• Published 12th Jul 2019
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KINGDOM HEARTS III: 2.0 Keyblade in Equestria - OliverSparkle

Sora wakes up in the land of Equestria after the events of Kingdom Hearts III.

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The Takeover

Back in Canterlot, the ponies, Capper, Spike, Constantine, Vincent and Sora had just woken up and suddenly realise that the six students weren’t in their bedrooms.

It was around eight in the morning when they realise that, and it was now becoming dark outside, cos they spent hours trying to find them and it was now seven in the evening.

Anyways, the mane eight, Spike, Capper, the sisters, the married couple, Flurry Heart who was in Cadence’s left hoof, Constantine and Vincent were in the ballroom while Oliver and Sora were searching the outside of the castle to see if the six friends were there.

Just then, Oliver and Sora ran into ballroom and towards the group.

“Any luck finding them?” Celestia asked worriedly.

“We couldn’t find them anywhere in the garden, we double checked,” answered Sora.

“Oh no!” Luna said in shock, “They must have gone after Lightning theirselves.”

“Of course they did!” Said Fluttershy angrily, “It’s so obvious that they would go save my son thanks to Rarity here!” She pointed a hoof at the white pony as she then glared at the animal caring pony.

“Are you saying that this is also my fault?!”

Rainbow zoomed towards Rarity as she glared at her before answering,

“Of course it’s also YOUR fault, Rarity! If you haven’t had let your jealousy out, had a go at Fluttershy and Capper and, of course, yelled at Lightning like his father would do to him, not only would Lightning have been captured by the evil Changeling, but our six top students wouldn’t have sneaked out and gone to save him!”

“And I said I was sorry! What more do you want?!”

“How about saying sorry to my son?!” Fluttershy said as she walked towards Rarity while continuing, “He’s probably still hurt by the hurtful words you said to him, and now he probably thinks you did mean every word you said!”

“But I was gonna apologise to him as well!”

Just then, Cadence’s voice was then heard. “ENOUGH!”

The loud voice made everyone in the room jump in shock before looking at the princess of love. All except for Flurry Heart. Cadence magically muted her ears so she wouldn’t hear her mother’s loud voice as she then magically unmuted her ears.

“Arguing over the events that happened during the gala isn’t going to get Lightning or the six students!” Cadence said more calmly, “Now I suggest we all stop with this silliness, start growing up and try to find the missing children while also finding Lightning and put an end to whatever Chrysalis has planned this time! Alright?!”

They all nodded in understood as Vincent then saw something at the ballroom main doors before pointing at it and said, “Look.”

They all looked towards the main doors and saw a dark corridor flowing in between the doorway, since the doors were already open to begin with, as something or someone was walking in it and heading towards them.

“Just send out the big bad!” Rainbow said putting her hooves up ready to attack whoever is coming through the dark corridor.

Just then, the same masked pony, that attacked the gala with Chrysalis, came out of the dark corridor as it then disappeared behind her as she said, “Gonna say, that strange fight against the heartless and dusks had me fooled at first, brother.”

Oliver was the first one that got confuse by the masked pony as he said, “Huh? Wait a sec.” He then placed a hoof on his chin and started trying to remember who she was for a few seconds before letting a small gasp and said, “Oh yeah, you were with Chrysalis during the attack! And hey, who are you to call anypony strange?”

Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other curiously.

“Hey, have we seen this pony before?” Rainbow asked which Applejack responded with a shrug of a don’t know.

“We haven’t met properly since the invasion. I am, Aqualight.”

The rest of the ponies let out a small gasp for some unknown reason, like how Donald and Goofy reacted to Vanitas in the Monsters Inc world, as Sora then said, “Guess this is the part where you spout some mumbo jumbo and then disappear, right?”

Aqualight started walking towards the big window on the right while saying, “This whole city, was once attacked by love eaters.” She then stared through the window while continuing, “They converted love from ponies into food. And the wedding of Shining and Cadence was what made it all happen.” She walked towards back to where she was standing before walking towards the window. “It’s as rich a source of negative love as we’ll ever find.”

What Aqualight just said made Spike very angry. He hated ponies and other creatures saying stuffs about Changelings still feeding love from others and can never be good.

“When will most of you jerks understand?! The Changelings have already stopped doing that!”

“Did they? Then how do you explain the poor ponies that couldn’t feel love anymore across the some towns of Equestria?”

Celestia twitched a bit as she remembered seeing some ponies leaving gala feeling unwell like they didn’t have love in them no more and nopony knew why they feel that way or how it happened.

“This biggest town in Equestria was everything I could hope for. And I was lucky enough to be built by a Changeling, whose heart was darkened by thoughts of revenge.”

Shining Armor knew who she was talking as he glared at her. “You mean Chrysalis.”

Luna stood near Shining before saying, “All Chrysalis ever cared about was feeding love from everypony in Equestria. And that Changeling, took advantage of that weakness.”

“My Heart is made of just one thing,” continued Aqualight, “And the Changeling Queen collected enough love from the ponies at the gala to reconstruct it.”

This made Fluttershy furious as she thought that Chrysalis may have done the same thing to her son after foalnapping him.

“Yeah! And I bet feeding the love from my son was enough for her to think of what I’m gonna do to her when I get my hooves on her if she dares lay another hoof on Lightning!” Capper placed a paw in front of Fluttershy to stop her from trying to attack the masked pony.

“But, even with all this negative love, my heart is still incomplete. I need something else.”

Aqualight suddenly quickly vanish into thin air and then reappeared in front of Starlight and Spike as the two jumped back a bit in shock.

“The two halves of me that lives on, inside of your hearts.”

“Aqualight!” Starlight and Spike said together with a touch of Thorax’s voice.

The two were now both shock and confuse together as they couldn’t believe what just happened when they spoke together.

“Thorax. So Chrysalis was right about you,” said Aqualight before reaching a hoof up to Starlight. “You insignificant speck.”

Starlight smacked Aqualight’s hoof away while glaring at her before asking, “What are you talking?!”

“Oh you two wouldn’t have known about it from the start,” Aqualight said making everyone else confuse. “Before all the Changelings became good guys and before Chrysalis made me, you two formed a special bond, with a good Changeling named Thorax who joined with your hearts.”

“Thorax!” The mane six said in union while in shock.

“Is she saying that a bit of Thorax’s friendship connection are in Starlight and Spike’s heart?” Cadence asked in shock.

“How is that possible?” Asked Spike.

Just then, dark shadowy lines appeared as they flow around Aqualight, Starlight and Spike.

“Now,” Said Aqualight before slowly rising her hooves in the air as a mix of purple and green magic grasp appeared around them, “You two will give Thorax, to me!”

The dark shadowy lines grew a bit bigger as Starlight and Spike felt a sharp pain in their hearts before slowly collapsing to the ground while groaning in pain and levitating a hoof and claw to their chests.

“Starlight!” Sunburst shouted in shock and worried together.

“Spike!” Twilight shouted in shock and worried together as well.

Sora summoned his keyblade and ran towards Aqualight to free Starlight and Spike from her dark grasp. But as he was just about near them, Sora was then pushed by a strong force field that made fly to the right really hard as he landed on his front while his keyblade landed flat on the ground before disappearing.

Sora slowly got onto his knees before seeing a hooded black coat figure walking towards him while saying, “Sora, Sora. You never give up, don’t you?”

Sora recognise that voice as he saw the figure taking off his hood to reveal Young Xehanort.

He glared at him before saying, “Xehanort.”

“Wait, you know this guy?!” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah,” Sora answered as he got onto his feet again, “He was one of the real Organization XIII members. He’s the Xehanort from the past.”

Young Xehanort smiled evilly before saying, “So glad you haven’t forgotten me after defeating me and my future self before making that ultimate sacrifice to save your friend, Kairi.”

“But how are you here?!” Asked Sora, “You were suppose to be back in your time after fading away!”

Young Xehanort just chuckled. “You’ve forgotten that the body you defeated was a replica. The Organization members travelled from the past as hearts, which means leaving their own bodies behind. My actual body was here, in Equestria, helping a friend who goes by the name Grogar.”

Celestia looked at Young Xehanort in shock. “Grogar?”

“I told him I had to leave my body behind for awhile since I was one of the chosen,” continued Young Xehanort, “So he had to handle collecting the remaining villains to join him and take over Equestria.”

“Then why are you still helping him?! You and I don’t belong in this world!”

“Because Grogar offered to help me change the future, by making sure my future self summons the x-blade, open Kingdom Hearts and become the new leader, while you guardians are left with no hope to stop him. But, since you’re here as well...” Just then, a bright lightning bolted light appeared in Young Xehanort’s right hand as he was summoning his keyblade.

His keyblade was predominantly colored in different shades of blue and is decorated with elaborate, spiked shapes. The tip is modeled after a stopwatch, while the teeth are diamond-shaped spikes that are connected by a black web structure similar to the design on the base of the top spire of Memory’s Skyscraper. The Keychain shares the time theme represented in the blade, with an hourglass as its token. Its shaft resembles Young Xehanort's Ethereal Blades, as does the blade with its neon like glow.

The Keyblade also includes attributes from Master Xehanort's No Name, such as the demonic wings at the beginning of the shaft, the horned lion head at the tip similar to the goat head on the other Keyblade, and the Gazing Eye.

“...I can not let you ruining everything again.”

Sora just stared angrily at Young Xehanort before saying, “I’m not gonna let that happen. Not while I live to help my friends!” He then summoned his keyblade ready to fight Xehanort’s teenage self.

Young Xehanort smirked evilly at Sora. “Foolish keyblade wielder.”

He then charged towards Sora as he placed his keyblade in front of him, with his left hand holding the blade, just before Young Xehanort clashed his keyblade with Sora’s. Young Xehanort placed his left hand on the holder while trying to push Sora down, but it wasn’t any good.

Starlight and Spike were trying their hardest to escape Aqualight’s grasp, but it was no good. The more they struggle to escape, the pain in their hearts grows.

Aqualight then walked a bit closer to the two before placing her hooves on their chests and said, “Join your hearts....with MINE!!”

But just as Aqualight was about to join hearts with Starlight and Spike, she was shot by inky magic blast as her magic grasp broke, freeing Starlight and Spike, and sending sliding across the floor on her right side.

Aqualight slowly got up and saw it was Oliver that shot her as she then growled angrily at him. “Meddlesome brat.”

She then started to charge at the boy alicorn, but was stopped by Constantine’s golden magic fire ball as it made her slide across the floor again but this time on her hooves.

“You’ll regret that, human!” Aqualight said angrily before forming dark magic grasps around her hooves. But they didn’t last long as a new voice was heard from the distance of the doorway.


They all turned to the doorway and saw a blue goat walking into the ballroom with a smirk on his face. He then stopped near Aqualight and turned round to face the group as Sora stopped fighting and Young Xehanort jumped high into the air and flew backwards to stand with the goat as his keyblade magically disappeared.

Seeing the smirk on the goat’s face made Flurry Heart hide her face into her mother’s chest as she was now scared.

“Who are you? And how did you enter our castle?” Luna asked while glaring at the three villains.

“I am Grogar, your majesty,” the evil goat answered while still smirking, “I trust my fellow friend, Xehanort here, has already told you my name after taking out those guards that were guarding the doors and stopping your friend over there from saving your two friends.”

After hearing the word ‘Grogar’ come from his mouth made Sora and the others grow a shock look on their faces as Celestia turned her shock look into a serious look before saying, “If you’re Grogar that Xehanort was on about. What is it that you want from us?”

“Oh I knew you were gonna ask at some point. And all I want is, your complete surrender and also complete control of the entire Equestria.”

“Yeah sure!” Sora said, “And what makes you think there’ll be any way they’re gonna surrender to you and give you control of Equestria?”

Grogar chuckled before answering, “Because if you lot don’t surrender and give us Equestria, then your little colt gets it.”

They were all confuse with what he just said, until Fluttershy let out a gasp of shock as she now knew who he was talking about.


“Are you saying that Chrysalis is working for you, and now poor Lightning’s being held hostage at your hideout?!” Cadence asked furiously while holding her scared baby daughter in her left hoof as her face was still buried in her chest.

“Not working for me, but working WITH me,” correctly answered Grogar, “I needed a couple of villains that I believe are sortable to rule Equestria with me, these two joined in after summoning Chrysalis into my hideout, along with Cozy Glow and Tirek. And the very last villain, to join me, was a stallion that I don’t think Lightning even forgot about him since his Crystal Empire trip.”

Fluttershy knew who he was talking about as she glared at him while growling angrily before trying to attack him but Capper stopped her by placing his paw in front of her to stop her from trying to attack the evil goat.

“You horrible beast! I swear if you or Cold Wind have laid one hoof on my baby boy, I’ll tear you to pieces!” Threatened Fluttershy angrily.

“Oh I wouldn’t threaten me if I were you, Little Pony,” Grogar Said while smirking, “Because if you try to attack me, then your son will get hurt by me or Cold Wind. And if you try to ruin our takeover, then he’ll get hurt. And if you try to rescue him, hmmmm...then he’ll also get hurt, and possibly will die as well.”

Celestia glared angrily at Grogar before saying, “There’s no way we’re gonna surrender to you, Grogar. Not while me and my sister are still standing! Now give us Lightning Twister back at once, then leave Equestria with your friends and don’t come back!”

Grogar continued to smirk at the princess of the sun. “Oh I don’t think so, Princess.” He then looked at Young Xehanort. “Xehanort.”

“With pleasure,” he said before pointing his keyblade at the princess.

It then shot a dark ball out of the top bit of the blade and headed towards Celestia.

“NO!” Oliver shouted while running towards Celestia as he stood in the front of her before the dark ball hit him in the chest causing dark sparks flying out of it.

Oliver began to slowly fall to the ground as a dark circle appeared underneath him which then covered his whole body and dragging him in the darkness below before disappearing leaving the ponies, Spike, Capper and the three humans in shock, scared and worried while Flurry Heart looked with sadness and shock with tears beginning to fly down her face.

Cadence let out a small gasp before saying, “Oliver!” She then glared at Young Xehanort. “What did you do to him?!”

“What I was about to do to Celestia,” answered Young Xehanort, “He’s being sent to the realm of darkness, which he is unable to return since he’s not a keyblade wielder like Sora is.”

Sora glared very angrily at Young Xehanort while growling before saying, “That’s IT!”

He then charged towards the three villains with his keyblade, but just then, Young Xehanort swinged his keyblade round as it made Sora fall backwards, again, making him hit the ground on his back before his keyblade disappeared from his hand.

“Sora!” Starlight gasped in shock.

“Don’t bother trying to help him,” said Grogar, “He’s no match for us, none of you are!”

Grogar’s horns then started to glow as it then made dark yellow grasped ropes to tie up Spike, Capper, the Pegasus ponies and alicorns while also locking their horns even the baby. Constantine and Vincent ran to help them, but then got tied up by dark yellow grasped ropes as it flew up into the air and started swinging around like a swing.

“You have no power over me!” Grogar then let out an evil laugh.

Sora slowly got up and gasped as he saw what was happening to his new friends.

“Guys!” He shouted in shock.

“No, Sora!” Twilight called out to him, “Save yourself!”

“But what are you?”

“Don’t worry about us, we’ll be fine,” Celestia said while struggling to break free but it was no use, “We’ll find a way to get out of Grogar’s grasp, but you must find the missing children and some help if you can. It’s the least you can do to help us, now go!”

Sora nodded in understood before running out of the ballroom as Young Xehanort saw him escaping. He growled before summoning a group of heartless and nobody dusks before saying, “Sprat out! Find him and not sure he doesn’t stop us!”

The heartless and nobody dusks disappeared as they began to go across different locations of Equestria to find Sora.

Grogar grinned evil while looking at the tied up ponies, dragon, cat and humans before saying, “At long last, the castle is now under my control. Equestria, is now, OURS!” He then let out an evil laughter while the four princesses in both scared, worried and shock, they have totally lost.

Equestria is now doomed.

Author's Note:

Is Oliver Sparkle totally gone?:pinkiegasp: