• Published 11th May 2019
  • 653 Views, 18 Comments

A Disguise for Love - BrightMind

Spy Glass Makes a shocking discovery that could change his life forvever! The problem is deciding wether is was for better or for worse.

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Chapter 8: Her Majesty Pt. 1 (Melony's Point of View)

Of course I hadn't told Simon who his father was yet, and at this point, I doubt he'd believe me if I did. He'd probably think I'm making stuff up just to impress him. Besides, I'd prefer not to relive those memories anyway.

Sky Beam returned with our breakfast and she left a muffin on the table for Simon, too. "Enjoy, you two! And happy birthday, Simon!" She said enthusiastically before returning to the counter.

"Thank you!" Said Simon as he took a chunk out of the muffin and fed it to It. As he ate, Simon stared at the business card Sid gave him.

"You know, Simon, if you want to take that tour, you can," I said to him. Some part of me wanted him to spend some time with his dad. Even if Simon didn't know it was him, he deserves to know his father. Simon let out a sigh and pocketed the card.

"As much as I'd love to.... I couldn't. Spy Glass isn't easy to fool and I don't want to get you into any trouble. The more time we spend around him, the more likely we are to get caught," he said sincerely.

"B-but what about your eyes? Aren't those a give-away? He didn't suspect anything when he mentioned those," I said to him in reply. I didn't want to admit it, but I knew he was probably right. I knew Spy Glass better than Simon did, probably even better than Spy Glass knew himself. It will take nothing more than the slightest shutter and he'd know everything.

"Well chances are, if he doesn't suspect me, then he suspects that a changeling is involved in some way. Of course he doesn't suspect you yet because no changeling would walk around with an undisguised foal. But if we were to show up and act nervous around all those changeling hunters, then they would definitely have a good reason to suspect us," he said. I sighed and looked at him.

"I... uh... suppose you mean me?"

"I saw how you were just a moment ago, and it was a clear give-away. It seems he thought you were only flustered, so he hadn't suspected a thing."

"Look, Simon, I trust you can keep your composure... alone-"

"Are you suggesting I go without you?"

"It's your birthday, and this is your dream!" I exclaimed.

"A-are you sure about this? Our disguise is more believable together..."

"Of course! Go meet your hero! I'll be fine alone. Besides... even if I do get caught... you're smart, and I know you can handle yourself. I promise, son, everything will be just fine. No matter what happens!" Simon smiled and wrapped his hooves around me in a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, mom!!" At this, I smiled and held him in my hooves. "Hey... Uh... mom? Do you mind if I ask you something?" Something told me that I already knew what the question was.

"S-sure, son... what is it?"

"I just... well, you always tell me that I wouldn't understand, and that I'm not ready and.... you'll know I will understand, right?" I sigh softly and nod. "Who's my father?"


"No! Mom, I want to know, and I'm ready. What, did he not want me? Did he leave us? Is he dead? I will understand, I don't care if he ever comes back... I just want to know. And you know as well as I do that I have every right to know! Please mom..." he said, his voice shaky and unstable. He was on the verge of tears. That would make two of us.

"Simon, I know you're ready. I understand that you have a right to know! I want to tell you, Simon, but I'm not ready yet!" I said to him. I looked around the Café and blushed when realized how much of a scene we were making. I stood up and grabbed Simon by his hoof and took him outside, where it was less crowded, thankfully.

"Not ready for what?" He asked once the doors had closed behind us.

"Simon... Your father is still very much alive and I love him so much!"

"Then why isn't he here?!"

"Because he didn't want me!!…. he didn't want me..." I sighed and tried to regain my composure. "Look, your father and I ended on bad terms, and I still haven't gotten over it. I'm not ready to re-live those memories. Day after day I can never forget what happened between us, but I'm not ready to remember. Simon, I know your ready to know, but I'm not ready to talk about it... I'm so sorry," I ranted as tears poured out of my eyes.

He said nothing, all he did was take me into a tight embrace. It wasn't long before I stopped crying and held him in an embrace of my own. I giggled softly though my tear filled eyes. "You look a lot like him you know. Just like him, you always know just how to cheer me up," I said.

"Are you two alright?" Said a voice I knew all too well. There, Sid stood in the door way to the Café. I said nothing in response.

"Y-yeah... just some personal issues..." Simon said as he wiped his eyes.

"I see... perhaps that tour would lighten the mood?" Sid offered yet again.

"Absolutely!!" Simon exclaimed happily. I couldn't help but giggle.

"I suppose I should head home then," I said.

"You mean you're not coming with us?" Sid asked.

"Well someone has to have lunch ready by the time this rascal gets home!" I said as I ruffled Simons mane. Simon hugged me once again and smiled wide.

"I love you, mom!" He said.

"I love you, too! Now, don't keep Mister Spy Glass here waiting," Spy Glass smiled and tipped his hat before they headed down the street. I turned around and slowly made my way home.

It wasn't long after coming before a knock came to the door. When I opened it there was an oddly familiar brown unicorn mare on the other side. "H-hello there?..." I started after a short moment of silence.

"Hello, Cloudy! It's been so long! Come now, give me a hug," the mare spoke up, reaching her hooves out.

"D-do I know you?" I asked in confusion.

"Probably not!" She said mirthfully. Then her voice dropped to a whisper as an evil grin painted her face. "But I know you, traitor~"

"...Who are you?... What are you doing here?" I asked after a wave of Deja vu washed over me. The mare let herself in and closed the door, locking it behind her as I sat there dumbfounded.

"What's wrong, Melony? You don't recognize mommy?" She said. It was then when I understood what was going on, but before I could run, I was already in enveloped in her green aura. In a flash of green light both her and I were revealed in our true forms. Chrysalis glared deep into my soul as she pinned me against the wall.

"I should kill you right now! I should have killed you years ago! Are you aware what your betrayal costed us!?" Chrysalis scolded. I only whimpered and nodded, trying to keep from looking into her eyes. "I want nothing more than for you to feel the same pain and suffering you had caused the hive!" She lets out a sigh as she calms her rage. "Fortunately for you," she continued with a hint of disgust. "I require information from you."

"Wh-what d-d-do you want from me," I managed to spit out.

"I want Spy Glass gone! As much of a menace you are, he's been chipping away at my army and spies. And it just so happens that I know a little rat who knows him better than he knows himself. So, little rat, if you value your life, you will come with me peacefully." I was close to tears and I struggled frantically!

"I can't! I-I won't!!" I said, trying my hardest to escape her powerful grasp.

"Perhaps I should rephrase that:
It would just be a shame if little Simon had to grow up without a mother, now, wouldn't it?" My heart caught in my throat as I thought about it. "And it seems he doesn't have a father either. What a shame! The poor boy will be all alone." Chrysalis smirked wickedly as the tears streamed down my face. "Perhaps his mother can do something about that?" I said nothing; there was nothing I could say. I only nodded. She stroked my mane and smiled.

"Good girl! Come now, we have a pest to 'exterminate'!"

Author's Note:

I know, I know. This wasn't the best chapter I've written. In fact, it very well could be the worst. But there was a lot of needed context in this chapter that I had to squeeze in. Besides, if I had stopped because I thought that the chapter was no good, I know that I probably wouldn't have been back for a while. I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway. Thanks for reading.

Edit: Future me! I was definitely wrong, I know this isn't the worst chapter. I knew it could have ran smoother and it could have been a little more intense, especially here at the end. Love you guys and I'll see you later.