• Published 12th Jul 2019
  • 3,906 Views, 148 Comments

KINGDOM HEARTS III: 2.0 Keyblade in Equestria - OliverSparkle

Sora wakes up in the land of Equestria after the events of Kingdom Hearts III.

  • ...

Discord’s Return

The Young Six were now outside of Canterlot as they continued their quest to save Lightning. They stopped near the forest that was far away from Canterlot and nopony or creature has even dared to enter it for over one hundred moons.

“Alright, Smolder,” Said Sandbar, “So even though Chrysalis used a portal to get away from us, but I’m sure your dragon sniffing skills can still help us find our friend, right?”

Smolder just smiled at Sandbar before answering, “I sure can. Dragons have very strong sense of smell, so I’ll be able to locate the location Chrysalis is at within about two seconds.”

With nothing else left to say, Smolder began to sniff out the location of Chrysalis’s new hideout, and just like she said, after two seconds, she started to pick up the location as she looked at the forest and then to her friends.

“Her new hideout is through that forest,” she explained as she pointed to the forest near them, “If I continue to sniff out the location, we should be there in time to save Lightning.”

The five nodded in understood as Smolder began sniffing the location again and started walking to where the sniffing was leading her while the others followed her.

“Don’t worry, Lightning cutie,” Silverstream said to herself, “We're coming to save you.”

After one hour later, the Young Six were now five miles away from Canterlot and still continuing their quest while Smolder continued to sniff out the hideout. But she was now getting tired from walking and sniffing, the others were getting tired from walking as well, but they didn’t want to rest or give up right now.

“Yona can’t rest now!” Yona said as she slowly walked on with her legs wobbling, “Yona need to save little pony!”

Ocellus was slowly breathing in and out a couple of times before asking, “How long is it now, Smolder?”

Smolder took a big sniff in before answering, “We’re nearly there now. The hideout is one mile away by foot.”

Just then, a new voice was heard.

“And what is this hideout you're on about?”

They all looked around to find where that voice was coming from. Just then, a bright light appeared in front of them as a draconequus appeared from it and made them jump a bit.

“Relax, My Little students,” he said in a cheeky way, “It’s just me, Discord, the Master Of chaos!” He then took a bow as an applause can be heard in the background which was magically made by him obviously.

“Discord?! What are you doing?” Sandbar asked curiously.

“Why, I was just finish cleaning up the house, since I often do that during nighttime anyway, and I thought why don’t I pop by and see how my six favourite students are doing after first seeing you when Starlight was looking after the school for Twilight,” he answered as he started playfully wiggling Ocellus’s cheek with his lion paw which she was not amused by it. “And I’m surprised that you lot out here during nighttime. Doesn’t Twilight and the others know you’re out here?”

Ocellus gently moved Discord’s paw away from her cheek as Gallus then said, “For your information, we are going somewhere that we need to go and it doesn’t need you to get involve in. So can you please go home and leave us be?”

“And leave the fans asking me to be in more fan stories on FIMFiction?” He asked the griffon.

“What?” Smolder asked before Discord said, “What?”

There was silence for two minutes, no creature said anything else as a cricket can be heard.

Just then, Discord said, “Look, I know where you lot are doing. You’re going to somewhere that I don’t even know where you lot are going. So where are you six going that it couldn’t wait till morning?”

The gang didn’t know what to do, they could either tell him what they were doing and get into trouble, cause he’ll most likely teleport them back to Canterlot and tell Twilight and the others what they were doing, or tell a lie to him and hoping that’ll make him leave them alone so they can continue their quest to save Lightning.

So they decided to lie to him and see if he’ll fell for it, if not, then they’ll just have to tell him the truth.

“Oh we just wanted to see Sandbar’s new treehouse that he just built two days ago,” said Gallus nervously earning a nod from Sandbar.

Discord, however, had his paw on his cheek while starring at the six students with the ‘not buying it’ face which made them even more nervous.

“Uh, Yona wanted to show friends the fun place to play at,” Said Yona while nervously smiling.

Discord continued to give them the same look since he knows that they’re lying to him.

Smolder let out an annoyed sigh before saying, “Okay fine, you caught us. We’re going to Chrysalis’s new hideout to rescue Lightning Twister.”

Discord started to grow a shock look on his face as he then let out a, “You guys are going WHERE?!?!”

“To Chrysalis’s new hideout, we just told you,” Sandbar said in annoyed.

“But but, why?” He asked still in shock, “You know that ex-Changeling Queen is dangerous, and still evil!”

“Like we just told you a minute ago, we’re gonna go save our friend, Lightning Twister,” said the annoyed griffon, “Chrysalis has captured him for whatever reason, and we need to rescue him.”

This made Discord confuse as he didn’t know who this Lightning Twister was.

“Who’s Lightning Twister?”

The six friends let out an annoyed sigh before Smolder said, “He’s, our, friend. And he’s also Fluttershy’s son.”

The sound of a glass breaking can be heard in Discord’s ears as he couldn’t believe what he just heard, his friend Fluttershy, that became his first friend and helped him become a good guy, adopted a child and didn’t even tell him about it.

“He’s Fluttershy’s SON?!?!” His eyes were now on fire with anger.

“Yeah, that’s what we just said,” Said Sandbar.

“But why didn’t she tell me that she adopted a young colt?!”

“Probably because she was busy having fun with Lightning, and giving him the good life, love, treatment and family he truly deserved, that she didn’t have the time to write you a letter about it,” answered Smolder as her arms were crossed, “We don’t know. You’ll just have to ask her yourself. Besides, we still got a Lightning Twister to rescue, and we ain’t gonna keep him waiting by just standing here chatting away to you.”

“Right,” Said Gallus as the six friends started to walk on again. But they didn’t go further than one mile away as Discord suddenly appeared again in front of them this time.

“Wait!” He shouted worriedly which made Yona jump a bit, but she was calmed down by Sandbar’s gently rub on the leg, and she pretty much enjoys it since they’re both in love with each other now.

“What now?” Sighed Gallus.

“Y-y-you can’t go to her new hideout!” The lord of chaos said worriedly for some unknown reason.

“And why not?” Asked Smolder placing her fists on her sides while looking at Discord in annoyed with a raised eyebrow.

“Uh.... Uh....” Discord started scratching the back of his head while trying to think of a reason why they can’t go to Chrysalis’s hideout.

“Oh because like I said before, she’s dangerous and still evil. Plus she could be more powerful than last time.” He then chuckled nervously hoping that’ll change their minds on going to the hideout.

But the Young Six wasn’t having any of it, they didn’t care if Chrysalis was now powerful or dangerous or still evil. They’re still gonna go save Lightning Twister no matter what.

“Yeah that’s not a good reason why we shouldn’t go save our friend,” Gallus said, “And we're still going to go rescue Lightning whether Chrysalis is powerful now or not, even with that masked pony.”

Discord gave them an annoyed look as he crossed his arms before saying, “Oh sure, go ahead. Continue your quest to save that dumb stupid little baby pony, that Fluttershy should have never took in as her own child, and ignore what I said about Chrysalis cos I’m trying to save you from being captured and getting into trouble.”

Hearing what Discord just said about Lightning made the Young five have shock looks on their faces. They couldn’t believe Discord would say such things to a poor pony like Lightning, especially not knowing what he’s been through and the main reason why Fluttershy became his new mother in the first place.

Smolder, however, had an angry look on her face, she refuse to let anycreature say or do hurtful things to her friends, even her special somepony. “If you dare call Lightning a dumb stupid little baby pony again, I’ll....”

“You’ll what? Kick me in the stomach before grabbing my tail so you can swing me towards a tree and then burn me with your fire?” Discord then laughed as Smolder glared angrily at him before grabbing his tiny white beard and pulling him close to her face as Discord now got scared of her.

“You want me to prove it?” She said angrily making Discord shake in fear.

“Uhhhh..... M-maybe l-later?” Discord said while still shaking in fear as Smolder let go of his beard and walked past him.

“Come on, guys,” the orange dragon said to her friends, “We still got a friend to save, we don’t have time to deal with this dipstick of chaos.”

Discord was completely shocked after what Smolder just called him while Sandbar and Gallus had smirk looks on their faces as Yona, Ocellus and Silverstream giggled, cos they thought it was funny what Smolder just called Discord, as they started walking again to continue their quest.

Discord’s shock look turned into a cross look as he shouted, “Fine! Go to Chrysalis’s hideout and save that colt! But she captures you lot or even hurts you....!”

“Don’t cry out for you blah blah blah blah, we get it!” Gallus shouted back as the six friends continued on.

Discord gave them one last glare before snapping his eagle fingers and disappearing in a flash.