• Published 19th Jun 2019
  • 4,869 Views, 769 Comments

Harmonic Gift From The Stars - DTavs exe

A human machine falls from the sky and Twilight, with the help of her friends discover all its musical secrets.

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Chapter 18: Daring Don't Take It Away

Saying Rainbow Dash enjoys flying it's an understatement, Rainbow Dash loves flying and flying she does, in the morning, in the afternoon and sometimes late at night, that day the multicolored mane pegasus was flying over Ponyville after having brunch, the wind played with her feathers and the sun caressed her coat, in summary it was a nice day. She was flying over the market when she spotted a mare wearing a cape, hat and glasses, it was Daring Do on her A.K. Yearling disguise buying some apples from Big Mac's stall, she hadn't seen her since her co-produced book was released a few days ago.

Rainbow landed behind the book author and tapped her on the back, “hey A.K. what brings you to Ponyville?“ she whispered on the adventurer's ear.

Daring didn't turned, but grabbed Rainbow's hoof and pulled her into an alley, “Dash, glad to see you, maybe you can help me since you know the town better than me.“

Rainbow was about to let out a fangirl scream but contained herself and saluted, “no problem Daring, what do you need me to do?“ Rainbow had some time before the music box session that day, so she decided to help Daring with her issue.

Looking out of the alley, Daring said “not here, do you know somewhere we could talk privately?“

Rainbow thought for a few seconds and a light bulb turned on in her head, “the castle, we can go to the Castle of Friendship,“ the place was private, the only ones that would be there would be her friends and she could trust them, besides maybe she could invite Daring to their music box session.


They reached the castle and landed in one of the unused rooms, only with the normal necessities, a bed a closet and a desk with a chair, Daring Do removed her disguise and donned her iconic jacket and hat, “ok, here is the deal,“ she said pulling some documents from her saddlebags, “a few moons ago, there was a strange stellar phenomenon,“ Rainbow paid attention while Daring put the papers on the floor showing drawings of the night sky and other things, “a meteorite fell on Ponyville and was seen by some of the local ponies, some witnesses mentioned that the object appeared to be a shiny sphere,“ Dash was curious since that sounded familiar, “other witnesses also mentioned that the unknown object headed directly to the town center but then changed its direction and landed on the outskirts of town,“ it was then when something clicked on Rainbow Dash's brain, she was talking about the alien object, this was going to be easier than she thought, “anyway, when I heard I came here and tried to find the object but there was none besides the landing crater.“

Rainbow was excited to help Daring solve this mystery and spend time with her as much as she could so she tried to delay the great discovery, “sooOOoo, if you knew it then, how come you are investigating now?“

“Well, this was a dead end and I had no more clues, so I thought it might have been just rumors, but then a few weeks ago I overheard a couple of unicorns on a date at a cafe in Canterlot, talking about a secret on Ponyville and they mentioned some sort of capsule landing on the town containing some sort of special box,“

Sunburst and Moon Dancer, Twilight is gonna flip out for this, Rainbow thought, “well I think you are in luck, Daring since I-“ Rainbow began but was interrupted by Daring Do.

“It's really important to find this item, for if it's dangerous it needs to be destroyed else I need to confiscate it, who knows what kind of artifact this could be, so what were you saying, Rainbow Dash?“

The color was drained from the face of the blue pegasus, “I-I-I-I mean you are in luck since I will help you,“ she nervously laughed, 'I can't let Daring near the music box, we are almost one hundred and twenty percent sure is harmless but knowing Daring Do, she will take it away to study it herself,' “we should begin on the town outskirts,“ 'oh man, now I'm lying to Daring Do, I'm so going to need a deluxe spa package after this.'

Both mares headed to the door, Rainbow had planned to avoid the music box at all cost, she opened the door and was greeted by a purple alicorn, “Rainbow, Daring Do what a surprise, so you were making all that noise,“ Twilight greeted both pegasus.

Daring lifted her hat “Princess Twilight, nice to meet you again, it's been a while, Rainbow was taking me to-“

Rainbow quickly grabbed Daring Do and pulled her to the exit, “to a secret mission that will take most of the afternoon.“

“Please Daring Do just Twilight is fine. Hey if you have time, I believe I have an artifact that will blow your mind.“

Daring Do perked her ears at the mention of an “artifact?“ she asked stopping Rainbow who facehoofed.

“Yeah we call it the music box, it's a gadget that fbfbfbf-“ Twilight began but was muted by Dash's hooves.

“That- um Twilight invented, it plays music, it's pretty neat,“ Rainbow held her purple friend with all her might.

“Like a radio?“ the mustard colored mare asked.

Rainbow firmly held Twilight who struggled to get free, “YEAH! I guess is not that exciting, we should better go look for that secret thing, right?“

“Actually, I love music, I wouldn't mind taking some time of our search to listen to a few pieces, by the way, I think you are suffocating Twilight.“

Dash let go of her friend who desperately breathed, “WHAT THE HAY *gasp* RAINBOW DASH *gasp* YOU ALMOST *gasp* CHOKED ME TO DEATH! *gasp*.“

“I'll be right back Daring, I need to talk with Twilight,“ Rainbow said while pulling Twilight, who was breathing normally now, to the next room closing the door, “Twi we got a problem, we can't let Daring Do discover that the music box was created by aliens,“ she said while pulling Twilight close to her face.

Twilight was confused, “what? Why?“ she asked.

“Because, she came to investigate the stuff that fell on the outskirts of town a few moons ago, the very same thing that carried the music box inside.“

“Ok, so what, we can just show it to her.“

“She wants to either destroy or confiscate it.“

Twilight eyes shrunk at the news, “NO! That can't be!“

“I know and that's why we can't let her discover it's origin.“

Twilight grabbed Rainbow's head now, “so what's the plan?“

Rainbow pushed Twilight, “what? you are the one who makes the plans,“

“Oh yeah,“ Twilight said rubbing her head, “ok, so we need to show her the music box, she would be suspicious if we suddenly say it doesn't exist, we'll tell her that is was my invention, I'll write a letter to Spike so the girls are aware of the plan,“ she picked a quill and paper, wrote a message and magicked to Spike, “alright, we just need to to keep Daring Do occu-“ the alicorn was interrupted by a letter appeared before her, she read the scroll, “oh no,“ she ran to the door, opening to see Daring talking with Pinkie.

Pinkie turned to see Twilight, she waved, “hi Twilight I was talking with Daring Do about the music box, she was curious about it so I told her on how it came from a huge metal ball from space, made by aliens and how it plays songs... oh wait that was your job, sorry,“ she said while smiling.

Both Rainbow and Twilight watched them, their mouths wide open, Daring Do looked confused, “So Princess, is this pink mare telling the truth?“ Daring asked the Princess of Friendship.

Rainbow was sweating, turned to see Twilight who had a stoic look on her face, 'why is she so calm,' she thought 'she must have a plan,' she saw her approaching the explorer pony in a cold fashion.

Once Twilight was right next to Daring, she broke into tears shaking the other mare, “oh please, please, PLEASE don't take the music box from us, is not dangerous and we have learned SOOOO much, this research is TOO important for me,“ the shakes startled Daring Do and her hat fell on the ground.

Daring was getting dizzy at the attack of the purple alicorn, “Twi-i-i-ilight plea-se stop sha-a-aking me!“ Twilight let go of her, Daring grabbed her head trying to recover her orientation, then picked up her hat, “what do you mean by don't take it from you?“

Twilight cleaned her tears and still sniffing said, “is just that Rainbow told me that you planned to destroy or confiscate the contents of the unknown object that fell here a few moons ago and we have been studying it since then, I don't want it being taken away and I definitely don't want it destroyed.“

“Oh I see,“ Daring then laughed her heart out, the look on Twilight's face went from sad to confused and annoyed, “I'm sorry Twilight, is just that I a few days ago I learned a lesson on hearing somepony before making assumptions, why didn't you just tell me all about it? You know what? Don't tell me, don't worry about it, I said that to Rainbow just in case the artifact was in the wrong hooves, but since you are the one studying this music box then I don't see a reason to take it or destroy it.“

Twilight's face beamed with happiness, “really?“ she asked and Daring Do nodded, Twilight jumped hugging the pegasus and Rainbow joined the hug.

“I dunno what's going on but, YAY GROUP HUG!“ Pinkie hugged everyone with her elastic hooves.

Daring was in the center of this pony pile, 'besides, the last time I tried taking something from an alicorn, I spent a week in a dungeon, never again,' she thought, “alright, I think you promised me a song, didn't you?“ everypony let go of the hug and headed to the studio.


Everyone else were waiting for Twilight and the others to appear, an uneasy atmosphere filled the room while they waited, suddenly they could hear hoofsteps coming from the hall, “good heavens, here they come, Izzi please don’t overreact, darling,” she asked the Casquillian.

“Don’t worry Blanquita, I’m calm as a pine tree,” she said while assuming tree pose in yoga, at that moment the door opened showing the four mares, “THERE SHE IS! MUERE COBARDE!” Izzi yelled pouncing at Daring Do who startled, let her instinct take over, she jumped moving Izzi’s head down, this made the other pegasus hit the floor hard, giving Daring the chance to trap her into a judo lock, “AY, AY, ME DUELE, ME DUELE, I GIVE UP!” Izzi stomped the ground asking for mercy.

Daring let go of the younger mare, “sorry kiddo, my body moved on it’s own, but you shouldn’t attack somepony out of the blue, no hard feelings?”

“Sorry, I just don’t want you taking Twilight’s research from her, this is really important,” Izzi said while she was being helped up by Twilight.

“Don’t worry kid, I won’t take it, as long as Twilight promises to study it properly and to keep me updated about it since I find it pretty interesting.”

“I’m not a kid, I’m an adult!” Izzi said while pouting, “I'm twenty one and almost a college graduate!”

“Well you are still younger than me and you are kinda short,” Daring said while putting a hoof on Izzi’s head.

Izzi removed Daring’s hoof from her head, “that’s rude, I’m not that short, I’m just a quarter of a hoof shorter than you!”

“Easy there, ki- I mean Izzi was it? I’m sorry, it wasn’t my intention to insult you.”

“That’s alright, I shouldn’t have attacked you either.”

“Friends?” Daring extended her hoof to the white pegasus.

“Sure why not,” she grabbed Daring’s hoof with her own and Daring pulled her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “oh, that was unexpected.”

“That’s how you Casquillians introduce each other, or am I wrong?” Daring asked with a blush thinking she got it wrong.

“No, you are right, is just that I never expected an Equestrian to greet me as the ponies from my land, I really appreciate it,” Izzi also had a blush on her face.

Pinkie jumped near the two pegasus, “alrighty girls, make-out later, we are over two thousand words already and haven’t even listened to a song,” she said, both Izzi and Daring Do hadn’t noticed they were still holding hooves, they released each other and everyone got in their spots around the music box.

“So this is the artifact?” Daring asked, inspecting the music box, “smooth and I don’t recognize the material, seems pretty advanced, more advanced than minotaur tech or even ponies from Neighpon, let me guess this big button is how you turn it on?” Twilight nodded so Daring Do pressed it, an orchestral piece started playing.

Pinkie threw popcorn to the music box, “too predictable, boo, give me my money back!”

“But Pinkie, you are not paying for this,” said Spike.

The mustard colored mare always appreciated orchestral music, she always made time to attend a concert or two as A.K. Yearling in her downtime, “I really like this piece, is there a chance I can get a copy of this?”

Twilight nodded, “Sure thing Daring Do, I’ll make a copy on a tape right after.”

“Wait a minute, did you say Daring do?” Izzi asked Twilight, “you are the Daring Do?”

Daring scratched the back of her head, “oops my bad, I forgot to tell you my name, but yeah.”

“So is all the adventures on the books true?” everypony nodded, “wow, that’s amazing!”

“Yeah, in fact I’m headed to Tenochtitlan Basin in a few days.”

Izzi was fascinated, “to another adventure?”

“Not really, I have to return some of the artifacts I took from there so Ahuizotl can keep his job.”

“What? Why? I thought he was the bad guy.”

Fluttershy stepped in, “well, it turns out that he was just the guardian of this and other relics, he is not evil, just misunderstood.”

“What about the time he was going to release a wave of unrelenting heat over the world?” Izzi asked.

Daring shook her head, “actually that was just going to affect the valley, he was doing it to protect the remaining relics, also he was helped by the local ponies and even the wildlife.”

Fluttershy spoke again, “his cats even told me that they agreed with Ahuizotl, they knew valley creatures would stand the heat wave and Ahuizotl even had a plan to make sure the jungle won’t suffer.”

The white pegasus was confused, “ok, but what about all the traps he put you in?” she asked scratching her head.

Daring scratched her chin with a hoof, “I always thought that Auizotl’s traps were the easiest to escape from. He always put the solution in the same room or even in some cases the trap failed at the last second, I think he did that most likely to scare me.”

Izzi was now annoyed, “fine, but what about all his monologues about conquering the world?” she said crossing her arms.

Daring blushed a bit at that, “um, you see… fine, I might have used a fair amount of artistic license with his dialogues, I never paid much attention to what he said and probably that’s one of the reasons that I never understood that he was just protecting the artifacts.”

“Alright, it seems that this just blew my mind, wait a minute, if you are going to Tenochtitlan Basin can you take me with you?”

This took by surprise everyone in the room, “what? Why?” Daring asked.

“I’m working on my thesis and I was planning to go there in a few moons, to check on the plants and compare it with the ones with a similar place in Los Casquillos.”

“You mean Tazumal?” Izzi nodded, “well I guess I could use the company, sure, you can come with me but you need to listen to my instructions.” Izzi nodded faster.

With the song reaching its end, everypony went their ways, Twilight invited Daring to spend the next few nights at the castle until she had to leave town, Izzi and Daring's rooms were in front of each other so they walked together until they reached their respective doors.

Daring opened her door and then faced Izzi, ”alright Shorty, we'll begin your survival training tomorrow, so sleep well.”

Izzi turned to face Daring Do, ”wait a minute, Shorty? Are you going to tease me for my stature the whole trip?” Daring nodded, ”come on, I already have a nickname, it's Izzi.”

”Really? so what's your name?”

”It's Flor de Izote,” she said with a serious face.

”You mean like the round bush with the pointy leafs and white flowers?” Daring asked and Izzi nodded, ”round, eh? I like it, I'll call you Short Round from now on,” Daring teased the white mare.

Izzi blushed and pouted, ”nooo, please call me Izzi,” she protested, but deep down she actually liked the new nickname, but she will never admit it.

”We'll see, sleep tight,” Daring entered her room and closed the door.

Daring was already planning what she will teach Short Round the next few days, to help her prepare for the travel to Tenochtitlan Basin and maybe other places, who knows if everything goes well, she could have gotten a new partner for her adventures.

To be continued

Author's Note:

Well, last week's episode was pretty divisible among the fandom, some people liked it because it was wholesome as fyay, others hated it because of the inconsistencies and the fact that some fans dislike the fact that every villain is being reformed, but for me it was not that bad. Of course I must admit that I have pretty low standards.

Pretty low standards and pretty low imagination as well, Indiana Jones theme? Seriously?

Hey respect the classics, I thought you liked the Indiana Jones movie saga.

Well yeah, but why you had to use that song for this very chapter, you could have used something else. Also what's with you and trying to ship Izzi with Daring?

What? I didn't do such a thing.

Yeah right, and you will send her with Daring on a long trip, just the two of them, I smell licorice and is not from my cake, is it Izzi?

Donde estoy? Que es este lugar? QUE ESTA PASANDO!!!

PINKIE! You can't pull characters from the story whenever you want to, this could break her mind!

Oh relax silly boy, she won't remember any of this on future chapters.

Ay Santa Faust que me ampara, protegeme de Orbsah y los que le siguen, YOU WON'T TAKE ME ALIVE MONSTER!

Ow, ok guys, I think that's it for today, I need to calm down this filly OW, as always every comment, ouch advice, request, demand or complain, stop it, is appreciated and don't forget:

Be polite, be careful, educate yourself as much as you can, respect  your neighbor so that they respect you and may the force be with you,  say goodbye Pinkie.

Goodbye Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

Um, say goodbye Izzi?


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