• Published 11th May 2019
  • 649 Views, 18 Comments

A Disguise for Love - BrightMind

Spy Glass Makes a shocking discovery that could change his life forvever! The problem is deciding wether is was for better or for worse.

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Chapter 5: All Good Things... (Spy Glass's POV)

It was easy to tell that Melony was having a hard time. It wasn't the pregnancy or the move however, something else was definitely bugging her. Ever sense the night of the play she hasn't been acting like herself.

"Melony, are you alright?" I finally acknowledged. She was lying back on the couch, a little pink blanket covered her belly. She looked up from the book she was reading and replied.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?" She said.

"Hun, I can tell something's bothering you and I want to help," I said. she didn't say anything back she only let out a sigh and looked away from me. "Just tell me what's wrong, Melony, whatever's bothering you. I just want you to be your happy-self again."

"I-I can't tell you, Sid..."

"Why not?"

"I just can't... not yet..."

"...Do you not trust me? Is that it?" I asked. She quickly sat up and looked honestly into my eyes.

"N-no! Of course I trust you! I-I just don't feel comfortable yet," She said. There was a slight pause, before I spoke again.

"Do you not want to tell me?" She came closer to and took my hooves into hers.

"Of course I want to tell you, Sid. I would be SO relieved to get it off of my chest. I just need some time to think about it first... I'll tell you when I'm ready," she answered. At this, I smiled.

"Promise?" She giggled at my question, leaned in close and kissed my nose. I smiled and nuzzled her lovingly.

"I Promise!"

Over the course of the next few weeks, things seemed to get better. She began laughing and joking with me again. It seemed like any problems she had just disappeared. She became more comfortable in my presence again.

One day, I was decorating the baby's room late in the night (or early in the morning, I wasn't exactly paying attention to the time) and it was at this moment Melony had called to me from our room. "Sid, c-could you come in here?" She said, just loud enough for me to hear. I came to our room and was greeted by the very nervous mare; she was shaking slightly.

"What is it, Love?" I asked, feeling concerned for her.

"I-I can't do it anymore...." she replied in an unsteady voice.

"Can't do what?" I felt a little afraid at what she was going to say next.

"The lies! I've been lying to you! And I've been lying to myself! I've been lying to the both of us!.... And I can't do it anymore!" Melony broke down and began sobbing loudly, tears streaming down her face. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her into my arms, comforting her!

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Calm down! What's wrong?" I said wiping the tears from her face. She calmed down, leaning into my touch and embrace. She huffed a breath of composure before speaking again.

"Spy Glass," She began. It was odd to me, hearing her call me by my real name. "I love you so much... and I need you to know that I'm being entirely honest when I say that," she continued. "Since we are entering the biggest commitment of our lives... I figured it's time I stopped lying to you. I want all of our feelings to be genuine!"

"Melony, what are you saying? My feelings for you ARE completely genuine!" I stated. She only gave me the saddest look I've ever seen.

"...Promise you won't be mad?" It was an odd question. I've never been mad at her, even when I had reason to be. But I didn't question it.

"I promise, Melony," I said. She stepped back and, again, began shaking. A single tear ran down her cheek as she took in another breath. Her horn ignited, but instead of her usual light-blue aura, it was dark green. Her body was was engulfed in a green flame and a flash of light. When the fire was gone, she was visible once again. But it was no longer Melony standing in front of me. Instead, her place was taken by a changeling.

"M-Melony? Melony?! Where is she?! Who are you?! What did you do to my wife?...." I was in hysterics. Infuriated, but I was certain I already knew the answer.... I just didn't want to accept it.

"I-It is me... I'm Melony... the real Melony..." She responded. Her voice was unchanged, side for a soft, echo-y, bug-like sound that followed everything she said. She still shook and teared up as my reaction began to frighten her.

It was hard to tell if I couldn't believe what was happening or if I didn't want to believe it. Her wings buzzed as she shivered and her now hole-filled legs shook. Her eyes were replaced with a solid green color, no whites or pupils. Her once straight horn was now crooked and jagged. Instead of a mane she had small, transparent green fins, and her tail was now made of green chitin.

She was still so very beautiful.... yet, in the form of evil! My muscles tensed and I felt tears build up. I felt more than just backstabbed, but I still couldn't help but love her somewhere in my heart. One thing however, did not not change when she did: the bump on her abdominal area.

How could I be heart-broken yet so in love at the same time? Was it her method? Was it hard to turn her away because she was carrying my foal?..... It had to be... changelings are heartless monsters!

"You're not Melony..." I spoke, pushing away my emotions. She however, began tearing up again, soaking her cheeks once more.

"Wh-what do you mean? O-of course I am..." She said softly through her tears.

"Melony is kind and loving... she is NOT A HEARTLESS BEAST!! Melony actually has emotions!.... Melony actually loved me..."



"Sid, please!" She sobbed as she collapsed to her knees and pleaded, "I love you... I-I need you..."

"No," I turned away from her, ready to leave. "Pests like you can't feel love..." I then left the room. I felt empty and cold. Never once have I said anything so heartless.... Ironic, isn't it? How I call the the mare I love a heartless monster when I myself am much worse in my doing so. The truth is I need her, too.

I felt remorse hit me like a bag of bricks. How could I be so stupid? I turned back around, stepping back into the room to apologize, but she was not there. Not a trace.

It was this moment that I realized my mistake. Never in my life, have I ever been so wrong!

Author's Note:

Yes... this one is a sad one. But do not worry, this is not the end! Stay tuned for more!

Thanks to those who favorite, like or even read my story. I get the notifications, and it really encourages me to keep writing. It tells me that people actually like my stories, and want to see more. Thank you guys for reading. Peace!

Edit: Future me again! Here to apologize for this heart-breaking chapter. I'm having a great trip through memory lane as I revise these chapters. I just want to say that reading these chapters still sparks the same emotions I felt while writing and the ones I meant to spark in my readers (except I'm pretty sure I cried when I finished writing this one).

Unrelated note, but one I'd like to make. I've been trying to get my girlfriend to read this story but she doesn't seem very interested in it. And since we're wusses made for each other, I'm glad she wasn't, because I know she would probably also cry after reading this chapter and I would have to comfort her (not that that's problem, but it would definitely be hard to get her to keep reading after that).

Well, Love you guys and thanks again for reading.