• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 6,348 Views, 439 Comments

Lookout Equestria - RadBunny

After a severe thunderstorm, a fire lookout awakes to find himself in odd forest and cut off from all contact. On the bright side, at least the fauna is friendly. Well, most of it.

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen: Paths

Twilight glared at the circuit board as if it had offended herself and every ancestor prior, stabbing a hoof at the item.

“Electricity. Is. ELECTRICITY!” she growled, staring at a capacitor as Jason was bent half-over in tears of laughter.

“I dissected phones and computers from the human world I visited! But this? This is nothing like that!” she exclaimed. “It’s a capacitor. Visually identical to the one I’ve taken apart, but behaves nothing like it!”

“Erm, Twilight?” Jason asked.

“And this! THIS microprocessor! Ok, it looks different, but STILL!”


She finally looked over to Jason the man gesturing towards the pile of circuity in the underground ‘testing’ lab.

“Isn’t that human world the same one where magic was still a thing? Where a demon thought world domination would begin with a high school?”

Twilight’s left eye twitched, the alicorn staring at the human in shock.

“So…if magic was a thing there, why wouldn’t electricity possibly be different? I mean, magic is a form of energy right?”

“You…” Twilight pointed at him with a hoof, a wide smile then spreading across her face. “You’re right! Oh, that means there’s a totally different system of electrical interactions! Particle physics itself may be different!”

“…uh oh.”

“I need to think, and test. Lots of testing. Thank you, Jason! But don’t you have a meeting with Cadence?” Twilight asked as she levitated a dozen books, parchments, voltage meters and circuits over to her.

“R-right, I think I do. I’ll leave you to it then?”

Jason quickly backpedaled as Twilight entered her ‘scientist’ mode…to which he thought would be completed by some lightning, tesla coils, and mad laughter.

To be fair, he had seen the mad laughter before when she found his backup of Wikipedia included dark matter equation theories.

“You have to tell him,” Discord stated flatly, glaring at Celestia.

“I know.”

“You’ve already begun construction, and it’s not fair to him.”

“I know that too, Discord. And I will. Why are you so impatient about this?”

“Because I am the one who caused him to even be here! And you need my magic to stabilize a potential connection. Fluttershy is worried about him, always asking about the new human here.”

“Ah, there’s the real reason…”

Discord huffed, gesturing to a wall of diagrams in Celestia’s private study.

“So, you will tell him? Today?”

“Yes. After the meeting with my adopted niece. I’d like you to be there; perhaps you can explain it best. I had to wait until I drew up some plans with Luna.”


The Draconequus looked genuinely perplexed, Celestia summoning a stack of folders and sending them his way.

“Plans to have Jason help, because of course he’s going to insist. A simple magical scan won’t sate his curiosity, nor help his trust.”


Celestia facehoofed with a sigh.

“You seriously didn’t even consider his likely insistence on helping, did you? Just on the initial reaction.”

“Maybe. But naturally that was to let you draw up the plans and give you a chance to grow.”

The alicorn’s eye twitched as Discord chortled, skimming through the plans with an approving nod. “But really, Celly, I am impressed. You know this human much better than I. I think it’s a fantastic idea to help, and I know how you ponies appreciate plans. I think that will help Jason immensely.”

Sitting down with a sign, Celestia looked over a few of the plans, her wings rustling in thought.

“I just hope it works. I know it’s a small chance, but you said it will definitely be two-way?”

“Yes. No matter what happens, it will be a two-way deal. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“I think that helps things, at least he won’t have to make a concrete decision if things escalate. I just don’t want to give the appearance of false hope though.”

Chuckling, Discord floated in the air and examined a pile of bubbles, a cocky grin forming on his features.

“False hope is hope nonetheless. And this is hardly false, simply a long shot. But who knows? Maybe he’ll get lucky. Maybe this entire world will roll the dice in favor of true hope.”


*deep breath*


Both Jason and Galley clasped hand and talon over their ears as a certain pink princess hopped up and down excitedly with a crystal-cracking squeal of joy, prancing in place as a wide grin plastered itself across her face.

“Are you done?” Jason asked, taking out the pre-position earplugs as the Princess continued to hop up and down, then taking a deep breath and nodding.

“Yes, thank you for indulging me,” Cadence replied with a still-present grin. “I have to say, I’m a bit surprised…ok not really,” she admitted. “I knew this was a possibility, remote or not, but I’m here to help however that may be.”

Thoroughly enjoying the flustered gryphoness at his side, Jason shrugged as he reclined in the cushy chair, the private conference room secluded off in a portion of the crystal castle, the previous few hours having been taken up by a tour of the Empire.

“Well, mostly advice,” he admitted. “I am not sure what specific things Galley has, but I am just looking for some general pointers. This is all completely new to me, and kind of unexpected.”

He clearly noticed the slight drooping of the gryphoness’s ears, so the human casually reached over to ruffle them with a smile.

“Of course, not a bad thing in a slightest. I just don’t want anybody to get hurt, myself or you,” Jason remarked, looking over to Galley.

“I mean, that’s kind of where I’m at too. I didn’t really expect him to even be open to the idea of being something more than friends,” Galley admitted. “And I don’t think we’ll be going on official dates just yet, but I think we just want some general inter-species pointers? Jason told me as much as he could about their relationship cultures, but it’s still only part of the picture. Gryphons aren’t known for their complex relationships, sooooooooo, yeah.”

Cadence laughed at that, summoning a series of diagrams, charts, and papers with ease as she let out a thoughtful hum.

“Well, I suppose we can start with the basics. The curriculum I have for inter-species relationships covers a pretty broad set of parameters, so I think it’s still perfectly useful for you two.”

“…uh, curriculum?” Jason asked, prompting a happy nod.

“Of course! While I may be a Princess, I do enjoy being a relationship counselor; it was one of my jobs as I grew up,” Cadence explained. “Well, more of a side job because I love doing it. Nothing fancy, just an appointment here or there for the super-tough cases that get referred my way after a bunch of screening. Buuuuut you two get to the front of the line of course!” she then held up a hoof as Jason opened his mouth. “And I appreciate the thought, but don’t worry, no creature is going to be pushed aside to make room for you two.”

Jason stared, Galley looking at him in surprise.

“How did you know that was my question?” Jason asked.

“Because you’re a helper, Jason,” Cadence replied with a dismissive wave. “The idea that others would be in detriment to forward your own circumstances would be unsettling. I don’t know you too well, but I know you enough to guess that much.”

The man could only nod, shoulders shrugging in agreement.

“So how about for today, we start with very, very basic things,” Cadence explained. “Are there things either of you want to bring up that you could see being potential issues right off the bat? I ask this because many times it helps having a mediating party, such as myself, when directly trying to explain it is difficult.”

Jason didn’t miss how Galley was fiddling with her claws, he glanced over to her briefly.

“Galley?” Cadence asked, the gryphoness letting out a grumble.

“I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Well, perhaps I can help coalesce your thoughts? Jason, no butting in.”

The man nodded, making a zipper motion with his hand as he leaned back in his seat.

“I guess it has to do with being a gryphon,” she began, running a set of claws through her headfeathers. “We aren’t really known for expressing emotions. Growing up around ponies, I kind of broke through that a bit but it’s still a bit tricky. I’m just worried that something I perceive will spiral out of control, because I’m not used to confronting it. Kind of like applying for a transfer instead of just talking to Jason.”

Cadence nodded, seeming quite pleased at her opening up, and at Jason simply listened attentively.

“So, if I’m hearing you right, Galley,” the Princess began to re-iterate. “You’re concerned that the influence your culture has had on you will cause you to bottle up your feelings instead of expressing them, and potentially try to ‘fix’ the issue, without actually ever confronting it with the other party?”

Galley nodded, the Princess then looking over to a pensive human.

“Any thoughts on that, Jason?” she asked kindly.

“I think it’d be rather counter-productive to just have me reply with ‘just talk to me,’” Jason mused. “So, would it help if I took the lead on such things? I obviously can’t know about a problem unless you tell me, but if it looks like you’re having trouble putting thoughts together, would having a time like this,” he gestured to the room, “be helpful? To just sit down and listen, knowing that I want to help?”

The gryphoness was quiet for a moment, then finally nodded, clearly exploring a new realm of her life that wasn’t terribly common up to this point.

“I think so,” she finally said. “The main thing that would help, I think, is listening to me even if the concern seems silly or stupid,” Galley paused, ears drooping as Cadence encouraged her with a slight smile. “If I feel like you’re happy to help even with those things, I think that’d push the whole ‘fix it myself’ idea away, at least a bit, because I know a better way is there.”

The fact Jason raised his hand slightly made Galley’s ears perk back up, Cadence nodding.

“If I ever say that a concern of yours is ‘stupid’ or something like that, you have my full permission to slap me,” he stated flatly. “Family, friend, something more; if someone is concerned about something, I really don’t want to ever see it as ‘stupid.’” He paused, gaze drifting to his hands that now rested in his lap. “Plenty of my concerns may appear ‘silly’ to most. Making sure I know where the exits in a room are, always wanting to have a weapon within arm’s reach even if I know things are safe…so what kind of hypocrite would I be to criticize your concerns?”

The tender smile on Galley’s face was clearly testing Cadence’s limits, the Alicorn clearly having to bottle up another squeal as the gryphon sniffed.

“Thank makes sense, and thank you,” she said softly.

After a few moments pause, Cadence glanced over to the human curiosity.

“Jason, is there anything on your mind? Something you’d like to voice?” she asked kindly.

He shrugged at that, eyes scanning the crystal floor briefly before looking up to both the Alicorn and Galley.

“Only that I hope you’re ok with taking things really slow,” he admitted, running a hand through his hair. “Like, I want stuff to settle in my mind before even starting an official date. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. With so much going on, I want to make sure I don’t act on some sort of whim, if that makes sense. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to pursue this, but I just want to be sure. It’s both a huge adjustment, and not, at the same time if that makes sense.”

Galley nodded happily, stifling another sniffle.

“I’m just happy you’re even open to the idea. Slow sounds good to me,” she admitted. “Remember, I’m rather new to this whole idea too, letting myself think about the possibility.”

“So…maybe not much changes, at least for a short time?” Jason suggested, “But more of just spending time together without that giant ‘what if’ hanging over our heads? As friends with plans for more?”

A happy nod and third sniffle from Galley confirmed the human’s words, Cadence clopping her hooves together happily.

“I’d be more than happy to meet with you all on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, just let me know,” she suggested.

“Maybe next week? See how things in our heads are going?” Jason suggested, and got a nod from Galley. The man then got a completely smug grin on his face, waving a hand towards Cadence.

“It’s a date!”

The two matching groans made the human cackle.

‘To Jason,

Please meet us in the throne room this evening.’

-Celestia, Luna, Discord (Lord of all Chaos.)’

The letter had been waiting for Jason when he got to his room, the man shrugging as he set it aside. The ‘lord of chaos’ bit made him definitely sure Discord had been a part of it. But what could they want? Perhaps he’d finally get an answer to this nebulous ‘something’ that had been going on in his tower?

He could only hope. But first, a hearty afternoon lunch awaited him. As he made his way towards a usual eatery, Jason couldn’t help but smile.

Quite a productive morning, getting things out in the open certainly puts the mind at ease. And Galley was fine with taking things slow while I figure it all out in my own head.

Progress is progress.

The tension was palpable as Jason walked into the throne room, despite not a hair being out of place. Celestia was calmly sitting with Luna, Discord floating above the pair looking rather excited. Galley was off to the side, apparently allowed to be there as an observer for some reason. Maybe because she was going to be interacting with him on a daily basis, and the more unsettling but likely reason that Jason would need somecreature to talk to about ‘whatever this is’, with someone.

Well, I appreciate the forethought, if that was the purpose.

The fact the room was sealed and a few magical spells crackled around the door made Jason’s hair stand on end, but his nerves subsided as Celestia sighed, shaking her head.

“Ok, now that’s done, so we can all speak freely,” she said. “I’d rather have this be a conversation between friends, rulers, and ambassador, if that’s alright, Jason.”

The man nodded, taking a seat on one of the steps near the trio.

“Sure. I’d prefer that to a stiff and formal meeting any day,” he admitted. “What is this all about?”

To his surprise, both rulers looked to Discord who eagerly spun midair.

“Oh! Is it my time? Excellent!” he gushed, floating down to settle next to Jason. “They thought I’d be the best one to break the news in a lighthearted way. Simply put, my good fellow, the different dimensions have stabilized, and we have begun building a portal!”

There was an audible ‘CLOP’ as both Princess’s smacked their foreheads with hooves.

“Two parts, Discord,” Celestia groaned. “That was supposed to be two, separate things, said apart to blunt it.”


Jason stared at the rulers and God of Chaos, standing with his brow furrowed.

“Ok, please explain this,” he stated flatly, “Is this why I haven’t been allowed to go back to my tower? Due to some ‘events’ going on? ‘Something’ occurring?”

“Yes, and I apologize for the secrecy,” Celestia admitted. “But we needed to be sure, and I wanted to draft a series of plans for you.”

“Plans?” Jason asked.

“For you to be a part of it all. We never expected you to stand idly by,” Luna chimed in.

Now Jason sat down, Discord’s words now fully hitting.

“Wait. So, a portal, a way home…?” he whispered, Celestia shaking her head and gesturing to Discord.

“We don’t know, Jason. We aren’t sure. Discord, if you please?”

The Draconequus sent hundreds, thousands of bubbles flying this way and that, every one coalescing around a single, larger bubble.

“Here we are, my good man,” Discord explained, gesturing to the large bubble. “As you can see, hundreds of other ‘dimensions,’ or ‘realms’ are semi-attached to ours. In time, we must make a permanent connection with one of them, a two-way road to make sure our own bubble doesn’t collapse. You follow?”

Seeing Jason nod, Discord continued.

“Now, your world could be one of these bubbles. They all are from around the time I yanked you here away from that storm. But at the same time…”

“None of them may be a match,” Jason butted in, causing Discord to nod.

“Correct,” he admitted, “every realm is the result of a single different choice, maybe large, maybe small. Now, your presence here will cause similar worlds to be more common, so they may be completely indiscernible from yours. But some of those may have you still being very much alive on them, or be completely different. We just don’t know.”

“Thousands of realms? And this portal?” Jason asked, clearly overwhelmed but trying to make sense of it all.

“Thousands upon thousands. This portal will let us establish a temporary, two-way connection. A permanent solution has to involve both worlds and creating a separate structure, I think,” Discord explained. “The Princesses wanted to avoid telling you all this until they had a plan for you to help you. Because, correct me if I’m wrong, you aren’t about to stand idly by and let us explore without your involvement.”

Jason managed a nervous smile, nodding as he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes flickered over to Galley who seemed to be on pins and needles for some reason.

“Pretty much. If I’m going to find my home, I want to be leading the charge. And I am the ambassador after all.”

That produced a few chuckles, Celestia stepping forward with a hint of worry on her features.

“Are you alright, Jason? I know this has to be a shock….”

“A shock? Princess, I went from accepting my fate here to now possibly having a way home. The word ‘shock’ doesn’t cover it,” Jason replied abruptly, staring at the floor. He took a few deep breaths, shaking his head a few times.

“No. I have to continue to believe I won’t find my home. There’s hope now, yes, but to find my personal dimension where there isn’t a second Jason wandering around? That is sounding more and more unlikely. If anything, I can at the very least help you all establish a relationship with some sort of world. I dare not dwell too much on hoping for the ideal outcome.”

“That is the least-painful way of thinking about it, yes,” Celestia admitted.

Jason was quiet for a time, eyes flicking across the stone floor in thought.

“Then where do we go from here?” he finally asked.

“I would like to show you the progress of the portal near your tower, and then go through the plans I have drafted up of how to proceed. I want your involvement, if that is something you’d like,” Celestia said.

“It is, but I need a day or two to get my head around this.”

“Of course. Please feel free to ask us any questions,” Luna interjected. “We’ll leave you two be.”

Celestia seemed to have almost forgotten about Galley, nodding as Discord whisked all three away out of the throne room.

Galley walked over and sat next to the human, Jason shaking his head slowly.

“You ok?” she asked softly, the man letting out a chuckle.

“I don’t know, I really don’t,” he admitted. “It’s a bit much to realize. But I think I’ll be ok. What about you? To say you looked antsy is an understatement.”

The gryphoness let out a grumble, wings shifting at that.

“It’s just a stupid…”

Jason glared at her, and Galley abruptly burst out into a soft laugh.

“I already forgot! Sorry! Not stupid.”

“Better. What’s up?”

Galley stared at her claws, wings now drooping slightly.

“If we find a world that you could live in, are you going to leave?” she whispered.

“What? No!”

The immediate response made Galley’s head snap up in shock, looking to the amused human in surprise.

“Not permanently at least,” Jason admitted. “As I told the Princess’s, I couldn’t go back to only live on Earth unless I had my mind wiped. And apparently that’s super dangerous for this long of a time span. I’ve started a life here, and there’s no guarantee we’ll even find a world. So, this is my home now. I couldn’t just leave and forget everything here.” He reached over to ruffle her ears with a smile “And forget everyone. We just went to pre-dating therapy. I’m not that scared of taking you on a date to flee to a different planet.”

That produced a relieved giggle, the gryphoness smiling genuinely now.

“Thank you, Jason,” she whispered.

“Anytime. See? Not stupid. That’s a valid concern, especially with the whole ‘before dating’ thing,” he replied. “So as far as I’m concerned, even if I find a world, I live in Equestria and can be an Ambassador to Earth. That’s the plan, and I’m sticking to it!”

“I like that plan.”

Jason stood up and stretched, gesturing towards the door.

“Want to get some desert?”

Galley hopped up and immediately followed the human towards the large entrance with a nod, her worries being left behind in an instant.

“Duh. Banana split time?”

“Oh, we’re going big. I will conquer the large size yet!”

The guards outside the throne room couldn’t resist a few grins as the pair made their way towards Canterlot proper, looking towards an unsure but bright future.

One thing was certain, however.

That future involved a hefty portion of ice cream, bananas, chocolate syrup…

And if a gryphoness had any say in the matter, significant amounts of hugs.

End of Book 1

Stay tuned for the Epilogue…

Author's Note:

And thus some questions are answered and more crop up, and Jason's tale comes to a close...for now.

I hope this didn't appear TOO rushed; but it was either leave loose ends dangling or force another filler chapter, of which I had no desire to write.
Onward to the epilogue! :yay: