• Published 12th Jul 2019
  • 3,885 Views, 148 Comments

KINGDOM HEARTS III: 2.0 Keyblade in Equestria - OliverSparkle

Sora wakes up in the land of Equestria after the events of Kingdom Hearts III.

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Tension Rising

Smolder was flying across the garden of the castle searching for Lightning as she called out to him, “Lightning! Lightning, where are you?!”

Just then, she heard a familiar sniffing sound as she stopped flying and looked at the bush, that was in between two trees, on her left.

Behind the bush was a medium sized field with bushes and trees in between them around the field.

Lightning was sitting by one of the trees, on the right side of fielding, while looking at the grass and sniffing as tears continue to run down his face. The hurtful words Rarity had said to him were still hurting him like pulling a piece of sharp glass from a leg.

Lightning closed his eyes before saying, “Why? Why?”

“Why what?” Said a familiar voice.

Lightning looked forward and saw Smolder standing in front of the bush, she just walked through, looking at him with worried and sadness.

He continued to look at the orange dragon for a few more seconds before getting up and ran towards her as he wrapped his hooves around her sides and cried into her stomach, and Smolder didn’t care about him crying on her stomach, he needed a friend and she was going to be that friend.

She then picked him up while gently and softly hushing him as she gently laid his head on her chest and hugged him in comfort as he wrapped his hooves around her neck.

“Wanna talk about it?” She asked him.

Lightning looked up to Smolder as she carefully licked the tears from his eyes with her claw.

“I...I just don’t get it,” he began, “One minute, Auntie Rarity was happy for Momma when she took me in. And the next minute, she just gets all jealous of her when Papa Capper falls in with her and became my new daddy before that.” He fell into silence for a few seconds before continuing, “And I didn’t ask for this happen, did I, Smolder?”

Smolder didn’t know what to say after hearing what he just said, his Auntie Rarity yelled at him for no reason after showing her jealousy over Fluttershy and Capper, and her hurtful words were still getting to him.

But she did said this to him, “Kid, don’t let Rarity’s hurtful words get to you. She may be upset that Capper choose Fluttershy instead of her, but she had no right to speak to either of you like that. Especially to somepony who’s only little and been through a lot.”

Lightning laid his head back onto Smolder’s chest as he began to sob again.

“H-Her yelling r-reminded m-me how d-daddy y-yells at me.”

The orange dragon started to gently rub her boyfriend’s back in comfort. “I know, sweetie. I know.”

Smolder walked towards the tree on the right as she then slowly sat down on the grass while laying back on that tree and continued to gently rub Lightning’s back.

“Shh...Let it out, cutie. Just let it out.”

Smolder didn’t care how long this was gonna last, Lightning was too hurt to be left alone and calm down, and she was having none of that, not while she lives.

After four minutes of comforting the little colt, Fluttershy and the others, including Spike, the sisters, the married couple, the Young five, Oliver, Constantine, Sora and Flurry Heart who was still on Oliver’s back, manage to find them as they walked into the field the two were in.

“Oh Lightning,” Said Fluttershy sadly as she walked over to Smolder and gently rubbed Lightning’s mane in comfort.

Lightning slowly turned from Smolder’s chest to look at his mother as the others walked up towards the three and looked at Lightning with sadness.

“Are you feeling alright, kiddo?” Sunburst asked.

Lightning slowly shook his head in response. “T-The w-words won’t leave m-me a-alone!”

“Oh sweetie, it’ll be okay,” Sunset said as she walked towards him.

“W-Would you all b-be h-happy if M-Momma haven’t t-taken m-me in?”

“Oh no no no no, sweetheart,” answered Starlight, “We would never dream of saying we would be happy if Fluttershy haven’t taken you in, we would be sad if she haven’t.”

“We love you just as much Fluttershy loves you,” Applejack added.

“You’re our friend till the end,” Gallus said.

“And we’ll never stop loving you,” said Twilight, “Not while friendship lives.”

“Don’t let Rarity’s words get to you, kid,” said Rainbow while she flew in mid air, “If she wants to be in her own world and be jealous about Capper being with Fluttershy then that’s her problem.”

Lightning gave the lot a small smile on his face as Smolder gently licked the last remaining tears on his face with her claw.

But that smile only lasted for ten seconds as they all heard screaming coming from the ballroom.

“What the?” Oliver said before they all started to run towards the ballroom while Smolder held Lightning in her arms.

When they got inside the ballroom, they saw everypony in the room screaming in fear and panicking while running away. The group then saw what was scaring the guests, they saw tiny inky shadows with yellow eyes and nobody dusks trashing the room up as Sora gasped in shock since he knows what they are.

“The heartless and the Dusks?! Here?!” He said before summoning his keyblade.

“Wait, you know what these things are?!” Asked Sandbar in shock.

“Yeah, they’re the heartless I use to fought back in my world along with the Dusks made by the nobodies. They must have somehow followed me here after using the power of waking.”

Sora then charged towards the heartless and dusks in front of them while John started shooting dark golden fire balls at the dusks that were on the right.

“Well can’t you and John just, I don’t know, magic them away?!” Shining asked rudely.

“Who do you think we are? Benedict Cumberbatch and Daniel Radcliffe?” John asked him while shooting at the dusks still.

“Well we got to do something about them!” Said Sunset as they all started to go different ways to defeat the heartless and dusks leaving the Young Seven to stand in front of the outside door watching.

Oliver quickly ran to the nearest table in the room and gently placed Flurry Heart underneath so she can hide away from the creatures. “Stay here, Olive will be back.”

The baby alicorn nodded in understood before moving back a bit under the table as Oliver ran towards the heartless and dusks in front to help Sora, Twilight, Spike and Sunset.

“FIRE!” Sora shouted as the keyblade shot one fire ball from the top bit of the blade at the heartless, he did it again twice with the other two heartless’s.

Twilight and Spike were flying in mid air as Twilight was shooting purple laser beams with her horn at the four dusks that were jumping towards her while Spike shot green fire from his mouth at the two dusk and four heartless’s coming towards him.

Oliver and Sunset were shooting black ink laser beams and red laser beams from their horn at the five dusks coming towards them from both left, right, front and back. But as Oliver finished the last remaining dusk, more heartless and dusks appeared as they started heading towards the two ponies.

“Sora!” Sunset called out.

Sora turned towards the two as he pointed his keyblade towards the heartless and dusk before shouting, “DEEP FREEZE!” A spark of ice was summoned from the top pit of the key and flew towards the heartless and dusk making them vanish into thin air.

On the right side of the room, Rainbow Dash was punching and kicking the dusks that were coming towards her while Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy bucked the heartless and Capper clawed both the heartless and dusk.

On the left side of the room, the royal sisters and Cadence were flying in mid air shooting magic laser beams from their horns at the dusks that were jumping towards them while Shining, Starlight and Sunburst shot magic laser beams at the heartless on the ground. Vincent ran into the room just in time to help out as he started punching the heartless that weren’t attack the others.

“Where did these strange creatures even come from?!” Vincent asked.

“Don’t know,” answered Oliver shooting the dusk in the head, “But they are ruining the party alright.”

The fight between the heartless and dusks went on for five more minutes until all of a sudden, one of the ballroom was smashed as they all stopped fighting the creatures and looked at the broken window.

Just then, a black evil Changeling flew through the broken window with the masked pony jumping through it and landing on the ground as the Changeling landed near her.

“Chrysalis!” Cadence said as she glared at the bug so did everyone else and Sora held his keyblade ready to attack.

“Who’s she?” Sora asked.

“A Changeling that disappeared awhile back after trying to invade Equestria again,” answered Twilight, “She used to be the queen of the Changelings before they turned to good and Thorax became the new Changeling King.”

The three princesses landed on the ground still glaring at the evil Changeling as Celestia then asked, “Are you responsible for this attack, Chrysalis?”

Chrysalis just grinned evilly at the princess of the sun.

“That would be none of your concern, Princess. But I do believe you have somepony that I need to bring for our boss.”

They all looked at each other with confuse looks on their faces, they didn’t understand what Chrysalis meant by somepony that she needed to bring to her boss, or who is her boss.

Sora then started to charge at the ex-Queen with his keyblade ready to attack her. But before he could attack, Chrysalis magically vanish into thin air as Sora stopped near where she was standing and looked around for her while the others did the same.

Suddenly, Chrysalis appeared behind the Young Seven as they all jumped in shock and turned towards her as Lightning began to shake in fear and hid his head in Smolder’s chest.

“What?!” Twilight Said.

Chrysalis then saw Lightning in Smolder’s arms as she grinned evilly at the little colt making him more scared than ever.

“So you’re the Lightning Twister I’ve heard so much about. So nice to finally to meet you.” Chrysalis then giggled evilly at him.

“Shut up!” Shouted Oliver as he then charged towards Chrysalis, but didn’t reach her in time as Aqualight jumped towards him as he fell to the ground on his left while Aqualight placed his right hoof on his head making sure he doesn’t get up as Oliver struggled to get up.

“You better settle down there, future prince,” mocked the masked pony.

Chrysalis continued to grin at the little colt as she then started to magically levitate Lightning from Smolder’s arms and towards her.

“Come now, little one,” cooed Chrysalis evilly, “Come to Auntie Chrysalis. That’s a good boy.”

But Ocellus bravely grabbed Lightning with her hooves and pulled him out of Chrysalis’s grasp as she hugged him close to her as possible while saying, “Never! You will not lay a hoof on Lightning! Not while we’re still standing!”

The Young Six glared at the ex-Queen as the five stood by Ocellus while protecting their young pony friend.

Chrysalis growled at the Young Six before saying, “Stay out of this!”

She then shot a big green laser beam on the ground near the Young Seven as they flew backwards and landed hardly on the ground as Ocellus dropped Lightning from her hooves and was away from his friends as he slowly got up and saw Chrysalis walking towards him as he began to shake in fear once more.

The Young Six slowly got up and saw Chrysalis walking up to Lightning as they all then gasped in shock before shouting, “Lightning!”

Oliver struggled to get up from Aqualight’s hoof, until Twilight shot a laser beam at her making her fall backwards to the ground as Oliver got up and ran towards the evil Changeling.

“I’m coming, Lightning!”

But he wasn’t able to reach them as Chrysalis magically made slime traps appear on Oliver’s front hooves as it made him unable to move or get unstuck.

The others ran towards the ex-queen to save Lightning, but Chrysalis magically made a green fire half circle in front of them making sure they don’t ruin the plan.

With all of them out of the way, Aqualight jumped in, pulled out a shack and Chrysalis magically placed the little colt inside the shack as he struggled to break while screaming for help and calling the one pony he wanted right now, “Momma!”

Chrysalis quickly tied the shack, with her magic, making sure he doesn’t try to escape while Aqualight looked at Starlight as she glared at the masked pony.

“Let’s go,” Chrysalis said as she opened up green fire portal and placed the shack on her back with her magic before walking through the portal.

Aqualight looked at Starlight for two more seconds before saying, “Till we meet again, sister.”

The masked pony then jumped through the portal as it disappeared into thin air along with the green fire and slime letting the others and Oliver go free.

They all started looking around the ballroom and outside of the castle, hoping that Chrysalis and the masked pony have ended up someplace else, after using that portal Chrysalis just opened. But it was no good, they couldn’t find them anywhere, they were gone, and Lightning has been foalnapped, again.

Tears began to form in Fluttershy’s eyes as she then screamed the name of her son, “LIGHTNINNNNNNGGGG!!!!”

Meanwhile at Grogar’s hideout, the rest of the villains were waiting for Chrysalis and Aqualight to return with the colt as they were standing around the crystal ball table.

Just then, the green fire portal opened up in front of the entrance as Chrysalis and Aqualight appeared from it as the portal disappeared into thin air.

“Did you get the colt like we told you?” Grogar asked.

“Yep,” answered Aqualight, “Got him right here.” She then pointed at the shack on Chrysalis’s back.

Chrysalis levitated the shack off her back with her magic and placed it on the ground as the black coated figure walked towards it and untied it. He then picked the shack up and turned it upside down making Lightning fall out of the shack and onto the ground.

Lightning rubbed his head with his hoof and looked around the place he was now in. He then heard a familiar voice,

“Well well well, fancy meeting you again.”

He turned forward and saw not only three new villains he hasn’t met before, but also, Cozy Glow and Cold Wind as she grinned evilly at him while Cold Wind glared at him making him shake in fear.

“C-C-Cozy Glow?! D-Daddy?!”