• Published 19th Jun 2019
  • 4,869 Views, 769 Comments

Harmonic Gift From The Stars - DTavs exe

A human machine falls from the sky and Twilight, with the help of her friends discover all its musical secrets.

  • ...

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Chapter 31: An Even Better Way To Be Bad.

Another lovely and peaceful day at Sweet Apple Acres, “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” I guess not, the yell that could be heard outside of the house came from the Apple Family matron Granny Smith.

“But Granny-”

“No buts, Applejack or Ah’ll make your butt red with a paddlin’ youn’ filly,” Granny insisted while Applejack and Rarity were in front of her, fear plastered on their faces.

“Ah know this goes against tradition, but hear me out.”

“No, Ah won’t have none of that, the answer is no and that’s final.”

Applejack turned to see Rarity, “Ah’m sorry sugarcube, but you heard Granny.”

Rarity shrugged, “that’s ok darling, I would have been surprised if she said yes, tradition has been really important for the Apple family after all. It wasn’t that important, we can go to the next show in two moons, but the Apple Family reunion happens every one hundred moons,” she then fixed Applejack’s hat and gave her a peck on the cheek, while Granny Smith watched with a smile.

“Aww look at y'all, younglins’ in love, why don’t you come t’the family reunion instead?”

“What me? But isn’t that only for the Apple Family?”

“What did Ah say ‘bout buts, besides you are practically part of the family now, ain’t she Applejack?” she nodded hugging Rarity, “what do ya say young filly?”

“I-I-I’ll be honored Granny, yes.”

“Well that’s decided then, so how ‘bout some grub, Ah’m starving.”

And so the Apple family enjoyed a meal together in peace, two couples, an elder a child and the family dog.


That weekend Sweet Apple Acres was filled to the brim with members from the extended Apple Family from all over equestria, even Grand Pear showed up surprising a large part of the Apples, he was talking with all the elders reminiscing some of the disputes and laughing about them.

On the other side, Applejack and her marefriend walked side to side, they were headed to a table where Big Mac and his wife were sitting, “Big Mac, enjoyin’ the reunion?”


“Did Apple Strudel make it?”

“Eyup,” he pointed at the elders talking and laughing.

“How ‘bout his granddaughter, Apfelkuchen?”

“Eyup,” he pointed at some of the foals playing with each other.



Applejack rolled her eyes, “yeah, that branch rarely comes, they live too far in Neighpon, HEY what ‘bout Pomme?”

“Enope, wait… eyup!” he pointed at the entrance where a brown maned mare, wearing a black beret and a striped shirt, was just arriving at the farm.

Both Applejack and Rarity walked to greet the new arrival, “Pomme, how good to see you!”

“Oh Applejack, ravi de te voir aussi, as-tu reçu les chocolats que je t'ai envoyés?”

“Come again?”

“She said ‘nice to see you too’ and asked if you got the chocolates she sent you, darling.”

“Pomme, you know Ah don’t speak fancy, but yeah Ah got ‘em.”

“Oh I'm sairry Applejack, zumtimes ai fairget zat… and who mai zis love-lee lady be?”

“Oh, yeah she’s Rarity… she’s mah… um… special somepony?” Applejack turned to Rarity for reassurance, the white unicorn smiled and nodded, “yeah.”

“Oh Applejack, I'm zo 'appy fair you, zo ze chocolats waire fair har? Nice to meet you, mon name eez Pomme au Chotolat, you can call me Pomme.”

“I’m Rarity, I’m delighted to meet you,” Rarity and Pomme kissed in both cheeks, they talked about food and fashion meanwhile Applejack followed them rolling her eyes.

On another side of the farm, some foals were playing while Apple Bloom waited for her favorite cousin, she was startled by someone pushing her back, “What's up cousin, how have yuh been, or what?”

“Babs! Long time no see!” the filly hugged her cousin, both smiling.

Babs pushed Apple Bloom and blew her bangs off her face as she tends to do, “Oh come on AB, it wasn't dat long, I was here when de Scootaloo leavin' Ponyville fiasco happened. Okay?”

“That was last year cus, Twilight wasn’t even crowned yet.”

“Wow, was it really dat long? Time flies when yuh are busy.”

“You wrote that you started workin’ at a beauty salon, is it good?”

“Well not actually wawhkin', is mawh like an internship. Okay? I wanna learn mawh tings besides cuttin' manes. Yuh got me? Anyway what is dat ting yuh wanted tuh show me AB?”

“Oh yeah! We are just waiting for-”

“PSST,” was heard from one of the bushes nearby.


“PSST!” Apple Bloom and Babs Seed watched at a bush where two pairs of eyes were looking at them.

“Oh for the love of. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, get the hay out of there.”

“Sorry,” both fillys said at the same time.

“Is not that there’s a set rule that only the Apple Family can attend this reunions, you know?”

“Yeah but it feels weird seeing the farm so full of ponies, oh hey Babs.”

“Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo my gal, howahrya? Scootaloo, yuh really need tuh let me cut your mane, dis mess yuh got here doesn't suitcha.”

“No way, I like my mane as it is.”

“Fine, at least let me stylish it. Right?”

“I’ll think about it.”

Sweetie Belle whispered in Apple Bloom’s ear, “are you sure it is ok for you to leave the reunion so early? You won’t get in trouble, will you?”

“That’s ok, Sweetie Belle, we’re not expected ‘til dinner, so while we get back before that we’ll be ok. Did you message Spike?”

“Yup, I got a response already, there is nopony at the castle right now so we can go.”


The four fillies entered the castle and quickly went to the studio where Spike would be waiting for them.

“So whatcha are tellin' me is dat yuh got some alien tech and yuh use it tuh listen music?”

“Yeah, we come once in a while to listen to alien music with Spike, sometimes his not-girlfriend Gabby hangs out as well.”

“What do yuh mean by ‘not-girlfriend’ Sweetie Belle?”

“Oh well, we all know they are dating but they won’t admit it.”

Scootaloo laughed, “I think the only ones who don’t know are them, five bits that she is here today as well,” they opened the door to the studio and were greeted by Spike and Gabby, “HA! I knew it.“

“What is dat smell?“

“Oh that's probably the cream pie Spike gave me, I'm Gabriella but call me Gabby, kay?“

“Oh I'm Babs... wait WHAT?“ she asked shocked while the others stared at her confused for the outburst.

“Cream pie, want some?“ Gabby showed her the desert Spike had made himself, “he is such a good baker, you don't mind right Spike?“ the dragon shook his head.

“Oh... oooooh, sure thanks,“ Gabby shared the pie among the fillies, who enjoyed it telling stories about Griffonstone Ponyville and Manehatten, “so you are telling me those prissy rich fillies are not bullies anymore?“

Scootaloo flapped her wings, “yeah, they apologized for everything they said to us and they have been really helpful, Diamond Tiara had a rough time with her mom, but after they all went to therapy they seem happier, Silver Spoon has always been a follower so she wasn't that much of a problem, they are still a bit bossy but at least they don't bully us anymore.“

“Would yuh look at dat, I guess is nevuh too late tuh change, alright let's hit dat alien stuff shall we?“

The group cleaned the mess they made and surrounded the music box, Spike as always checked the status on the console and changed the cartridge, he couldn't check the translator spell since he didn't have magic but Twilight made sure that wouldn't be necessary, “ok girls, since Babs is the guest why don't she presses the button first?“

They agreed and let Babs approach the music box, she pressed the button and returned to her spot, a hard electric guitar riff could be heard.

“Woa, dat sounds awesome, I'm likin' dese aliens,“ said Babs softly stomping the floor at the rhythm of the song.

“Now that's a raspy voice if I ever heard one.“

“You're right Scootaloo, but what does he mean by bad t'the bone?“

Sweetie Belle scratched her head, “I think he means bad as in good, like Babs.“

Everyone except Babs replied with an OOoooooh, Babs blew her bangs off her face and rolled her eyes.

“Breaking hearts? That doesn't sound like a bad as in good thing, that spuds more like a bad as in bad thing.“

Gabby covered her beak with her talons, “you are right Spike, and it doesn't even sounds that he wants to stop, he is truly b-b-b-b-bad,“ the Griffon giggled at her own joke.

“Goodness, I can't believe that you would do something like that Babs.“

“What? What did I do? I've done nothing.“

“You are bad Babs, you are meant to do those things, aren't you?“ Scootaloo said containing her laugh.

“That's bad as in bad, I'm bad as in good, I'm cool, I'm smokin' no wait smokin' is bad, yuh get me AB, doan yuh?“ the group laughed at Babs who blew the bangs off her face again, “I see yuh grew a sense of humawh dis time we were apart.“

“That’s a saxophone? I always meant to learn how to play the saxophone but couldn’t.”

“Why is that Gabby?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Well for one I’m pretty busy and on the other claw, well beak,” Gabby laughed again at her own joke, this time everyone else laughed with her while the song played in the background.

“Ok what now?“

“Oh I was going to press the button next,“ said Gabby pressing the button and returning to her spot, a mighty tune could be head and then a bass line.

When the first verse started Sweetie Belle’s eyes lighted out, Scootaloo giggled looking at her friend, “hey Sweetie Belle, isn't that the voice you have a crush on?“

“Yeah... wait NO! I don't have a crush on that voice, I just think it is good,“ the blushing unicorn said, putting a pillow against Scootaloo's face with her magic.

“Yeah right, you were making goo goo eyes last time when we were listening to that song you are not a clone, I bet you listened to the recording like a hundred times.“

“It was you are not alone and I only listened to it forty two times... I mean, oh poo.“

“Yuh got tuh admit he has a really good voice, feels kinda hypnotic.“

“I know right, is so beautiful... the voice I mean, sounds like a grown up voice with the soul of a child, even if this one he wants to sound like a bad cookie.“

“To be fair he doesn't sound that bad, probably he is just responding to somepony who provoked him,“ Spike said while munching on some gems.

“Well if somepony provoked me, it is just a sign dat dey have too many teeth in deir mouth and I'll gladly fix dat issue.“

“See, he actually wants to change the world, he is that bad that means actually good,” Sweetie Belle said clapping her hooves, they enjoyed the song and at the last verse Sweetie Belle whispered, “oh you are bad, baby.“

“Well that was nice y’all, we should leave ‘fore Bab’s and Ah are missed in the reunion.”

“Hey I didn’t have a turn last time either, no fair.”

“Ah guess we still have some time Scootaloo, go and press the button.”

Scootaloo pressed the button and an angelic yodel came from the machine.

“What the hay? Is somepony hurting him? Oh he is singing now.”

“Hey he sounds kinda badass,” Babs said, blowing her bangs off her face once more, “what? Chicken? Nevermind it’s not badass.”

“What are you talking about Babs? Chickens are awesome, they give eggs and feathers for pillows and in this song they attack.”

“You would be the one who likes chickens, Scootaloo.”

“What do you mean Sweetie Belle?”

“Oh nothing, just enjoying the song and… *gasp* he just said the F word!”

“Chicken?” asked Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom put a hoof on her shoulder, “no she's talkin' 'bout fuck, you can't say fuck, it's not proper.”

“Apple Bloom!” yelled Sweetie Belle.

“why de fuck not?”


“Dude, you should stop saying fuck.”


“Fuck!” Gabby said, muffled by her own claws.


“What's so bad about it, it's not hurtin' anypony, fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck!”

Sweetie Belle was about to get a headache, “Babs, everypony STOP! Let’s just listen to the song before bugs come out of my ears.”

“Ugh, is he going to eat the chicken in winter?”

Gabby giggled, “I guess you could say-”

Spike facepalmed, “please Gabby, don’t-”

She continued “he protec, he attac, but most importantly, he a snac!” everyone let out an exasperated sigh, while the griffon rolled on the floor laughing.

As the song came to the end, the group enjoyed the ancient yodel of wisdom, peace and justice.

“That was funny y’all, but we need t’go now, Ah don’t wanna miss aunt Apple Brandy when she gets drunk ‘fore dinner, that’s the best part of the reunion,” everyone wrapped out the place and left for their respective houses.


Apple Bloom and Babs trotted on the town after separating themselves from Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

“Babs, remember this is supposed t’be a secret, after the first time that Twilight let us listen with her the music box, she asked Starlight t’only show us songs already recorded t’make sure they were ‘clean’ which is lame.”

“Like totally lame. Right?” Babs responded not watching where she was trotting, when she collided with another pony, both falling on their rumps, “look where yuh are goin' idiot!” she said while rubbing her head, in front of her there were two ponies, one tall with a blank look on his face and the other chubby who was rubbing his own head, “d'ja hear me Tubby or I need tuh pull your ears so yuh can hear bettuh?”

“Babs we ain’t have no time, Ah’ll let you clobber him tomorrow.”

“*tch* Yuh are lucky my friend here stopped me Tubby, yuh too Lanky, see yas!” both left running full throttle leaving the two colts behind.

“Snails.” said the chubby colt.


Snips stood up, cleaning some of the dust from his body looking at the due running to Sweet Apple Acres, “I think I’m in love.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

And we start again, how are you liking the fic so far?

Hey no fair!


Yeah dude, with that chapter's name anypony would think that this was going to be a villain chapter.

What? No way, I just wanted to have the word “bad” in it, originally it was going to be “Babs to the bone” but then it would have been too obvious one of the songs we would use.

I like it, you should have used that one.

I agree, you should change it.

Nope, the name stays.

Meh, anyway, what’s with you and shipping, now you will ship Snails and Babs?

It was Snips not Snails and no, this was a one time thing, or at least if I bring it on in the future, it will be a one sided love.

Why? I think is cute.

I don’t know, what do you say Izzi?

I think there are too many ships already.

Yeah I thought that too, let’s do this, depending on the reception it gets I’ll follow up with that ship.


Fair enough.

Anyway, I hope you liked today's chapter as always every comment, advice, request, demand or complain is appreciated and don't forget:

Be polite, be careful, educate yourself as much as you can, respect  your neighbor so that they respect you and may the force be with you,  say goodbye Pinkie.

Goodbye Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

Say Goodbye Izzi.

Hasta la vista, baby!

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