• Published 19th Jun 2019
  • 4,869 Views, 769 Comments

Harmonic Gift From The Stars - DTavs exe

A human machine falls from the sky and Twilight, with the help of her friends discover all its musical secrets.

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Chapter 13: When Ideas Collide

It’s been a few weeks after the last music box session, everypony had been busy with their own business, Pinkie got a request to plan a huge cute-ceañera for one of the nobles on Canterlot, Rainbow went touring with the wonderbolts, Fluttershy went to take care of her brother since he got sick and that meant he crashed on their parents and they would be sick as well, Starlight joined Trixie for a tour to Saddle Arabia finally reaching without much fight between them, Rarity went to a fashion festival on Manehatten, Applejack accompanied her since she wanted to visit her aunt and uncle Orange, due to the festival every inn and hotel were full, so they had no other choice but to ask help from Applejack’s relatives, unfortunately they only had one room available with one bed, it was an awkward trip to say the least but that’s a story for another day.

They returned a few days ago except for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie soon they went back to their everyday routine and once everypony returned they will leave to Canterlot to prepare the Summer Sun Celebration. At the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was waiting for the arrival of a friend, Moon Dancer sent her a letter asking if she could come visit Ponyville for a few days which she gladly accepted, she should arrive that afternoon by train just in time for a session with the music box, Moon dancer was one of Twilight’s oldest friends and she was sure she could trust her with the secret.

Twilight walked the halls of the castle heading for the kitchen where Spike was preparing today’s snacks, “Spike, I’m leaving to pick Moon Dancer, have you seen Starlight?” she asked the drake in an apron baking cookies.

He put the tray of cookies in the oven “Yup, Sunburst is in town and they went to the antique shop”

“Oh, hey if you see them again tell her if she can invite him to our session today.”

“No problem,” he said while preparing the next batch of cookies.


Twilight get to the train station just a few minutes before the train’s arrival, she hasn’t seen her friends in Canterlot in a while and Moon Dancer has never been at Ponyville before. It would be an interesting experience for all of them and she was sure Moon Dancer will love to learn about the aliens.

The train stopped and the doors opened, letting different colored ponies out of the train, “Twilight!” said a yellow mare wearing a sweater and big glasses from the train, she ran and hugged Twilight.

Twilight responded with a hug on her own, “Moon Dancer, I’m glad you made it, it’s been a while since the last time we saw each other.”

“Yeah since that Sombra guy tried to take over and I attempted to murder you and your friends…”

“eesh um… well we can hardly count that, you weren’t conscious of your actions and me-”

Moon Dancer put a hoof on Twilight’s muzzle, “gee Twilight, that was a joke, I do jokes now,” she levitated her luggage, “so what was that great secret you wanted to tell me?”

Twilight shook her head, “oh, you will need to wait until we are at the castle,” Twilight picked Moon Dancer’s stuff with her magic.

Moon Dancer laughed, “Come on Twilight, it can’t be that secret, is not like you discovered a new civilization or something like that,” Twilight stopped and almost dropped the luggage, “OH. MY. GOSH. You DID discover a new civilization, but HOW? AND WHERE?” everypony around stared at them so Twilight covered Moon Dancer with her wings and teleported to the castle.


At the castle Starlight and Sunburst were carrying a huge box with antiques, “Seriously how do you even pay for all this stuff, Sunburst?” Starlight said putting the box on the floor.

Sunburst fixed his glasses, “I don’t have many expenses and these are pretty cheap to be honest,”

A clip clap of claws could be heard entering the room, “Starlight, Twilight asked me to tell you, you could invite Sunburst to today’s session with the music box.”

“I actually already invited him, didn’t I Sunburst?” she said while hitting him with her hoof.

He rubbed where Starlight hit him, “watch the spikes on that, yeah but what is so special about a music box?”

“You’ll see” both Spike and Starlight said at the same time.

Suddenly a flash startled all of them when Twilight and Moon Dancer teleported in, “I’m sorry Twilight, it wasn’t my intention to scream that in public,” the yellow mare said.

Twilight put her friend’s stuff on the floor, “that’s ok, you should have seen me when I realized what we discovered,” everyone in the room stared at the two mares that just arrived, “hey Starlight I see you guys are back, the others should arrive shortly,” she directed herself to Moon Dancer, “let me introduce you, you already know Spike, this is my friend Starlight and her childhood friend Sunburst, guys this is-”

“Moon Dancer!” Sunburst said interrupting Twilight, his face bright as a summer sun, he ran and grabbed Moon Dancer by the hoof and shook it up and down.

She was freaked out by the stallion holding her hoof, ”do I know you?” she said embarrassed, however this was the first time a stallion has held her hoof, not counting family and it felt nice.

The stallion let go of her hoof and both fixed their respective glasses, ”it's me Sunburst, I sat next to you on thaumatology applications, mechanics of magic fluids, rune programing and principles of mana and its uses at magic school,” Sunburst said deflating a bit.

Moon Dancer bit her lip trying to remember this pony, some memories passed through her head.


It was at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns a few years ago a pony tried to talk to her during class every day, she always ignored him since she didn't need friends, but he kept trying every day and eventually he started leaving a cupcake on her desk on top of a note, she always ate the cupcake but threw away the note, until one day she just couldn't throw it, maybe it was the guilt or maybe she finally was trying to reach out to somepony else, in anyway Moon Dancer waited until after class to read it and it said 'hey I'm Sunburst, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with this notes, but I like your glasses and I see you are really smart, I would like to know you better, maybe you can help me with my magic, I get the theory but I'm really bad with the practice, if you are too shy to respond or you don't want to, just give another note, I'll respect your decision.'

This made her gut warm and her face blush, she began writing a note, ”wait a minute, am I really considering opening myself to another pony after Twilight took my poor heart and blasted it to smithereens?” she considered what she went through maybe this was not a good idea, ”what the hay, I guess I could try once more,” she quickly wrote a note and went to sleep.

The next morning for some reason the day was brighter, the birds were louder and the flowers smelled better and Moon Dancer felt like it would be a good day, she hurried to her class and sat at her spot but there was no cupcake or note on it, ”huh, maybe he is late,” 'wait a second, he is never late, what could have happened?' ”oh don't worry Moon Dancer, is not like he will disappear from the face of Equum,” 'but what if he gave up on me?' ”if he had given up on me then he would've stopped giving me the notes,” 'but what if he was lying and now he is laughing at me?' ”OH SHUT UP!”

A white stallion dressed in a vest stared at Moon Dancer, ”excuse me Miss-” he looked at his notes ”Moon Dancer, I'm sorry you disagree with my way of teaching, but if you have a comment, I would really appreciate it if you give it in a more calm way, may I continue giving the class?” he said and Moon Dancer was petrified, she nodded and the stallion gave a small laugh and continued with the class while everypony whispered about the scene.

Moon Dancer was confused, Sunburst seemed to have skipped class, and the next one and the one after that, she eventually learned that he flunked out, she felt destroyed inside, she lost yet another pony that could have been a good friend and this time she had nopony else to blame but herself, she never approached anypony else for the remaining of her stay at magic school.


With a teary face Moon Dancer put a hoof on Sunburst's face ”you are the muffin boy... Sunburst,” the stallion nodded, she jumped and hugged him, ”I'M SORRY, I'M TERRIBLY SORRY, you just wanted to be my friend and I ignored you, I could have helped you and you wouldn’t have flunked out, can you ever forgive me?” Moon Dancer said with tears running down her face.

He hugged her as well, “um… I… well… yeah, I mean, sure ah,” Sunburst wasn’t expecting this outburst of emotion, he welcomed it though.

“No way, is she the mare you told me you had a crubfgs-” Starlight tried saying but was silenced by a pillow to the face.

Sunburst threw daggers at her oldest friend releasing the pillow of his magic and then fixed his glasses,“Anyway it’s been a while, I-I-I thought you didn’t like me since you never wrote when I flunk out of magic school.”

Moon dancer let go of the hug fixing her glasses as well, “how on Equum would I write you? You didn’t leave me your address.”

Throwing a confused look Sunburst said, “yeah I did, the day I had to leave I wrote you a note and left it with one of your friends, Lyra I believe her name was,” he scratched his head.

When Twilight heard that, she remembered a few months after she moved to Ponyville she received a visit from Lyra and she left her a note, she asked the green unicorn what was that about but Lyra ran away saying something about ’having lunch with a cute earth pony mare she just met,’ she didn’t give it importance since it only had the contact information of a pony she had never met, “oh Lyra you idiot,” she said facehoofing at one of her Canterlot friends.

“I never got the note, well that's not important anymore, oh sorry my glasses got wet,“

Sunburst pulled a cloth from his cape, “le-let me help you with that,“ unfortunately he tripped on his cape and fell, pushing Moon Dancer to the ground both facing eye to eye, their muzzles touched causing them to blush meanwhile everyone else looked astonished.

“Well Ah be, ain't that cute, sugarcube?“ Applejack said to Rarity next to her.

Rarity nudged her farmer friend on the ribs, “darling, please don't ruin the mood,“ she directed herself to the pair on the ground, “don't listen to her, we saw what happened,“ she winked at them, they quickly stood up sporting a blush on their faces.

Twilight cleared her throat to get everyone's attention, “well since everypony who will come, is already here, then I guess we can begin the session,“

“What about Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow?“ asked Starlight.

“They haven't returned, they will probably come on time for us to leave for Canterlot or meet us there, so I guess we can begin now with the music box,“ both Sunburst and Moon Dancer snapped from their embarrassment induced stupor at the promise of knowledge they still didn't have, they pulled a notebook and a pencil each and stared directly at Twilight, “ok, I think that means you agreed...“ Twilight spend the next few minutes explaining the events that made them study an alien race's music and what they have learned so far, the guests took notes like crazy and even more when Twilight showed them the music box, they made several drawings of the machine.

“This is incredibly fascinating Twilight, to think that you were able to modify Bocafloja's spell to translate alien language, you truly are the princess of magic,“ Moon Dancer said with a face as bright as the sun, at which Sunburst nodded and Twilight felt embarrassed for the compliment.

Sunburst read his notes and asked, “so this 'music box' contains information stored non-magically on what appears to be the equivalent of a memory crystal and reproduces it's content without the need of other machinery or magic amulets?“ Twilight nodded, “amazing, to think a non-magical civilization be able to accomplish such technology not even seen on the Minotaur lands, that alien race must be centuries more advanced than ours.“

Twilight prepared the console, “Indeed, and now since you are our guests why don't you decide who will be the first to activate it?“

Moon Dancer and Sunburst looked at each other, just realizing that they sit right next to the other one, “em... I-I think Moon Dancer should be first, l-l-ladies first and all that,“ Sunburst said while rubbing his hooves, Moon Dancer giggled and approached the music box, pressing the button as Twilight instructed, she returned to her sit next to Sunburst and immediately a voice started singing.

At the mere mention of the state of the universe, the three scholar ponies furiously took notes, this is exactly what Twilight was waiting for, a song about knowledge and possibly some theories about these aliens.

“What the hay? they are talkin' like they just bit a jalapeño on a sunny day, Ah can't understand much of what they are sayin', sugarcube“ Applejack said scratching her head.

“Yeah they are talking really fast, but what I can understand is that the song is about the alien's history, from the very beginning, and how they build pyramids or how the 'neanderthals' developed tools whatever they are also talking OH they are talking about the theory of the big bang,“ Starlight said remembering a bit about that theory proposed by an old griffon George The Master.

Rarity scrunched her muzzle, this was not her area of expertise, “what they mean by the 'dawn of man'? do you think they mean the beginning of their civilization, darling?“

“I have no idea but I'm liking this song, is funny,“ said Spike while munching on some gems.

When the song ended, Twilight, Sunburst and Moon Dancer kept writing a few notes and thoughts on all the information the song gave them.

Applejack was laughing on her spot, “That song is nuttier than a squirrel turd, we all know that Faust Almighty created the universe and everything in it,“

Moon Dancer stopped writing, “What?“ she said looking at the farmer, “you know there is no actual proof that Faust was an actual pony right?“

Applejack adjusted her hat, “beg pardon? the proof is all around us, the trees, the sky, the clouds, hay your very fancy magics should be proof enough of Faust's will,“ she said offended by Moon Dancer's comment.

Twilight stopped writing too and looked at her friends discussing, "oh no," she said softly, she knew that Applejack was a very devoted follower of the Faustian religion and that Moon Dancer was an atheist, this could only end badly for both parties and she knew that she couldn't meddle with them right now, how could she choose between two of her best friends?.

“Oh come on, you know yourself that is not proof enough, Applejack“ Moon Dancer said with a stern look.

“Then how 'bout the holy scriptures?“ Applejack responded with a look as serious as Moon Dancer's.

“Taking the old scriptures as proof of Faust is like taking comic books as proof of Super Mane, we are talking about actual facts and documented theories,“

Sunburst was frightened by how the two femme fatales were discussing, he was still next to Moon Dancer thinking a way to de-escalate the confrontation.

“Oh yeah? so what it says that theory of the big bang?“ Applejack fixed her hat so she could clearly see Moon Dancer's eyes.

“At its simplest, it says the universe as we know it started with a small singularity, then inflated over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.“

“Oh but what happen' before that?“ Applejack asked but Moon Dancer was unable to answer.

They both approached each other until they were face to face, “I have countless explanations as to why creationism isn't correct.“

“And Ah will refute every single one of 'em, sugarcube,“

They both lifted their right hoof to the air, on that moment Twilight knew she had to act before this discussion becomes physical, but she was too far from them, both Applejack and Moon Dancer quickly moved their hoof at each other and everyone but Moon Dancer and Applejack closed their eyes waiting for the worst.

“I must say, I like you Applejack, I'm sorry if I sounded to confrontational, is just that topics like this make my blood boil,“ Moon Dancer said shaking Applejack's hoof with her own.

“Right back at ya Moon Dancer, Ah know that stuff like this is mighty delicate, Ahm glad we can agree to disagree,“ with that the remaining souls on the room stared as if they had seen a ghost, “what? y'all didn't think we would fight because we have different ideas, did y'all?“ both mares laughed still holding hooves.

The purple alicorn cleaned her forehead from sweat, “that was something, anyway returning to the song, it's incredible that their culture, if the song is accurate, follows a very close parallel to ours, from developing tools, to building structures, to the creation of science, art and even religion.“

Spike giggled at seeing Twilight so excited about the information on the song, “It gives hope that one day we will be able to have technology as advanced as this one, eh Twilight?“ she nodded hugging her notebook like a teddybear.

At all this Sunburst approached the music box, “I suppose it's my turn now,“ everyone returned to their spots, he pressed the button and a soft, slow tune started playing.

“What a peculiar voice, even if it is quite... raspy it's not threatening, in fact it's calming,“ Rarity commented.

Twilight agreed, “Yeah and he is right, what a wonderful world we would live if everypony loved each other,“

Sunburst was taking notes but stopped to enjoy the actual song, “they seem to have a similar habitat than planet Equum, with all the green trees, flowers and even a day and night cycle.“

Moon Dancer also stopped writing to enjoy the song, “and as you said they seem to have hands like minotaurs on centaurs and shaking them must be a common greeting like shaking hooves... oh babies, babies are so cute, someday I hope to have babies of my own,“ she said, at this last bit she put her head on Sunburst's shoulder which froze him Moon Dancer realized what she just did and removed her head, “I'M SORRY I didn't mean with you... no wait that sounded rude, is not that I don't find you attractive you are gorgeous... um... I mean I can see you are a healthy stallion and I bet our foals would be healthy as well... NO WAIT THAT'S WORSE, I mean we just met and you know what? I'll shut up or I'll make it even worse,“ she said pouting a bit with a blush on her face.

Sunburst took a few seconds to assimilate what just happened, once he digested what she said he thought 'she thinks I'm gorgeous' and then blushed as well, the only word he could muster at that moment was “t-thanks,“ they sat there next to each other meanwhile the gang stared at them with grins on their faces, this was going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship and maybe even more.

To be continued

Author's Note:

First things first, I want to state that I didn't meant to offend the views and/or ideals of anyone, that being said this was SOOOOO FREAKING FUN to write, I really wanted to bring Sunburst and Moon Dancer on a fic, as you probably noticed I ship it like fedex.

Shouts to 5UP3RN0V4 for suggesting using Barenaked Ladies - The Big Bang Theory theme like a gazillion years ago, sorry it took so long buddy.

Hey I wasn't here either, what gives?

Sorry Pinkie, I don't want to overuse your "teasing" of Applejack and Rarity since they even had to share a bed in Manehatten, I bet Rarity would've gotten an aneurysm if you teased them about that.

They did WHAT? and I missed it? you are not fun at all! what about Rainbow and Fluttershy?

Oh well, I was kinda worried on how would they react to the conflict between Moon Dancer and Applejack, it would probably gotten messy if Fluttershy started crying or Rainbow smashed Moon Dancer's head to the floor, wait a minute, I shouldn't be saying that to you, that was supposed to be a secret!

You can't keep a secret from me, I even know what color of underwear you have right now.

Ok that's creepy, anyway I hope you liked today's chapter as always every comment, advice, request, demand or complain is appreciated and don't forget:

Be polite, be careful, educate yourself as much as you can, respect your neighbor so that they respect you and may the force be with you, say goodbye Pinkie.

Goodbye Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

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