but what made this kind of love different from the rest was that it was love directed at him. It was small, but it was there. That and Twilight’s reaction earlier could only confirm that she was starting to love him. But this kind of love could be a fling. So he didn't say anything about it during the walk back to the castle, which was quiet between the two of them. Once there, Thorax lowered himself to the floor so Twilight could get off.

"I enjoyed our time together, Twilight."

"Yeah, I did too," Twilight said as she walked up the steps.

"Have a good night Twilight," Thorax said, but Twilight didn't say anything. She had stopped just a few steps up the stairs.

'I need to go back to my room.' Twilight thought to herself as she started flapping her wings to fly.


"Ye-" Twilight started to say as she turned to around to answer Thorax, but misjudged how far she was from him. The first thing she noticed was the deep purple of his eyes, and the second thing was that he was very close to her. What stood out the most though was the feeling of something soft and warm pressed against her lips, stopping her from speaking. Thorax’s lips were covering hers. They stayed like that for a few seconds, just staring into each other’s eyes, before Twilight’s wings stopped flapping and sent her to the ground.

They didn't say anything to each other. They only looked at one another in shock due to what had just happened.

"Twilight I-" Thorax started, but Twilight teleported away, cutting him off. Thorax could only assume that she went to her room. Not wanting to make it any more awkward, he looked at the castle hoping to see her but could see nothing.

"Have a good night Twilight," He said before taking flight and heading home.

"Goodnight Thorax," Twilight said from one of the upper castle windows as she watched him flying away before finally closing the window and going to bed.