• Published 11th May 2019
  • 649 Views, 18 Comments

A Disguise for Love - BrightMind

Spy Glass Makes a shocking discovery that could change his life forvever! The problem is deciding wether is was for better or for worse.

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Chapter 7: Five Years Spent Alone(3rd Person POV)

It's been five years since Melony left. Spy Glass could swear to himself that we was losing his mind. He never knew why, but he always told mares who were interested in him that he was already married despite Melony having been gone for years. He never took down the the stuff in the baby's room either, and he constantly found himself visiting said room.

Not long after Melony left, Spy Glass filed an order for arrest to the guards but secretly hoped that she would never be found. He had a hard time figuring himself out ever since then. He wondered what he would do if they did ever find her. Would he be able to forgive her? Would he still convict her, or would he want her back? Would they let him have her back?

This also begged the question: what about the baby? Of course they aren't a baby now. But what happens to them when Melony gets caught? Are they like her? These are thoughts that haunted Spy Glass all the time. It actually kept him up at night. So much so that it wasn't uncommon to see him asleep in public on his days off.

Spy Glass continued his job tracking down changelings. He had everything he wanted... Almost everything. He had plenty of money and he lived comfortably. But still, he felt very alone. Something was missing, and he knew what it was. He wanted Melony back, he didn't care that she was a changeling and he didn't care if their child was also changeling. He just wanted her back. That's when he finally fully understood that he messed up.

Melony hadn't felt comfortable in her skin since the day she left. She couldn't keep the same transformation for more than a couple of days, and she held more personalities than she could count. Unfortunately, this also meant that she couldn't hold a job for very long either.

Melony lived in a small, single-room trailer. All of her free time went into re-reading Sherlock Hooves. It reminded her of Spy Glass so much for obvious reasons. Thankfully though, Melony was not alone. Melony had a son, his name was Simon and he kept Melony from completely losing her mind! Simon was a pegasus with a heart of gold and refused to hurt anyone for any reason, despite his changeling heritage.

Simon was also... unnaturally intelligent. He had read the Sherlock Hooves novel and took a liking to all things mystery-related. He even solved a few himself. He was able to track down the mouse that roamed the trailer before Melony even knew it existed. Of course, Simon didn't have the heart to let it go so he instead befriended it. It is still a wonder how he managed it, but he did. He called it... well "It". Simon never went anywhere without It.

Simon was unable to transform like a changeling, so he was pretty lucky that his natural form looked more ponylike than changeling like. He had his father's white fur, but had a red mane like Melony's initial disguise. His eyes however were bug-like; green with no pupils. It didn't raise enough suspicion to cause a problem, but it did catch the eyes of a few bullies.

That didn't matter though. Simon had a friend and Melony had her sanity. They weren't the happiest, but they were alive... that's what mattered. Though, Melony did sometimes wish that she could change, the past. She wanted to be happy. She wanted to go back and live the way she did; back when she was happy... There have even been times when she considered going back, hoping that seeing Spy Glass again -even just for a moment- would be worth rotting in the dungeon for. She missed it. But now, it is too late. Now she's on her own.

The time was 8:00 am and Spy Glass decided on Icey's Café for breakfast. It's been so long since he's been here, and familiarity is just what he needs right now. Speaking of which, there just so happened to be a familiar face behind the counter today. "Good morning, Sky Beam!" He said.

"Spy Glass!? Oh my goodness! It's been too long how have you been!?" She claimed, trying to give him a hug over the counter.

"Tired. Haven't been able to catch a good night's rest in forever. Could I get some coffee and a breakfast plate?"

"Coming right up! I guess changeling watch is a tough job, huh?"

"...Like you wouldn't believe! Hey, how are you Mr. Red doing?"

"Well, since Mr. Red bought the Café, I got to keep my job here, and we've been living more comfortable than ever. Little Red's about ready to start school, and she's very excited!" Sky said.

"...Little Red?"

"Oh, right! I forget how long it's been. Little Red is our daughter. Well... her name is Sweet Match, but because of her red mane and coat, Mr. Red gave her that nickname. She's almost five now.... speaking of which, how's Melony and your kid, doing."

"O-oh... th-they're fine..."

"It's been so long since I've seen Melony. We should set up a play date for Little Red and... and... w-what's your foal's name? I don't believe I've met them yet..." Sky Beam said.

"Great idea! I'll see what I can do!"

"Wait what about.... M-Melony?..." Sky Beam had started, But Spy Glass had walked away before she could finish. He sat at a table and rested his head on top of it. He thought briefly of Melony's whereabouts before falling asleep on the table.

Not long after, Melony and Simon decided to visit the same Café for breakfast. The same one they've been eating at every morning for the last five years. Because of Simon's inability to transform, Melony chose a specific disguise for herself while visiting here, to keep suspicion at a minimum. She had taken the form of a white pegasus mare with a cloud for her cutie-mark.

The two immediately went to the front counter. "Hi there, Cloudy! Hi, Simon! What can I do for you two?" Sky asked happily.

"Hey, Sky! We'll have the usual," Melony replied.

"Coming right up! …And if I'm right, it's a certain special colt's birthday today!" Sky smiled at Simon and he perked up, nodding quickly.

"How old are you today?" She asked.

"I am exactly five years, two hours, thirty-four minutes, and forty-six seconds old today!" He said excitedly. Both Sky and Melony giggled.

"Five years old! Wow, I suppose you'd like a birthday muffin then?" Sky asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, please!"

"Perhaps you're even old enough to come back and help make one!" She suggested. Simon nodded vigorously.

"Wait, what?... A-are you sure that's a good idea, Sky?" Melony asked.

"C'mon, Cloudy, there's no harm in a little baking, and I'm sure Mr. Red wouldn't mind."

"A-alright. If you're sure. I-I just don't want be a problem."

"No problem at all! Though, It will have to stay out of the kitchen," Sky giggled. Simon took It out of his pocket and put him on the ground.

"Alright, It, stay here with mom, and try not to get lost," Simon said before heading behind the counter. It squeaked in response and stuck close to Melony's hoof.

"You know, Cloudy, if you need some extra bits, I'm sure I can convince Mr. Red to-" Sky started before being cut off.

"I-it's fine, really. I couldn't do that," Melony said quickly.

"...Alright then... just... let me know if you change your mind," Sky Beam smiled before turning around, back into the kitchen.

After Sky Beam had left, Melony had picked an awfully familiar scent. One she got while reading the Sherlock Hooves novel. One she had missed for a very long time. She looked frantically around the café, searching each table until her heart leapt at one that caught her eyes. There, at the middle table, Spy Glass rested his head on the table, sleeping.

Melony drew close to him cautiously. She couldn't help it, she wanted nothing more to be close to him again; to be in his hooves. S-sleeping in public is dangerous... right? Melony thought to herself. That's right! S-somepony could steal from him at any moment! O-or worse! I-I should probably sit with him... for just a moment... to protect him.

Melony pulled up a chair and sat down beside him, gradually closing the distance between them. It wasn't long before she found herself cuddling up against him. It, who had somehow gotten on the table, gave her an odd look. "D-don't worry, I know him.... H-he's a heavy sleeper he won't... How'd you get up here? You really shouldn't be on the table, you know that.... Oh, stop judging me!" Melony frantically explained to the mouse. It rolled his eyes and curled up on Melony's muzzle. "I trust my secret is safe with you?" Melony giggled.

Spy Glass let out a soft groan and slowly opened his eyes. "Um... hello there?" Spy Glass said. Melony quickly jumped up and blushed deeply. "Do I know you?... I-is that a mouse on your nose?"

"Uh... yes... Um, this is It... and I'm Cloudy Cuddles... nice to meet you..." Melony said, trying to regain her composure.

"You named your mouse 'It'?"

"Oh... I didn't name him... and he's not mine..." Just then, Simon came out of the kitchen, a huge smile painted his face.

"The muffins are baking. Where's It?.... why is he on-" Simon's eyes grew wide as he saw Spy Glass. "M-mister Spy Glass?" Spy Glass smiles at him.

"That's me!" Spy Glass said.

"Oh! I'm a huge fan!! I'm Simon, it's so nice to meet you!" Simon exclaimed. Spy Glass raised an eyebrow at him.

"You know I'm only a private investigator, right?"

"Only the GREATEST private investigator ever! It's like meeting the real-life Sherlock Hooves!"

"Well, it's interesting to meet a young boy so interested in investigation work. It's nice to meet you too, kid," Spy Glass smiled at him. "I'm guessing that's your mouse on Miss Cloudy's face?"

"Oh! Right! Come here, It," Simon said as he picks him up and puts him back in his pocket as Melony giggles.

"Hmm... Interesting eyes you got there, kid. Mind if I ask how that happened?" Spy Glass said.

"Oh! I was born with them," he said.

"They look a lot like a changeling's," Spy Glass commented. "They are definitely really cool!" Simon shied away a little bit.

"Y-You're not going to take me in, are you?"

"Of course not. Real changelings wouldn't leave such and important detail uncovered," He smiled. "You know if you're really interested in detective work, I could probably let you tour my company building, if you want to, that is."

"C-can I?" Simon asked hopefully. Spy Glass handed Simon his card.

"I don't see why not. I'm sure I can pull a few strings to get you in there, just keep it on the 'down low'," Spy Glass winked. Simon's eyes lit up and Melony giggled again. "Now, if you'll excuse me, my food should be here any moment. It was nice meeting you Simon, and... uh... You too, Cloudy," Spy Glass smiled. Melony turned away and blushed.

"C-come on, Simon," Melony said softly. The moment may not have lasted very long, but it was pure bliss to Melony. Just to be around Sid again warmed her to her very core. She doesn't care about the risk of the situation. It was worth it.

"What was It doing on your face?" Simon asked his mother. Melony only blushed deeper.

"Tell your mouse to stop judging me..."

Author's Note:

Hey, guys!! It is currently 1:30 am and I have work at 7:00 am! I came to tell you that it was worth it... at least for now, I might regret it when the sun comes up, but right now, I'm proud to have finally gotten this chapter out! I hope you guys enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Edit: Future me! Chapter has been revised. I know this chapter seems a little rushed, and it was! Things happened pretty fast, but that is mostly just because I had to make a few new introductions and set a few things in motion as well as catch you guys up. I feel like it started strong and ended great. And that's a win in my book.

I love you guys, and I'll see you later!