• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 6,347 Views, 439 Comments

Lookout Equestria - RadBunny

After a severe thunderstorm, a fire lookout awakes to find himself in odd forest and cut off from all contact. On the bright side, at least the fauna is friendly. Well, most of it.

  • ...

Chapter Five: Adjustments

Water sloshing at my waist…

‘Jason, did you find anyone? Did your filters last?’

‘Not alive. And yeah, I can still breath easily. I still have the spares.’

‘I’m sorry you had to see that, son. But we had to check a final time just to make sure before we don’t venture out anymore. Nobody was in my block either. The canoe almost sank hitting some downed branches. Hopefully most of the people are on high ground or hiding somewhere safe. We can last a while here with the store; now let’s get showered off. That water is something nasty. We’ll have to ration our clean supply though after today.’

‘Dad, its been a week. Why isn’t anyone coming here to help? The radio said the worst of the radiation cleared after a few days and that help was coming. The water is starting to drain in some areas of the town…’


‘Dad, what are you not telling me?’

‘Son, let’s get into some clean clothes.’

‘What is going on!?’

‘Look, it’s not just our county, Jason. We got the worst of the flooding, yes, but each of the nearby cities got hit too with…something else. It’s almost the entire state affected by this mess…maybe more. The radiation we’re getting isn’t from the reactor. Whoever it was, they had a lot of things go right for them. We might not get help for a while.’

‘Wait, the cities? A different source? No…did they get hit with-’

*Beep. Beep. Beep.*

‘That’s the radiation alarm. Check your mask! Make sure your mother and siblings have it on tight, I’ll close us up here!’

*Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep…*

Wait, I know that sound.

Jason pried his eyes open, the sterile walls of a hospital room greeting the man. A heart monitor hummed away at his left, now silent as his heartbeat was ‘normal’ or what passed for it. The room was fairly barren aside from some plastic sheeting covering the entrance, a rather lovey painting of a village hanging on the wall ahead of him, and a large window to his right letting in sunlight.

Nightmares again, starting from the beginning. As if I didn’t have enough to think about already. Maybe this entire thing is just a trippy dream, and I’m safe in a hospital after that lightning…

The pony that walked in clad in a disturbingly familiar white hazmat suit quickly dispelled that notion, the man letting out a groan.


“Ah, you’re awake!” the pony chirped- a mare? Her eyes narrowed as a frown became visible behind the visor. “Are you in any pain? Your heartrate spiked for a moment there.”

“Mental or physical?”

“Well, I’m a nurse, so just the second one for now.”

“Nope. Feel pretty good aside from the talking horse-erm, ponies. No offense. Just bad dreams.”

“None taken. Well, you’ve been out for about a day while we set up this clean room,” the nurse replied, looking over a clipboard at the end of the bed. “Princess Celestia apparently discovered that magic does work on you, but with variable effects. A slight calming spell pretty much knocked you out. Apparently, you were having a panic attack.”

“Seeing talking ponies, wood-wolves, and a gryphon would do that,” Jason muttered, the nurse continuing to look through the notes.

“Apparently Celestia has an idea of what ‘normal’ is for humans and you fall within that range, health wise at least. Well, aside from that scar on your chest.”

“That’s an old wound.”

“We figured. But you should be good to go. Celestia will be here momentarily to speak with you. Welcome to Equestria, Jason.”

As the nurse turned to leave, a thought rammed itself into Jason’s mind.

“Wait!” The pony paused, ears perking up within the hazmat suit (which was rather adorable, the man had to admit.

“Is Splot-erm, is Private Stonefeather going to be alright?”

The mare blinked, thinking for a moment before nodding.

“Yes. We had to put her under anesthesia to re-break and mend the bones and her beak though. She should be making a full recovery in about a week. A little hungry and tired, but she’s doing fine thanks to you,” the mare replied as she trotted out of the room.

Sitting up in the bed, Jason examined the paper-thin hospital gown and frowned. At least they kept his shorts on.

So, an alien planet with a similar society to Earth, at least as far as I can tell?

…to boldly go where no man has gone before. I could certainly use some Picard wisdom right about now.

A familiar Alicorn walked into the room, her body surrounded with a golden glow.

“Ah, Jason. How are you feeling?” Celestia asked, sitting and looking at the human curiously.

“Very, very confused,” he admitted. “My first question, instead of where and when I am, is how you know about humans. I assume you brought me here from the tower?”

Celestia took a breath, letting it out slowly as she thought.

“That is correct. Now…how can I explain this? Your world doesn’t have magic, correct?”

Jason shook his head.

“Then it is a variation of the worlds we are able to visit. Here, we have magic permeating everything. The air, the ground, it all is tied together with an arcane energy. In short, there were mirrors that acted as gateways to other worlds, other variations of this one…at least for a time. One of the exit destinations was a human world but a bit more colorful than you appear,” Celestia explained. “I have visited a few other destinations in my time, but none matched up exactly as to how you appear to us now. However, from what Private Stonefeather tells me, your world has its share of good and evil; which lets me know the destinations I visited were a bit different, much more placid and colorful.”

“So, you can travel to different human worlds? Different…dimensions?” Jason asked, a thoughtful hum leaving Celestia’s muzzle.

“I thought of them as realms; I’m not sure how the term ‘dimensions’ would apply.”

“On my world there is a theory,” Jason explained, sitting up a bit further. “A theory of infinite dimensions. Every choice made or not made splits off into another reality, or dimension. So, there’s a dimension I was never in that tower. There’s another where I tripped on the stairs halfway up, that sort of thing.”

“An apt comparison I suppose. These mirrors did indeed connect to alternate versions of this world. However, for the time being you are in our realm,” Celestia stated. “And if I am being honest, we are all a bit at a loss as to what to do with you. You are the first extra-dimensional creature to ever visit this world.”

Jason could only shrug, massaging his eyes briefly.

“I’d be more than happy to tell you of my world, and then perhaps you can find a use for me,” he said, thinking out loud more than anything. “My course of life has changed rather drastically in little over a week.”

“I understand, but I don’t wish to push you. Currently we’re evaluating to see if you pose a health risk to anypony.”


Celestia gestured outside the window with a nod.

“The citizens of Canterlot, thousands upon thousands of mostly ponies within the city and then many more within the nation’s borders. They are my, and Luna’s subjects. That would be my sister who you’ll meet later today…or now,” Celestia explained, then clearly suppressing a laugh as another Alicorn poked her head into the room, or at least near the entrance. Blue in color, the individual let out a massive yawn, waving a hoof to the human as what Jason assumed to be protective magic cloaked her entire figure.

“Thought I’d stop by before heading to bed.”

“Luna, it’s the middle of the day.”

“I set an alarm, alright? I wanted to at least meet our newest visitor. Hello! Perhaps we can arrange a better time to meet,” Luna remarked, smiling tiredly as Jason waved back.

“Now go get some sleep,” Celestia chastened the smaller alicorn, who promptly waved again and disappeared down the hallway.

“And that is Luna, my sister. She guards the realm of dreams at night so she’s exhausted during the day,” Celestia explained.

“Ok, so Celestia…Luna…vague terms for the sun and the moon? What forces cause those bodies to flip-flop so drastically?” Jason asked, still surprised by the casual and half-asleep visitor a few moments ago.

The alicorn smiled, gesturing outside to the afore-mentioned body.

“Ah, we raise and lower them with our magic. They do not move on their own accord like on your world.”

“You’re over a thousand years old, and raise the sun and moon? And Luna?”

“She is younger; but I’ll explain that later. From your perspective that must be rather incredulous I imagine.”

Jason actually chuckled, tentatively swinging his feet off the bed and uncoupling the heartrate monitors. Standing up, he stretched and shrugged.

“No moreso than talking ponies and other fantasy creatures. So, you and your sister rule…what is it, Equestria?”

“Yes. I did for a thousand years, my sister by my side for a shorter time due to an incident. We are retiring for a time however, and Princess Twilight Sparkle will be ruling in that interim space.”

Jason blinked, resisting the urge to chuckle. Apparently, his reaction did not go unnoticed.

“Names here are tied to a creature’s purpose, more often than not, at least for ponies. Not so much like ‘Bob,’” Celestia replied with a smirk.

“I meant no offense.”

Celestia tittered, waving a golden-shod hoof at him.

“None taken; simply explaining. Now then, if you are up to it, I’d appreciate a brief explanation of your world so we can identify and avoid any cultural mishaps.”

Sure. Talk to the giant white pony about Earth. I can do that.

And maybe leave out the…incident.

She then paused, holding up a hoof with an apologetic wince.

“Before we continue however, I must apologize for the less than warm welcome on your tower. Visitors to Equestria are normally treated much more amicably that you were, especially for aiding both one of my guard and a close friend. For that you have my utmost thanks. I sincerely do hope to rebuild our trust in that matter; and we haven’t taken any blood samples for that reason, simply exterior swabs and scans, unless you permit us to do more,” Celestia then continued.

“When Private Stonefeather disappeared, we were in full search-and-rescue mode for days, and few if any of my subjects have even seen a human before. Compounding the matter was the uncalibrated signal of her locator, and my guards simply didn’t know what to expect when they found you, hence the less than warm welcome.”

Jason waved off a hand, shrugging nonchalantly.

“I’m just glad we didn’t stab or otherwise hurt each other, so no harm done. I reacted in just as a hostile manner out of surprise as well. I’m just glad it turned out the way it did.”

He saw Celestia visibly relax, the human letting out a soft chuckle.

“I take it you expected a bit more of a negative reaction?”

“I wasn’t sure what to expect, frankly.”

Jason let out a breath, gesturing to the hospital bed.

“I can’t blame your guards for being more concerned for one of their own than me, especially when I had a weapon also aimed at them as well. Besides, you immediately brought me to a rather lovely hospital and have been rather concerned with my wellbeing; that says quite a bit about your intentions. That said, you’re welcome to take a few vials of blood by the way for analysis. The last thing I’d want is to accidentally carry some sort of pathogen.”

As a few nurses filed in and out taking samples, Jason went down the list of ‘Humans One-oh-One’ over the next few hours. He didn’t delve into the history outside of major world events and a very basic explanation of various countries. Mainly he focused on basic family structure, relationships, behavior, innovation, technological ability such as internal-combustion engines, religion, and so forth.

Throughout the discussion, Jason tried his hardest to find common ground (of which there was plenty,) and avoid any cultural do-not’s, (of which also seemed rather common but modified for ponies.)

Surprisingly, Equestria was remarkably similar to Earth in terms of cultural practices. The concept of ‘cutie-marks’ was odd, but it made sense if everything was infused with magic (which Jason just assumed to be some form of energy.) But family structure, economy, social norms…it was remarkably similar if not identical in many aspects.

That eliminates a lot of uh-oh’s in terms of adjustment.

One of the many species specific things Jason did learn was to not touch between the wings (or wings in general,) on a Pegasi, Gryphon, Hippogriff….well, any creature with wings. Apparently, that was a no-no unless you were rather close to them for various reasons.

The more you know. Glad I didn’t do that accidentally with Private Stonefeather.

While there were obviously gaps in his knowledge, it seemed at least to Jason that the society worked remarkably similar to that of Earth, and that eased his nerves a bit. From what Celestia explained about other races they operated in a similar way to human differences. However instead of color, geographic region, or culture, they were separated by species. Oh, and there was the whole ‘clothing’ thing; that was an easy explanation. Celestia also seemed quite perplexed on how he was able to understand their speech but not writing, but let that matter slide for the time being.

Mainly because neither of them had a clue as to why.

“You all have mastered space travel?” Celestia asked, Jason nodding. He was clad in his now-sterilized clothing, a pleasant change from the thin hospital gown.

“I wouldn’t say mastered, but have sent probes outside our solar system, put a man on our moon and so forth. Humanity, when united around a common purpose, can accomplish incredible things, be it good or ill.”

“Fascinating. We have left your tower untouched, by the way. There is a strange magic around that entire area that we wish to study, but you are free to collect your items,” Celestia explained. “If you approve, you can live in the royal Castle for a time, at least until we figure out how exactly to help you adjust to your stay. You are by no means a prisoner, Jason. The royal setting would simply let us be in close contact as we figure out your living arrangement.”

“However long that may be?”

“Correct. There is an individual I intend to question about that matter, but he is nowhere to be found. I think he may also offer some insight as to how we can understand each other.”

“…Discord? One of the guards mentioned that name.”

Celestia let out a frustrated hiss, her head nodding.

“Indeed. He is the God of Chaos, and possesses a magic far greater than anycreature here. You said you heard a laugh? That is a characteristic of his. But until then I, my sister, and Princess Sparkle will do all we can to make your stay comfortable. Twilight is currently learning how to deal with the media when an alien makes their appearance,” Celestia’s mouth twisted into a wry smile. “And I have to say, she’s doing rather well.”

“I’m surprised I haven’t caused a panic or religious outcry.”

“Ah, yes, Human religion…I’m curious about that, but the biggest issue at the moment is simply what to do with you, and if you’re dangerous.”

Jason calmly poked his side, a rather bemused expression on his face.

“As I assume you already know, humans appear soft and squishy but can be tough as nails at times. We survive in harsh environments by manipulating them to our liking or innovating a way to survive in them, such as developing advanced tools. As I mentioned earlier, we have domesticated Equines- getting kicked by one of those to the chest would easily break bone. I anticipate that same thing would happen here. However, we do have hyperactive scar tissue to heal from wounds….” he saw Celestia smiling in amusement at his words. “Alright, I can see how we could be a threat. That said, those creatures in the forest would have shredded me without a second thought.”

“And yet you fended off the packs of Timberwolves for days.”

“Because I had a gun, yes. If I just had my hands? That would have ended quite differently.”

“Hmm, the advanced design of a gryphon flintlock; another discussion for later. And yet you did so with remarkable courage and saved one of my guards. Galley is the first Gryphon admitted to my Royal Guard, and I am most appreciative of your help.”

“Galley? That’s her first name?” Jason asked, then nodding slowly. “Nice to put a name to a face. I hear she’s doing alright?”

Celestia nodded, a strange, knowing smile on her face as she spoke.

“Yes, thanks to you. She was quite forthcoming on what she learned and it reinforces what I’ve gathered about you.”

“Which is? If I may ask.”

“You are a friend. How much or how little remains to be seen, but I sense no ill will from you, Jason, and I’ve dealt with ambassadors from remote tribes for a millennium. You saved a creature at your own expense. At the absolute worse that action was born from wanting to make a good impression for selfish gain, and at best, wanting to save somecreature’s life out of the goodness of your heart. That lets me know enough.”

Jason let out a chuckle, staring out of the window at the bustling city below; an entrancing sight to say the least as alien figures trotted here and there.

“There are events in my life, Princess Celestia, which made me realize that I can either be just focused on myself and trust others to take care of me, or I can try to be one of those that helps others. I spent part of my life being the former, but that changed years ago. Human, or now gryphon and pony.” The man sat down abruptly, head shaking slowly.

“Yet I don’t know what to do. This is your world, Princess. Please let me know if I can go back to mine. As kind as your treatment has been, I’d like to know if that is even a possibility.”

“I promise to let you know as soon as I do,” Celestia replied immediately. “In the meantime, I will do my best to try and find a way to integrate you into society.”

“Preferably not as a museum piece,” Jason replied, half-joking. Celestia’s eyes narrowed in response, her mouth set in a determined line.

“Of that I promise I will not let you be subject to. One of the nurses will activate a teleportation crystal to send you into a Castle guest room; avoiding the public for now until we get a formal statement together.”

“Teleportation? That’s what you did before, right? That felt…odd.”

“Indeed. I believe I’ve modified the spell to accommodate your odd resistance to some magic. I do have to get going, Jason. I’ve left a communications device with the nurses as well. We still have a lot to talk about,” Celestia explained. “I suppose it’s appropriate to say in an official manner, Jason, welcome to Equestria.”

The man waved as Celestia took her leave, a nurse handing-hoofing a report over to her.

“It seems that we can’t find any reason to keep you isolated in terms of germs, Jason. One of the staff will show you to the guest quarters. I’ll stop by later with some means to retrieve your belongings.”

Celestia trotted off, her brow furrowing as Jason was directed by two nurses out of the clean room and down one of the specialty hospital halls. Her eyes looked over the report again, mouth forming in a pensive line.

Resistant to magic, but variable. We actually recognize some of the micro-organisms on him, fascinating. An alternate dimension indeed. At least that will make your adjustment easier, she mused. A cold to you is a cold to us…that presents both positive and negative repercussions. But what to do with you?

Entering a small room, Celestia waved a hoof at the occupant on the bed as she tried to sit up, then laying back down with a sigh.

“Princess! I’d bow, but, erm-”

“At ease, Private Stonefeather,” Celestia replied with a smile, sitting down next to the bed.

“I’m not here as your boss but as your friend. How are you doing, Galley?”

The gryphoness gestured with her unbandaged limb, the rest of her body swathed in gauze and two casts.

“Been better. But between the new healing magic and stuff, I should be out of here in a few days or so, but have to wear those new magic-infused flexible casts for another week or two after that. Healing magic is wonderful stuff.”

“That’s good to hear,” Celestia mused, Galley’s green eyes narrowing in curiosity.

“But I get the feeling you’re not just here to check up on my, Princess.”

“Just Celestia, Galley, I’ve told you. We’ve known each other long enough to drop titles when alone.”

“Ah, right. Sorry, habbit. So, Celestia, what’s going on? Obviously, the human has things in a bit of tizzy- I’ve never been poked by so many needles in my life.”

He is what is going on. I am still trying to figure out what exactly to do with him, but I have a request.”


Celestia’s wings shuffled, hoof tapping the ground in thought.

“I would like to reassign you to help Jason integrate into Equestrian society, with your approval of course.”

“Huh? Me?” Galley asked, ears twitching. Celestia had to resist a smile at her reaction however, because while cautious and curious, the gryphoness clearly didn’t have an outright negative response. If anything, her ears definitely perked up at Celestia’s words.

That’s good.

“Galley, what you and most of Equestria don’t know is that I have visited human worlds before,” Celestia explained. “While they were more subdued and different than Jason’s, the same basic rules applied. Humans are more similar to a combination of all Equestrian races than just one or the other. The kindness of ponies, the stubbornness of Yaks, and the more…brutal aspects of gryphon history, for example. That said, certain races wouldn’t have the same reaction to human history or mannerisms that, say, a pony would.”

“How so?”

Celestia smiled, gesturing to the empty plate next to Galley’s bed.

“Eating, for example. Humans are omnivores and are healthiest when able to consume meat on a semi-regular basis. My subjects would have a very different reaction to him catching and eating a fish than, say, a gryphon. And some aspects of human society from what I know, are fairly vicious. Wars, violent takeovers, poverty, and so forth. Gryphons share this trait, especially throughout history and someone with that background would not be as phased when such a topic inevitability arises.”

“So basically, I can relate more to him than a formal ambassador who has trained for decades?” Galley quipped, head shaking incredulously.


Galley’s frame froze, the gryphoness letting out a sigh.

“I mean, it makes sense. But what do I do? I obviously can’t leave here just yet.”

Celestia sat down next to the bed, a wry smile on her face as she looked over at the gryphoness.

“Galley, you were the first Gryphon to join my royal guard. I’d say you have more initiative and insight than most ponies who grew up in this city. What do you think would help Jason best right now? Our societies are very similar for the most part, so a cultural adjustment isn’t going to be that big of an issue, not in terms of behavior at least. Everything else however…”

Galley grew rather quiet, and Celestia’s ears perked up on seeing her green eyes flick to her claws.

“I think he needs a friend,” she finally said.

“I’d say that’s a good start, but what brought you to that conclusion?”

Lessons of friendship still spreading across races; oh Twilight, you’ve done me proud.

The gryphon’s claws fidgeted, and when she looked back up to the ruler, genuine concern shone in Galley’s green gaze.

“I don’t know a lot about him, but I know he’s in an alien place with no frame of reference. I also know he’s hurting.”


Galley gestured to a painting on the wall with a claw.

“It was a night ago, or two. He thought I was asleep, but when he jolted awake it woke me up. I think it was a nightmare, I usually get the sweats too when that happens and he was soaked, shaking something fierce too.”

“You were that close?”

A furious blush blossomed on Galley’s grey cheeks, the gryphoness averting her gaze.

Hmmm. Well that’s interesting. A piece to a puzzle.

“I was- I…” her shoulders slumped, the gryphoness’s voice dropping to a whisper. “I was scared, alright? I was just leaning against him partially. There were wolves, and the storm and-”

“Galley, I get it,” Celestia interrupted. “You’ve been through quite an ordeal. I am not going to hold anything like that against you. But you said Jason was hurting?”

Her words seemed to put the gryphon at ease, Galley continuing.

“Yeah. There was a picture of his family I saw once- he was holding it….and crying. And he’s got a huge scar on his side, I don’t know if that had anything to do with it. I think his family is ok though, but something happened with him years ago. There was some sort of event; other humans attacking where he lived; and that’s where he got the scar. Jason got a really disturbed look on his face when he mentioned it.”

Celestia winced, hoping she hadn’t tried to push the man too far in terms of adjustment.

“I can count on my claws the number of times I’ve seen a guy cry. For gryphons especially it’s a rare thing and usually due to an injury. I’m not sure if that’s the same for humans, but it definitely seemed similar in that sense; I don’t think he wanted anyone to see. Something was definitely wrong at that moment though; he just missed home.”

“Then I’d say he most definitely could use a friend. It’s also a plus you happen to be one of his favorite creatures.”


Celestia couldn’t help but laugh at seeing the surprised (and still-present blush) on Galley’s features.

“His words, not mine! Apparently, he’s always found human mythology fascinating, specifically that of dragons and gryphons. Many of our races exist on Earth as Mythos, as you told us. I can confirm that as a certainty. Either way, are you willing to help him? I’m not about to order you to do so however. Humans are smart in ways that always surprised me. He’d be able to tell if you were ordered to do so,” the ruler then sighed, shaking her head. “And that’s not the message I want to send unless I have no other choice. To have somecreature assist him willingly would help so much more than ordering a terrified ambassador to answer his various questions. You already know this man, much more so than I do.”

Galley nodded, a bit of familiar spark returning to her gaze despite being bedbound.

There it is. That same fire in your eyes when blowing past Royal Guard recruits…

“I’ll gladly help him, but how do I even start?”

Celestia now grinned, a soft chuckle leaving her muzzle.

“Well, once you’re better, I’d say letting him know you’re ok would be a start. One of the first things he asked was if you were alright.”

Genuine shock stamped itself across Galley’s face, the gryphon’s newly-healed beak working up and down wordlessly.

And there’s that blush again, hmm. There are a few courses of action for this; perhaps I’ll let Cadence in on this matter? Bah, I’m just over-reacting. There is something Galley isn’t telling me about all of this…

“I’ve never really had that many creatures be concerned about me before,” Galley whispered, prompting a gentle smile from the ruler.

Ah, there it is- part of it. With how you grew up, Galley, I’m not surprised Jason’s actions left such an impact. Let’s see how things play out.

“Well, he certainly was concerned, and I think he’d appreciate a visit.”

“I never even said thanks!” Galley exclaimed, looking away embarrassed as Celestia continued to smile.

“I’m sure he understood. I’ll have a schedule written up however. There’s an odd magical field near his tower, and so I think making that site a permanently-inhabitable area would be a goal. Perhaps he could be the curator of such a facility…hmm. Until then, I think just showing him around would be advantageous; Princess Twilight has been briefing the media and calming any concerns. Thus far, she’s been successful which should avoid a great deal of panic. That said…”

“Creatures will react to his presence in a negative fashion at some point, and having someone there who isn’t scared of him would help,” Galley interjected.

“Exactly. I’ll draft up some instructions for you, such as some recording crystals to learn more about Jason at his discretion, as well as human history. Twilight has delegated this matter to my hooves, since I am a bit more experienced at diplomacy than her,” Celestia sighed good-naturedly, wings shrugging. “Retirement can wait for a time; an interdimensional traveler is certainly a more pressing matter. Thank you, Galley. I’ll leave some information for you as I discover more about our friend. He’ll be staying in the diplomat’s suite- number eleven.”

“I’ll head over there as soon as I can walk,” Galley affirmed as Celestia took her leave.

Well isn’t this a strange situation.

Jason looked around the plushily-furnished guest room, curtains and carpets padding the stone castle floor as he sat on the large bed.

“So, this is the main castle? Got to say, it’s pretty nice,” he mused, a Royal Guard nodding.

“It is the home of the Princesses- well, soon to be just Princess Twilight at least,” the guard remarked.

“Ah, right. Some sort of retirement? Well…thanks for showing me around. The Princess said something about a way to access my belongings?”

The guard nodded, white horn igniting as he levitated a few small crystals out of his side satchels. Placing one on the floor, the pony tapped it with a hoof- and a portal promptly opened up in front of the human, a familiar deck and railing visible.

“Just tap the crystal and walk through. You handled teleportation fine, so the Princess says this should be alright. She only asked that you don’t bring too much here, just what you need since she’s working on a living situation. You’re free to wander the castle, but we’ll be escorting you if that’s the case.”

“Got it, don’t mess up the nice Princess’s castle. I’ll just snag a few bags or so. And duly noted- I won’t wander off.”

The guard then let the man be, Jason tentatively walking through the portal a few times. Other than a slight electric tingling across his skin, there wasn’t really any noticeable effect. Snagging his laptop and packing a few basic essentials, the man tossed it through the portal, returning and turning the device off.

Fancy. Magical portals, teleportation…incredible. Yet I’m somewhat resistant to magic? Interesting.

After taking a look around, Jason fished out some new clothes and took a closer look at the bathroom, a slight chuckle leaving his lips at seeing the shower.

“Well, at least this alien planet has hot water!”

Author's Note:

Well at least it's a pleasant welcome to Canterlot! (Ish) I wanted to confirm any unpleasant feelings were resolved between our pony hosts and a certain human.

...But what happened to you, Jason?