• Published 12th Jul 2019
  • 3,906 Views, 148 Comments

KINGDOM HEARTS III: 2.0 Keyblade in Equestria - OliverSparkle

Sora wakes up in the land of Equestria after the events of Kingdom Hearts III.

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Back in Ponytown, the legion of doom were still trapped inside the abandoned house as they tried to get out.

Tirek charged towards the door and tried to break the door down with his strong right arm, but it was no good, the door was strongly shut tight, and he tried to break the door down like five times now.

He tried to break the door down again, but still nothing after that big smack on the door with his arm.

Chrysalis was sitting against the wall glaring at the doorway with her hooves crossed while listening the bangs she was hearing from all the times Tirek has tried to break the door as her right eye began to twitch and her face got angrier and angrier as red covered her entire face with anger.

Then, after a few more seconds after one more smack on the door, the ex-Queen shouted, “THAT’S IT!! I’VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF THIS!!”

Her horn started to glow dark green and, before any of the other villains could react, she then blasted the door open leaving a big hole in the house with smoke coming out from the house as Chrysalis walked out breathing heavily with the others following behind her with shock looks on their faces. They’ve never seen her like that before till now.

“As soon as I get my hooves on that black coated pony and the rest of those creatures! They’re gonna be so sorry!!” She exclaimed before walking off while stomping her hooves to the ground very angrily and started sniffing out the location to where Lightning was now.

Tirek, Cozy Glow and Cold Wind looked at each other in shock for a few seconds before following Chrysalis as she continued to storm out of Ponytown in a grump.

Meanwhile, in the forest outside of Ponytown, the group were now continuing their journey towards Canterlot while Lightning was riding on Ocellus’s back. They’ve just woken up and had breakfast three hours ago and they were now starting to continue their journey.

Silverstream and Smolder flew beside Ocellus making sure the little colt is safe and nothing bad’s gonna happen to him.

As for Discord, he was walking behind the group with a annoyed look on his face and his fists were shaking. They’ve been walking for like four hours now, they’ve gotten no way, still haven’t made it to Canterlot yet and he was already getting furious and annoyed all together.

“Ugh! Are we nearly there yet?!” He asked furiously as they all stopped, “I’m getting fed up of walking now and we’re still not at Canterlot yet!”

“Discord, can I just remind you that we need to take the long way back to Canterlot because of the heartless and dusks?” Gallus asked annoyed.

“I have to agree him,” said Sandbar, “If we took the shortest way back to Canterlot, we would be captured so easily, and we wouldn’t be able to save our friends from Grogar’s grasp.”

Discord crossed his arms and said, “Yeah, about the whole “saving our friends from Grogar” thing. Can I also remind you that neither of us have come up with a plan on saving them yet?”

Tempest groaned with annoyance. “We are trying our hardest to think of one! It’s not that easy to come up with a rescue plan!”

“Well try harder then!” Exclaimed Discord. “Fluttershy is still in danger and there’s no telling what Grogar and Xehanort are doing to her right now!”

“But what about the others?” Lightning asked as he gently jumped off Ocellus’s back, “Grogar and Xehanort could be doing something to them as well, and there’s no telling what it is they’re doing.”

Discord glared at Lightning.

“This is a friendship matter! YOU are NOT part of this friendship! In fact, you’re not even part of Fluttershy’s family either or suppose to be, adopted or not!”

Tears began to flow down Lightning’s face after hearing what Discord just said to him as Smolder slowly and gently picked him up and hugged him while stroking his back in comfort.

Ember flew up towards Discord and slapped him in the face angrily. He then saw the Young Six, Gabby, Sora, Ember and Tempest glaring at him with angry and disappointed looks on their faces as Sora had his arms crossed.

“Discord, ever since we started this journey, you’ve done nothing but whine, complain and upset poor Lightning like this is his fault when it isn’t!” Ember said crossly.

“And even after you said you wanted to help save our friends and stop Grogar and Xehanort!” Added Sora.

“Yeah but I didn’t expect the journey to be this long, even if we're hiding from those four now!” Discord argued.

“And yet you still wanted to help us put an end to Grogar’s madness?!” Sora exclaimed.

“Only because Fluttershy’s in danger and I need to save her!” Discord answered.

“Oh what is it with you and Fluttershy?!” Shouted Ember angrily, “That's all we ever hear from you! “Fluttershy this, Fluttershy that! I need to save only Fluttershy!” It’s not just her in danger you know!”

“But she’s my friend!” Discord shouted back, “And she’s the only friend I’ve got since you lot don’t trust me and always been mean to me!”

“Well, like Sora said, if you weren’t so mean to Lightning and believe that chaos will solve your problems, even though asking always works, we would treat you as a friend like how we treat others as friends,” said Ocellus crossily.

“Oh and I should be more nicer to him after he made Fluttershy spend more time with him and spend less time with me?!” Discord asked rudely.

“How is that his fault?! Leave him alone!” Exclaimed Silverstream before gently stroking the little colt’s mane in comfort.

“Yeah, he had a tough life before Fluttershy took him in!” Agreed Smolder as she continued to stroke her boyfriend’s back in comfort, “Fluttershy wanted him to be happy like he should have been, and make his life a better one!”

Discord let out a “Hmph!” as he crossed his arms, closed his eyes and looked away from the group.

“If that’s the way you lot feel and only care about protecting that little crybaby, then I don’t see why I should stay here any longer.”

“Then just go!” Tempest shouted at him, “Go home and leave the Grogar’s invasion problem for us to handle! We don’t care!”

Discord glared at the group once more before snapping his eagle fingers and disappeared in bright light.

Tempest Shadow stared at the spot Discord was at for a few seconds before sadly looking at Lightning who was still shaking a bit with a few tears flowing down his face as Gallus gently brushed them away with her claw.

“Are you alright, kid?” Gallus asked worriedly.

Lightning slowly looked at the blue griffon and asked, “A-Am I r-really n-not part o-of t-this friendship?”

“Of course you are part of this friendship, cutie,” Silverstream answered softly, “You’re also part of Fluttershy’s family as well as we consider you as part of our family.”

“Y-you do?” Asked Lightning as he looked at the hippogriff.

“Sure we do,” answered Ocellus, “Don’t let Discord’s mean words get to you. He just gets grumpy whenever something like this happens or things don’t go his way like he always wants to whenever he feels left out.”

“Yeah, buddy,” joined Sandbar, “We know that saving our friends back in Canterlot is important, but protecting you from your father and the three villains is the most important at the moment. Because you’re our friend.”

“Yona won’t let mean creatures or father take you away again,” Yona said.

Sora walked towards the Young Six and knelt down to make better eye contact with Lightning and then said, “Lightning, what Discord said might be true to him, but it isn’t true to us. And I know that, because friendship is also part of the heart’s true nature. I may not be a Keyblade Master, but I always enjoy helping new friends wherever I go.”

Lightning gave Sora a small smile with one more tear running down his right cheek.

“Thanks, Sora,” He said to him as Sora gave him a happy smile in return.

Just then, they all heard a noise from behind the bush on the right hoof side. They all turned and saw the brushes moving like there was something in there trying to get out.

“Who’s there?” Ember asked as she along with Tempest and Sora got into battle mode and were ready to fight who’s ever in the bushes while The Young Seven and Gabby stood behind them.

Lightning shook in fear once more and hugged Smolder tightly as she gently held him close to her so she can protect him.

“Whoever you are, show yourself!” Ordered the dragon lord.

The bushes continued to move for twelve seconds before Ember said, “Did you not hear me?! I said, show yourself!”

The bushes moved one last time before it stopped making Sora, Tempest and Ember even more ready to attack.

Just then, after five seconds, the legion of doom jumped out from the bush and landed near the group as Chrysalis said, “Found you!”

The Young Seven and Gabby screamed in fear and terror.

“We’ve been found!” Shouted Gabby.

“Run for it!” Sora shouted before running away from the villains with the Young Six, Gabby, Tempest and Ember running behind him while Smolder kept Lightning in her arms tightly so she doesn’t drop or lose him.

“Get them!” Chrysalis ordered as Cold Wind and Tirek ran after them with Cozy Glow and Chrysalis flying with them.

The group ran as fast as their legs, hooves, wings and paws can carry them as they ran into a big cave that was on the left side of three other caves next to it. The legion of doom were two miles away from them as they went into the same cave they went through.

Cold Wind and Chrysalis poked their heads out of the second cave on the right and after one second, Smolder poked her head from the second cave, that was next to the cave Chrysalis and Cold Wind were in, as she ran out of it and into the first cave next to it with Lightning in her arms still. The two villains saw her before running out of the cave and into the cave Smolder and Lightning went into.

Tirek and Cozy Glow poked their heads out of the first cave on the right hoof side as Sora slowly and carefully sneaked out of the cave next to the one they’re in while the two weren’t looking. The keyblade wielder then stopped near the second left cave as he looked back to the cave he was in while pointing to the cave next to it, then after one second, Ember flew out of the cave as she and Sora went into the second cave on the left just before Tirek and Cozy saw them and chased after them as they went into the cave Sora and Ember went in.

Cozy and Cold Wind ran out of the second cave on the right and looked around for the group. Sandbar and Gallus walked out of the second cave on left, but then ran back inside as they saw the filly and child abuser before they saw the pony and griffon and ran after them in the second left cave.

Gabby quickly flew out of the first right cave and into the first left cave.

“Why you little!” Shouted Chrysalis as she, along with Tirek and Cozy, ran out of the first right cave and into the second right cave thinking Gabby went into that cave.

Smolder, Tempest and Silverstream, with Lightning on her back, ran out of the first left cave and into the second left cave with Cold Wind flying after them.

Yona and Ocellus ran out of the second right cave and into the first right cave with Cozy Glow flying out of that cave and into the second right cave.

Sora and Tempest ran out of the first left cave and into the second left cave while Cold Wind flew out of the first right cave and into the first left cave.

Tirek and Cozy Glow ran out of the second left cave while Chrysalis and Cold Wind flew out of the second right cave as they stood together and looked around the group, but couldn’t find them anywhere.

“Where’d they go?” Tirek asked while scratching the top of his head.

The group slowly sneaked out of the first right cave and tired to head to the dirt path, leading to a different way out of the forest, without being spotted. But just then, the legion of doom saw them sneaking away.

“There they are!” Chrysalis shouted.

The group stopped sneaking and looked at them for one second as Ember quickly, but gently, grabbed Lightning and they quickly ran away from them.

“Come back with my king!” Shouted Cozy Glow before flying after them with the other three following her.

The group were running as fast as they could, with Lightning still in Ember’s arms. But they quickly stopped in their tracks as they were now near big mountain in the forest. It was a dead end.

“A dead end!” Said Tempest as they turned round to find another path.

But they stopped again as they saw the legion of doom blocking their way out of the dead end area.

“We’re trapped!” Ocellus said in shock and fear.

“Big mistake! Now you’re trapped!” Lord Tirek said with an evil grin on his face.

“Ocellus just said that!” Sandbar said earning a nod from both Gallus and Ocellus.

“Silence!” Chrysalis ordered, “Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice.”

“I prefer we do this the hard way,” answered Tempest as Ember gently placed Lightning on Silverstream’s back before going into battle mode again along with Tempest.

“Yeah!” Sora agreed as he summoned his keyblade and got ready to fight.

The three villains, while Cold Wind stood behind them, were ready to fight as Cozy Glow rubbed her two hooves together evilly while wearing an very creepy evil grin on her face, Tirek cracked his left fist in his right hand and Chrysalis’s horn glowed in dark green grasp as she and Tirek had an evil grin on their face too.

Tempest growled like a bull before charging towards Chrysalis as her broken horn began to spark ready to zap the evil Changeling.

But before she could do anything else, Chrysalis made a big dark green blast from her horn and hit Tempest so hard that it made her fly backwards in mid air as she landed against the mountain wall very hard before falling onto the ground on her front and fainted.

“Tempest!” Lightning cried worriedly.

Ember looked at Tempest worriedly for a few seconds before glaring at the legion of doom while growling angrily as she then flew towards the evil filly and raised her left fist up ready to punch her when she got near her.

But she wasn’t able to punch Cozy in time as Tirek quickly grabbed her and threw her to the ground making her slide towards the group before closing her eyes and fainted.

“Ember!” Cried Smolder worriedly.

“That’s it!” Sora growled before charging towards Tirek with his keyblade.

He then swung his keyblade in mid air before swinging it towards Lord Tirek, but was then stopped by Chrysalis’s dark green grasp.

The ex-Queen magically lifted both Sora and his keyblade into the air before throwing near a big rock on the right hoof side that was in between two trees as he hit it very hard on his back before dropping his keyblade to the ground and disappeared.

Sora then fell off the rock and landed on his front onto the ground making him unable to get up again as his vision began to be all burry.

Through the burry vision, he could see the legion of doom walking towards the Young Seven and Gabby as an echoed evil laughter was heard. “Sora!” Echoed Lightning’s voice.

Sora’s eyes began to slowly close as he then fainted not knowing what was gonna happen to the rest of his friends now.