• Published 11th Sep 2018
  • 5,271 Views, 235 Comments

Our New Queen - Miner

  • ...

What is going on?

"I can only imagine what Twilight must be going through after that horrible date with my lovely Thorax," Trixie said while lying on her bed inside her wagon.

Trixie used her magic to pull out a small box in the corner of the wagon and pulled out a small plushy. It looked just like Thorax and Trixie hugged it. "If only he would realize my feelings for him. I have been sending him love letters ever since his transformation. But for some reason, he has never replied to any of them."

Trixie let out a sigh as she lifted the plushie up above her head, "I guess as a royal changeling he must not have time to read letters, but I know that he will find his way to me and we can be together forever. So long as Twilight stays out of the way."

She then put the plushie away back in the box and made her way outside. "Thorax is Trixie's and Trixie's alone!"

"Twilight!" Rarity shouted.

"Go away, Rarity, and let me die in peace!" Twilight replied from behind the door to her room.

"Twilight you open this door at once!"

"You are not my mom, Rarity. I can lock myself in my room whenever I feel like it."

"Oh come on Twilight. You can't stay in there forever," Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, yes, I can. I have a year's supply of food in here along with a working restroom."

"Ah, Twilight, why do you have a year's supply worth of food in your room?" Applejack asked.

"You can thank Rainbow for that."

The ponies outside of the room looked to Rainbow for an explanation. "What?" Rainbow said defensively, "So I thought that preparing for the worst-case scenario after reading the latest 'Daring Do' book and told Twilight to do something about it is my fault?"

"We will get back to you on that Rainbow," Starlight said.

"Twilight dear, we're your best friends. We can help you," Rarity tried to reason with her.

"I don't want help from my best friends right now."

Everypony was at a loss of words after Twilight said that, but then somepony else spoke up, "Then how about from an old friend?"

Everypony looked in the direction of the new voice to see a familiar mare walking towards them. "Cadence!"

"I got this girls," Cadence motioned for them to back up as she stood in front of the door, "Twilight, do you want to talk to me?"

Meanwhile, at the Changeling Hive, a group of changelings had gathered in a forbidden place. Their reason was unknown to the rest of the hive as they moved to a pile of letters never opened before. Today would be the day that their secrets would be revealed. One by one, each changeling opened the letter and read the unknown knowledge it contained. Once they had read one letter, they moved on to the next, and as they did this, laughter started to fill the room.

"Hey girls, listen to this," One female changeling spoke up, "*Ahem* Oh, Thorax how I love thee. Let me count the ways," The group of female changelings bursts into laughter.

"Talk about cheesy," Another one said.

"Yeah, she could have tried something more original."

"Hey what about this one?" another changeling spoke up, *Ahem* "Dear Thorax, I am feeling very lonely lately. Can you come to my room later on tonight? I will be..."

However, their laughter was cut short when the door to the room opened up wide, and Thorax entered his room and saw them. "Hey what are you all doing here?!"

All the changelings scattered from the pile of letters. They all escaped except for one small changeling. She got flattened by the older changelings while they were making a break for it. Ocellus Cameo was her name, and she needed to get out of there. However, when she got up to leave, Thorax stood in front of her, stopping her.

Ocellus looked up at her ruler shaking in fear, wondering what was going to happen to her.

"Ocellus?" Thorax said.

"Yes, Thorax?" She said in a small voice.

"What were you and those other changelings doing in my room?"

"Well, we... we... we got curious as to why you have a huge pile of letters in your room and wanted to see what they were. I’m sorry."

Thorax let out a sigh and rubbed Ocellus on her head. "It’s alright, Ocellus. You’re young and don't know any better. I can say that I had my fair share of daring moment in my day," Thorax said smiling at her, which made her smile as well, "But please restrain yourself from doing something like this again."

"I will, Thorax," Ocellus looked around for a little bit before she spoke up again, "I should get going," She began to make her way out of the room.

"Wait, Ocellus," Thorax called out to her, making her freeze in half step, "Could you stay for a little while?"

She turned around to face Thorax, confused, "Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing you need to concern yourself about. I would just like a friend to keep me company. That’s all."

"Oh, okay," They both sat on the couch in the room and got comfortable. Ocellus, not sure what to do in a situation like this, but having some questions to ask Thorax, spoke, "So are all those really are love letters, Thorax?"

He rubbed the back of his head, "Believe it or not, they are. They started showing up shortly after I became the leader of the Changelings, but I don't read them anymore. They just pile up there until I find time to get rid of them." Thorax said while looking at the pile, before looking back at Ocellus, "You read some of them, didn't you?"

"Well yes, I did," She said, looking away from him, "I am surprised that she feels that way to you."

"Who, Ocellus?" he asked curiously.

"I believe her name was the Great and Powerful Trixy?"

"I think you mean 'Trixie' Ocellus," Thorax said. It took a second for what she said to click in his head, "Wait, Trixie! As in Trixie, the blue unicorn friend of Starlight’s?"

"I believe so." Ocellus said, putting a hoof under her chin, thinking, "She was a teacher at the school for a little while. I found a lot of letters from her."

"Where!?" Thorax said, getting up and moving to the pile of letters with Ocellus following him.

Ocellus entered the pile of letters and started to give Thorax the letters she had read that were from Trixie, "Here, and here, and here's another one."

"I didn't see this coming," Thorax said as he looked over the letters from Trixie.

"And here's another one, and another..."

"I never realized that of all ponies, Trixie liked me."

"And another one, and another one..."

"Okay, Ocellus you can stop now. I get the message."

"Okay," She said, leaving the pile, "So are you going to reply to her?"

"It would only be fair, after so many letters," Thorax put Trixie’s letters on the table before sitting back on the couch, "But I think I might just be adding more wood to the fire she already has with me."

"Is that a bad thing Thorax?" Ocellus asked, joining him.

"At the moment very bad, Ocellus. I am already seeing somepony else. It wouldn't be fair to stop dating her now, not when we’ve already agreed to date each other for the whole week."

"I never did ask, but who are you seeing Thorax?"

"Princess Twilight. I think."

"What do you mean, you think? What happened?"

"I am not sure anymore, Ocellus. Not after our last date."

Back in the Castle of Friendship,

"And then he says ‘have a good day Princess’ and flies away. I’ll never be able to show my face in front of him again!" Twilight cried before hiding her face under her pillows.

Cadence was sitting nearby, listening to everything Twilight had to say. Just as she thought, Twilight wasn't saying things that she would typically say during that date. If she didn’t hear the conversation from both sides, she would never find out what happened during that date. It was up to her as Twilight’s sister in law and the Princess of love to fix this.

"Twilight I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I already knew everything that you said to Thorax earlier today before I even got here."

Twilight lifted her face off the pillow to face Cadence, "What! How?"

"I was using a thought transfer spell with Thorax to help him get back on your good side after your first date. Everything was going fine until you started saying those strange things."

"But that’s what I heard my friends tell me to say!"

"Twilight!" Cadence grabbed Twilight’s face and pulled her in close, "You and I both know that your friends would never do something like that to you. Got it?!"

"Got it," Twilight said as Cadence let go of her,

"This was somepony else’s work. Whatever the reason, the damage is already done. Our only hope is to find whoever did this and stop them from doing it again during your next date with Thorax."

"But what if he doesn't want another date?"

"Oh trust me, Twilight, he will if I have anything to say about it."