• Published 19th Jun 2019
  • 4,869 Views, 769 Comments

Harmonic Gift From The Stars - DTavs exe

A human machine falls from the sky and Twilight, with the help of her friends discover all its musical secrets.

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Chapter 40: Two Sides of the Same Coin.

The flapping of wings could be heard when four Alicorns and a levitating unicorn landed on the roof of the Castle of Friendship, now equipped with a new telescope, this one was built by a minotaur team as request from Princess Twilight Sparkle, it was just as good as the one ordered by Lord Star Gazer. The group seemed tired when they finally landed on the roof, their bodies showed signs of sweat and their horns showed magical strain.

Twilight let out a tired but satisfied sigh, “well team, I think that was a great success, we finally were able to synchronize our magic perfectly, I think we are ready now for the real thing.”

“And it just took crushing forty asteroids, colliding ten against another ten, hurling another twenty asteroids away from our reach and disappearing one without a trace.”

Celestia, Luna and Cadance giggled at Starlight’s remark while Twilight glared at her, the white alicorn put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “come on Twilight, you must admit that our first attempts to control a space bodies, were far from complete successes.”

“Indeed dear sister, I do believe that we are now ready to bring that weird space body as soon as it is close enough for our magic to reach it, but I wonder, that asteroid that we made disappear, do you think it could be dangerous?”

Twilight scratched her chin, “It was a big one, around ten or eleven kilometers of diameter, it could be a real danger but I think we teleported it far enough, I couldn’t even feel it anymore, maybe we even phased it through time given that I could feel that somepony was using THE WRONG SPELL STARLIGHT!”

“Gee, I said I was sorry. Anyway I don’t think we should worry about it, I’m sure it’s too far to be a problem. Phew I’m beat and sweaty.”

“Me too, Twilight do you have a big bath in this castle?”

“Yeah, we almost never use it but I can get it ready.”

“Wait, we got a big bath?”

“Yeah, is on the south wing, at the very back,” Twilight ignited her horn to prepare the bath while they were walking to it.

“How come you never showed it to me?”

“Oh, I’m sorry Starlight, I guess it slipped my mind all this time, since we have only used it once.”

The group reached the bathroom, it was huge and made out of crystals, statutes of alicorns poured the water to the bath while many other decorations made it look fit for royalty. Starlight stared in awe at the sight, “I hate you so much right now Twilight, this is bigger than the one on the spa.”

“Yeah well sorry I didn’t tell you about it sooner, I guess I expected you to discover it by yourself.”

“I can’t wait to see Trixie’s face when I show her this.”

“When you show me what? Oh are you using the big bath? Can the Great and Powerful Trixie join you, she does love using the big bath?”

Starlight was confused, “wait a minute, you knew about this bath?”

“Yeah, you didn’t?”

“No I didn't, how did you know about it?”

“Well I was bored walking around the castle, then I found Moondancer and Sunburst walking down the aisle so I followed them, they ended up here taking a bath and… well we can say there was an eclipse going on.”

“So Moondancer and Sunburst knew about it too? Anyone else?”

“I guess that would be me and the boy,” said Tube Tester wearing a bathrobe, “I see the bath is all prepared and we have company, hey there Celestia!” she approached the alicorn.

“Tube Tester you rough, bark of a birch!” they shook hoof with hand together in an epic gesture of friendship, their forearms bulging, once again testing each other's strength.”

Tube Tester smiled feeling that Celestia’s strength wasn’t at her best due to all the training with the other alicorns, “what’s wrong Celestia? Too tired after a little bit of a work out? Or is it that you are getting older?”

“Oh shut it cow, you know that my age has nothing to do with my strength, but even if I’ve worked to the bone I can still beat you,” Celestia pushed harder until she was overpowering the minotauress.

“Ok, ok I give,” Celestia let go of her hand while Tube Tester rubbed her arm, “damn you and your alicorn strength, anyway let’s take a bath shall we?” she disrobed and together they entered the warm bath and washed all their weariness.

The water made wonders on their bodies and minds, relieving them from all the worries and giving them a relaxed time while they washed the filth and sweat from each other.

The water and the bath salts ran over their bodies, while they rubbed the warm water all over them, Trixie and Starlight washed each other as so was Twilight and Cadence, Celestia and Luna helped Tube Tester rubbing her with a luffa each, streams of water and soap went over Tube’s strong but feminine curves, caressing and cleaning her body, she poured more water on her splashing some of it on Celestia and Luna who giggled and splashed the minotauress with their wings in retaliation, Tube laughed and grabbed both luffa, rubbing the alicorn of the sun and moon, cleaning their bodies with her firm but gentle hands. With great precision she moved her hands rubbing all the hard to reach spots on the alicorn bodies, earning satisfied sighs from the former princesses of Equestria.

The bubbles floated around, one falling on the tip of Twilight’s horn, popped by the contact, other ones rolled down Trixie’s and Starlight’s backs, tickling them in their way down. The smell of roses and lilacs as well as the giggles and water splashes coming from the friends sharing a relaxing moment in the bath, filled the room.

After their bath, Tube Tester went to her room to change and to take a nap while the rest headed to the kitchen to have dinner.

“So how was the training? You finally stopped destroying asteroids?” Trixie asked, earning a glare from Twilight.

Starlight rolled her eyes and answered, “as a matter of fact we are finally completely synchronized, we are ready to pull that weird body from space, we just need to wait until that thing is close enough and we’ll bring it home.”

“Cool, the great and powerful Trixie can’t wait to see this new alien stuff, hey speaking of alien stuff, would you like to join Trixie for a few songs from the music box?,” the group agreed so they hurried eating.


Once they reached the studio, they surrounded the music box and Trixie hurried to press the button. A soft guitar came up from the machine.

“Oh, darkness, I’m liking this song already.”

“You would be one to like a song about darkness Lulu.”

“Oh you, sister of mine, I see, so he seems to have visions, that’s something I can relate to, reminds me of the Tantabus.”

“Lulu, please rid your mind of thoughts of that?” Celestia wrapped a wing around Luna.

“Don’t worry about it Tia, I’m strong now and the Tantabus hasn’t appeared since that time, let us talk about the song, such a complex statement, the sound of silence.”

“The Great and Confused Trixie has no idea what that would mean, but she is enjoying the song so far.”

“It’s a pretty good song Trix, but I have the feeling that the message is important.”

Twilight was taking notes, her nose scrunched in a cute fashion, “he only describes his vision and to be honest, the true meaning eludes me.”

Cadence that so far has been quiet, raised her hoof, “maybe the actions he is making are not as important but the feeling he has while making the actions is what’s important.”

“Trixie thinks that you are onto something Princess Cadence, that new part with the thousand of people talking but not speaking, or hearing and not listening, Trixie would feel alone if she was around that many ponies with nopony actually paying attention to her.”

“Loneliness, yeah...” Luna focused on that feeling, “yeah, loneliness could be described as the sound that silence makes, I think that would be a good answer to that.”

“And loneliness could kill you like cancer does, that makes much sense, ponies are a very social creature, loneliness could kill a pony.”

“That’s creepy Glim Glim.”

“Sorry Trix, maybe I’m exaggerating, but it seems that these aliens try to fight loneliness with… neon gods? I guess anyone will do anything to fight loneliness.”

They enjoyed the last part of the song until the song reached the end, “what a dark but lovely song Twily, speaking of songs, is it true that you made the reveal to the nobles and several scientists?” Twilight nodded, “how did it go?”

“Frankly it was smoother than I thought, I didn’t want to take the music box all the way there so I just showed them a recording and the blueprints Tube Tester made of the music box, there were many questions and more than one fainting, but we ended with the agreement that it will be kept secret and revealed little by little, the time is coming close to make a complete reveal, we will have a giant alien ball floating nearer than the moon itself, so while one wouldn’t be able to see it with the naked eye, one with an average telescope will be able to see it without a problem while it orbits the planet.”

“Oh brother, that will definitely be a great uproar and Trixie knows about uproars.”

Luna let out a worried sigh, “hopefully the information was spread enough to avoid an uncontrollable mob of scared ponies.”

“It will be fine Lulu, this wasn’t the first time there is a giant mob of scared ponies and I bet it won’t be the last one either, remember that one over a thousand years when we ascended to the crown and some of our ponies revolted? AAAAH those were such a dramatic five years, but it settled and now here we are.”

“I wouldn’t like to remember some of those years Tia, it was so boring, luckily we have video games now.”

“Oh now that I remember, Spike told me to ask you, how is that console thing doing with professor Fam Icon?”

“So far is going pretty fast Twilight, the professor had a prototype but burned really quickly, he was designing a way to keep it cool while still working long periods of time.”

“Spike will be happy to hear that, he is been excited about that since you went to Laburinthos, anyway, why don’t we hear another song?” everypony agreed so Twilight pressed the button with her magic, again a piano greeted the group.

“Wait a minute, Tia, isn’t this the same song?”

Celestia was too busy listening to the song to answer Luna so Cadence answered, “It seems that way Luna, but is a different singer, why would they make the same song twice with different singers?”

Trixie seemed to concentrate, “the Great and Insightful Trixie noticed that the first song sounded with a recording of lower quality, like it was older, and this sounds clearer, maybe this one was made in honor of the first song since it was really good.”

“I think you are right Trixie, but even if they are singing the same words, for some reason it sounds different.”

Starlight faced Twilight, “maybe it is because the way this singer is singing it Twilight, the first ones were very relaxed and this one is singing with such power but at the same time filled with serenity,” Starlight scratched the back of her head, “it gives the song a completely different look, I think it is still talking about loneliness but now, instead of just telling us, he is berating us.”

Celestia bit her lip enjoying the song, “can we stop for a moment and appreciate how strong and at the same time gentle the voice of the singer is?” Celestia was charmed by the sound of the alien singing.

Luna smirked and whispered to her sister’s ear, “shall we leave you alone with the song Tia?”

Celestia Blushed, “don’t be ridiculous Lulu, I’m just enjoying the voice of the singer, not everyday you get to admire a voice that sounds that came from Heaven and Tartarus at the same time.”

“The arrangement of the other instruments is more detailed as well, a great effort came to make this tribute.”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie was thinking, both songs have the same lyrics, but they sounds different from each other, the first one sounds like a warning but the second sounds like a shout in anger because we didn’t listen to the warning, do you think that is how it was in their society Twilight?”

“It could be, Trixie, a group generates public opinion, it sharpens and polishes the mind and shapes the character and will. Through the group a person rises to the level of a personality, a conscious subject of historical creativity. The group is the first shaper of the personality, and the group itself is shaped by society, finally society creates individuals who create art, so there is a good chance that the song mirrored the society or at least part of it, we don’t know how big theirs was.”

“If they had technology as impressive as this one, I bet their society was huge, I wonder if we will ever meet them.”

“It’s not likely Starlight, the best we can do is bring that alien stuff from space.”

“Hey now that you mention it, I wonder where that giant meteor went, the one we disappeared, I think it was a teleport spell but it was different.”

“I guess we will never know Starlight, hopefully it won’t cause anything worth mentioning.”


Planet Earth, around 65,000,000 B.C.

A hot and humid day greeted giant beasts, a quadruped one with three horns battled a biped who wanted to eat it, in the outer atmosphere, far from the planet, some shines of multicolored light exploded, revealing a giant boulder that now was directed to the planet where the unexpected creatures got a reminder that life is a fragile and ephemeral thing.

To be continued

Author's Note:

You took a lot of time on that very descriptive bath scene, do you want to say something or should I just punch you already?

Hey, hey relax, I just thought it would be... fulfilling for the story to have a bath scene.

Yeah, like in anime every good story needs a bath scene, if this was animated there would be a lot of steam or god rays covering them, specially Tube Tester.

Heheh, you are such a pair of weebs, what was with that asteroid at the end?

Oh, that's something I was thinking a few chapters back, I wondered if I could make Ponies be the reason humanity existed, this is as close as I could get.

But how did it get to Earth that fast in... well reverse time?

Um... ze magickz?

I'd buy that for a bit.

Give me a break I just wanted for it to look cool, maybe something with wormholes or maybe the power of the four alicorns bent the space time and teleported it to the past or something. Anyway, I hope you liked today's chapter as always every comment, advice, request, demand or complain is appreciated and don't forget:

Be polite, be careful, educate yourself as much as you can, respect  your neighbor so that they respect you and may the force be with you,  say goodbye Pinkie.

Goodbye Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

Say Goodbye Izzi.

Hey, when am I going to appear again on this story?

Soon, maybe.

Fair enough, Goodbye everybody.

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