• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 5,271 Views, 235 Comments

Our New Queen - Miner

  • ...

The next day.

The next day,

"Twilight," Spike called out to Twilight from outside her bedroom door. "Twilight, you there? Breakfast is ready."

"I don't want Breakfast," Twilight replied through the door.

"Twilight come on. You’ve never skipped out on breakfast before. It’s pancakes."

"I’m not hungry for pancakes, Spike."

"Okay, now I know something is wrong with you."

Spike tried to open the door but found it locked. "Twilight can I come in?" He called out to her.

The door glowed a bright pink before it opened up. Spike entered the room and found Twilight hiding under the covers of her bed. Spike moved to the side of her bed and nudged her gently.

"Twilight, you okay?"

"I don't know."

"Are you sick? Do you need to go to the doctor?"

"No, I don't need to go to the doctor, Spike. I am just feeling... I don't know... confused. I don't know what to do."

"Oh. Do you want to talk about it?"

Twilight didn't reply right away. She thought about her answer for a little bit, "Is Starlight here?" She asked him, looking in his direction.

"No, she left earlier to get some orange juice. Do you want me to get her?"

"No," Twilight used her magic to lock the door before moving her head out from under the covers, "I was just wondering."

*AH!* "Goodness Twilight!" Spike screamed before calming down, "You look like you haven't slept in hours! What happened?!"

Twilight rubbed her head with a hoof while answering, "I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night."

"Did you get a new book?"

"No," She answered softly.

"A new spell!"

"No, Spike."

"Huh, this is a tough one," Spike muttered, putting a claw to his chin, thinking on what could have caused Twilight to lose sleep. "Well then, did it have something to do with yesterday?"

"Ah," Twilight blushed, remembering the problem.

"Oh, it does!" Spike exclaimed, finally getting somewhere with his questions, "Well, then the only thing you did yesterday was going on a date with Thorax. By the way, Twilight, how did that go? You just locked yourself in your room the moment you got back. Did something happen between you two?"

"AH!" Twilight started lifting her blanket to hide more of her face from Spike, too embarrassed to answer him.

"Did he do something to you, Twilight?" Spike asked, getting fired up, "Because if he hurt you in any way, I'll clobber him for you!"

"No Spike he didn't do anything to me!"

"What?" Spike replied, confused by her answer.

"He didn't hurt me, Spike," Twilight said while looking away from the dragon.

"So what’s the problem then?" Spike scratched his head, wondering what had happened between them, "Because I’m lost."

Twilight looked back at him, deciding to clear up the confusion. "It was during the last moments of our date. He had just dropped me off in front of the castle and..."





"Come on Twilight you’ve got to tell. What happened?"

"I kissed him."

"What?" Spike said, moving closer to the quiet mare.

"I kissed him."

"Come on, Twilight; you’ve got to speak up. I can't hear you."

"I kissed Him!" Twilight shouted into Spike's ears before covering her mouth with her hooves. Spike rubbed his ears at her outburst as Twilight calmed down. After a few seconds, Twilight spoke up again, looking sullen.

"I don't know what to do Spike."

Spike rubbed his chin, thinking carefully on how to approach this. He personally had never kissed anypony before, but he did have an idea what it meant for somepony to kiss somepony they might like. However, before he could help her, he had to know one thing: "Well, did you like it at least?" He asked.

"What?!" Twilight blushed at his question.

"I said, did you like it, Twilight?"

Twilight stammers in her response, "It...it... it... happened so suddenly. But I can't say that I didn't like it."

"Okay, that’s good at least. More importantly, do you still want to date him?"

"I don't know."

"Well then, if that’s how you feel about it then I’ll just tell him that you don't want to date him." Spike turned around to leave the room when Twilight spoke up.

"No, wait!"

"So you do want to date him?" Spike asked, looking back at her.

"Yes!... No!... I mean... I guess," Twilight started touching her hooves together over and over, "I’ve just never felt this way before, Spike."

"It’s alright, Twilight. If you don't feel comfortable with talking about him right now, how about we get something to eat and go to the spa. How does that sound?"

"You know what? That sounds like a good idea. Just give me some time to clean myself up a little."


Meanwhile, at the kitchen of the changeling hive:

Thorax was standing in front of a stove the changelings had made a few days ago, making breakfast for the colony. However, Thorax wasn't moving for some reason. He was just standing there, wide-eyed, staring at nothing in particular. Smoke started to fill the air from the pot in front of him. Pharynx entered the kitchen coughing from the smoke, trying to find out what was wrong. He saw his brother and tried to get his attention.

"Thorax. Thorax. Thorax. Thorax!"

"Huh?" Thorax snapped out of it and looked at his brother.

"Wake up, boy! You are burning the grub!"

"What!?" Thorax looked in front of him and jumped back as the pot caught on fire, "Oh, shoot!"

Pharynx grabbed another pot and put it over the burning pot upside down, stopping the flames. Both of them were coughing from the smoke that had filled the air before Pharynx opened up a window. Once the air cleared out, Pharynx turned to his brother.

"What’s wrong with you today? You never burn food," Pharynx uncovered the pot to have a look and see if anything survived.

"Sorry Pharynx. I was just lost in thought about what happened yesterday."

"What do you mean?" Pharynx asked as he lifted a nearby spoon and took a sample from the pot, giving it a close inspection. "I thought you said that you had a good time with Princess Twilight when you got back," He tasted it, trying to see if it was still good. Not bad, but he needed to make sure.

"Yes, I did say that," Thorax said as his brother started taking another taste of the grub, "but what I forgot to mention was at the end, Twilight kissed me."

Pharynx spat out the food and started coughing trying to speak to his brother. "You... *cough*... You... *Gah*... You kissed Princess Twilight on the first date?!"

"It was an accident! She was just trying to answer me and got too close! And I just realized that it might have been her first kiss ever."

"So that’s why you were spacing out like that," Pharynx said as he wiped his mouth, "Did you at least ask if she was alright?"

"She teleported away before I could."

"Well, she hates you."


"She teleported away from you because you filled her with shame by taking away her first kiss."

"It was an accident!"

"A first kiss is still a first kiss Thorax. You better find a way to make it up to her if you want another chance at wooing her."

"How? She probably doesn't want to see me right now."

"Then head back tomorrow after you’ve gone to the Crystal Empire."

"Why would I go to the Crystal Empire?"

"Because you need help big time. And you have the Princess of Love in your corner, Thorax. You need to ask her for help."

"That’s what I’m afraid of."