• Published 19th Jun 2019
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Harmonic Gift From The Stars - DTavs exe

A human machine falls from the sky and Twilight, with the help of her friends discover all its musical secrets.

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Chapter 36: More Star Stuff.

Princess Twilight Sparkle watched through the telescope, “mmhmm, yes this is quite peculiar, Star Gazer.”

“And it was discovered by none other than these two.”

The alicorn Princess of Equestria walked to Star Hunter and Star Tracker, the latter waved at her hoping she would remember him.

“Oh hey Star Tracker, long time no see, how is the family?” Twilight greeted the earth pony by shaking his hoof.

The young stallion had a smile from ear to ear, “T-T-Twilight Sparkle you remember me, I’m so happy,” he then turned to his friend, “see?”

Twilight Sparkle then turned to the other stallion, “Star Hunter! I remember you from Ponyville, long time no see, how have you been?” The alicorn greeted the pegasus giving him small pats on the shoulder while Star Tracked stared with his mouth open, “what you guys found is really a discovery, it is the first time I see something like that.”

“That would be a first for me too Princess, if you see this way we prepared some drawings we just did,” the purple mare stared at the graphics on the wall, “as you can see on this representation, since we can’t still identify the object on the telescope for its surface it’s too reflecting to identify yet, but as you could see on the telescope, there seems to be a considerably smaller object orbiting the first one, which by all means breaks the laws of physics as we know it.”

Twilight was paying attention to the explanation, “please Star Gazer, call me Twilight since this isn’t a official event and wouldn’t a magnetized body in space, be capable of attracting a ferrous body close enough to duplicate this phenomenon?”

Lord Star Gazer nodded, “yes indeed Twilight, but if that would be the case, the orbit would be ovaliptic, but in this case as this photographs taken on the telescope, in many different times indicate that the orbit on the second space body is perfectly circular, Twilight it is improbable with the knowledge that we have to explain this body.”

“Improbably, why not impossible?”

“Well Twilight, as you should know science is not perfect. It can be misused. It is only a tool. But it is by far the best tool we have; it's self-correcting, ever-changing, applicable to everything. With this tool, we vanquish the impossible.”

It was at this moment when Twilight had an epiphany, “what if it’s them...”

“Them?” asked Star Hunter, while Star Tracker still stared at him with jealousy..

Twilight put on a serious face, she magically locked the room and windows, “what I’m about to tell you won’t leave this room, at least for now,” she wrote on and scroll and magically teleported it out and so she spent the next few minutes explaining to the scientists about the big ball that fell on the outskirts of Ponyville so many moons ago, about the make of said ball, how shiny it looked and of the equipment she found inside, including the music box, the trio of ponies paid attention to every single word she said.

After she was done, the trio stared at her with different expressions on their faces, “Princess that’s impossible, even if there were aliens it would be impossible they were so similar as to be able to create technology we can manage.”

Star Gazer looked at his intern, “mister Hunter, it’s the mark of a fool to disregard something as impossible only because is outside of one’s expertise.”

“So do you think it’s aliens Star Gazer?”

“I didn’t say that either, I understand that Twilight has a theory and she made an amazing job explaining it, but in order for a scientist to believe in something he or she needs proof, do you have any proof, Twilight?”

A scroll appeared in front of Twilight in a green flash of fire, “I knew you would ask for that… ok, yeah it seems that the Castle is free right now, if you don’t mind me I’ll teleport us to the Castle of Friendship in Ponyville.”

“I’ll be most delighted, gentlecolts are you coming?” the younger stallions nodded, so Twilight encased all of them in their magic and teleported directly to the studio at the Castle in Ponyville.


They appeared in front of the machinery connected to the music box, “this is the first time I’ve teleported,” said the pegasus a bit dizzy from the magical movement.

“Sorry about that, you’ll be ok soon, if you look at here this is the music box as I had called it, and this,” she ignited her horn making the space capsule appear in front of them, “is the container it was inside of.”

Star Gazer examined the capsule, “yes, a surface like this would make the light reflect on it, making it look fuzzy on the telescope, but I’m more interested in that machine, music box was it? So you say it has sounds, records and music of these aliens you speak off.”

“Indeed and to be able to understand them I cast a modified translation spell on the console it’s connected to, come on you can give it a try.”

Star Tracker jumped in front of them, “can I press it?”

Star Hunter blocked him with a wing, “age before beauty Tracker,” he then looked at Star Gazer who laughed and approached the music box pressing the button a voice came from the device.

This is Walter J. Shortman, personal log number three.

I can’t believe how excited I am to be accepted to work on this Space X project, all this years studying and preparing finally paid off, and the best thing is that I’ll be working with my long time friend Suzy, can you believe my luck? Anyway I’ll be working as a programer along with her, I understand the purpose of this capsules, they are meant to carry supplies and knowledge of the human history in case of the society collapse in planet Earth, what I don’t understand is why only ten capsules should be sent, there should be more, I’ll talk with mister Musk, maybe he will listen.

Oh and by the way Suzy and I will go to see the new movie. They are rebooting a very old franchise, Fast and Furious. I've read that these movies were very successful, they made over twenty movies including spin-offs until the death of that actor, what was his name again? I saw it in a documentary… Tim Bisel? Something like that. Well I hope at least it’s better than the reboots of the Terminator movies BOY those bombed hard, oh look at the time end recording.

Star Gazer stared at the machine, “that was interesting, and you say this is an alien talking and you used a spell to translate its speech?” Twilight nodded, “and this small device holds more information than one of a minotaur computer?”

“Yeah, I had a Minotaur expert in technology study it, Tube Tester.”

“Ah Professor Tube Tester, I remember her, last time I went to Laburinthos I heard she adopted a son.”

“That’s correct, currently she is teaching at my school and studying this device as well.”

“Amazing, I think I saw all the proof I needed, I’m ready to believe the existence of intelligent aliens.”

“Um… Lord Gazer?”

“Yes mister Tracker?”

“Can… we get a turn to press the button?”

Both Twilight and Star Gazer laughed and the Alicorn nodded saying “I don’t see why not.”

Hunter and Tracker looked at each other and nodded in understanding, Tracker extended his hoof signaling his partner to press the button, Hunter approached the music box and pressed the button, once again the same voice came up from the machine.

This is *yawn* Walter J. Shortman, personal log… I think one hundred and *yawn* twenty.

I finally finished fixing the programing *yawn* on that faulty drive that should contain all human history on time for the launch *yawn* and I finished downloading every song created by humans to this other drive so I can hear a different song every time for the rest of my life… it took me three straight days to finish both things… I can barely stay awake *yawn* I should… I should.

A sound could be heard like something hit a table and then snoring, most likely from the alien that was recording.

“Oh well, I think that’s what we will be able to hear from this record-” Twilight was interrupted by a sound coming from the device like something sliding on a soft surface and then a female voice speaking.

Walter is the last drive ready?

Seriously Walter, Mr. Musk is going to kill us both if the drive is not ready for launch,

Oh good you finished it on time *BZZZZZ*

“Wait, does that mean that?”

“Yes Twilight, it apparently means whoever this female voice was, took the wrong drive as he called it.”

“What a let down, imagine the information of the other drive, we could have learned more about them with the history data,” the Princess shook her head slowly in disappointment.

Star Tracker was softly neading the floor with his hooves, “so…”

“What? Oh sure Star Tracker, you can press the button now.”

The Stallion clapped his hooves and approached the music Box. he pressed the button and an electronic song came up from the equipment.

“Oh this sounds so good, it reminds me of some of the hits of DJ PON3.”

“Oh Tracker, do you like DJ PON3 as well?”

“Like her? I love her, all her music, her looks and everything… wait didn’t she live here in Ponyville?”

Star Hunter nodded, “yeah she lives with her cousin Octavia Melody, I’m friends with Octavia, I could introduce it to her.”

“No way, are you sure?”

“Sure, what are friends for?”

“Bro,” Tracker said.

“Bro?” Hunter asked.

“Bro,” Traker confirmed and both hoofbumped.

Twilight and Star Gazer looked confused, “what just happened?”

“Twilight my friend, I think we just witnessed what the young call a bro moment, wait what is that?” Star Gazer said, making the group stare at the other side of the room where a group of rats were carrying a big slice of cheese while dancing at the rhythm of the song.

“Ok, you don’t see that every day… now Princess, why keep this a secret? Why haven’t you told everypony about these aliens?”

“Well Star Hunter, I simply don’t want to cause chaos on my ponies, news like this tends to do just that.”

The stallion scratched his head, “I still don’t get why the big secret, ponies are smart. They can handle it.”

Star Gazer put a hoof on Hunter’s shoulder, “a pony is smart. The mass is dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. A thousand years ago everypony knew Equum was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everypony knew Equum was flat, and half an hour ago, you knew that the races of Equum were alone in this universe. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow. Twilight, I’m guessing your plan is to reveal this information to as many ponies you thrust to alleviate the impact of the news when you finally reveal them.”

“And you would be right.”

“Good, that seems reasonable, but what are you planning to do with the strange body? We still don’t know if that has to do with the aliens you speak of and besides, if it keeps its trajectory, it will end burning in our sun by the end of the year.”

“I know, but if there is a chance that this is related to these aliens, we can’t let it be destroyed, you said it will pass the closest in a couple of moons right?”

“Indeed, but what can we do to stop its demise?”

“I have an idea, but I’ll need the help of all the alicorns in Equestria.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

Oh boy, now this is getting interesting, what could possibly this strange shiny body in space be?

Come on dude, you know that everybody that reads this fic knows what it is, why you keep playing?

Yeah, why you have to be so dramatic about it?

Come on you guys, I just want to have some fun with this fic, besides, the point is to see how the characters react to all this events, don't tell me you don't like how this is going.

Yeah I got to admit it's pretty interesting.

See? Anyway, I hope you liked today's chapter as always every comment, advice, request, demand or complain is appreciated and don't forget:

Be polite, be careful, educate yourself as much as you can, respect  your neighbor so that they respect you and may the force be with you,  say goodbye Pinkie.

Goodbye Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

Say Goodbye Izzi.


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