• Published 19th Jun 2019
  • 4,869 Views, 769 Comments

Harmonic Gift From The Stars - DTavs exe

A human machine falls from the sky and Twilight, with the help of her friends discover all its musical secrets.

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Chapter 45: A Bittersweet Winter.

Snow fell from the sky as the pegasus weather team had already brought winter to Ponyville, a white layer of soft snow covered the roof of the houses and some of the roads. A loud sound came from the train station as the locomotive stopped at its destination, many ponies came out of the train, including two mares in winter outfit one slightly shorter than the other.

The taller mare wore a gray hat, glasses and a coat while the shorter mare wore a jacket and a white cap, they walked through the town until they reached the castle of friendship. They knocked at the door and in a matter of seconds the doors opened showing a purple alicorn.

“Daring, Izzi, how are you?”

“Twilight!” Izzi yelled hugging the princess while Daring Do stared at them with a smile, “it’s been too long, mi amiga!”

“Izzi… too tight… can’t breath.”

“Oh sorry Twilight.”

“Come on Short Round, don’t strangle royalty, remember all our traveling has made you gain a bit of muscle.”

“I’m glad to see you both, please come in and tell me about your adventures, I teleported from Canterlot when I received the letter saying you will pass by Ponyville again.”

The mares entered the Castle and left their coats and hats on the hanger, inside they met Rarity and Applejack that were taking a cup of tea.

“Hi everypony, it seems the castle is not as crowded as it used to be last time we were here.”

“Yeah, many o’ our friends are out o’ town, sugarcube, Ah reckon me and my girlfriend here will be takin’ the train later today, Rares’ family invited mine to a cruise for a few weeks, so we won’t be here for Hearth's Warming.”

“That sounds so cool Applejack,” Izzi exclaimed.

“darn tootin' sugarcube.”

All newcomers sat on the soft sofas while Twilight brought them tea, “yes the same with Moondancer and Sunburst families, they are celebrating Hearth's warming together, of course that means Starlight is gone and Trixie invited herself as expected.”

Daring sipped from her cup, “mmm delicious, what about Rainbow Dash? I would have thought she would be the first one to greet me, I even brought her the first edition of my new book,” she pulled a Daring Do book with her picture and a new picture of a white pegasus with green mane in it.

“Daring Do and the Temple of Mood? I bet she will love it but she got stuck with Wondervolt training, even if she is a huge fan of yours, she is still a responsible mare and she will have training today, she will likely come tomorrow to see you leave.”

“Good, I’m glad she is as responsible.”

“Enough about chit chatting, tell me about the good stuff, in your last letter you wrote that the aliens are coming, what about that chica?”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “well as I explained to you in my letters, we found a new space body and we wanted to pull it to us, it turns out that Luna sensed sleeping lifeforms inside of it, we still don’t know what they are.”

“Do you think they might be dangerous, Princess?”

“I don’t think so Daring Do, who would travel millions of lightyears just to do wrong?”

“Well on the movies-”

“I’ve watched the movies Izzi, they are just fiction, there is no reason for them to be aggressive.”

“No aggressive, uh? Is that why you have bolstered the royal army forces?”

“Forewarned is forehoofed, Daring Do.”

“Yeah I guess you are right.”

Rarity levitated her cup to the table, “in any way, we will know in a matter of a few weeks, when it arrives.”

“That’s kinda scary if you tell me, isn’t it DD?”

Daring Do rubbed Izzi’s head, “on the moons we’ve been traveling, you would have gotten used to scary stuff Short Round.”

“Fine fine, stop with the hoof you are messing my mane.”

Everypony laughed and then Daring Do and Izzi told them about the adventures they had travelling and studying the flora of Equestria, how they were chased by weird creatures more than once, how they got mugged but were able to catch the thief only to realize it was a poor mare trying to feed her family so they helped her get a real job, they also mentioned how they met with Scootaloo’s parents while visiting Shire Lanka and they had a meal with the natives.

They spent several hours talking about life when it got late, “Oh darling, that was such a fascinating story but we need to leave Jackie.”

“Aw come on, Rares, the train ain’t for a few more hours and Ah wanted t’listen t’another song from the music box.”

“Yes, I do believe we have enough time.”

Izzi jumped on the sofa, “cool, I wanted to hear another song as well.”

“Settle down Short Round, you will break the sofa,” Daring Do said while Izzi pouted.

The group moved to the studio and Twilight prepared the machine, the other ponies discussed the fact that they won’t have a Hearth's warming party for the first time in several years.

“I can’t help but feel a bit lonely this year, not being able to celebrate Hearth's warming with all our friends, darling.”

“Ah know Rares, but nothin’ we can do ‘bout it, ‘sides Ah know they’re havin’ fun with their kin.”


“Discord! Get my parents down from that contraption you crazy beast!” yelled a green pegasus at the draconequus, seeing his mother and father wrapped to a car about to go off a roller coaster bigger than anything Zephyr has ever seen, “Fluttershy, tell your monster of a boyfriend to stop messing with our parents!”

From inside the kitchen at Discord’s house a soft voice came, “don’t worry Zephyr, I’m sure Discord wouldn’t do something to hurt our parents.”

“That’s right honey, this looks pretty fun if you ask me, isn’t it love?” said Posey Shy.

“I say, I’m pretty excited to try this roller coaster,” responded her husband, Gentle Breeze.

“You heard them Zhepo, the old couple wants to have fun,” Discord said as he pulled the lever sending Mr. and Mrs. Shy on the ride of their lives.


“I concur, darling.”

“Ok, the music box is ready, who wants to start it first?”

“Oh Me! Me! Me! Please Twilight, can I press it? di que si, di que si.”

Twilight giggled while Daring Do facehoofed, “sure Izzi, press the button.”

The pegasus pressed the button, bells and some violin began playing.

“Bells, I love bells darling.”

“Ah know you do Rares, oh and listen to that violin, it sounds great as well and the chorus sounds like somethin’ you might like as well.”

They kept enjoying the song when the violin solo started, “huh, how peculiar.”

“Why Daring Do?” asked the purple alicorn.

“Well, that tune reminds me of the folkloric music from the highland ponies.”

“Yeah you are right, sounds similar to the music we heard when we were there, mostly the violin, since most of it sounds like an orchestra.”

“I trained you well Short Round,” Daring messed with Izzi’s mane again, the younger mare didn’t remove the hoof and blushed.

“There is that word again, Christmas, now I’m certain that is a festivity since they mentioned it last winter as well, most likely a winter celebration, and since it brings good cheer, it’s fair to assume that is similar to Hearth's Warming.”

Daring Do grabbed a notepad and wrote some notes, “you are right Princess, I’m sure we will be able to ask them once they arrive, what it would be? A few weeks?”

“Yeah and to be honest I’m as terrified as I’m excited.”

“Hey, what do y’all think that glory at the chorus means? Do y’all think this Christmas might be a religious celebration?”

“Maybe, many cultures have their own religions so they must have their own as well.”

“Well as long as them aliens accept Faust in their hearts, they’ll be ok with me.”

“Oh darling, you need to be more accepting of other cultures, please? For me?” Rarity gave her cute eyes to her marefriend.

“Aw shucks Rares, You know Ah can’t say no to them eyes,” she took her hat to cover them while they both nuzzled each other.

“Isn’t that cute DD?”

Daring Do rolled her eyes, not used to that kind of public displays of affection, “precious, the song is over, why don’t we continue?”

“You don’t have to be a party pooper DD, why don’t you press the button now?”

Daring do approached the machine and pressed the button returning to her place, more bells sounded.

“More bells, lovely.”

“It doesn’t sounds like a song Rares, do y’all think that voice is going t’tell us a story?”

“It seems that way, and it appears to be a story in winter time, right at the end of the year.”

“Dear me! Bare head and naked feet in winter? That poor little girl will catch a cold for sure.”

“Oh boy, that doesn’t sound good, they were so poor that she only had her mother slippers?”

“You are right Twilight, such a poor little thing,” exclaimed Izzi, feeling sad for the little girl.

“Ah reckon that boy ain’t a good alien for stealin’ the little girl slipper.”

“Hmm, we established that their feet lack any kind of protection, so she needed those slippers, hopefully she will find something to warm her feet in the story.”

“Ah hope so too, Twilight… Oh so she’s a match seller, how unkind of the aliens not buyin’ from her, seein’ that she’s shoeless an’ all,” Applejack was starting to fume in anger.

“Darling, maybe the town was just as poor and couldn’t afford to buy the matches, is a story there is nothing to get worked out about.”

“Yeah sorry love, is just that kind o’ injustice grinds mah gears.”

Izzi shook her head, “so much for the town being poor, if they can afford roasted goose, they could buy her matches, or at least share the goose.”

“Relax Short Round, I’m sure that the story will have a happy ending, so I guess we can agree that those aliens seem to eat meat, maybe omnivores?

“Such a beast of a father, how could he beat her own daughter for not selling matches?”

“Um, Rares? Now you’re the one getting all worked out, Ah understand you tho.”

“Oh no, is she hallucinating DD? Or do you think that the matches were magic?”

“Probably the later Short Round, is a story after all and needs to end happily… I hope.”

Izzi bit on her hooves worried for the little girl, “DD I think she is all-”

“Nope, shut up Short Round, it is magic and you know it...” Daring’s lip was quivering a bit.

“Oh mah Faust, her grandmother is dead, Ah couldn’t be able to bear Granny Smith leavin’ us, this story will make mah eyes rain down.”

“That’s an interesting outtake, a falling star meaning some alien is dead, is quite romantic if you ask me and they seem to have their own deity as well, I wonder what they call him.”

“DD! DD! She is hallucinating isn’t she?”

“I guess so Short Round,” her eyes began getting wet, “I guess this story has no happy ending,” Izzi stared at her mentor, she leaned on her wrapping one of her wings around her torso, “thanks kiddo.”

“Such a cruel world those aliens lived in, I can’t believe such a dreadful dead came to a little girl, I can’t, I can’t,” Rarity began crying on Applejack’s chest, while the cowpony made her best effort to just cry on the inside.

“Wow Twilight, do you think it’s a good idea to let aliens capable of such cruelty come to our world?”

“Izzi, I know it sounds bad, but I’m sure this is just a story of many, and most of them are good.”

“If you say so, who’s next?”

Applejack stood up, “if y’all let me, Ah want t’press the button now.”

“Darling, are you sure?”

Applejack nodded, “Ah’m sure it’ll be something good and not sad,” she pressed the button and the sounds of a guitar sounded.

Izzi crossed her wing feathers, “please be something happy, please be something happy.”

“This song is beautiful darling and so nostalgic, but it makes me remember that all our friends won’t be together this Hearth's Warming.”

“Don’t worry Rares, no matter where they’re, we’re all under the same sky.”

The sound of the song warmed the mares that were present in the castle, they even began humming the song as if they had known it from the start.


At the rock farm the Pies enjoyed some caroling, while Cloudy Quartz prepared the dinner, all the four pie sisters were present and a new guest this time as Mudbriar also came to celebrate, even then they were waiting for another guest, surprisingly invited by Marble Pie they all were sure he won’t take long to arrive.


The winter wind passed near Sire's Hollow where Sunburst, Moondancer and Starlight Glimmer were joined by their families and Trixie, they were all laughing at old family albums showing Sunburst’s and Starlight’s pictures when they were babies, usually they would be as red as a tomato, but they were too busy playing with their baby sister Luster Dawn. Moon Dancer watched both the album but then watched Sunburst playing with the baby and imagined how it would be to have foals on her own and this brought a blush to her face.


At Discord’s house, Fluttershy’s family were at the table, Discord and Zephyr Breeze were competing to see who could eat faster while his parents and older sister stared in awe at the fact that they were very even.


At Silver Shoals Luna was participating in a hula hoop contest while Celestia was already on her thirtieth bahama mama of the day, she was mumbling incoherences at the bartender.


At Laburinthos a drowsy Tube Tester was sitting on the bed where Fam Icon was laying sleeping, she stared at him, her eyes filled with longing and her hand caressed the sleeping minotaur, she stood and dressed to leave for her sister’s Inn where her son was.


At the Wonderbolts training ground, the flying acrobats finished their training and enjoyed a hot shower.

“Nice one Crash, you keep up the good work and I’ll begin worrying for my job.”

“I’m not even trying, if I wanted your job I’d had it in ten seconds flat.”

“Excuse me Dash, Spitfire, the training is over may I be excused?”

“Sure Clipper, but where are you going in such a hurry?”

“Oh I got invited to dine with a sweet mare and her family, so I need to leave right now.”

“Sure go ahead Soarin’ hope this time it works, not like last time with-”

Soarin’ put a hoof on Spitfire’s mouth, “Spitfire, I thought we agreed we’ll never talk about that.”

“Oh, now I’m interested.”

“Please Dash, don’t ask her, now I need to leave, bye you two,” he took flight as fast as he could leaving the showers.

Rainbow Dash also remembered that Daring do was going to arrive today at Ponyville, “Spitfire, now that I think about it, I need to leave too.”

“You too? Okay fine, leave I need to go to my mom's place anyway,” Rainbow Dash saluted and flew as fast as she could.


“Now that’s what Ah call a good song, sugarcube.”

“It was delightful, darling.”

“Hey Twilight, can Ah get a copy o’ that, it gave me some inspiration.”

“Oh are you going to play it on your mother’s guitar, Jackie?” Applejack nodded, “I can’t wait to hear it.”

“No problem Applejack aaaaand here, I can’t wait to hear it either.”

“Well it was a lovely evening but, Jackie and I need to pack for the trip.”

“Yeah, it was nice and all, see y’all in a week.”

The couple left the castle leaving Twilight and the pegasus, Izzi yawned “it’s getting late maybe we should call it a day.”

“Oh, let me show you your rooms,” Twilight said walking down the hall.

“Rooms?” Izzi asked which earned a soft hit on the head by Daring Do.

“Don’t mind her Princess, is just that we usually share a room to minimize costs and all.”

Twilight giggled showing them two vacant rooms that were almost in front of each other. The Princess gave her farewells and then both mares entered their respective rooms.

A few minutes after Twilight was gone, one of the room doors opened and softly a shadow came from inside the room, the dimmed light showed that it was Izzi softly walking in the hall when from behind her she could hear the flapping of a pair of wings.

“Hay mama!”

“OH hey Izzi, sorry for scaring you, hey do you know which room is Daring Do.”

“Um… oh, Rainbow Dash, you almost scare the green out of my mane, um… yeah she is in that room,” she pointed to a room in the direction she was heading.

“Hey thanks, eh, were you heading there too?”

Izzi’s ears flapped, “nope, not me!” she then ran to her room.

Rainbow shrugged and opened Daring’s door.

“Well hello Short RRRRR,” Daring said while holding a rose on her mouth which she quickly ate, there were candles and she was wearing a babydoll, “RAINBOW DASH, of course, why would I be waiting for somepony different?”

“Why would you be expecting me? I wasn’t even going to arrive today, what’s with that getup anyway?.”

“Uh.. nevermind that is my sleeping clothes, so what’s on your mind?”

“Oh, yeah, I just wanted to come to say hello…”

“And get the new book,” Daring said in a monotone voice.

Rainbow blushed and scratched her neck, “weeeell, now that you mention it, you did tell me you will have it today.”

“Heheh, fine is on my saddlebag.”

Rainbow flew to Darings bag and pulled out the book, “AWESOME! Let me get out of your mane, I need to read this,” she flew out of the window leaving Daring Do alone in her room.

Daring Do sighed, she walked to her door and stuck out her head, “Izzi… you there?”

To be continued

Author's Note:

So you finally did it, you madman.

You know me, I do what I do, what I do.

I think they are cute together, but then again you are writing this so you can make me say that even if I don't think it.

Hey they do look good, I'm sure they will be happy venturing unto the unknown.

Hey but what with that story, that was pretty sad, I thought that Christmas stories were supposed too end happy.

Not necessary, sometimes you have to end in a sad note, nowadays writers have forgotten that and it always ends happy, but anyway, I'm sure that people like happy endings more than sad ones.

In any case, I hope you liked today's chapter as always every comment, advice, request, demand or complain is appreciated and don't forget:

Be polite, be careful, educate yourself as much as you can, respect  your neighbor so that they respect you and may the force be with you,  say goodbye Pinkie.

Goodbye Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

Say Goodbye Izzi... Izzi?

She is not here, yoou don't think that...

She returned to the fic for good? I... I guess it was meant to happen.

But... but... I'll miss her :pinkiesad2:

I know Pinkie, but maybe she is better in the fic, who knows maybe we will see her again in the future.

The toilet is clogged, this is the last time we eat at Taco Bell... hey what are you guys mopping about?

We are sad because you returned to the fic for good and we won't see you again.


But I'm right here!

I'm going too miss you Izzi.


You are a couple of weirdos, anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy Hearth's Warming for all of you, or happy holidays if you celebrate something else!

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