• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 6,347 Views, 439 Comments

Lookout Equestria - RadBunny

After a severe thunderstorm, a fire lookout awakes to find himself in odd forest and cut off from all contact. On the bright side, at least the fauna is friendly. Well, most of it.

  • ...


Jason stretched and looked out from the tower railing, shaking his head in astonishment. The construction site was rudimentary but at least he had been allowed to tour and look over everything.

The forest had been clear-cut around his tower; a massive, two-story metal archway being built on a stone foundation in the artificial meadow. Large crystals and wires ran this way and that, control panels being housed in a still-under-construction control room off to the right side, opposite his current tower. There was temporary housing, a cafeteria; it was a like a small town was sprouting up around his once lonely tower.

Not so lonely anymore. How far things have come in these many months.

The man had a select few DVD’s he intended to give to Twilight and the other Princess’s for viewing- they had asked him for any ideas on the organization or logo design for exploring the other ‘Earth’s.’

They seemed quite perplexed on Jason’s insistence of the acronym. The man turned over the patch in his hand, a rough draft of the potential United-Equestria symbol.

'Starbeam Gateway Team 1

Oh, Twilight is going to be so mad. But Discord is going to love it. Eh, we can always change it. But if humor can soften the blow of connecting worlds, both here and on the other Earth, if we make contact, all the better.

“Things are coming along, huh?” Galley asked as she landed on the railing, looking into the lookout briefly with a shiver. “Still feels weird being here.”

“Yeah, I imagine the memories are going to linger. I hope you can enjoy it, in time,” Jason said as she walked over to sit next to him.

“I think I will. Having you here helps.”

Jason reached down to ruffle her headfeathers prompting an embarrassed grumble even as Galley leaned against his side affectionately.

“I still need to take you on a first date, you know,” Jason admitted. “I think a week or two of Cadence meetings has given enough preparation for that.”

“Hey, no rush. I’m not going anywhere.”

Jason grinned, gesturing to the gateway.

“Well, neither am I, Earth connection or not. And I’ll keep reminding you of that.”

Another gentle nudge of thanks was Galley’s reply, Jason letting his hand rest on her shoulder.

No matter the outcome, no matter the future, the man had become sure of this fact. Equestria was his home, and if he ended up staying here forever? Earth or no Earth?

Galley shifted under his hand, looking up at him with a smile.

He’d be ok.

Author's Note:

And thus concludes this portion of Jason's story. While I do have an idea of what Book 2 would involve, no sequel is currently planned, as I've since moved onto other projects, as has my motivation.

A lot has changed in a real-life sense between starting this story and now but I wanted to make sure there was at least some sort of satisfactory conclusion, even if it did come off as a tad rushed.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this tale, and thank you for reading! It has been fun!

Comments ( 68 )

If youre gonna end the begining, might as well end it Right.

Snarky comments from the ranks? Check. :pinkiehappy:

Discord: So, are you O'Neill or Jackson?
Jason: Teal'c, without Junior.

Galley: What are you two babbling about?

If that underscored line was supposed to be a link, it doesn't seem to work. For mobile, at least.

100% would happen.
It actually wasn't a link.
But I had an idea. So now it is. :rainbowlaugh:

I couldn't resist.

You didn't...... Looks for link.....YOU DID.

ok now you got me eager to see the next book

May have to wait a while. The main goal was to tie up at least this chapter of narrative somewhat cleanly, as motivation is pretty much zero at this point. I do have it outlined though, so perhaps in time I'll get it written, but we'll see.

I can wait, most of us can wait, some of us can even wait a LONG time, provided of course you don't go 'Poof!'

Or get eaten by a Timberwolf

:rainbowlaugh: Well I'm trying to give fair warning now that the 2nd book not happening is a very real possibility, hence wanting to have most loose ends wrapped up in this book. Could it happen? Yes. But there's an equal possibility that this will be the final book. So I'm trying not to leave users EXPECTING that 100% there will be a part 2. I'll just have to see where time takes me. I've got the current mlp LONG story I'm working on, and then some books I plan to eventually publish. So, this is the warning. :moustache:

'Starbeam Gateway Team 1

Oh, Twilight is going to be so mad. But Discord is going to love it.

Oh, marry me already. I love Stargate. :yay::rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowlaugh: I grew up watching the show. SG-1, Atlantis. I'm so glad they ended it after that.
...yes. They ended it. There wasn't any other series. I refuse to accept that.

I've got an autograph from Richard Dean Anderson; one of my family members was able to meet him at a convention. Apparently he's a really genuine guy.


Yeah. It was a shame when he mostly retired, but I can understand. Being a dad is way more important than being the funny-guy pop culture icon starring in a show leading a genre that tv studios love to treat as the red-maned stepcolt...

Still. He could kick off the pilot of a new series by waking up from a nightmare about being stuck on a ship in another galaxy and brushing it off as nighttime silliness...

Yeah, and honestly that shows a lot of character to say the least.

....Ok that is true. But honestly, I'm the type of person who, if there's a character I absolutely loathe in a show, I just won't watch it.
The main character for said show was exactly that.

Please for everything holy make this a reality Stargate addition for the series but make sure that you call Earth before going through the portal you don't want to get bug on the windshield LOL.

:rainbowlaugh: I saw your previous comment and just went "...just read the epilogue....wait for it...."
Well, judging by Jason's insistence on the acronym, he's certainly going for a defined 'look' XD
He'd 100% insist that the portal spins and points to runes...just for the kicks and giggles.

I still believe that you should make this a Stargate episode series but instead of stars that you go to you go to different universes and explore the Multiverse maybe if you're lucky you'll run into the [Displaced] Multiverse.

That'd be interesting! :moustache:

Hmm.. A wonderful story, although I dunno if I would have read it if I knew there was a sequel planned? Unfinished stories just leave my mind to wander, is all. I do wonder about the red-eyed timberwolves, though... The "infected" people had red eyes, didn't they? And the red-eyed timberwolves aren't anything seen in canon, and were more aggressive than the green-eyed ones, and the story specifically made a point about how "a cold to (Jason) is a cold to (ponies)"... Makes me worry the sequel might be headed down a darker path. Either way, a great read, and I do hope you continue it!

I did mean to finish it, but things just changed so much between starting the story and here that I wanted to at least leave it at a somewhat-satisfactory close, even if it's a cliff hanger. That's where there may be a few strings not yet tied off; it was planned to be one long story, but I had to wrap it up for the sake of providing some sort of closure.

If it does bug you, I'd be more than happy to message what I had planned. :moustache: I truly don't know if I'll continue it.

Wow, hard to believe that this fic ended almost a year ago, I still remember reading it during my first day at work (in fact I’m writing this while working).

I really hope you can write the sequel, this was a supreme and very interesting read, the relationship between Jason and Galley alone made this fic very enjoyable, everything was nice to but for me the main focus was that relationship.

Again, I really hope you get the inspiration, or the right mood to continue the fic, however, I don’t want to pressure you into writing it, as that tents to ruin the story for everyone (both the author and the reader).

Anyway, thank you again for writing this :twilightsmile:

=) I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! It was quite fun to write! As it stands, I'm not planning to write a sequel as I've moved on to other projects, and such a story would be 100% forced. That said, I did plan on having the story be twice as long/have a technical sequel. So the plot and core points are there if I ever returned to it, but to do so without any motivation would definitely show.

I'm just glad it still is a fun read even a year later!


Well, is good to hear that if you ever get around/get in the right mood to continuing this fic you have a plan for it :)

That been said, what do you think about continuing the story mostly focusing on Jason and Galley relationship?

Like I said, to me that was the most interesting part of the fic, so maybe focussing on them and giving the fic a more “home-fell” might be for the better. Then again, that’s my opinion and most readers will probably consider it a let down compared to the hole “apocalyptic” past that Jason went through and the hole “SG1-like-team” you mentioned at the end; so maybe that more romantic/slice-of-life approach I’m suggesting isn’t the right thing to continue the fic...

(maybe a one shot, about their first date, to celebrate the fic’s anniversary, but that’s just a suggestion)

The sequel "planned" (the plot points I have, at least,) definitely focus on their relationship more. This was meant to be the foundation of it; a human coming to grips in an alien world and finding a friend. And, towards the end, realizing that maybe that could be something more.

I do love the story I have here; but it definitely needs to be continued when I've got the motivation. It would fall flat otherwise for sure. It would be an adventure/romance story with slices of life interspersed. So a conglomeration of sorts, if that makes sense.


I ran outta story to read ); . Great story but yeah I need more of this stuff whenever you feel up to it.

I'm glad you enjoyed the ride! I did try to make it have a satisfactory ending with a bit of tease though.

Well this was an enjoyable HiE fic and I particularly like the Human x Gryphon as a change from the norm.

Hoping to see that second book ;)

:pinkiehappy: I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm protestant, so I'm allowed to make that joke, lol.

Oh, Twilight is going to be so mad. But Discord is going to love it. Eh, we can always change it. But if humor can soften the blow of connecting worlds, both here and on the other Earth, if we make contact, all the better.

Please tell me the gate has a dialing system, and has a cool, watery effect when it opens.

Aaaaand finished. Now, what to read next?

:trollestia: MAAAAYBE!

Well, I recommend Timeless and that trilogy.
Orrrrr Stream of Silver Heart of Gold (those 2)

Lol, I've read both of those already. My favorites folder is getting rather large

Oh. Oh dear! :rainbowlaugh: I mean, Timeless is a trilogy- so there's 2 after that. Of Stars and Sails is another one!

Oh yeah, I've finished the series of all of those. Of Stars and Sails is one of my favorites.

My gosh you just binged it all! I'm honored!

And that's a fun one. Skystar was a gem to write!

Well, I have kinda been reading your stories off and on in between other series for... I think two years now? I think I've probably read something like 500 stories by now.

This is... highly underrated. Love the story! I enjoyed the more or less realistic interpretation of how an actual HiE situation would unfold (minus the zombie apocalypse, of course). Also gryphons rule when done right like this.

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :yay:

Transforms into Monkey.

Tears up ground, searching, and tossing clods of grass and dust

Where. Sequel?!

Ehem. This was enjoyable and cute, and also horrifying, but I only skimmed the bad bit.( Like I did with that x-men thing where the crossover girl was just some girl on a world that knew a Extinction Level meteor would hit them and descended into anarchy and eventually cannibalism. Spoiler alert, she survives and "somehow" ends up in the world of x-men. )

I understand a first contact thing is beyond the scope of this story, but it does look like a nice setup.

I do have a rough outline for the sequel, but as I said in the notes, a lot changed since I had started writing the story. Maybe I'll get to it someday, but if I don't, I wanted to end it on a nice, mostly tied-up note.
Yeah, there are some darker bits I don't blame you for skimming. I'm just happy you enjoyed it!

I had an urge to re-read this. Mlem.

Same, tbh. :rainbowlaugh:
Musing about the sequel- but would 100% need to wrap up other stories first.

Still waiting for book 2.

It's on the docket for "potential" future ones. As it stands, I don't have plans to write it, as I've moved on to other project; I don't want to write something I don't enjoy, as it'd show. I have some of the basic plot points down, it's just a matter of if/when.

I'm honored that people still are wanting a sequel!

I think this story is one of the best examples of why a tropey plot line, doesn't equal a cliché story. Because yeah the basic plot line is pretty tropey, at least from my point of view. Sure Jason doesn't wind up in ponyville, but at least to me, it follows a pretty well traversed path. However what this story does is take the tropes set by its forefathers and mould them into something better. I think one of the best examples is the lead up to Galley and Jason getting together.

if you have eyes or (ears) you can probably tell that Galley has feelings for Jason and the ending of Ch11 basically proves it. That ending its self is very cliché but then Ch12 comes a turns a cliché childish action that has been to death a turns it is on it's head and this isn't the only time this story does this sort of thing.

Now because this is a “Ongoing” series I feel it is a appropriate to give some minor criticisms, but please if you are scrolling through the comments before giving this story a chance, I would recommend looking at the word before criticisms, this story is more than worth your time, so give it that.

Now some of my more nitpicks are how I feel like the concept of what Jason does and what Jason has gone through isn't fully realised, I feel like Jason can feel like a average Joe despite not being one. I'm also not the biggest fan of Galley, I think this mainly because you are supposed to get to know Galley in the front half of the story (In the tower), but I just don't think it works the best.

Overall however I think this story is still a really fun ride as said before worth your time.

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