• Published 12th Jul 2019
  • 3,885 Views, 148 Comments

KINGDOM HEARTS III: 2.0 Keyblade in Equestria - OliverSparkle

Sora wakes up in the land of Equestria after the events of Kingdom Hearts III.

  • ...

Return of Ink Bendy

“Uhhhh...Hello everycreature,” said Discord while waving with a nervous grin on his face.

Everyone in the room were still in deep shock. Discord was pretending to be Grogar the whole time, and they didn’t even see that coming, not even the legion of doom.

“Discord?!” Fluttershy began, “You're Grogar?!”

“So no wonder you knew about the invasion in Canterlot,” Ember said while walking a few steps forward before pointing at Discord and said, “YOU were there the whole time!”

“Were you planning on becoming the old you and dooming us all again?!” Rainbow exclaimed angrily.

“Look,” said Discord as he stood up and looked at the tied up ponies, dragon, cat and humans while sweating nervously, “I-I-I can explain!”

“We’re listening,” said the angry princess of the sun with the others glared at him while the five evil members watched with Cozy Glow clapping her hooves.

“Oh this is so interesting!” She said cheerfully in an evil way.

“Well,” Discord began as he nervously rubbed his eagle and lion finger together, “You remember that little talk you and Oliver had, about becoming the new ruler of the Crystal Empire when the time comes, Twilight?”

“Yeah, what about it?” Twilight said crossly.

“Well...” Discord made a little gulp of nervous before continuing, “I decided to help prove to him, and also you, that you’re ready to become the new rulers when the time does come.”

“By pretending to be Grogar and brought Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow, Cold Wind, Aqualight and Xehanort together to bring total doom to Equestria?!” Exclaimed Luna.

“And uh...Also bringing Sombra back for the first run,” added Discord making everyone, including the pillars, go into shock again.

“Wait, so you mean to tell me, that you brought that prison chest to the Crystal Empire, and had Star Swirl to open it for you?!” Twilight asked angrily.

Discord nervously nodded for a yes which made Twilight feel guilty and sad. She was angry at Star Swirl on the day Sombra returned, and she didn’t even know it was Discord’s doing the whole time.

Star Swirl looked down at Twilight in sadness too. He can see that Twilight thought he was gonna have a go at her for accusing him for releasing the most dangerous threat in Equestria just find the first ruler of the Crystal Empire, Amore. But he wasn’t. After learning about friendship after returning to Equestria, he’s learned that having a go at somepony for something they didn’t meant to do won’t solve anything.

Cozy Glow grinned at Discord before clapping her hooves again but in a nasty evil way.

“Wow,” she said to him, “You really had that plan well planned, didn’t you? Especially with the Sombra part.”

“I have to agree,” added Aqualight, “You really got away it and made sure Star Swirl got the blame so you didn’t.”

“No!” Discord quickly said, “I-I-It wasn’t like that! I never meant for that to happen!”

“Well, it did!” Applejack said angrily at the lord of chaos, “And now you made Twilight feel guilty after what went between her and Star Swirl during the Return of Sombra! So we're hope you’re happy with yourself!”

“And I don’t think you’ve learned anything when I used you when I attacked Equestria,” Tirek said with a grin on his face, “Because you should know by now that us villains will often find a way to stab you in the back later on, even after helping them escape from prison and Tartarus.”

“To be fair, I don’t think he learns anything after doing stuffs like this,” Gallus joked earning a chuckle from Sandbar and Yona.

Suddenly, Gallus felt a lighting shock as he screamed in pain before the shocking stopped and he slowly fell to the ground and they turned to see it was Young Xehanort that shocked him with his keyblade before it disappeared.

“You should learn to keep your mouth shut when adults are talking!” He said rudely to the poor griffon.

Gallus moaned in pain while Sandbar kindly helped him up without hurting him.

“Hey leave him alone!” Exclaimed Ocellus defending her friend, “He’s done absolutely nothing wrong to you to make you wanna take over Equestria with these lot!”

Cozy Glow flew towards the kind Changeling as her horn sparked evilly while she shouted, “BE QUIET, YOU STUPID CHANGELING!! If you still knew what love tastes like, you wouldn’t turn your back on your queen like that traitor Thorax did!” That made Ocellus more scared than before as she shook in fear while a few tears streamed down her face.

“Don’t call her stupid!” Lightning said trying to defend his friends, “You’re only saying that, because you know nothing about kindness and friendship or know that not all creatures in Equestria are mean and cruel!”

Fluttershy smiled at her son before saying to herself, “That’s my little colt.”

The evil filly glared at the little colt before turning towards Cold Wind and said, “Cold Wind, teach the little brat some respect before we make him my king.”

“With pleasure,” Cold Wind said before glaring at Lightning making him shake in fear as he walked towards him, grabbed the chains and lifted him up towards him before pulling his hoof back ready to slap him across the face.

“Lightning!” Fluttershy shouted in fear. She wanted to go save her son, but she couldn’t since she’s still chained up. All she can do, is watch.

Smolder watched in fear, she knew what was coming next for her boyfriend. She wanted to go save him, but she was stopped by Ember and Tempest as they knew what will happen to her if she goes over there to save him.

Lightning closed his eyes while shaking in fear knowing what’s coming to him. But, just as Cold Wind was about slap Lightning across the face, a big bright light appeared on the right side near the doorway as they turned their heads round to look at it.

Then, a familiar voice came from inside the bright light.


Just then, an inky figure jumped out from the bright light and ran towards Cold Wind. It was Ink Bendy. Cold Wind grew in shock before the Ink demon punched him in the face making him let go of Lightning and slide across the floor as he quickly grabbed Lightning before he hit the ground.

“Who’s that?” Sora asked in confusion, he’s never seen that type of creature before.

Everyone else in the room, aside from Ember, Gabby, Tempest and the villains, knew who it was as they all had smiles on their faces, even Constantine.

Flurry Heart cooed cheerfully, happy to see her brother again.

“Oliver!” Cadence cheered happily.

“Oliver, you’re okay!” Cheered Twilight.

Sora was now in shock after hearing what Twilight and Cadence just said. He had no idea that Oliver can be an inky figure as well as a pony. But he decided to roll with it since he can trust them and ask Oliver about it later.

Ink Bendy then snapped his normal hand fingers which magically caused the chains, on Lightning, the pillars and his friends and family, to break freeing everyone as Constantine and Vincent landing on the ground safely before Constantine magically landed the pillars safely.

Young Xehanort looked at all the broken chains around the room before looking at the Ink demon and letting out an angry growl.

Ink Bendy walked up to Fluttershy, with Lightning in his arms, and gently give the little colt to the yellow pony as they formed a mother and son hug before Capper joined the hug making it a family hug. The Ink demon then saw the baby alicorn happily flying towards him and landed in his right arm while hugging his chest.

Ink Bendy just looked at his little sister for a few seconds before hearing Young Xehanort’s voice. “How?!”

The Ink demon turned round while glaring at the evil keyblade wielder as he stood in battle mode as his keyblade was about to appear.

“You fell to the dark...” Before he could continue, he saw an bigger Ink demon appearing behind him. It was all covered in ink with a medium size body, big head with no eyes but big pointy ears and mouth with sharp teeth and his arms were long with big hands.

The big ink monster grabbed Young Xehanort around the head with his left hand as he began to try to break free from the grab, but it was no good, the monster was far too strong for him to get away from.

Ink Bendy raised his left hand up, controlling the ink monster, before walking a few steps towards them, with Flurry Heart still in his right arm, and said in a inky demon voice merged with Oliver’s voice, “You can never separate me from my friends and family. My heart’s contracted with theirs!”

Ink Bendy started moving his left hand around making the ink monster toss Young Xehanort to one giant hand to another, like he was some sort of big ball to juggle with, while he screamed while being toss around.

“At a boy, Oliver!” Shining cheered.

“You have no power over me!” Said the Ink demon while making the ink monster throw Young Xehanort into the air and catching him with his right hand before tossing him from hand to hand again.

“Get him, Oliver!” Shouted Sora happily, he now knew that the Ink demon was indeed Oliver and he can trust this form of his.

The ink monster tossed Young Xehanort to its right hand before slowly moving it to its left side ready to throw him away as Ink Bendy’s left arm was about to make it throw him.

“Fair well,” the Ink demon said before swinging his arm to the left making the ink monster throw the evil keyblade wielder towards the legion of doom.

“Sora, now!” Ink Bendy shouted.

Sora summoned his keyblade and pointed it at the legion of doom. And just as Young Xehanort knocked into them, like a bowling ball knocking down bowling pins, they fall back and were about to land on the ground until Sora shouted, “Stopza!”

A blue bright light circle appeared from the end of Sora’s keyblade as it flew towards the thrones while glowing bigger and made the legion of doom and Young Xehanort froze on the spot, making them unable to move and speak, before it disappeared leaving only Sora and everyone else the only ones moving.

The ink monster started to slowly melt away while the inky puddle flew across the floor and back into Ink Bendy as his inky form started to melt away revealing Oliver Sparkle in pony form again.

Oliver slowly opened his eyes and looked at Flurry Heart who was now sitting on her brother’s back and gently hugging his neck making him smile at the site.

“Oliver! My son!” Said Cadence’s voice as Oliver turned and saw her mother running towards him happily before hugging him as he hugged her back. “You’ve escaped from the realm of darkness and made it back!”

“Yep,” Oliver said to his mother, “The magic of friendship didn’t stop showing me the way out.”

The two broke the hug before they saw Lightning walking up towards his uncle as they both looked at each other.

Lightning smiled at Oliver as tears of joy started to stream down his face before he said, “You’re here. You came back, and saved me from daddy, just like you promised.”

Oliver gave his nephew a smile of his own before pulling him into an uncle and nephew hug while letting Lightning’s tears of joy soak into his chest.

“Thank you,” He said to his uncle quietly but loud enough for Oliver to hear him.

After a few more seconds of hugging, the two broke the hug and saw the rest of their friends and family walking and flying towards them with happy smiles on their faces. They were all happy to see Oliver again.

“I can’t believe it!” Rainbow said happily, “You escaped the realm of darkness! But how though?”

“Simple,” Oliver began to answer, “It wasn’t just the magic of friendship that helped me find my way back here. It was also, the light that’s inside my heart. During the gala before the attack, Sora told me everything about a heart can do back in his world, and I started to believe that deep inside our hearts, there’s a light that never goes out, no matter how far away we are. So it’s also thanks to him, for helping me.”

Everyone smiled at Sora as he smiled at them before giving Oliver a thumbs up and a wink.

Oliver then started to look around the throne room, he realise that one of the bad guys was missing after returning to save his friends and family.

“Wait, where’s Grogar?” Oliver asked, “Is he still here?”

“Oh he’s still here alright,” Applejack said angrily, “He’s right over there!”

The farm pony pointed towards Discord who had a scared look on his face while not knowing what’s gonna happen now after telling Oliver he’s Grogar.

Oliver’s eyes went wide as shock before saying, “Discord? You’re Grogar?!”

Discord started to sweat and chuckle nervously as he then said, “Uuhh...You’re not mad at me, are you?”

“No, Discord, I’m not mad at you,” he answered before his face got really really angry, “I’m FURIOUS!!” That made Discord shake in fear as Oliver started to walk up to him while saying, “You pretended to be that evil goat, grouped the most dangerous threats in Equestria together along with Xehanort, and had that evil keyblade wielder to send Celestia to the realm of darkness so I can sacrifice my life to save her!”

“And he’s also the one who unleashed the Sombra prison chest for Star Swirl to release!” Added Spike.

Hearing what Spike just said made Oliver’s eyes go on fire with anger. “He WHAT?!?!”

Discord got even more scared of Oliver’s outburst as he then said, “I-I had a reason for all this.”

“And what reason might that be?!”

“Well...Back when you and Twilight had that talk about you not ready to become ruler of the Crystal Empire when the time comes, I started to help prove that you are ready to become the next ruler.”

“By having Star Swirl release Sombra from his prison so he can get the blame and you pretending to be Grogar and grouped these lot together just so they can attack me and the others?!” Oliver shouted in anger with everyone, even Fluttershy, were glaring at Discord in anger, except for Lightning who was being held by Silverstream in her right talon arm.

“You could have killed our son!” Shining yelled at him.

“And all of us!” Cadence added.

“B-B-But I didn’t know they were gonna backstab me later and lied about finding Grogar’s bell,” Discord said while sweating nervously still, “Besides, look what a great job you did defeating Sombra. All the confidence you gained. Remember the cheering? The hoof-bumps?”

“That’s doesn’t matter!” Shouted Sunset, “The fact is that we had to deal with that evil ruler of the Crystal Empire when it has been nothing but a big fat lie!”

“A well-intentioned lie,” corrected Discord.

“For all the time you've spent with us, you really haven't picked up too much in the way of friendship lessons, huh?” Said Applejack crossly.

“You've been setting up challenges for us the whole time, haven't you? None of our successes were actually real!” Twilight said angrily.

“Of course they were!” Discord said trying lighten things up, “You just had an extremely good-looking safety net.”

“And how was that supposed to help again?” Capper asked with his arms crossed.

“I intended to prepare Oliver, and also Twilight, for anything by orchestrating an epic attack on the day after the gala night,” Discord explained making everyone in the room even more angry at him.

“How is that suppose help prove to them that they’re ready to become the next rulers?!” Sora exclaimed, “You’re putting innocent lives in grave danger!”

“You don't take a final exam on your first day of class. Just think, after defeating six baddies, Oliver and Twilight would have to believe that they’re the leaders we all know they are!”

“But I had an exam when I was to become a Keyblade Master and Xemnas, Xigbar and Young Xehanort weren’t suppose to be in the Mark Of Mastery exam!” Sora shouted, “They, along with Ansem, were trying to get me and Riku to sleep in the deepest darkness so they can place us as vessels for the real Organization XIII!”

Celestia flew up to Discord and angrily stared at him, which made him feel nervous and scared together, before she said, “You have made a grave misjudgment, Discord. Do you have anything else you'd like to tell us?! Any other villains you grouped or brought back from their prisons?!”

“Yeah, how about The Storm King?! Did you bring him back?! Because if you did, I’ll make sure Aunt Novo hears about this!” Silverstream Exclaimed.

“N-No,” answered the nervous Discord.

“What about Lightning Dust and the Washouts?! Are they in the Legion of Doom?!” Rainbow asked crossly.

Discord slowly shook his head nervously.

“Did you brought back The Pony Of Shadows and gave him his own vessel?!” Stygian asked angrily earning another nervous head shook from Discord.

“What about Nightmare Moon?!” Asked the angry princess of the moon, “Did you gave her a body of her own?!”

“N-N-No,” Discord answered while shaking in guilt and nervous.

“Well, at least Equestria isn’t in total danger since that idiot only grouped those six together so they can put everycreature in danger!” Ember shouted angrily.

“All I wanted was to help Oliver and Twilight see that they’re ready to become the next rulers,” Discord tried to explained, but none of them were buying it.

“Well, all you did was helped those six villains, and look at the mess it got us in!” Tempest Shadow said angrily.

“Especially after upsetting Lightning by saying he’s not part of the friendship circle as well as Fluttershy’s family, and calling him a crybaby,” Gallus said loud enough for the others to hear.

Fluttershy had a shock look on her face after hearing Gallus just said before glaring angrily at Discord and shouted, “You've been upsetting my son?!”

Discord began to shake in fear after hearing Fluttershy’s outburst.

“Fluttershy, l-l-let me explain, I-I...”

Before Discord could even explain, Fluttershy shouted, “I can’t believe this! You were happy when I told you I had no plans on replacing you with a different friend during the gala with Tree Hugger! But you’ve learned nothing on that day! So you really are still just a...Jerk!”

Everyone, including Discord, gasped in shock after what Fluttershy just said to him. She actually said that he was still a jerk.

“Fluttershy, I-I didn’t mean t...” But once again, Fluttershy stopped him from explaining.

“What? You didn’t mean to upset him like that?! Like it was some kind of joke you were making?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HE’S BEEN THROUGH?! And let me make this clear to you, Discord! It’s not YOUR decision to decide whether Lightning is part of the friendship circle and my family or not! It’s his! And I took him in, because he changed my life after finding him all alone, and I wanted him to have a life and family he belongs in! How could you say such a thing to him?!”

“You really have messed up this time, Discord!” Luna said angrily.

“Perhaps we should have not let him come along with us when we were on our way back here to save our friends,” Ocellus Said crossly earning a nod from Smolder and Yona.

Just then, Chrysalis’s voice was heard. “How right you are, little one.”

Before they could react or see where Chrysalis was at, a dark green beam streamed towards Sora as it hit him hard making fly backwards before falling on his back.

“Sora!” Oliver cried worriedly.

They all turned towards the right left side of the throne room, and saw the five villains there with Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy grinning evilly at them, while Cold Wind was glaring at them, as Aqualight then said, “Heh, bet you didn’t see that coming.”

“How can you lot be moving?!” Sunburst asked.

Just then, Young Xehanort flew up behind the five villains with his keyblade in his right hand while grinning at them. Sora slowly got up and glared at the evil keyblade wielder before saying, “Xehanort!”

Chrysalis walked up to the group while grinning at them before saying, “Well, that was fun being frozen for a couple of minutes. But I do believe we still have businesses to attend to. Starting with you.”

She pointed at Oliver making him go wide eye in shock as she walked towards him only to be stopped by Constantine standing in front of the alicorn with his hand glowing dark golden.

“You will stay away from him, ex-Queen,” demanded Constantine making Chrysalis glare at him.

“You will stay out of this!”

Chrysalis’s horn started to glow before making a dark green ball grasp and aimed it towards Constantine making him fly backwards and hit the ground on his back.

“Constantine!” Cried Oliver.

The others were about to help both him and Oliver, but they were stopped by green fire made by Chrysalis. “You shall ALL stay out of this!”

She then magically levitated Flurry Heart from Oliver’s back and threw her out away from them only to be caught by Twilight’s magic as she lifted her towards her and held her in her right hoof.

“Olive!” The baby alicorn cooed sadly while reaching out to him.

Chrysalis grinned evilly at Oliver again making sweat in fear and nervous while thinking what she’s gonna do to him.

“Oliver. You do not realise your importance, you only began to face your fear of controlling your ink magic. Join me, and I’ll help you overcome your fear more.” She started to walk around Oliver while continuing, “With our combined strength, we will destroy the new Changeling race! And rule Equestria with Aqualight and the rest of the legion of doom.”

“I’ll never join you!”

“If you only knew what true dark magic can give to you,” Chrysalis went on while still walking around the alicorn, “You still never knew what REALLY happened to your mother and father.”

“I’ve never really bothered trying to figure out what really happened after Cadence and Shining took me in,” Oliver said crossly at Chrysalis, “But since you probably know them, my guess is you’ve killed them.”

Chrysalis stopped walking around Oliver and stood in front of him while grinning at him before saying,

“No. I AM your mother.”