• Published 1st Sep 2019
  • 6,342 Views, 439 Comments

Lookout Equestria - RadBunny

After a severe thunderstorm, a fire lookout awakes to find himself in odd forest and cut off from all contact. On the bright side, at least the fauna is friendly. Well, most of it.

  • ...

Chapter Nine: Eventualities

Jason awoke with a surprising smoothness, letting out a yawn as light peeked through the curtains of the diplomatic suite.

I don’t remember anything after that talk…wait, so that was Luna? Huh. I guess she did help me get some rest after that.

As he got ready for the day, the man found the barest of smiles edging onto his face surprisingly enough as he was guided by some waiting guards towards a meeting room, no doubt at Luna’s direction.

After all these years it’s almost a relief to find individuals who are comfortable, or at least open to hearing what happened. Back home everyone was so scared, so much wanting to deny that it could happen again.

But Luna, she was definitely unsettled. I just hope Celestia isn’t as well; perhaps Luna can show her with magic? A picture is worth a thousand…


The familiar pleasant voice snapped the man out of his thoughts, Jason pausing as two concerned green eyes looked up at him.

“Oh, hello Galley,” he remarked rather lamely, the gryphoness frowning as her wings rustled.

“Hello to you too; you alright? You look out of it…” her eyes drifted to the guards briefly.

Jason nodded shrugging his shoulders as they continued to walk, Galley at his side. “Just bad dreams. Well, sort of. Had my first talk with Luna, and it went sort of well. I can only talk about that stuff in short bursts for now. I could tell she was pretty unnerved by it all. I’m going to meet with them now as a matter of fact,” he paused, letting out a sigh. “Actually, want to come along? I planned on telling you this stuff anyhow.”

“Huh? Um, ok? Is it about the dreams and stuff?”

“It’s about ‘the thing.’

“Oh. Are you sure?”

“Well, Luna saw part of it. I’d rather make sure they get the correct idea rather than have things fester until I’m more comfortable. There’s a balance to that.”

Galley sat next to Jason as Luna and Celestia faced them, the rulers clearly pensive.
I feel so out of place here….

“Jason, Luna only shared a bit of what she saw; and I must ask, are you sure you’d like to go through with this?” Celestia asked cautiously, Twilight looking on as clearly the observer rather than leader in the conversation.

“Princess Celestia, I’d rather make sure things are clear rather than wait for myself to be more comfortable. To have questions and interpretations fester is never a good thing, even more-so for a newly arrived alien immigrant,” Jason remarked, the three rulers smiling slightly. “And I think Galley should know. If she’s going to be around me a lot more it’ll come up eventually.”

The gryphoness smiled, clearly a tad unsure of what to think however.

Nice of him to include me. I have to say I AM curious…

“Princess Luna? Can you show a snapshot from my dream? I don’t intend to go into specifics at this time, but when we were on the roof?” Jason asked, the Alicorn letting out a thoughtful hum.

“That will be tricky. Perhaps from my memory, one moment.”

The room darkened as Luna’s horn glowed, and the five individuals were abruptly transported onto the same tan-colored roof overlooking the burning city. Twilight’s reaction was to take a sharp breath, while Galley’s fur and feathers prickled with nerves as Celestia and Luna’s mouths flattened into an unreadable line.

What in the world? Are those bodies? Those buildings destroyed…
Jason, what happened here?

“This is where it happened. Well, one of the centers of the attack. There were multiple cities hit, similar in appearance to the places I’ve already shown you in the media meetings,” Jason said calmly, gesturing out towards a distant congregation of buildings, past some smaller houses.

“My father’s store is there, where we lived for two months during the event; this takes place after about three weeks or so. The other six months I was not with them,” Jason then gestured towards the damaged city in the distance, and the surrounding buildings. “I was in this type of environment on my own, for the most part.”

Galley’s eyes widened, looking over to see Twilight equally shocked. The other two alicorns seemed unreadable as they listened.

“From where I am from, there are some people who hate you just because you’re from a certain land, look different, or any other asinine reason. In this case they wanted to kill as many as possible while spreading fear. Needless to say, their plans worked. I won’t go into the how or such yet, but the death toll is still being tallied years later. Last count is in the hundreds of thousands, but I wouldn’t believe that. Unofficially, I’d say it’s in the millions. It’s the single worst attack on the country I lived in history.”

Jason pulled up his shirt, exposing the jagged scar that ran across his side. “That’s where I got this, the dream Luna saw last night. I learned a very basic rule of survival, one I wanted to deny for the longest time because I never thought I’d have to practice it. Doing so nearly cost me my life.”

From the first word that left Jason’s lips, Galley followed along mentally, knowing exactly what the saying was.

“Kill, or be killed. I couldn’t do it, and nearly paid for my hesitation with my life.”

I know that rule. But I’ve never had to practice it, thankfully.

Jason waved, the scene vanishing as the bright colors returned to the conference room. “As I told Princess Luna, I can’t spend long talking about all of this. Even the few seminars and talks I’ve given…that was almost too much for me. Answering questions on pen and paper wasn’t as taxing but it still puts me in a dark mental place at times. It just depends. So, I’m sorry if you have more questions, but I just can’t…”

“Do not apologize to us, Jason. Not for this,” Celestia stated, shaking her head. “We will not pry into this; and if you wish to keep whatever dreams you have between Luna and yourself that will be treated as confidential information.”

“I’d appreciate that, thank you,” Jason replied, looking over to see Twilight shifting this way and that.

“Princess Twilight? If you want to ask me something now that’s fine. I won’t bite; it’s ok.”

“Did you say hundreds of thousands? Millions?

Oh, poor Twilight. She’s not as aware about the more brutal stuff of life. That’s what Celestia mentioned once.

Jason paused, taking a breath and letting it out slowly. “Yes. There are a few other instances of such atrocities occurring in human history. This is the most recent one.” His eyes dropped to the floor, shoulders sagging as a weight settled on them. “This is why I was so reluctant to ask for help. To have some of the first impressions of humanity be such a violent image is not what I wanted. We’re better than this.”

“To judge any civilization on the actions of a few would paint all of us in a poor light indeed, Jason,” Celestia remarked. “So, while such an event is disturbing, I’d be much more concerned if you tried to conceal such things and only tell us the positives.”

Jason nodded, fingers resting on the table as he thought; Galley’s sharp eyes could easily see the tremor that ran through his hands, however.

You’re holding it together really well, all things considered.

“And I thought it best to tell you. Inevitably you would learn, be it from my continued nightmares or asking why I various items in my possession.” His expression darkened, and the weight on the man’s shoulders seemed to increase all the more. “I don’t expect understanding, if I’m being honest. From what I have learned, this place doesn’t have that level of brutality, and I am sorry I have brought that here from my world in a sense.”

Don’t you dare think that!

“You’re wrong.”

Four pairs of eyes turned to Galley as she whispered, the gryphoness toying with her own claws. “Sorry. But we all know that’s not true. Well, I do at least.”

Galley saw Princess Twilight’s ears perk up, the alicorn making the smallest hoof gesture to continue if she wanted. “Maybe not by the numbers, but we have evil and dark parts of life here. You didn’t ‘bring’ anything other than another perspective. Perhaps it can be beaten by magic or friendship, but it’s still here, even in small bits. I know that especially,” Galley continued, growing a bit bolder as Jason looked over to her.

“Starvation, racism, ignorant of the suffering; we’re not perfect here either, Jason. Equestria has fared better than most lands, true. But how I grew up? I saw plenty of that and more. That rule you stated exists here too, Jason. I haven’t needed to test it, but it’s there, and I know ‘griff’s who have learned it through experience,” she paused, feeling her feathers starting to puff with embarrassment under the focused attention of everycreature. “Just…you’re not alone here. Maybe in specifically what you’ve been through, but not generally. You’re a pretty special guy, but not that special.”

I mean…sort of. In one aspect but-

The lighthearted comment seemed to nudge Jason out of his somber mood, the man grinning with a soft huff.

“Thanks, Galley.” He stood up, shrugging as he gestured to the others. “That’s really all I wanted to say for today. If stuff continues to come up, which it will, I can perhaps draft formal reports or have Luna relay it,” his eyes then flickered over to a certain gryphoness. “Or Galley can tell you, since I suppose I’ll be talking to her a lot.”

She nodded cheerily, the other rulers following suite.

“Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us this, Jason,” Twilight remarked, her happy attitude quickly returning. “Let us know if you’d like any support, however that would be.”

“Will do, Twilight.”

As they all left the conference room, Celestia paused as Galley began to turn to leave, the ruler’s voice dropping to a whisper near the gryphoness’s ear.

“I knew you’d be perfect for this. Thank you for that.”

Her friend’s words gave Galley’s step a little extra spring as she followed Jason to the cafeteria.

You’re not alone, Jason.

‘So, you were with my dad overseas?’

‘That’s right, me and the other six guys here too. We all kept in touch, that’s why all our families were all local, and why they’re with us here. Safety in numbers and we wanted to be close enough to help the others out if stuff went down. We just never figured it’d be this bad,’ the bearded soldier rumbled.

‘Makes sense, my dad talked about you often whenever he mentioned that time, always good stuff though. I was looking forward to talking you all at that planned get-together next year. Guess we got a head start on that.’

‘I suppose so. Now, Jason, back to the important matter at hand. We have a break from those…things. Something has drawn them away, so I’m going to teach you how to shoot, more so than your dad did. I was the machine gunner on our squad; the guy over there with the hat? He will teach you longer-range stuff later.’

‘This was your gun? The thing is massive!’

The deep chuckle rattled the young man’s bones as the solider nodded.

‘M249 light machine gun. I’m not going to comment if it’s currently legal, but suppose it doesn’t matter now. Belt fed from that ammo box below it, but I made a few modifications. Those epoxy marks? I combined another few ammo boxes, so instead of two hundred shots, you get six, more if you really pack it in there and let the belt run off to the right of the magazine. It’s a pain to reload but the extra ordinance has been a lifesaver these past few weeks.’

‘Six hundred rounds? Is it automatic then?’

‘Yep. Hold the trigger and she keeps on firing, at least until the barrel melts. I’m going to show you how to control it today, at least in a rudimentary aspect. This next week is going to be a form of boot camp for you, as you dad said before. We don’t know how long we’ll be here, and things look somewhat clear this next week. So best we get it done now that we’re safe and together.’

‘Sounds good…can we start now?’

‘Oh, I already like you. Now then, here’s how you take it apart, clean it, and the mechanics work. Then we’ll go from there.’

The next week was, oddly enough, fairly uneventful. Jason enjoyed a somewhat relaxing time in the Castle, his schedule usually consisting of a media interview or two, explaining some of his items to Twilight, and then going over basic Equestrian and other nation’s history. Apparently, Twilight’s friends were going to come and meet him in a few days…

That seemed important.

Something about the Elements? Saving the world a dozen times? Yeah, probably important.

Then there was the plan to meet other nation’s leaders as part of a diplomatic outreach. Of that, Jason heartily agreed. To have an alien show up and refuse to show them to other nations just reeked of a superiority complex, to which the man appreciated Celestia’s tact. It was clear she was trying to have things transition for both him, and politically, as smoothly as possible.

A definite bright point in Jason’s day was lunch and afternoon with Galley, the gryphoness thoroughly enjoying learning about his world and life with a seemingly genuine curiosity. Be it from cars to how in the world they put a rocket into space, and even the process of how food was made; the Guard soaked it all up like a sponge. As she had put it the other day;

‘Yeah, it’s my job now to be an informal ambassador and learn about you and your world, but if it wasn’t? I’d still be right here listening to you. Now what was this about a plane that didn’t use an exterior propeller?’

To say that brought a smile to Jason’s face was an understatement. The gryphoness’s curiosity and just happy demeanor was rather…

I was going to say adorable again. Ugh. Somehow it does fit her perfectly. Eh, I’m just biased I suppose.

Very biased. I wonder how she’d react if she finds out why Gryphons are my favorite creatures, well, one of the reasons at least. I was interested in mythology even before…

Not if, but when. It’ll come up in dreams soon enough. But I never would have thought ‘adorable’ would be the go-to word for this particular gryphoness.

There really wasn’t another descriptive enough word to describe Galley when she was listening, resting her head on knurled claws as white cheeks easily tripled in puffiness under the pressure. Her green eyes always seemed to sparkle with interest and the man had yet to see an instance where she looked bored or faking interest.

Biased or not, definitely cute.

He now stood outside the castle waiting for said gryphoness, looking out over the city. He had gone on a few short tours already, but it was only until the past few days Twilight was rather happy with the progress concerning the media and the noble class of ponies in Canterlot.

Truthfully, Jason was fine with the recommendation to stick close to the castle until now. The last thing he wanted to do was end up lost and cause a manhunt.

the only ‘man’hunt this world has ever seen.

“Hey, Jason!” Galley called out cheerily, the gryphoness free from her cast as of yesterday. Apparently, the magical-accelerated healing process just left her limbs sore, no more cast needed as the bones had re-knit once again.

“So, if I may ask, why were you grinning just now?”

Jason had to suppress a chuckle at that. "Just the thought that this world has had pony-hunts for lost creatures and if I got lost it’d be the first man hunt.”


And a similar sense of humor. Another point for this gryphoness.

….am I keeping score? To what end?

“I was thinking it’s probably a good thing I’ve been only close to the castle. Getting lost in an alien city, even if not in a lot of danger, would not be a highlight of my day.”

“Hmm. That’s true; buuuut you’ve got me as a guide now! So, getting lost isn’t on the schedule. Celestia told me this morning, actually, that if you’d like to look at some apartments, we could do that. On the way we can also look at the different districts! They’re not separated by finances as much as by race…but not in a bad way, well, usually,” Galley explained as they walked. “Pegasi have different needs and wants than say, a gryphon or earth pony. There’s plenty of crossover so it’s kind of fun to see species-specific differences, at least I think so.”

“That does sound rather interesting. You all don’t wear clothes, so I’m rather curious as to see what is worn, if anything. I have seen nobles wearing hats and vests, but nothing really beyond that.”

Galley let out a thoughtful hum as they walked, heading down a lesser-used side road from the castle. “That’s true. Most clothing has a purpose here like a flight suit, protective armor, and so forth. It varies by species of course, dragons not really ever wearing anything other than armor. However, pretty much every race has some form of…erm….” her voice drifted off as a bright blush flashed on the gryphoness’s light cheeks.

Hmmmmmmm. I wonder….

“Wild guess. Lingerie exists here? In some form?”

Galley smacked a set of claws to her face and nodded. “Ugh, I was definitely not thinking ahead when speaking, but yes.”

“I am going to tamper my curiosity about that general topic with logic and say we should move on.”

I mean, how would that even-

“Sounds good to me,” Galley said between her claws, not able to look at the human for a few moments as they continued onwards. “Anyhow, this is the more ‘noble-y’ area, so mostly unicorns. Then it blends into Pegasi and Earth Pony areas intermixed with more affordable shops. Seriously, a single meal here costs like fifty bits.”

“I still need to figure out how much that is. A sold gold coin is worth a lot back where I’m from.”

“Eh, in due time. It took me a bit to understand that, honestly. But Bits are the accepted form of currency pretty much everywhere that borders Equestria, and then some.”

“Note to self, ask the lovely Princesses for some money.”

Galley snorted, a wry smile sliding onto her beak. “Eh, I think you’ll find a job soon enough. I mean, maybe you can do your old job? Might get kind of boring. Regardless, I’m fairly certain Twilight was drafting up a formal stipend for you, at least until or in supplement to whatever job you get.”

Looking around at the various shops, Jason nodded in thought. Quite a few curious glances were cast his way, but most ponies seemed fairly indifferent of the human. A few waved while others stared, but for the most part the walk was uneventful.

“Not sure what I’d even look for out there. It was just a forest, and a wet one at that. Don’t know if there’s any fires too. But I do miss the wilderness a bit. Much more peaceful than the city.”

“I’m sure one of the Princesses could make you a personal portal.”

“Hmm, that’s an idea. Oh! So, this is what current fashion is? At least for nobles?”

Galley looked over at the shop in question, clearly trying her hardest to not look disgusted. “It would appear so.”

“Not a fan?”

“Not in the slightest. But I’m a gryphon so we don’t really wear many clothes. It’s more of a status thing, of which there was very little in Griffinstone until recently. Same with ponies from what I’ve gathered.”

“Hmm. Well you have feathers and fur, so that kind of helps in terms of hot and cold. We’re not so lucky,” Jason replied.

“I can understand that. I’ll take my fur and feathers any day! Even if it is a bit…splotchy.”

There was an audible *smack* as Jason slapped his hand to his face with a groan. “Nobody is going to understand that joke other than me.”

“That’s why I saaaaaid it! Oh! Here’s an apartment, one of the more ‘refined’ ones. We don’t have appointments with them, but we can at least see the neighborhoods and stuff.”


“It’s the color, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. Teal? Like…really?”

Galley snorted, nodding as she beckoned him onwards down the street. “I don’t get it either. I swear they should cut the tenants a break just for the eyesore factor.”

“’Scuse me. Are you the ‘uman?” a squeaky voice asked, causing Jason to look down at a curious blue unicorn filly, innocent orange eyes examining the strange being as a lighter-colored mare trotted over.

“Sorry! I take my eyes off her for a second…”

“It’s really no problem,” Jason replied with a smile, then kneeling down to be a bit more at the filly’s level. “Yup. That’s me. I know I probably look kind of strange, huh?”

The filly pursed her lips in thought, then shrugged her shoulder. “Not really. You have two legs. I have four. That’s only two legs of difference!”

As Galley struggled not to laugh, Jason chuckled and nodded in agreement. “You know, when you put it like that, I suppose that’s not much of a difference at all.”

As the mare ushered her child away with a thankful smile, the filly waved a hoof towards the human and gryphoness.

“Bye, ‘Uman! Talk to you soon!”

Jason waved back, not missing the soft squeak that left Galley’s beak.

“Ok, that was adorable.”

The man was about to pose a question when an odd tone echoed through the streets, followed by a barely-decipherable voice over the speakers. Something about an emergency system test…

“Ugh, I have to tell them to fix the speakers in this section again. Every time they test the system a new bug crops up, you’d think after the Canterlot Invasion…” Galley’s eyes then widened in realization, looking towards Jason in genuine worry. “Jason? I didn’t even know they were testing these, how are you around-”

A piercing siren then filled the air; most ponies paying it no mind. Jason however immediately froze, pupils dilating. Galley’s ears swiveled as she heard the man’s breathing double in speed.

Despite his hands shaking, Jason calmly walked towards the nearest alley before sliding down to sit against the wall, struggling to control his breathing as the sirens wailed. The noise quickly subsided, the human then letting out a frustrated breath.

“I’ve tried to do some exposure therapy against those things; it was only partially effective,” he muttered. “But at least I’m not completely shutting down like I did at first. I’m surprised you have the same sirens here…”

“Anything I can do to help?” Galley asked, wings drooping on seeing the man so clearly unsettled. The request made him let out a huff, shoulders shrugging.

“Nothing appropriate, unfortunately.”

Galley’s deadpan expression nearly distracted Jason enough to laugh out loud, the gryphoness sitting next to him. “Would a hug fall under inappropriate in your mind then? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but Equestria is basically powered by hugs.”

Jason managed a smile, the man finally nodding. “Well, I suppose that viewpoint may need to change, huh? Every creature here is a bit more touchy-feely than I’m used to, I gather,” he paused, seeing Galley’s ears still locked onto him. “But yes, one would help. I’m not really a huggy type, but it seemed-”

His words drifted off as Galley reached her left forelimb over to rest it across his shoulders, the human shaking his head slowly.

“First human in Equestria, and I’m incapacitated by a siren of all things.”

Jason felt Galley’s one-armed grip tighten slightly, the gryphoness swallowing a lump in her throat.

“Snowstorms were like that for me, still kind of are,” she whispered. “So, I don’t think it’s that big a deal.”


Galley nodded, the gryphoness feeling the man’s breathing start to slow. “I lived on my own for most of my childhood. Winters were rough to say the least. Sometimes you had somewhere to stay, other times you didn’t.”

“I can understand that in a general sense,” Jason mused, his hands now only trembling slightly. Another minute, and his breathing had returned to normal, the man reaching up to give Galley’s arm a pat. “I think I’m good.”

Letting the human go, Galley looked at him cautiously, clearly wanting to ensure his words matched his appearance. What she wasn’t expecting was the man to reached over and give her a proper hug, a startled squawk leaving her beak.

“Thank you, Galley. Hopefully this is appropriate.”

Galley immediately returned the gesture with a sincere smile, a soft giggle leaving her beak. “You’re quite welcome. And y-yup, I’d say you’re acclimating fine!”

The man couldn’t help but be struck by a moment of familiarity; the gryphoness relaxing at his touch as she had back at the tower. The little skip in her voice wasn’t missed either. Not that he knew what either meant, but it was still interesting.

Huh. Huggy creatures here, good to know. Of all the things to help, a hug from a gryphoness.

Hmm. Hugging Galley seems to lack the usual awkwardness I feel otherwise. I wonder-

As he let the gryphoness go and stood up, the man’s mouth curled up into a smile. “Whoa, you’re poofy.” The blush on Galley’s face coupled with her wide eyes made Jason laugh as she sputtered. “Uh, did I say something wrong? I don’t think it’s a bad look!”

“Nope!” Galley squeaked, smoothing her feathers as best she could as a set of claws waved back to the street. “Shall we keep going?”

The amused look on Jason’s face let the gryphoness know she wasn’t fooling anyone; even if he wasn’t sure what such a thing meant.

Of course, the fact Galley’s feathers occasionally fluffed up throughout the day was a constant source of amusement for the human, the man making the remark that doing so made the gryphoness appear like a cute, slightly-burned marshmallow.

That did not help the matter.

“…it’s an armband?”

“Nope! Well, yes, but that’s not it,” Twilight explained, gesturing to the metal and leather item. “It’s a version of what the guard’s use. I took apart a few of the gauntlets and combined them all into one! It channels magical energy based on the user. This one I modified since you aren’t a pony. Usually they draw upon the pony’s inherent magical power, whatever type it may be. Since you don’t have any inherent magical power as far as I can tell, I adjusted it with the help of the changelings. It’ll draw upon your emotions instead!” Twilight crowed, hopping up and down excitedly.

Jason couldn’t help but smile even if he was a bit confused. “I mean, that sounds really cool, but it’s not what I was expecting for today’s discussion. What can that tell you, if I may ask?”

Twilight blushed, gesturing to the item again. “Oh! Right, um, it will tell us if you can operate anything magical in our world. Essentially, it can be an indicator if you can harness magic in any way shape or form.”

“Huh. Ok…so…I just think of something to create with this thing?”

Nodding and staring at the device, Twilight levitated a pen and paper over, almost vibrating with anticipation.

“Yup! Just focus on an emotion, preferably happy, and what you want to create. I’d suggest a dinner-plate sized shield. Those are magically very simple, at least the basic forms are.”

The man shrugged, looking at the gauntlet curiously.


Thinking of a shield…shield…happy emotions. A birthday party with my family?

The device let out a few sparks, making Twilight’s eyes widen and the pen scribble rapidly. It also made Jason grin. A visible result from a mere thought was somehow rather exciting!

Ok, still a shield. Hmm. Let’s try this, a bit more of a mixed bag. Realizing I’m welcome in Equestria and surrounded by friends.

The device let out another sputter of sparks- these a bit more cohesive and in roughly a circular pattern before fading.

“Hey, Twilight? Feeling a tad woozy,” Jason muttered, prompting a wince from the Alicorn.

“Oh, right. It will be your body adjusting to the emotional drain. In theory, you have limitless energy when tapped into your emotions but the rebound afterwards will be draining as you recover. We don’t have to do much more today, just a final test which is a bit-”


As the explosive sound echoed around the room, Jason immediately ducked against the nearest desk, wondering if one of his rifles had been tampered with. The gauntlet erupted with a waterfall of angry sparks in a shimmering wall, eating away at the solid stone at Jason’s feet and the metal desk like a swarm of hungry termites.

As he poked his head above the desk, the man took a deep breath, seeing a mortified lab assistant standing over a shattered vial.

“S-sorry! I brushed it and it was pressurized and…” the mare began to stammer before Twilight trotted over and gave her a pat with a wing.

“Jason, you ok?” she asked, the man standing up with a nod, the device now sputtering off.

“Just a reflex, but yes, I’m fine.”

As the assistant trotted off with flattened ears, Twilight scribbled a few more notes with a sigh.

“Well, negative emotions were the final range I wanted to try, and I am going to assume that indeed was such a reaction.”

“Putting it mildly, yeah.”

“I really am sorry about that…” Twilight frowned, ears perking up as Jason waved a hand.

“Eh, it happens. I’m surprised that sounded like a gunshot though. A pressurized vial?”

“For testing some of your emergency gear, yes. Ugh, sorry again, we can be done for now.”

As Jason made to take off the gauntlet, Twilight shook her head, pushing the device back with a magical shove.

“If you can, please keep it close to you at all times. Allowing the magical matrices to acclimate to your unique signature, or lack thereof, may help it interact with your emotions better.”


“Sorry. Keep it close so the device can calibrate to you. It may help with further tests; you don’t have to wear it though.”

“Oh, ok, I can do that. Now, I was supposed to meet Galley at a cheesecake shop. Where is that in relation to here?”

“Cheesecake work? Oh, that place is amazing! I can send you there!” Twilight gushed, horn starting to spark.

“Beam me up.”


“Remind me to show you ‘Star Trek’ for the daily ‘human videos’ segment at the Castle,” Jason chuckled as the world disappeared in a flash of color.

Author's Note:

Learning a bit more about Jason's past, the event, and of course some adorable moments!