• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 6,348 Views, 439 Comments

Lookout Equestria - RadBunny

After a severe thunderstorm, a fire lookout awakes to find himself in odd forest and cut off from all contact. On the bright side, at least the fauna is friendly. Well, most of it.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven: Row by Row

The next week followed a familiar schedule; more media interviews, helping scientists and historians transcribe things (as best as the man could recall,) and touring Canterlot. To say Jason wasn’t a city fan was an understatement, but Canterlot wasn’t that bad. Ponies seemed to enjoy the greenery over a concrete jungle, at least here, so there were plenty of small gardens, plants, and various shrubbery here and there.

Everything was starting to fall into place, Celestia having gotten a Citizenship Application approved for the human. It was quite a stack of papers, but Jason certainly appreciated her initiative on the matter. A passport, ID, bank account; it’d allow him to fully embrace Equestrian society, something Jason was actually starting to become excited for. Relying on others just didn’t sit right, not after the Event. Having some independence would relieve that obnoxious itch at the back of his mind.

Even more curious was the mention of something happening near his tower. Celestia had been very peeved that Discord had refused to elaborate. But apparently it was…a thing.

So that was at least progress in a direction.

Yet as everything else began to work out, one thing he couldn’t understand however was Galley. The gryphoness had grown increasingly ‘off’. It was a subtle thing, but making Jason a tad worried over this past week. A few odd glances here and there, the gryphoness being more fidgety each time they met. Considering they saw each other at lunch and usually for a while in the afternoon, it had been extremely obvious that something was bothering her.

And yet during their talks she was as attentive as ever, the familiar spark in her eyes returning in force as she listened. But she otherwise seemed hesitant to look at him when they walked around or were in a more casual setting.

Did the novelty of hanging around a human wear off? No, it’s Galley. I thought I at least had a general idea about her. But people-erm, creatures, can surprise you.

Perhaps I’ll just ask her, no, I already have. And the response is always the same. Just that she’s fine, personal stuff, and so forth. Not my place to pry, especially after letting her know I can be a listening ear.

It was a mixed bag. One moment she seemed actively trying to not look at him, yet the other she seemed to enjoy his company immensely. On taking him to a Hoofball game she certainly had no qualms sitting at his side with a wide grin the entire event, the pair squished among other ponies at the stadium. Heck, he almost sat on her tail a couple of times she was so close.

So, whatever it was, it was situational. The man had started to explore further into basic Equestrian social cues, so perhaps in the next day or two he’d find some answers. Considering the next section was on gryphons, that held promise. Maybe there was some social rule of sorts? Something he had missed in the general discussions they’d had?

Yet as they met for another tour, Galley’s eyes shone with that ever-present energy as a smile flickered onto her beak.

I just can’t figure you out, and you won’t tell me…so all I can be is honest I suppose.

“Really for tour of the lower areas? It’s a bit more of an industrialized and neighborhood mix again,” Galley explained, Jason enjoying the fact whatever was bothering the gryphoness didn’t seem to be in full force quite yet.

“Sounds good. It’s nice being in a city without a ton of pollution.”

“Oh, right. You were saying how yours are sometimes smothered in the stuff. Reminds me of Manehatten or Baltimare. Flying above the factories? Bleh,” Galley remarked, sticking out her tongue in disgust.

“Another reason I liked my tower job,” Jason agreed. “And speaking of which, something is going on there, I just don’t know what. Celestia and Discord seem to be a bit ornery about it. As long as they didn’t burn it down, I guess no harm done…”

Galley shrugged as they continued to walk, the pair meandering now through ‘rural’ lower Canterlot, the roads dotted with farm stands, blacksmithing shops, and hole-in-the-wall dwellings that, if the smell was anything to go by, made amazing food.

“Well, I haven’t heard anything other than the same ‘something’ word in the guard, so I can’t help you there,” she admitted. “I wonder if…eh, if it was a portal or something, they’d have told you. I do find it odd.”

Jason nodded, sighing with a shrug.

“I trust Celestia, Discord too, as odd as he is.”


Both human and gryphoness let out a scream as a pebble in the road yelled at them, Galley clinging to Jason’s waist as he promptly punted the offending rock down the road.

“OW WHydidyouhitmeimmediately….” Discord called out as he sailed down the road, then appearing at the pair’s side with a grin.

“How is my favorite human doing?”

“…I’m your only human, last I checked,” Jason replied, apparently not noticing as Galley released her grip a bit reluctantly, feathers fluffed up as a bit of pink colored her cheeks.

“True! I just wanted to say hello, and confirm indeed that there isn’t really anything going on at your tower. Celestia is worried about rumors and all that.”

Discord glared at the pair, shrugging as he pouted, Jason and Galley glaring at him, clearly not impressed.

“Fine, don’t believe me! But that was the message I was tasked with delivering. Ta-ta!”

After Discord vanished, Jason rubbed his temples and gestured towards a distant shop.

“I stand corrected. I usually trust Discord. That was weird. I just, ugh. Want to get lunch?” he asked. “And something sugary and chocolatey. I didn’t expect to encounter a yelling pebble.”

Galley nodded, trotting after Jason with a grumble.

“Right behind you.”

“That was horrible,” Celestia groaned as Discord floated in front of her, the throne room bare aside from them.

“I’m fantastic at lying unless I’m supposed to lie; you know that!” Discord whined, Celestia shaking her head.

“But no further developments?”

“No. I’m watching it like you watch a freshly-frosted cake.”

“That’s a horrible analogy,” the Alicorn pouted, then looking over to Discord curiously. “I have to ask. There isn’t by chance-”

Discord chortled as a still-steaming cake flew into the room- the feathery wings evaporating as it settled in front of the Princess.

“You know me too well. So, am I forgiven for my horrible lying skills?”

“Mmhmm,” Celestia replied, otherwise now occupied by a large slice of the vanilla-raspberry dessert.

“I will let him know eventually,” Discord mused. “Just not yet. Not until something concrete pops up.”

The rugged man stared at Jason with a curious gaze, letting out a sigh as the younger individual gasped for breath.

‘Take deep breaths, son. You’re safe in here,’ the strange individual rumbled, checking the number of shots left in the massive revolver on the small wooden table in front of him before stuffing it in a worn leather holster underneath a patchy olive-green jacket.

‘Craziest thing I’ve seen this week, you hollering to draw those creatures off that group. What were you thinking? You got lucky my traps didn’t smash you along with them.’

Jason shook his head, levering himself up to sit at least somewhat upright.

‘Couldn’t just let them die. I was the only one who could save them, so why wouldn’t I?’

The other man stroked a well-kept grey goatee, letting out a huff as he drained a small cup of its contents.

‘Plenty of reasons why not to, very few as to why, at least in times like this. You’re an interesting one, and for that I’m glad I managed to help you out.’

‘I can’t thank you enough, Mister….’

‘Gah. That makes me sound older than I already am. Just call me Harv,’ the man waved a hand at Jason’s words.

‘Seems like you’ve got a nice setup here, I’m impressed. Wait…you’re one of the Hunters, aren’t you?’

Harv chuckled, gesturing around at the second story of the auto-shop.

‘Hunters? Bah. Is that what they call us? This is just the result of having friends and a hobby, and I suppose we did used to hunt things. Well, it was a noble ‘prey’ you might say, but I am curious, son. Why did you do it? Risking your life like that is not something you can wildly do in a time like this. It’s almost every man for himself.’

Jason stayed quiet, then looked up with a rather fiery gaze that seemed to cause Harv’s mouth to turn up in a slight smile.

‘You said ‘almost’ every man for himself?’

Harv nodded.

‘Aye. There’s some of us that are helpers to a fault, and I suspect you may be one of them. Am I wrong? Why did you do it?’

‘You seem rather focused on the why.’

That gave Harv pause, and Jason continued.

‘Because if I knew that I could save someone’s life but didn’t, just because of a risk to myself, I don’t know if I could sleep at night. I knew I had a decent chance of getting away. I knew that group, with their injured, couldn’t. So, I took a chance. And that’s worth saving a life,’ Jason looked down at his shaking hands with a sigh. ‘Still reap the effects afterwards though.’

Harv gestured to a leather jacket on the counter, the man standing with a grunt.

‘It’s burning you up, son. You’re trying to do good in this wretched situation, but you can’t keep it up without consequence. I tried that before all of this, and it nearly killed me. You’re quite the odd one, and I mean that in the most respectful way I can.’

The Hunter stood up, showing the back of the leather jacket with a heart and two crossed wrenches.

‘I know that kind of thinking, and I’m trying to help you. It nearly burned myself up and my friends. We couldn’t fix it all. The world isn’t like a bike, but we tried.’

‘A biker gang? Wait, the Heart Wrenches? Why are you telling me all this?’ Jason asked, rather perplexed.

Harv laughed, shaking his head as he sat down.

‘If you call a bunch of fifty and sixty-year olds who roamed around a gang. Hah, far from it. I’m telling you this because you have the same problem I once did. Maybe I’m wrong, or maybe that shot of whisky did a lot more than it ever has before. Just listen, because I don’t know who else I’ll get to tell before this is over, alright? If anything, take a breather from this apocalypse and indulge your elder.’

Jason nodded, taking a seat on the stool in front of the Hunter as he continued.

‘We had our families, and riding was our relaxation. But it turned into something else. Do you know what we were all about before this?’

‘I only have heard some news stories, all good.’

‘That’s the sum of it. We fixed things; the heart and the machine.’

‘I don’t follow.’

Harv paused, looking at the empty glass on the table and turning it upside down.

‘We all had our problems with families, rough upbringings, bad luck and so forth. Helping others made those problems go away. If some lass had a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, suddenly you weren’t thinking about your nights left alone as a child, you were focused on helping a lady get back on the road.

A family running out gas in a bad part of the city? The bad memories you tried to drink away now vanish without the booze as you gas up their car and send them on their way. My point is that you’re doing what we did at first. I rode around as Harv, helping people. But that became too much. I couldn’t keep it all straight in my head. Helping others for some just isn’t natural at first. So, what I did wasn’t what ‘Harv’ would do at all. You follow?’

‘I think so. You’re talking about separating it all, focusing on the task itself and keeping the other stuff from your personal life separate, right? Like when you’re fishing, to make it all go quiet.’

‘Exactly!” Harv replied, nodding in approval. ‘Except that’s hard to do with people. Talking and such, you have to be somebody, can’t just ignore them and focus on the task like with a rod and reel, or fixing a broken spark plug. So, we became the Heart Wrenches. I wasn’t ‘Harv’ when I rode, I was a Wrench. It became easy after that. A Wrench didn’t have to think about bad memories or the traumatic stuff, they just had to focus on helping others. The, after the few hours were done, Harv, or Bills, or Derran, or whoever it may be, can tune back to their own problems.’

‘That makes sense in a roundabout way. Just focusing on the task to recharge, then tackle the problems again afterwards.’

‘In a way. It was about being someone else for a time to get through it.’

Harv stood, gesturing to the outside world that peeked through the boarded up windows.

‘I’m still a Wrench here,’ he whispered, ‘because if I try to think about this nightmare like I normally would, I’d lose it. I lost my daughter to those creatures, a son too. My wife and other son are on the outside and if I think about it all, I’d be paralyzed,’ the man’s green eyes narrowed, looking over to Jason with a much more intelligent air than anyone would pin on the rugged Hunter.

‘Son, everyone is different, but we handle bad situations in a few predictable ways. I see your hands shaking still. Look at mine, and I killed ten of those creatures not a few minutes before saving you.’

The man’s calloused hands were steady as he held them out, goateed mouth turning up into a smirk.

‘That’s not because I’m old or seen more than you. I never killed a single living creature until this mess started.’

Jason could only stare as Harv gestured to the symbol on the biker jacker, and then reached into his worn coat to retrieve a tattered bible. He placed it and the revolver on the table, gesturing to the items briefly.

‘These are the two symbols I live by now. Two wrenches replaced by a gun and God’s word, but I still have the same goals. Do you understand what I’m getting at? Some people can take it, they can mold experiences immediately to themselves and harden their soul to it all. Some of us can’t, and we must have a shield. You need a shield, but I can’t pick it for you.’ Harv’s eyes softened, putting the bible and revolver away.

‘Son,’ he said, seeing the younger man’s head snap up in attention. ‘I saw a man a year or two your senior blow his brains out in a survivor camp two days ago. He had food, water, shelter, and relative safety. He just couldn’t take it. I don’t want you to end up like that.’

Jason nodded solemnly, clearly not sure what to say.

‘That’s my advice. Consider a listening ear your payment for me saving you, if that puts your heart at ease,’ Harv grunted, standing up. ‘If you’re a god-fearing man, I’d say perhaps place your shield in His hands. If I may ask, are you?’

‘Would have been alone for these past two weeks if I wasn’t, so yes.’

Harv’s eyes squinted in slight mirth, the man shrugging.

‘Then perhaps that’s your shield, your symbol. But it’s not my place to say.’

‘I think I’ve already got an idea, Harv. You’ve given me quite a lot to think about.’

Putting a hand on Jason’s shoulder, the Wrench leveled his gaze.

‘Don’t do it halfway. If you think the best way is to use a symbol or shield, you commit to it. The Mighty doesn’t take half-hearted efforts, and if you choose something else to use, it won’t work unless you become whatever it means. You understand?’

‘I do, Harv. Thank you again.’

‘Now let’s get going. I can point you towards a survival camp that is still secure.’

‘I don’t suppose you have a can of spray-paint lying around?’ Jason asked, prompting a nod.

‘Want to make a mark?’

‘In a manner of speaking. I already know who to trust rather than fate. But there’s another, different symbol I’d like to strive and emulate too.’

‘It’s a very personal decision, but your quickness has me surprised. May I ask what it is, son?’

‘Well, this second one, it stands for courage and protection.’

‘On what I saw today, I’d say that’s rather fitting. Follow me.’

“Ok, so let me see if I’ve got this right. It really is a pleasure to meet you all,” Jason remarked, gesturing to the five very amused ponies in front of him. It had been about a week since the siren incident (and thankfully no other nightmares had arisen other than the one that kept him up a few days ago.) The Elements of Harmony, Twilight excluded, had made some time to travel to Canterlot to meet Equestria’s first human. After simple introductions Jason wanted to double check that he didn’t accidentally mix up the names of this world’s heroes. He was fairly certain they’d just brush it off, but it was a matter of personal pride.

“Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter.”


“Rarity, Element of Generosity.”

“Correct, dear.”

“Applejack, Element of Honestly.”

“So far so good.”

“Fluttershy, Element of Kindness.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“And Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty.”

“Leaving the best for last of course!”

Jason was all smiles as he shook their hooves, gesturing around to the castle. “So, from what I hear you’ve saved the world a few times? I really am honored.”

“We kinda lost count. It’s in the job description,” Rainbow called out as she hovered. “Yeah, we’re sooorta a big deal. I know I am at least.”

“Oh, she’s humble too,” Applejack grumbled, Jason struggling to control his laughter.

“Well, I think Twilight wanted to meet us for a snack, except I’m still learning my way around this place…”

“This way, Sir!”

“Right. Guess we follow the…bouncing…pink…guard?” Jason blinked as Pinkie pronked ahead of them in a full royal guard’s outfit.

“Dear, don’t overthink what she does. Twilight did that once and it gave her a week-long migraine. She’s just being Pinkie Pie, and Pinkie does what Pinkie does,” Rarity remarked with a wave.

“…follow the bouncing Pinkie without questioning. I can do that.”

“So, what’s the worst outfit of the week?” Galley asked Celestia as they sat in the gardens, the Alicorn letting out a hum in thought.

“A noble tried to wear what looked like a giant purple slinky on their head. It went about as well as expected.”

As the pair dissolved into giggles, Celestia made sure to move her crown aside as the food was delivered to the stone table. It was a simple gesture; crown on meant Galley was talking to her boss. Crown off meant they were just having a lunch between friends.

“Oh, I saw that horrible apartment again when showing Jason around. Seriously, how has it not been repainted?” Galley groaned as Celestia got the guiltiest expression on her face.

“Actually, if you scrape the paint off it has been repainted a few times.”

“Wait, what?!”

Celestia waved a hoof in exasperation. “It’s not my fault that a few paint deliveries might have been re-routed during a nasty storm! The cost to re-finish the place was of course paid for…in a different color.”

“And that happened a few times? I almost feel sorry for them.”

Celestia grumbled and shook her head. “They made repeated remarks concerning my sister, namely about how her return was an unfortunate affair. They’re lucky I didn’t schedule that entire building for demolition.”

“On second thought, how soon can we re-route a thunderstorm over that area? I’ll bring the paint.”

Smiling to the empathetic gryphoness, Celestia settled down slightly and sighed. “I really do enjoy these talks, Galley. Not many other creatures treat me as just another pony, so I love these moments we get.”

“Well, you’re my friend for a good reason, Celestia. It’s a pity not many others can see past the regality at times. I can understand that, being seen as a predator and stuff. Neither is terribly fun, I imagine.”

Celestia nodded in agreement, then settled her head on her hooves in curiosity. “So, Jason’s been doing alright? I’m just glad that siren incident wasn’t a bigger deal. I wasn’t even aware they were testing those so soon.”

“Yeah, other than that. He was really spooked, but no harm done.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at the reply. It was said in a completely normal tone, and yet… “Are you doing alright, Galley? You’ve seemed a bit distracted this past week.”

The slightly-puffy gryphoness shook her head, but then relented with a sigh. “Eh, just some personal stuff. I’ll let you know if it’s appropriate to bring up.”

Nodding at the honest response, Celestia’s eyes then widened. “Did we warn Jason about Pinkie?”

“Uh oh, I don’t think so. Wait, isn’t there a karaoke event today?”

“Road trip to the cafeteria?” Celestia immediately suggested as they got up, the gryphoness nodding.

Immediate road trip.”

“Whoaaaaa we’re halfway there!”



Celestia and Galley walked into the ending lyrics of a song and the thunderous applause of the attending guards and staff. Pinkie and Jason bowed, a large microphone being absorbed back into the pony’s mane as they walked off stage, the man in stitches of laughter.

“Ok, that was just too fun!” Jason gasped, Pinkie bouncing at his side.

“We should toooooootally do that again!”

“If you do, let us know next time. Sounds like we missed quite a show,” Celestia remarked with a grin, Galley nodding at her side.

The pink pony and human bumped a hoof and hand, the pair separating as Jason wiped off a bit of sweat from his brow.

“Ok, that pony has an impossible set of lungs. That was pretty fun though.”

“I just wish we had heard it.” Galley grumbled, ears perking up as Jason nudged her shoulder with a hand.

“I’ll let you know next time Pinkie visits then.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed in amusement as the simple touch made Galley’s feathers fluff up, the princess making a mental note of the matter.

Two months.

It was an odd thought. Over two months since being in Equestria proper, and about three-fourths of that being in Canterlot. A few weeks ago he had met Equestria’s greatest heroes, and he was actually starting to get the feel for Canterlot, at least some of it. Still had to decide on an apartment though. Celestia had an idea for a few jobs, but to get his paperwork official to avoid the legal ‘mumbo-jumbo’ that would inevitably arise was the priority.

To that, Jason could completely agree. It helped that he had a sort of schedule nowadays; meetings in the morning, be it with scientists, media, or answering questions from the Princess's, and then tours and general 'tell me about this world' time with a certain gryphoness.

And yet…

As he packed a small bag for his usual workout, the man shrugged, musing over the possibility of asking Celestia if everything was alright with Galley. If he was the issue, he’d rather be the first rather than last to know.

Jason then paused, grinning as he changed directions to the library. It was a strange idea, and one that was probably over-stepping a few boundaries, but curiosity won out. Cadence’s words rose to his mind with a pleasant hum but surely, he was overreacting.

He had been reading for a good hour or two a day, be it about Equestrian history, social customs, and so forth. The man had just finished a section of noble courting customs, and that had opened a door in his mind that had, until this point, remained only cracked open.

Thanking his luck that nopony was nearby, Jason aimed towards the required section, easily finding the book, as he had read the previous volumes a few times over.

‘Gryphon history and customs, volume three; Inter-gryphon relation observations.’

Flipping through the pages, Jason sat down and began to read, eyes widening at the increasingly obvious realization of his predicament.

‘Gryphon courting customs.

While gryphons are proud, standoffish, and somewhat reserved creatures (usually,) they are no less passionate in their feelings than ponies or other creatures in Equestria. Due to their biology, a few obvious subconscious ‘tells’ are present during courting that make their social circles both incredibly awkward and amusing if one knows what to look for.

Unfortunately, such knowledge had largely faded with the destruction of the Gryphon Empire, and is only now resurfacing as a new generation integrates with the old and the world beyond the Kingdom’s borders.

Like any other creature, Gryphons act differently around individuals they are interested in, whether they want to portray it or not. As a Pony may stare for a time, a gryphon(ess)’s feathers may fluff ever so slightly to varying degrees in the presence of their prospective suitor. Obviously, this is a difficult sign since general emotion can cause such a reaction, but it is consistently present in 98% of cases studied, in which the focused individual was near the subject.’

Jason let out a breath, kneading his temples as a possibility began to crack through to his consciousness. He had never really considered Cadence’s words seriously, not until now. There had to be more; a fluffy gryphon was hardly a sure sign.

‘Another, even more confirming ‘tell’ is with a gryphon’s tail. This is a completely subconscious action, and therefore is accurate to over 99.7% of subjects surveyed. In the presence of the individual a gryphon fancies, their tail will always shift to the side of their body closest to the one of their affection. If able, their tail will wrap around a limb, or rest slightly against their desired creature. Even when fully aware of the action, a gryphon is unable (save a few rare cases,) to prevent this action from occurring once it leaves their immediate awareness.’

Jason let out a breath, putting two and two together with a soft huff.

“Fluffy feathers, and goodness how many times have I nearly sat on your tail? It’s usually always….’

Always on the side towards me, or gently resting against my foot.
Galley’s increasing nerves around me, fluffing at every touch?
I may be bordering on the ‘denial’ stage of things.
As the possibility continued to grow in Jason’s mind, the man set aside the book, forcing himself to go down a logical path.

Am I ok with the idea of having, and returning feelings to somecreature in this world?
Where could that lead? Am I ok with that?
I can’t lie to myself about this. I need to figure it out so I can answer honestly, should the issue escalate.

The more he thought about it, the more Jason couldn’t help but smile. It was an odd mental bridge, for up unto that point he had humanity and sapience joined, inseparable. If you were not human, you were not self-aware in the same respect, at least as far as one could tell.

But now I’m in a world full of sapient creatures that just look different. They have dreams, emotions, hobbies; the only difference is physical. Well, society aside. Looks aren’t really the oddest thing about being here anymore.

…I have called Galley cute and adorable on more than one occasion, and I do enjoy being around her. I just haven’t thought about it past that. I haven’t let myself think past that.


It was a mental leap that was barely even a jump. It was more of a step, recognizing the separation of ‘self’ and ‘humans-only.’ The fact that thinking about Galley brought a smile to Jason’s face was good enough answer for him.

I suppose, if I’m right about all of this, it really wouldn’t be that weird or unpleasant at all. I trust her, she’s a fantastic friend, and rather pretty as well.

At least compared to other gryphons, but I’m not an expert on that subject.

Jason leaned back in his chair, now chuckling to himself.

“I suppose that’s it then. Now how in the world do I bring this up to clear the air per say?

I hope I’m right, but even if I’m not, at least I can be honest with myself now. Having a life in Equestria, one with more than just friends, is a possibility I’m ok with.

The more I think about it, the more I’m much more than ‘ok’ with it. I can have a life here.

A complete life.

That final thought actually caused a few tears to spring to Jason’s eyes, as though it had never resonated fully that he could be happy in all aspects of his life here, even with trusting moments only a significant other could provide.

Of course, I’ll have to tell Cadence about all of this. I can see her bouncing around already…

That thought brought a wide grin to Jason’s face as he replaced the book, slinging his gym back and heading back to the gym.
‘Welcome to Equestria, Jason.’ Those words were sincere, but they didn’t really sink in until now.
I think I can finally feel welcome here. I can live here.

As the night fell, Galley stared out at the window at the stars, claws kneading into some soft wood.

I don’t know how to deal with this. Duty. My own wishes…just…

She took a few deep breaths, signing and dating a form before slumping into a pillow. She had already sent and canceled the form to Celestia; yet here she was signing it again.

‘Position Transfer Request.’

Author's Note:

Life progressing for Equestria's token human! :pinkiehappy:

I've decided to split this story into 2 books- so it will wind down within a few chapters. Life sometimes kills motivation, but I do have an idea where I want things to go with this eventually- just may need to take a break.
But I don't want to leave a story unsaid- at least offering some sort of conclusion! I REFUSE! :yay: