• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 6,317 Views, 434 Comments

Lookout Equestria - RadBunny

After a severe thunderstorm, a fire lookout awakes to find himself in odd forest and cut off from all contact. On the bright side, at least the fauna is friendly. Well, most of it.

  • ...

Chapter Four: Friends

“Mommy, why is there a siren on our phones?”

“This is not a test. This is not a test. All residents of the previously mentioned counties are to seek shelter now. Do not go outside. Do not open your windows. An incident has occurred at the Takil Chemical Plant and is spreading across the immediate area. This is not a test. Shelter in place immediately. Close all windows and doors. If you are outside, seek shelter in the nearest building. Use all available resources to prevent outside air from entering the room such as damp towels in cracks or duct-tape. All residents of the previously mentioned counties, seek shelter now. Seek shelter- Immediate correction. There has been an additional incident at the Cattail Flats Nuclear Plant, more information will follow. Take shelter now. Take shelter now. This is not a test. This is not a test…”

“Get your masks on!”

“Was that another explosion?”

“It wasn’t near the chemical plant!”

“All residents, seek shelter now. Seek shelter now. This is not a test. This is not a test.”

“What about the reactor across town? What about the dam?”

“They just said the Cattails flat plant got hit!”

“Get your masks on! Jason! Tape that window, hurry!”

Jason woke up with a jolt, a cold sweat dotting his skin as his chest heaved. Still resting against the central fire finding console the human glanced down to see a still passed-out gryphoness flopped across his lap, alien stars shining through the few cracks in the boarded-up windows.

Nightmares. Great, as if I need to deal with those again. Just about a decade ago and still a specter. At least Splotchy didn’t wake up; what are the social norms for this, I wonder? It was nice to not be alone, at least in some sense.

Why does it all come back now? Stress, if I had to figure. But I’ll never be free from all that, even if I’m about as far away from that event as physically possible.

Seeing the moon still present in the night’s sky made Jason’s shoulders slump, the man then frowning as he heard some scratching and from outside.

Munch all you want, wolves. As long as you can’t tear down the tower in one night, I’m good.

The nightmare warded off sleep for the moment, and Jason reached over to snag a familiar picture frame from the backpack near the door. His eyes watered as they wandered over his family, the crushing weight of his situation starting to crush on his mind.

I can’t believe we survived those months; I just hope you all are ok. Maybe I’ll find a way to send you a message, let you know I’m not dead.

Will I ever see you all again? Will I see anything familiar again?

The man reached up and massaged his eyes, a few tears leaking out from his fingers.

And I still don’t know what’s going on! Some simulation? Or maybe I’m in a coma? I just don’t know…

As the man wept silently the gryphoness shifted a bit closer in her sleep, providing a bit of comfort even if not intended. Jason finally set the picture aside and adjusted the pillows behind his head, wiping the tears away with a hand.

Well, at least nobody was here to see the lonely human cry. That’s a plus.

As he drifted back off to sleep, the man failed to notice two eyes slide open for a few moments, genuine concern radiating from their green depths.

A rather obnoxious ache in Jason’s neck heralded the arrival of morning, the man wincing at his slightly awkward position as a dim sun shone through the cracks in the wooden shutters.

Well that was a cruddy night. Ugh. I’m surprised I didn’t have a panic attack with all of this happening. Then again it hasn’t fully set in, I think.

That’d be fantastic. Collapsing into a shivering mess when meeting an alien ambassador.

Apparently Splotchy was still exhausted from either the painkillers or her wounds because the gryphoness didn’t so much as make a sound as Jason moved her back onto the camping pad. Not that he minded being a pillow; but it was a gesture of good faith.

Assuming personal boundaries are even a thing here. One of many things to learn, I guess.

The storm from the previous night was still somewhat present, a few darker clouds dropping rain showers here and there as they scurried across the blue sky. A slight breeze swirled around the tower, bringing with it the mix of alien scents of the forest. After taking care of the usual ‘wake up and get ready to tackle the day’ routine (which consisted of a brief breakfast and shaving,) Jason snagged the shotgun and began to inspect the structure for damage from the previous night. On examining the exterior of the lookout, the man frowned on seeing some rather large gashes across the base of the railing; evidence that something had been trying to climb up rather unsuccessfully.

Evidently the wolves did understand the ‘fence’, and also understood it meant nothing if the human wasn’t there to enforce it.

“Smart wood-wolves,” he muttered, taking a breath of the air. The gas mask was hung inside the tower, no reason to get it now. Any airborne pathogens would have surfaced by now…he hoped.

After that dream I’m half tempted to walk around with that thing strapped to my face, but the filters wouldn’t last. Best save them for a real emergency- outside of an alien planet. That’s a weird thought.
And yet I still get these blasted headaches. It’s not like the migraines that come and go with the weather or stress.

After examining the partially-full rain barrels, Jason ascended the stairs once again, letting out a chuckle as Splotchy waved weakly at him on entering the room.

“Hello hello. Get some sleep?” he asked, trying (and failing,) to resist a grin as the gryphoness definitely blushed and averted her eyes.

A mythologically fierce creature blushing. I wouldn’t have thought such a sight to be this adorably cute, yet here we are. Best ignore it for now until I know what such a thing even means.

If it’s similar to why humans blush, well, that’d be interesting.

“Well, of that I’m glad. Looks like those wolves were scratching at the base of the tower. Maybe your friends will show up today?”

A shrug greeted his words, the gryphoness flinching as the clouds overhead rumbled ever so slightly.

“Eh, just a slight rain shower I think,” Jason mused, seeing two green eyes look at him as though expecting a reaction to her obvious discomfort.

As a light rain began to fall, Jason shrugged off both the t-shirt and lighter undergarment on his torso, standing outside in his worn shorts as the rain washed away the grime.

“A shower…well this is a nice treat,” the man mused, taking the opportunity to wash as best he could. Of all the days to wear shorts for his morning inspections…that was lucky. Wet pants took forever to dry in the humidity.

Galley’s eyes widened slightly, seeing that the clothing the man wore was, in fact, just that. Most creatures didn’t wear such things all the time, but it had quickly been obvious these humans didn’t see their naked bodies the same way Equestrians did. Instead of formal or accessory wear, clothing seemed to be an integral part of their life. Her curiosity immediately washed away the embarrassment of recalling the previous night.

Such an interesting culture. And that…who was it? David atten…atabough? He wore clothes too. I assume most humans do?

What struck Galley wasn’t the odd hairlessness (mostly) of the man, but the light grey and pink scar that stretched from Jason’s hip and up across his chest. It was easily as wide as one of her claws, jagged and very brutal in appearance.


Just after toweling off, Jason noticed Galley’s gaze clearly directed to the scar. The man let out a soft huff, picking up his shirt.

“I don’t know if there’s such things as criminals here, individuals who break laws for various reasons,” the man mused, shrugging on the two overgarments once again. “But in my world, humanity usually falls into a few categories. The majority are good people, just wanting to live their life how they see fit and not be bothered. There’s a subset who want to protect people, help them, do good in the world proactively. Then there’s another small category; individuals either in power or not who want to control or otherwise hurt people. The reasons vary; and from an outside perspective it may seem trivial. But beliefs, looks, living area; all are reasons for these bad individuals to want to hurt or control someone.”

He gestured to the now-hidden scar, and Galley’s green eyes widened in surprise. For a brief moment there was something sharp and predatory behind the human’s gaze, similar to when he had burst into the clearing a few days ago to fend off the Timberwolves. For whatever reason, a slight shiver ran down Galley’s spine at seeing that look; and she wasn’t sure if it was a fearful one or something else.

“That’s the result of some of those bad people attacking a city I was living in. Or rather, they attacked some areas surrounding it that caused a major catastrophe. A lot of people died; my family were some of the few who didn’t. A few bad individuals can do a lot of evil if they put their mind to it, not sure if it’s like that here.”

Galley nodded, and her response seemed to put the human’s heart at ease.

“That’s rather relieving. Trying to explain humanity, both good and bad, to a society that would be somewhat utopian? That’d be difficult.”

She laughed, or tried to. Sides shaking as her green eyes narrowed in amusement.

“Is that a laugh at the thought this place is utopian?”

The gryphoness nodded her head, and the man sat down in the chair with a grin.

“Well, I guess I’ll fit right in!”

Sunlight began to peek out among the clouds, and Jason stood up with a grunt and looked out the rain-speckled windows.

“Huh. Easy come easy go…”

The tower began to shiver, and the man grabbed the metal tube- what he called a ‘shotgun,’ and opened the door.

“Wolves are getting bolder. Hold on.”

Galley frowned, snagging the ear mufflers that lay nearby. What she failed to notice however, was that the locater beacon had stopped blinking.

“Ok wolves, green eyes or red today? And how did you get up the stairs so fast? And during the day too.” Jason muttered, stuffing some earplugs in as he peered over the side.


“Hello? Anyone up there?” the voice had an odd accent; German?

Humans? Maybe they were brought here too?

First time I’ve heard a friendly voice in this place.

The man’s brown eyes widened, a genuine laugh escaping his frame.

“Aye, about time someone showed up. You a friend or foe?”

“That depends which you are.”

Holding the shotgun at the ready, Jason heaved the trapdoor open.

“Well, I’m a friend, and quite frankly I’m tired…of….” his words trailed off as an alabaster horse stared at him, clad in some familiar golden armor and holding a spear somehow in the air.

The shotgun came up, the man gesturing to the creature as he aimed.

“What are you?! A unicorn?”

“Uh, yeah? What are YOU?” the Unicorn replied, holding the spear at the ready. “And where is Private Stonefeather?”

Stonefeather? Wild guess…

Jason was about to reply when he heard wingbeats, and then something very sharp pressed against the back of his neck.

“Drop. The. Weapon.”

Jason slowly set the shotgun down and raised his hands.

“Ok, you must be her friends. Talking Unicorns…horses-”

“Ponies,” the voice behind him hissed, the man still keeping his hands up and voice calm.

“Ponies, alright. Look, if it’s the gryphoness you’re looking for, she’s inside and injured. I bandaged her up as best I could.”

Three armored ponies shoved their way past him, the spear-wielding creature behind the man still keeping pressure on his neck.

“I’m not going to hurt anyone. If you’re her friends then that’s good enough for me. I know she activated some locator beacon. So, can you please not stab me?”

The spear retracted and a familiar yet completely alien figure flew into view, wings somehow keeping the creature aloft.

“A Pegasus?”

The armored pony nodded, gesturing to the man cautiously as he landed on the railing.

“Yeah? And you are…?”

“A human. Pretty sure you don’t have them here.”

“No, we don’t. Bipedal like a minotaur, Satyr, or one of those cats.”

“…there’s minotaur’s and Satyr’s?”

“Uh, yes?”

“Private Nail, don’t talk to the alien!”

“Sorry sir.”

Jason couldn’t resist a grin, leaning against the raining as he saw a few more Pegesi swooping closer.

“This is just crazy. What kind of simulation is this?”

“Uh, Sergeant? What is that thing?” one of the ponies called out as the other three ponies carefully moved Splotchy/Private Stonefeather out the door.

“Hello, I can hear you. A human named Jason here,” the man remarked cheerily as he waved.

“Don’t talk to it- erm, him. Wait until the Princess gets here.”

“…hold up, who?”

The Sergeant, who Jason could now distinguish by the odd markings on his armor, oversaw the gryphoness being strapped to a backboard held by Pegasi, then turned to him with a huff.

“This is very outside of my training. Princess Celestia will be here shortly to discuss…well, you.”

Jason nodded, running a hand through his hair as the Pegasi and injured gryphoness carefully flew off.

“Well, alright. I’d certainly like some answers.”

The sergeant was clearly a professional, not pushing the matter any further…for about thirty seconds.

“What even are you doing here? You’re not from Equestria or any other land,” the Sergeant asked, sitting down as his three companions watched the human with a guarded gaze.

“Equestria? Is that what this place is called? Fitting I guess,” Jason mused. “I have no idea what I’m doing here. I was on my world, Earth, and got hit by a crazy thunderstorm. A creepy laugh echoed everywhere, and then I popped up here a week or so ago. Assuming seven days is a week.”

“Discord perhaps?” a guard pipped up before being shushed by the others.

“And what of Private Stonefeather? Her wounds are severe, but clearly treated.”

“So that’s her name? Nice to know that at least,” Jason remarked. “I heard a call from help during a nasty storm a few days ago. A flare went up and I saw a bunch of those wood-wolves attacking her. Fended those off and brought her back here. I couldn’t do much for her broken bones but splint it, but managed to stop the bleeding,” he then paused, brow furrowing. “Will she be alright?”

The Sergeant chuckled, nodding once.

“Oh, she’s a tough one. A few healing spells and she’ll be right as rain.”


The unicorn’s horn lit up, levitating the spear at his side, this time pointing away from the human.

“Ok that’s a thing. Weird simulation,” Jason murmured. “Why have that have to be a thing?”

“Why do you keep saying that word? Simulation?” the Sergeant asked, then seemed to listen, head tilting as a crystal object in his ear glowed.

“Time for us to leave. The Princess will take it from here. We’ll be at the base of the tower.”

As the ponies trotted off, a rather bright flash erupted near the door; and Jason scrubbed his eyes briefly…

“Ok, whoa,” he muttered, seeing a pony as tall as he was looking at the human with a curious, violet gaze.

“Unicorn? Pegasus? No…”

“Alicorn. My name is Princess Celestia,” she replied, for the voice definitely was feminine. “And you are Jason, so I hear. A human; I did not expect to see one of your kind here.”


“Princess? So you are the ruler? Or-?”

“Current but soon to be ex-ruler…of sorts. Let’s just say retirement has been put on hold for now. My capable successor has delegated this task to me for well, obvious reasons,” Celestia quipped, gesturing to the man.

“But a human in Equestria? I would have never thought the day. The mirror was supposed to eliminate that form on passing through. How did you get here, Jason, if that’s an appropriate way to address you?”

Jason nodded, gesturing to the tower briefly.

“I was on my world and got hit with a nasty thunderstorm. I then ended up here after blacking out and hearing some weird laugh. I found Private Stonefeather a few days after that, and…well, here we are. I assume this is all some sort of simulation.”

Celestia blinked, genuine confusion written across her features.


The man chuckled, nodding as he gestured around again.

“Of course. A land populated by creatures from Earth mythology? Finding an injured gryphon who just happens to be one of my favorite mythological creatures other than dragons? Whoever you are, I assume you’re evaluating how my kind react to situations before initiating contact…or perhaps just for study. Took a scan of my brain and crafted a world based on things I know, at least partially. Perhaps to dull the shock of interacting with an alien race? I’m not sure.”

To the man’s surprise, genuine sorrow slid onto Celestia’s face, her ears pinning back as her head shook back and forth.

“Jason, this isn’t a simulation or the like. You are in a land called Equestria, and this place is as real as you are.”

Jason began to hear a thudding sound in his ears; a heartbeat, the man’s legs starting to shiver.

“So…no hyper-advanced simulation?”

“Not as far as I know of, and I’ve been here for over a thousand years.”

The man slid to the floor of the walkway, vaguely aware that his breathing had become rather rapid.

“So not on Earth or in orbit…no aliens….”

“I mean, we’re technically aliens to you, and you to us. But you’re in Equestria, a planet with a few others in this solar system, as far as we can tell. I know of no other habitably worlds in terms of material space.”

Oh boy. Panic attack.
This is no time to panic.
You’re not in a simulation. You’re on an alien planet. This is no time to panic.

…This is the perfect time to panic.

“Ah, wait, a thousand years? You all live that long?” Jason asked weakly, the alicorn walking over to examine the man worryingly.

“Well, me and my sister don’t age in the normal sense. Others have normal life spans, but are you alright?”

“Peachy!” Jason replied, a cold sweat spreading across his entire body and starting to soak his shirt.

“Just an alien planet. Not abducted. Inhabited by mythical creatures that shouldn’t exist. Not in a coma…”

“Oh dear. Hold on, Jason.”

As Jason’s vision began to waver and swim, Celestia’s horn lit up, and the man felt as though he was strapped to the back of a rocket-

The last thing he saw was white, sterile walls and some hazmat suti-clad ponies standing off to the side, the Princess looking on in worry.

Then the world went dark.

Author's Note:

Hmmm. There's quite a bit more to Jason it seems. :trixieshiftright: What happened to you....?
*Based on an imaginary event, but grounded in very-real possibility.

And OFFICIAL first contact! Huzzah! I mean, he fainted halfway through, but close enough!
As always, feedback is appreciated!