• Published 12th Jul 2019
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KINGDOM HEARTS III: 2.0 Keyblade in Equestria - OliverSparkle

Sora wakes up in the land of Equestria after the events of Kingdom Hearts III.

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Goodbyes and Discord’s Punishment


“Wait! That’s your real mother?!” Sandbar asked in shock as Lightning nodded in response.

Oliver and Lightning’s real mother stared angrily at Cold Wind for twelve more seconds before they both said in unison, “Now turn yourself back in, Cold Wind.”

Cold Wind began to shake in fear and sweated nervously. He couldn’t believe he was seeing his own wife as light spirit ghost for real.

“Rain Heart! I-I-I-I-I can explain! I-I-It’s isn’t too late!”

But Rain Heart wasn’t gonna buy it. She knew what her husband, well EX-husband now, has done to her son after she died, and boy she was not impress by it.

“It is already too late, and it is also too late for me.” She then turned behind her to look at Fluttershy and her friends, “But not for them.”

Cold Wind ran towards Rain Heart and bent to his hooves before placing his two hooves on her chest and said, “No! Please! I can fix this! I can make this right!”

“And also,” Rain Heart went on, “I want a divorce.”

Those words made Cold Wind’s heart break into two pieces as he looked at his ex-wife in shock with tears forming in his eyes.

Oliver looked behind him and nodded at his father as he nodded at him back before saying, “Guards! Seize that pony!”

Two guards flew from the distance and towards the child abuser. The guards started shackling Cold Wind before picking him and taking him away.

“Rain Heart! Please!” Cold Wind begged while being taken away by the guards, “I can put this right! I’ll make it up to Lightning! Please! Give me another chance!” He continued to begged until he was far away into the distance.

“You will make sure he doesn’t hurt my son again, right?” Rain Heart asked politely to Oliver.

“We’ll make sure Cold Wind’s locked up tight and give him well-deserved punishment,” answered Oliver making Rain Heart smile at him.

Oliver looked on his left and saw the Lingering Will pony standing there while watching the whole thing. He then started walking towards Oliver as he stood in front of him.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Oliver began to speak, “You were watching over me the whole time, even before I was taken in by Cadence, weren’t you, father?”

The Lingering Will pony stared at Oliver for six more seconds before nodding his head for a yes.

“I felt so ashamed for what I did that day. After seeing what Chrysalis was, I just couldn’t bare to think what she would do to you. So I took you to that orphanage, not even knowing what it’s like in there, until you ran away and ended up in the Crystal Empire. I started watching over you making sure Chrysalis doesn’t try to do anything to you. I would have just let Shining and Cadence take care of you, but... I was scared. I became more proud of you when you agreed to go to Ponyville and make new friends, even when you became the uncle of Lightning Twister. The only reason why I didn’t show up to meet you face to face was because I thought you would get mad at me for what I did. I just hope, you can forgive me for everything.” He then hung his head down in shame.

Oliver looked at his father for a few more seconds before giving him a smile and gently placing a hoof on his shoulder making him look at him again.

“It wasn’t your fault all of this happened, and I already forgive you. Please, forgive yourself, father.”

We’re unable to see his father smile because of the helmet, but as Oliver continued to smile at his father, tears of happiness began to roll down his face making both him and his father hugged each other.

“Thank you,” the Lingering Will pony said to him quietly but able to hear him while continuing to hug each other.

After a few more seconds of hugging, the two broke the hug before seeing Shining Armor walking towards them with a smile on his face. He stood near Oliver and magically took his helmet and gently placed it on his son’s head before saying, “Very well done.”

He then bowed to him as the mane eight, Spike, the Young Seven, Capper, Sunburst, the three princesses, Gabby, Ember, Tempest Shadow, Sora, the pillars, Constantine, Vincent and Rain Heart bowed to him in honour of the new captain of the royal guard. Flurry Heart hugged her brother around the neck in honour as well. Oliver just smiled at his friends and family.

Rain Heart stood back up and turned round to look at her son as he looked at her with tears starting to form in his eyes. He actually got to see his real mother again.

She smiled at him before saying, “Lightning Twister, my sweet baby boy. Look how much you’ve grown since the last time I saw and first held you when you were born.”

Tears began to run down his face as he started to run up to his real mother.

“Momma!” Lightning shouted as he hugged his real mother and cried into her light spirit ghost chest while she hugged him back.

Fluttershy, Capper, Smolder and Silverstream walked towards the two and watched them hug each other with happy smiles on their faces. They were happy Lightning got to see his real mother again.

Lightning continued to hug his real mother while crying in her chest as Rain Heart looked down at her son with a smile. “Lightning sweetheart, all those things your father said to you awhile back, don’t let them get to you. It wasn’t your fault I died from giving birth to you. It was just one of those birth gone wrong things. I could never blame you for my death.”

Rain Heart looked at Fluttershy and said, “Fluttershy, thank you for taking my son in, becoming his new mother and given him the love, care and life he deserves.”

Fluttershy smiled at her with tears of happiness rolling down his face.

Rain Heart then looked at Capper. “Capper, I thank you for becoming the new and better father for Lightning. I do hope you won’t stop being there for him no matter what.”

Capper shook his head in response before answering, “Don’t worry, Ms Rain Heart, I won’t. Fluttershy and Lightning are my life now. And it’ll stay like that forever.”

Fluttershy smiled at her husband before giving him a loving hug as he hugged her back. Rain Heart smiled at the two before looking at Smolder and Silverstream.

“Smolder, Silverstream, take care of Lightning Twister for me. Please.”

Both Smolder and Silverstream let out a small quiet gasp of shock before growing a serious look on their faces and gave Rain Heart a nod.

Oliver and the Lingering Will pony watched the cute sad moment between Lightning Twister and Rain Heart for a few more seconds before looking at each other again.

“Well, I guess that, you have to leave now,” Oliver said to his real father in a sad way.

“Yeah,” replied the Lingering Will pony in a sad tone before turning it into a happy tone, “Besides, I believe you’ll do okay now that I don’t have to worry about Chrysalis anymore. And you still got your friends and better family to be there for you.”

Oliver gave the Lingering Will pony a smile. “Yeah.”

The Lingering Will pony gently placed a hoof on his son’s shoulder before saying, “Take care of them, Captain.”

“I will, father.”

The Lingering Will pony walked towards Rain Heart as she turned round to look at him. “Rain Heart, it is time to go.”

The spirit pony nodded in understood before looking at her son again.

“Lightning sweetie, I have to go now. Please, let go.”

But Lightning didn’t want to let go as he looked at his real mother with tears still rolling down his face. He missed her for all these moons and he only just saw her again. Fluttershy gently placed a hoof on Lightning’s hoof and softly said, “Honey, it’s time to let go.”

Lightning knew she was right. Rain Heart can’t live on as a spirit forever, she needed to return where she is now. So he slowly let go of his real mother’s hoof as she slowly backed up smile smiling at her son and stood by the Lingering Will pony.

With tears still rolling down his face, Lightning smiled at his real mother and said, “Goodbye, Momma.”

Rain Heart smiled at her son back. “Goodbye, Lightning Twister.”

The Lingering Will pony and Rain Heart started to float up into the sky making their way back to where they are now. Rain Heart smiled down at her son while waving goodbye to him. Lightning, with his tears continuing to run down his face, smiled at his real mother back and waved goodbye to her as well.

Tiny sparks of light began to shine around Rain Heart and the Lingering Will pony making them fade away and back where they belong now.

Everyone continued to look up into the sky until they heard a sniffing sound. They turned and saw it was Sandbar who was sniffing as he was now crying.

“I’m s-sorry,” he said while trying wipe the tears away with his hoof, “It just m-made me so s-sad.”

Sandbar continued to cry. Yona gently wrapped her hooves around him and started to gently rub his back in comfort as Sandbar buried his face into her chest and cried on it, but Yona didn’t care.

“There there,” she softly whispered to him, “Yona understand. Let it out. Shhh...” Yona softly and gently kissed Sandbar on his mane while continuing rubbing his back.

Just then, a bright light beamed from the sky and hit the ground that was a few feet away from the heroes as it created a light corridor. This made everyone, except for Sora, grow a shock look on their faces.

“What’s that?” Gabby asked while pointing at it.

“It’s the corridor of light,” answered Sora, “Made for those that travel by light and refuse to let Kingdom Hearts fall to darkness.”

Everyone knew what that means. It means that it was time for Sora to return back to his world.

“So I guess you’re leaving then, darling,” Rarity sadly said.

Sora gave Rarity a sad look before nodding his head and said, “It would seem so, Rarity. Besides, my friends are waiting for me back home. I promised them I will come back after saving Kairi.”

He then saw Lightning Twister walking up towards him as he looked at the keyblade wielder with a sad look on his face. “I’ll miss you.”

Sora gave Lightning a smile before bending down to the colt’s level and said, “Hey don’t worry, I’ll be back.”

Lightning let out a gasp of hopeful happiness before smiling at Sora. “You will?!”

“Of course I will,” answered Sora happily, “When I wake up back in my world, I’ll find a way back here. And then, there’ll be no broken promises, we’re all gonna be friends forever no matter how far away we are. I promise you that, Lightning.”

Lightning smiled at Sora for a few seconds before remembering something, “Oh, before you go, Sora. I’ve made something for you.”

“Huh?” Sora asked curiously.

Lightning quickly walked towards Tempest as she reached into her black coat pocket, pulled out a rubbery shaped purple crown, with seven tiny gems in different colours of a rainbow on them with a mini chain attach to it, and gave it to him. He then walked back to Sora, reached the rubber crown up to him as he gently took from him and looked at it. “What’s this?”

“Something I made back in Ponytown while you and the others were packing,” Lightning answered, “I wanted to make you something before it was time for you to go back to your world. I asked Tempest to keep it safe for me.”

Sora smiled at the rubber crown before smiling at the little colt and gently rubbed his mane.

“Thanks, Lightning. I’ll always keep it with me, so I can remember all of you while trying to find a way back here.”

Sora gently placed the rubber crown into his right side trouser pocket before pulling out a necklace he made for Lightning. It was a tiny dark blue crown with two orange gems on each side with a tiny purple chain holding them together. He then gently placed it around Lightning as he looked at it with happiness. “Is this for me?”

Sora nodded in response.

“Something I made in Tempest’s apartment last night while you lot were asleep. I was gonna give to you when we got back to Canterlot to save our friends, but things got in the way at that time.”

Lightning couldn’t keep his eyes off the necklace Sora has made, it reminded him the necklace Fluttershy gave to him on his birthday before Cold Wind destroyed it. He continued to smile at it.

“Hang on to it,” Said Sora as Lightning looked up to him, “Might give you luck and have me able to return here someday.”

Lightning smiled at Sora before saying, “I’ll keep it me always, Sora. And I will always remember you, even when I start missing you already.”

Sora smiled at the colt before standing back up again and seeing Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight walking towards him with smiles on their faces.

“Sora,” began Celestia, “We can’t thank you enough for staying with us and helping us defeat the villains and save Equestria from the biggest threat we encountered.”

“It’s still a shame that you have to go now,” Luna added.

“We are so gonna miss you, even though you promised you will come back someday,” said Cadence.

“And even though you’re not a keyblade master yet, you’re a keyblade master to us here in Equestria,” Twilight said.

Sora couldn’t help but continue to smile at the princesses. “Thanks, your majesties. And I’ll miss you all as well. But hopefully I will make it back here someday.” He then waved at his new friends and said, “Goodbye!”

Sora started making his way towards the light corridor.

“Goodbye, Sora!” Everyone said to him as some of them waved goodbye to him.

Sora was almost at the light corridor until he was stopped by the sound of Flurry Heart’s voice. “Sora! Wait!”

Sora turned to the right and saw Flurry Heart sitting on Oliver’s back with her tiny hooves covering her face. After a few seconds, she moved them away from her face while making a funny face letting him know she’s gonna miss his funny face special.

Sora chuckled at the baby alicorn before covering his face with his hands, then after a few seconds, he moved them away while making his funny face special move and said, “Bye!”

Flurry Heart laughed at Sora’s funny face special before waving goodbye to him.

Sora smiled at Flurry Heart one last time before continuing his way to the light corridor. Once he was at the light corridor, he placed his right hand through it and allowed it to take him back to his world. He then looked at Oliver who was still smiling at him.

Sora smiled back at the new captain as the light began to go all over his body ready to take him home, but he was able to say one last thing to Oliver before he left. “Good luck.”

The light corridor gently brought Sora into the light before beaming up into the sky and vanish. Everyone looked up in the sky while smiling, they were happy that Sora was able to return home now.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared them and out appeared no creature other than Discord as he looked around and saw everyone was around, except for Sora.

“Aww, Sora’s gone already? And I didn’t get a chance to say bye bye to him.” Discord looked down in sadness for a few seconds before changing it into a smile, “Oh well, at least everything’s back to normal and the way it was, even me. Look! I can do chaos again, Haha! So anycreature up for a party to celebrate?”

Discord smiled at the group, but they still weren’t happy with him as they stared angrily at him.

“The only celebration party for saving the day we wanna go to, Discord, is the one made by Pinkie Pie,” said Twilight crossly.

“Yeah!” Pinkie shouted angrily, “And just so that we’re clear, YOU’RE not invited!”

Discord was shocked after hearing what Pinkie just said as he let out a gasp of shock before saying, “B-But why?”

“Because of everything you did!” Exclaimed Rainbow, “You pretended to be Grogar, helped Tirek, Cozy and Cold Wind escape from tartarus, brought those three along with Chrysalis, Aqualight and Xehanort together, had Oliver sent to the realm of darkness, let Lightning get foalnapped twice and manage to let Cozy Glow make him her evil king!”

“And upsetting him by scaring him with a thunder storm, calling him a big baby, saying he’s not part of the friendship circle or Fluttershy’s family like it’s his choice to make,” noted Gallus.

“Right, and upsetting him by scaring him with a thunder storm, calling him a big baby, saying he’s not part of the friendship circle or Fluttershy’s family like it’s your choice to make when it’s not!” Rainbow finished.

“Oh come on, you’re still mad about what I did? I thought forgiveness is part of friendship, so now that everything’s back to normal, we can all forget about all the things I did and forgive me for my mistakes. Right?”

Luna answered, “Not for the mistake you pulled, Discord! You put innocent lives in danger and almost let those villains get away with it! So therefore, you still need to have your punishment!”

“I agree with you, sister,” said Celestia angrily, “For your punishment, Discord, you are to clean the entire Canterlot and rebuild any destroyed buildings, with NO chaos! And afterwards, you are to leave Equestria and never return unless we say you can come back!”

“What?!” Discord asked in shock, “You can’t be serious! I’m nothing without chaos and I can’t clean up the entire Canterlot!” He turned to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, tell her she can’t do this to me!”

But Fluttershy was still angry at Discord for what he did to her son, there was no way she was backing him up this time.

“Oh yes she can!” She said to him, “And don’t think I’m helping you of this, Discord! After what you did to us and to my son, this is the biggest mistake you have ever pulled!”

“And because of you and that evil filly, we nearly lost Lightning Twister for real!” Silverstream exclaimed angrily, “We loved him ever since he came to our lives and even before we became friends with him! And I treated him more than just a friend, I treated him more like he was also apart of my family, like a brother! He was MY LITTLE BROTHER!”

“But but but I didn’t mean for all this happen! I just wanted to help Twilight and Oliver see that they are ready for their future role!”

That’s when Lightning started to mock the lord of chaos by saying exactly what he just said but in his funny impression of Discord. “But but but I didn’t mean for all this happen! I just wanted to help Twilight and Oliver see that they are ready for their future role!”

That made everyone, even Fluttershy, laugh at his impression.

Discord’s eyes began to burn in fire as he glared angrily at the little colt making him shake in fear before hiding underneath Fluttershy. “That’s it, mister! You’re so in for it after mocking me!”

“You leave the poor colt alone, lord of chaos!” Shouted a familiar male voice.

Discord looked around to see who said that before he felt chains wrapping around his sides. He looked down and saw his sides were chained up with light blue ghostly chains. Suddenly, he saw Chancellor Neighsay walking towards him with a cross look on his face.

“And don’t try to use your chaotic magic to escape the chains! These chains can shock anypony that tries to use magic to escape, especially you!”

“Thanks for coming here for short notice, Neighsay,” Twilight said to him with a smile as he smiled back to her.

“Not a problem, Princess. Anything for fixing my mistake about creatures being a threat to Equestria.” He then smiled at Silverstream. “And Ms Silverstream, please continue being the big sister for young Lightning Twister.”

The pink hippogriff smiled at the Now creature kind chancellor and gave him a nod.

Neighsay smiled at Silverstream for four more seconds before glared at Discord and said, “Alright, let’s get you to work then, Discord. Starting with the castle!”

Neighsay magically opened up light blue ghostly portal with his chancellor badge. Discord started walking through it with chains shackling around his sides and Neighsay following behind him, making sure he doesn’t try to escape or anything, as the portal then closed after Neighsay went through it.

“I guess we should head to Canterlot too,” Oliver said earning a nod from the others.

“Yeah,” agreed Shining Armor, “We have to make sure nopony was hurt during the invasion and before we made sure they were safe inside the castle.”

Fluttershy gently picked up Lightning from underneath and said to him, “Alright, sweetie, you go and do something with your friends while we go make sure everypony’s okay.”

“You sure don’t want us to come help you, Momma?” Lightning asked making sure she’s alright with it.

Fluttershy nodded before gently placed her son back on the ground.

“Of course I am, sweetheart. You lot need to rest after everything you did, and for making me so proud during that rainbow move we all made.”

Lightning smiled at his mother as she smiled at him back. Gallus gently placed a claw on Lightning’s shoulder making him look at the griffon and saw he was smiling at him. He then gently and playfully rubbed Lightning’s mane before saying, “Let’s get some doughnuts.”

Gallus started to walk his way towards Canterlot and Donut Joe’s.

“Okay,” the little colt said happily before he followed the blue griffon and the Young Five followed afterwards.

Twilight smiled at the Young Seven while watching them walk to Donut Joe’s before looking at Tempest who was started looking at her.

“So,” Twilight began while rubbing the back of her neck, “I guess this means that you’re now going back to where you were before this happened, like as in, going back to your new home, continuing adventuring or, whatever you decide to do.”

“I’m not leaving, Twilight,” said Tempest while smiling at the princess of friendship as she looked at her with a small shock on her face.

“I wanna now accept your invite to Ponyville and learn more about friendship, and possibly, stay with you if you’re okay with that. And also, does your brother do royal guard training for new royal guard ponies? Because, after having a long thought about it, I wanted to ask...would you like to have a first friendship royal guard at your castle?”

Twilight’s tiny shock look turned into a big happy smiley face after hearing what Tempest just said. She wanted to actually stay in Ponyville, learn more about friendship and become Twilight’s first friendship royal guard at her castle.

Author's Note:

Only one more chapter to