• Published 11th May 2019
  • 653 Views, 18 Comments

A Disguise for Love - BrightMind

Spy Glass Makes a shocking discovery that could change his life forvever! The problem is deciding wether is was for better or for worse.

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Chapter 3: A Better Place (Melony's POV)

I lied back on my bed covered with my fluffy blanket. I tossed and turned, shifting uncomfortably; I was NOT relaxed. I sat up, looking for that comfortable spot on the bed. Maybe a cup of tea... and a book? Yes! That's just what I need! I thought as I stood up, my hooves still a little sore as my large belly weighed me down. I was about six months pregnant, now. Spy Glass and I were psyched to hear that we were having a foal! We've been wanting to start a family for the longest time now!

At first, we thought we should wait until we got enough money for a bigger house, with more rooms. But after the first two years of our union, we realized that it may be a while before we actually get the bits for that. We - mostly me - had decided that we didn't want to wait any longer. Sid(That's what I call him sometimes, a story for another time, perhaps), being the sweet, loving stallion he is, decided to cut into his savings and also setting as much money aside as we could for some renovations to our house, so we could start this year. By the time the foal is born, we should have room built and ready for them.

I gently ran a forehoof over my belly before heading to the kitchen. I began boiling some water and as I waited, I took a look at the bookshelf. Sid prefers mystery novels, obviously, so there were quite a few of them all around the shelf. I personally prefer romance, but I've already read all the romantic novels we own. My eyes drifted from the romance section to the mystery novels.

I shrugged and pulled Sid's favorite book off of the shelf: Sherlock Hooves. Spy Glass has read it so many times the book was well worn out, by now. I figured I'd give it a try since Spy Glass liked it so much. I opened it up to the first page and it immediately grasped me, so I continued to read.

Next thing I knew, I had woken up with the book over my muzzle. I guess I must have come back to the room, and fallen asleep while reading without even realizing it. I could see why Sid liked this book so much, or at least I know why I liked it now. I took the book off of my face, and there he was, Spy Glass was standing in the doorway, smiling at me. I blushed a little in embarrassment, as I noticed him. "H-how long were you standing there?" I asked quietly.

"I just got here, but I don't need to be a detective to see that you fell asleep while reading Sherlock Hooves," he shot me a cute smile, which caused me to blush a little more than I already was. "So what's with the book and tea, anyway?" My eyes widened in realization.

"Shoot! The tea! I'm sorry, Sid, I just started reading and I guess I forgot about it!" I started, he managed to stop me there before my ranting.

"Hey, it's alright, Melony, I turned it off. You didn't burn the house down, and no harm was done. I just wanted to know what you were up to while I was gone," He said as he entered the room and sat on the bed beside me.

"Well, I knew that since you were having lunch with the princess, you were probably stressed and worried. And thinking about you being stressed and worried, made me stressed and worried. I figured I should probably try to relax, In my given state. Stress isn't exactly good for the foal, you know. So, I tried to lay down, but I couldn't sit still, I was still too anxious. So, I thought maybe a good book and a cup of tea would help, but I've already read all of our romance novels. I decided to read this one because you liked it, so I thought I would too! Long story short, it worked a little TOO well," I said rapidly with a giggle at the end. "Speaking of our day, how did it go with the Princess, Sid?" I asked as I booped his nose with my hoof. He chuckled and kissed mine before giving me his response.

"Oh, Melony, there hasn't been a more perfect opportunity!!" He said out of no where. He wrapped his hooves tightly around me. I couldn't help but smile and wrap my hooves around him, too! I buried my muzzle in chest; I can't lie he's the best!

"W-why don't you tell me about it, Sid?" I asked as I made myself comfortable.

"200,000 bits!" He said. Nothing else escaped his tongue. This really peeked my interest.

"T-two hundred.... For what?" I could hardly believe it! That's just the money we need for a bigger house, and to start our family! My tail began to swish excitedly as I thought a little further into our future with that kind of money. Suddenly, I noticed a moment of realization flicker through his eyes.

"For... F-finding and catching Changelings my gosh..." He said, before turning away, seeming a little disappointed with himself. My blood ran cold, not only did I fear for Sid, but also myself, and all of Equestria.

"Th-the changelings are back!?" I yelped out fearfully and hiding under my covers.

"No, it's probably just some wild goose chase the princess set up because she's paranoid! I guess I was just, too eager to see that!" He said. I was a little relieved, but part of me hoped there WERE changelings. We could really use the money, especially with one on the way as a family ready to begin their life! I did care about him a little more than the money, though.

"W-well, it could be a good thing... all the money in Equestria isn't worth losing you!" I held him tighter in my hooves! He smiled and ran his hoof lovingly over my stomach, a little shiver ran down my spine. It felt nice in some strange way.

"I know, how you feel, hun. But we're not the only ones who need the money anymore. Do you know how much a foal will cost us?" He was right, as much as I hated to admit it. Even with our current plan, we'll only get so far.

"I-I guess it's worth a shot, Sid, but what if something DOES happen to you?... I-I don't want to loose you. And the foal will need their Daddy around to watch them grow up and help them learn. Hun, I'm not the only one who needs you." I said, emphasizing by putting my hoof over top of his.

"The Princess already said she'll be making sure I'm safe. The real problem is the fact that there might not be any changelings to find! For all I know she was just being paranoid."

"Well, I guess we don't know for sure.... But just as there is a 'maybe not' there will always very well be a 'maybe' as well," I smiled at him, a little satisfied with my own advice. He smiled back at me and ran his hoof through my mane. The intimate contact drew a pleasurable shiver from my body.

"I guess you're right, Song," He started, I only giggled.

"Song?" I asked while still laughing quietly.

"Well, I figured, since you have a nickname for me, I'd make one up for you. Song matches your cutie-mark," I could feel the blush tickle my cheeks as I smiled.

"Song, huh? Maybe you should keep looking," I said as I held onto him a little tighter. He chuckled and kissed my cheek tenderly as he returned my embrace.

"I suppose I could probably ask the Princess if she knows where we should start. That might just get us started, on everything," I looked up into his eyes, staring deeply.

"J-just please! Be carful... we need you here, Sid," He only smiled and wrapped his wings around me. It was really comforting; I felt a strong, warm feeling inside my chest as I cuddled him back.

"I promise, hun, nothing bad will happen to me," I buried my muzzle into his chest, getting as close to him as I physically could. His warm, loving embrace enveloped me. I was finally relaxed as I felt the soft beating of his heart under my chin. I knew this was where I belonged, right here in Sid's hooves, right now. My eyelids suddenly felt heavy.

I felt him kiss my lips tenderly. I wanted to hold it out a little longer, to savor this moment. But I was very tired. I felt my eyes close as he pulled his lips away from my muzzle.

"Goodnight, Melony," That was the last thing I heard before drifting off to a deep, relaxing slumber.

Author's Note:

For any of you guys who are curious, Yes; the reason why she calls him Sid will be explained later. Sorry this took so long, life happened and I've been pretty busy. Luckily I've worked things out. Here you go, Chapter 3, I hope you enjoyed!!

Edit: This is me a couple years later coming back to revise the chapter (I know, great timing). Reading through these chapters again, I realized how much more I like the chemistry between these two now than I did back when I wrote it. I don't know why that is, if I'm biased, if I admire my own work too much or if their relationship dynamic really is that interesting, at least to people like me.
If you guys could give me your opinion on that in the comments I'd be really grateful. I just want to know what you guys honestly think about it.