• Published 11th May 2019
  • 653 Views, 18 Comments

A Disguise for Love - BrightMind

Spy Glass Makes a shocking discovery that could change his life forvever! The problem is deciding wether is was for better or for worse.

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Chapter 14: No Time to Spare (3rd Person POV)

Melony was curled up in her cell. Trying to comprehend the situation. She spent most of her life in this hive, but now it seems so foreign for some reason. It almost feels like like she's never been here before. She can't seem to wrap her head around it.

She never anticipated being here coming back here ever again, much less in captivity. She accepted the world outside as her home, and found it far more comfortable than this wretched place, and I suppose that might be playing part in her confusion.

She does know one thing, though. Even as she feared for Simon and Spy Glass, she was glad that if she had to be anywhere in the hive, it was the secluded jail cell. It would be rough seeing familiar faces full of pain and suffering she caused. It would be hard seeing strangers that can hardly be considered stranger. This was far better for he poor mental health.

Melony's attention had been grabbed in an instant by the sound of the cell door creaking open. Captain Butterfly stood in the entrance with that brightening smile she always brought with her. "Hey, Melony!" She said cheerfully.

"What are you doing back so soon? There's no possible way it's already been a week already, has it?" Melony asked, genuinely concerned that she's already losing her perception of time.

"Relax," Butterfly giggled. "It's been a few hours, is a mare not allowed to see her best friend at random times in the day?" She teased before sitting beside Melony.

"Well, I suppose not," Melony smiled before facing her. "I'm sorry, I've just been really on edge since all of this started. Thank you for stopping by, it's nice seeing a familiar face that doesn't make me feel guilty," she continued sincerely.

"Alright you got me," Butterfly sighed.

"But I didn't even pressure you."

"Yeah, but you made me feel guilty about lying. Besides, I need to talk to you anyway, I can't put it off forever, or even for another hour without getting in any kind of trouble. I've got good news and bad news," Butterfly said.

"How bad is it?" Melony asked.

"Well, if I can convince you to talk to me, then it's not bad at all," She replied

"And what if you can't?" Melony questioned.

"I have absolutely no idea," Butterfly shrugs. Melony did not reply. There was tense, awkward silence that occupied the next 10 seconds. "Anyway, the good news is that the queen agreed not to hurt Simon!"

"Wait, really?!"

"Yes! She said as long as he is captured and out of the way, she couldn't care less with what happens to him," Butterfly says happily.

"Oh... Well I suppose that's good," Melony says.

"The queen has always had a tendency to be apathetic; it's a good thing, trust me."

"So, what's the bad news?"

"Well, it's not so much bad news as it is a condition. If she can get a lead on him by tonight she won't hurt him. I can't convince her to forget about the ordeal, not even for a second, but if we can send a spy out tonight to start looking, she won't lie a hoof on him," Butterfly said happily.

"Will he get to stay with us in the Crystal Empire?" Melony asked hopefully.

"Oh... I don't know about that... when the queen said 'out of the way' I don't think she meant just out of Canterlot. I think she just wanted to put him in a cell or exile him from equestria all together..."

"O-oh..." Melony looked down somberly. "Y-you're right... it's wishful thinking... I Just hoped I'd be able to see him again." Butterfly took in a deep, sympathetic sigh.

"Look, Melony. Even my power in this hive is limited... but, I do suppose after the first siege on Canterlot, I might be able to let a prisoner go missing among the many others..." Butterfly winked at her and Melony gasped.

"But... Isn't that dangerous? You'd be risking your own life. What kind of friend would I be if I asked you to do that?"

"And what kind of friend would I be to make you ask for that kind of favor knowing this?" Melony smiled at her and hugged her tightly.

"How could I ever repay you?!"

"Melony, sweetie, you don't repay me! We're friends, and I'm doing this for you because I know you'd do the same for me if I were in your shoes. Just promise me I'll get to visit every now and again. We still have a lot of catching up to do," Butterfly said with a grin.

"Please do! Anytime you'd like!"

"There are a couple setbacks, though..." Butterfly akwardly slipped in.

"...What's that?"

"For one, the Crystal Empire is way too close. Though Spy Glass is only one prisoner, the queen would be quite upset to find that of all prisoners HE escaped. She'll look all over equestria, and he'll be too easy to find unless you are FAR away from equestria all together," She explained.

"...I suppose I don't mind being outside of equestria... But wouldn't it take too long to move that far? How long do I have before the first invasion?" Melony asked.

"Well... That's the other thing..." Butterfly started. Melony waited silently for her to continue. "The queen has been focusing soley on the loose ends. We haven't had time to train or even replinish the army that's still dying out. Not to mention there are still a couple changelings we have yet to find and take out. Even if Chrysilas planned on releasing Spy Glass, she doesn't plan on it at least until she already has an advantage over the kingdom. That could be maybe three to five years at the very least," she continued. Melony's hope was quickly crushed before letting out a sigh.

"So I'll have to wait a really long time to see him?" Melony asked. Butterfly only nodded in response. "...Okay... I'll do it," Melony stated.

"Perfect!" Butterfly says. "Now, I just need to ask you a few questions. First, do you know where to find him?"

"No, I haven't been be able to find him for the past couple of years. I stumbled upon him a few times in that time, and I most commonly find him at the Café. Of you plan on approaching him in public, you'll need four or five spys because he'll have at least two gaurds nearby," Melony said.

"How has he been so untraceable?"

"I don't know, I haven't known him intimately in over five years. My guess is that he managed to develope a magical cloaking system somehow. He takes his job seriously, so he probably learn led the changeling magic complex and found a way to make a counter magic for it."

"What is the best way we can capture him?"

"It's best to catch him alone. He allows no gaurds in his house, so you should be able to ambush him there. Don't try to trick him with your magic, you won't fool him very easily, especially with changeling magic. It's best to be sudden. I don't know where he lives, but my son is a fanatic. I'm sure you can probably find an address in with his stuff. Be careful when dealing with Simon, though. He's much like his father in an observant sense. If you interact with him, avoid conversation as much as possible."

"Perfect! And what's it like to be in love?" Butterfly asked quickly. Melony was about to answer, but she stopped herself before she could.

"I'm sorry... What did you ask?" Melony replied.

"Oh fine! Chrysilas doesn't care about that one... It's just that only a few changelings experience love, much less with a creature not of their own kind. I want to know more! Please tell me?" Butterfly asked nicely, showing her pleading eyes. Melony smiled and giggled.

"Okay, fine!" She said.

"Yay!" Butterfly said with the enthusiasm of a foal.

"Love is... Interesting... to say the least," Melony began. "It's a difficult feeling to describe. When I'm with Spy Glass, all my troubles seem insignificant. My fears and regrets become non-exsistant, and I feel like no matter what I choose to do, I'm not alone. Like I can rely on someone and not feel judged or unsupported... He makes me feel happy, not like he is my only source of happiness, but like he makes things better and more worth while," she said.

"Wow... sort of like a friendship?" Butterfly asked.

"Well, yeah... but stronger and much more intimate," Melony explained. Butterfly smiles at her, contented with her answer.

"I should return to the task at hoof. It was really nice talking to you," Butterfly says before making her way to the cell door.

"It really was," Melony smiled.

"Oh, and Melony... I'm glad your back. It's nice having a friend again," Butterfly smiled back before exiting the cell, closinf the door behind her.

Author's Note:

Yes, it has in fact been a while. What did you expect? That I would actually stay committed? Nah! I constantly get to distracted for that.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that you guys are STILL reading my story. It makes me glad to see that people enjoy it enough to keep reading. I know that I will eventually need to go back and make some revisions to the earlier chapters, but I am ridiculously lazy. I'll see if I can't work on that a little bit before the next chapter.

Speaking of which, the story is closing in on it's end! I'm so excited to see it finally be finished, and begin my next project.

Thanks again for those of you who stuck with me this far. You really inspire me to keep going. Those aren't just a collection of words, I promise you that this story never would have made it this far if I didn't keep seeing the veiws go up. Love you guys, really do! And I'll see you next chapter.