• Published 11th May 2019
  • 653 Views, 18 Comments

A Disguise for Love - BrightMind

Spy Glass Makes a shocking discovery that could change his life forvever! The problem is deciding wether is was for better or for worse.

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Chapter 9: Her Majesty Pt. 2 (Chrysalis's POV)

It wasn't long after the invasion that I began planning my revenge! And I knew it was going to start with those traders! If only I had realized the significance of the missing spy reports before mobilization, then we would still probably have control over Canterlot.

When I had returned to the hive that night, I realized that not very many of my changelings returned as well. The amount of casualties taken during the invasion definitely made singling out the rouge spies more difficult. Given the number of reports I received before the attack, I came to the conclusion that there were four changeling spies who didn't return that day.

"Captain Butterfly!" I called out. With incredible speed, one of the few changelings I had left stood in front of me. She was a little bigger than most changelings, and her eyes were more of a dark violet other than the usual green or blue. She saluted her queen and despite the situation, she had a huge smile on her face.

"You called, your Majesty?" She said happily. I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm.

"We need to track down some traitors in Canterlot! I need you to train a few more spies."

"But, your Majesty, we only have so many Changelings left. If we plan on launching another attack, we'll want as many drones as possible!" She said to me as her mirth turned to concern.

"We're not launching another attack!... Not yet, anyway. First, we need to find the rogue spies. There are four who did not return this morning. I don't know if they had anything to do with our defeat, but they still refused to do their duty. I want them found and I want them dead!"

"D-dead?! Th-that seems a bit extreme... don't you think?"

"Captain, if we want our revenge, these spies must first be put to rest! There will be no loose ends! Do I make myself clear?" She shied away from my gaze and she whimpered softly.

"...Yes, your Majesty..." She said before darting off. She began training spies immediately, but revenge does not wait, especially for those traders! I sent a few spies out that night and required that they be back by dawn. The following morning, only one returned.

"Where are the others?!" I asked sharply.

"Your majesty, they have been captured! They were spotted at a performance near the castle." He stated after his salute.

"Impossible! How could they have seen through their disguises?"

"I-I don't know! They must have been expecting our return... I-"

"Who has captured them?"

"I don't know. Some pegasus stallion-"

"Perhaps he could be responsible for the first few missing changelings!"

"My queen! What are we to do with those that are captured?"

"There's nothing we can do now! I want more information on this stallion!"

"But, your majesty, with all due respect, I don't believe that it is very wise to pursue the very thing that-"

"WISE!?? Are you suggesting that your queen does not know what she's doing?! Do you think you know better than the very one who keeps this hive alive?!" He let out a sigh and shook his head.

"... no, your majesty..."

"That's what I thought! Now return to your duty!" At this, he slowly buzzed away.

"Y-Your majesty?" Captain Butterfly chimed in.

"What is it, Captain?"

"What do you think this stallion has to do with the rogue spies?"

"It could be possible that this stallion had captured these spies before the invasion began. If so, they get the benefit of a doubt and there will not need to kill them if we can find them."

"And... if not?"

"Let's just say that there will be five pests to exterminate. Why? Do my methods worry you?"

"It's just... if this stallion can so easily detect changelings... then we'd be risking what few changelings we have left. Don't you think, this plan is a little... irrational?" She said as delicately as possible.

"Anything we do in or around the city becomes just as risky with him lurking there anyway. This would render our efforts and years of preparation useless and revenge on Canterlot or even those potential rogues impossible. One way or another, Captain Butterfly, the odds are against us, but this hive is not going down without a fight! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your highness," she said as the smile returned to her face. I suppose she must have felt comfortable in being reassured in some way.

"Now, return to your duties! If we require a few pawns, someone WILL need to train them," I said as she buzzed off also.

Over the course of the next five years, I lost at least ten spies to this detective. However, my efforts were not completely in vain; for I did get the information I was looking for. As it turns out, the four missing spies were indeed traders: Melony, most often taking the form of a mare called 'Cloudy Cuddles', and now with a son; Lumous, often using the disguise of a mare called 'Caramel Glow' and captured at the play near the castle. There was also one other changeling spy that refused to return the morning after the play in the group I sent out. It is also found that they were captured in a separate situation later. The other two rogues have yet to be identified.

The detective goes by the name Spy Glass. He began his changeling hunting career only after the invasion. Which means he could not have captured any changelings before then. After the first couple of months of his new position, his morale decreased suddenly and he was no longer seen in public with his wife anymore. It is not known what happened to her, but he still claims that he is married. Still, this leaves a vulnerability; an opening if you will. A crack in the seal that only needs to be exploited. And all we need to do is find out just how to do that.

I took the form of a young pegasus colt and scanned over the city. Thanks to his lack of rest, he is easy to find out in the open, usually asleep. It wasn't before I picked up the scent of drama that I realized how hungry I was. I decided to take a break and for a snack and followed the scent that caught my attention.

The scent led me to a Café were a mare and her son stood just outside. I took the formation of a fly so that I could draw closer to them without being noticed. They seemed to be arguing. Something about the boy's father... I don't know, that's not what had my curiosity. It was the boy's eyes that caught my attention. They were too... changeling-like. I took a good look at the mother and noticed that she matched the description of the disguise Melony had taken.

It wasn't long before the stallion-of-interest himself showed up. That's when the pieces fell into place. His interests including a mare by the name of Melony. Uncoincidentally, Melony also had feelings for Spy Glass. This made things just too easy. What a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone I thought to myself as I followed Melony home.

… Or, more like 'kill two...No! Three pests in one trip.'

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed the peek into Chrissy's side of the story!
Now, as much as I LOVE working on this story, I don't know when I'll have time get around to the next one. There is just too much to do with such little time. I promise, there will be more chapters, and hopefully, soon. But for now, I've got some D&D Campaigns to finish and some homebrewed monsters and items to digitalize.
I love you guys, I really do!
Thanks for reading!

Edit: Future me again! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I remembered how much fun it was while revising it. For those of you who are curious. No, I never did finish that D&D stuff. That's because I know I never will. Seriously I got like 15 monsters now and a 25 page encyclopedia of homebrewed items. So I just do it when I know I'll need it for a game.

For those of you who are interested in this story and my work. I just made a tumblr account that I plan on posting my updates to. Plus, I plan on doing a few projects related to this story before releasing the sequel. If you really do like this story, then you won't want to miss it! My account is called brightmindartist.

Love you guys and I'll see you later!