• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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The Kindest Trainer in Everfree

It was still the third day of the Pokémon Summer Camp.

This day was made to be spent training the newly hatched Pokémon, teaching them about battles or whatever else the trainer felt they should learn. But one trainer wasn't helping with the hatchlings.

"Spark!" Lightning ordered as Chimplug slammed an electrified fist into a tree. As he watched this, he let out a long sigh, "Ugh...why am I here?!" He put his hand to his face, gripping it as he growled, "Gramps...why did you tell me this stupid place would make me a better trainer?! There's nothing here... it's just a stupid waste of time."

He leaned against a tree, the memory of watching the Wondor hatch going through his head. He could sense that the Pokémon could grow up into something, but he also knew he could train three of his Pokémon in the time it would take the Wondor to get up to snuff. As such, he decided to just focus on training.

"Again! Your power is nowhere near enough!"

"Chim!" the Pokémon smacked the tree with his fist again, this blow showing the same amount of damage as last time.

"Again!" Lightning yelled, "You're still weak!"

But as he commanded this, a shadow began to shift behind him. Hearing some bushes rustle, Lightning turned to noise, quickly barking, "Huh?!" And as he said that word, the shadow suddenly loomed over him, "WHOA!"

"Tackle!" Flash ordered as Hopper slammed into Wondor, knocking into the bird's wings to keep him grounded.

"Peck!" Rainbow yelled, the newly hatched Flying-type smacking Hopper back with its beak.

Over at the sidelines, everyone was watching the battle, Twilight sitting and holding her newest family member. "See Shine?" she told the Galarian Ponyta. "This is a battle."

"Taa?" She blinked at the sight of Hopper trying to avoid Wondor's thrusting beak.

"Most Pokémon do this with trainers," Twilight continued as she rubbed the pony's mane, "But you don't have to if you don't want to. You should still learn about it, since there may come a time you won't have a choice."

"Nee..." the newly hatched Pokémon neighed softly, soon looking around as the battle continued. She had enjoyed the Pokémon food they had given her, along with playing with Twilight and Flash's Pokémon until she got tired.

Now, she was watching as Flash and Rainbow restarted their battle, ten minutes now passing as either side hadn't given an inch. As this happened, Fluttershy sat down next to Twilight and reached over to scratch Shine behind the ear. She had Angel on her lap and Seabreeze in her hair, having let them out to play with Shine after she had hatched. But as she did this, the corner of her eye suddenly saw Springer's ears shot up, "Hmm? What's wrong Springer?"

"Ri?" Springer stood up, everyone else catching on to his movement.

"Springer?" Flash asked, only to see the Riolu run away. "Springer!" He and Hopper ran after him, everyone else doing the same until they reached the cabins, now seeing the Riolu come to a stop, "Springer, what's going on?!"

Springer didn't need to answer, as he just pointed at the woods, everyone soon seeing someone stagger out of trees in front of them. "Lightning!" They yelled as they ran up to him, seeing the trainer covered in scratches while clutching a knocked out Chimplug in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Doc asked as he tried to reach out to help him, but Lightning swatted his arm away.

"Back off," he growled, "I don't need your help."

"Stop being stubborn," Rainbow countered, "You're obviously hurt."

"I'm fine! Shut up, you..." his words began to drain out as he staggered over, Doc and Flash quickly grabbing him before he almost fell over. Chimplug was about to fall next, but Rainbow instantly snatched him away.

"What's going on?" Celestia asked as everyone turned to see the professor walking up to the group. Twilight pointed at Lightning in response, she, Luna, Timber and Gloriosa now seeing him and going wide-eyed, "Sweet Arceus." She turned to Gloriosa, "Get the first aid kit."

She nodded and ran off as they gathered around him, Rainbow giving Chimplug to the professors for treatment. Once Gloriosa returned, she started bandaging Lightning up while Timber sprayed Chimplug with a Super Potion. As they did this, they asked Lightning what had happened.

"We were training in the woods when something leapt out and attacked us. Whatever it was, it was fast and it was strong. It took Chimplug down before I could give an order, then attacked me before I could get another Pokémon."

"That sounds awful," Fluttershy whimpered out, "What could have done this?"

"Grizzor," Timber instantly replied as he finished healing Chimplug.


Gloriosa let out a long sigh, "It lives in these woods, and is very territorial. If anything, Pokémon or trainer, gets to close to it's home, it'll attack without a second's thought."

"Whoa..." Flash replied while pulling out his Pokedex and typing the name in, getting an image of the Pokémon in question. It was a hulking bear-like Pokémon standing on all fours. Its body was a mix of blue and white and it had armoured shoulder pads and gauntlets on its front legs, each with three large claws coming out of them.

Name: Grizzor
Category: Grizzly Pokémon
Type: Normal
Info: The evolved form of Abearab. Its body is clearly massive and its fangs and claws conceal lethal potential. Although its appearance is ferocious, it possesses a kind spirit.

"It doesn't sound kind," Trixie commented.

"It sounds super scary," Pinkie added with a big frown.

A bulb went off in Twilight's head at this, turning to Timber, "That's the Pokémon that made the claw marks in those trees, isn't it?"

Timber nodded back, "We'd like to get rid of it, but Grizzor's den isn't on our land. As such, we don't have a legal precedent to demand it's removal."

"Why don't you just catch it?" Flash asked, Timber shaking his head in response.

"I've tried once."

"Me too," Gloriosa added, "It's just too strong. We have no Pokémon that can take it on."

"Well, it better watch out then," Lightning growled. "Once I'm healed up, I'm catching that Grizzor."

"Well, you're not healed up yet." Luna responded as she helped him up, "Come along, you need your rest."

The professor then escorted the angry trainer, Chimplug returned to his Pokeball as they went back to the Diamond cabin. As for Celestia, Timber and Gloriosa, they went back to their work, leaving the group as they told them to go back to being with the newly hatched Pokémon. And once they were gone, Rainbow turned to the others with a big cocky grin. "You guys thinking what I'm thinking?"

Flash pumped his fist, "Oh yeah."

The others quickly caught on, Twilight shaking her head, "Flash, Rainbow...no."

"What?" Flash asked as he turned to her, only to see Twilight crossing her arms. "Oh, come on!"

"We are NOT going on a wild Zangoose chase after a very dangerous Pokémon."

"She's right Flash," Doc added, "You saw what that thing did to Lightning."

"Well, we're not Lightning," Rainbow barked back as she pointed at herself, "I'm going. Who's with me?"

"I'm in," Flash instantly replied while returning Hopper to his Pokeball.

"I'll go too," Trixie continued with Pinkie stepping up to her side.

"I'm in!"

Spike shined a huge grin, only to feel Twilight his the back of his collar, "No Spike."

"But Twilight-"


"Anyone else?" Rainbow asked, turning to Fluttershy next, "How about it Shy?"

"Oh, um...I don't know." Fluttershy responded as she hid behind her hair, "I-I-I think this is a bad idea. If it wants to be left alone, maybe we should do that."

"But it would be a crime to not catch something that strong," Rainbow countered, only to see Fluttershy shake her head.

"Not every Pokémon wants to be caught. If this Grizzor wants to stay wild, we should respect its wishes."

This got a nod from Twilight and Doc, but Flash shook his head, "Well if we don't catch it, Lightning probably will, and I doubt anyone would want that. Catching this thing would do the Grizzor a favour, plus it'd help out the camp."

Twilight just glared at him in response, "But even Timber and Gloriosa couldn't catch it. You guys might be biting off more than you can chew." She picked up Shine and hugged her up to her chest, "And I'm not risking her or my brother on a silly Pokémon hunt."

"Well, I'm going," Rainbow turned to the forest before starting to march in, only to turn back to the others, "Do us a favour and don't rat us out."

The rest nodded, Flash following Rainbow with Pinkie and Trixie doing the same. Seeing this, Twilight let out a long sigh, "Fine. I won't tell anyone if they don't ask me. But if they do, I'm not lying for you."

"That's fine. We'll be back before you know it." Rainbow replied, the four soon disappearing into the woods. Letting out another long sigh, Twilight rubbed the bridge of her nose under her glasses. "Those guys are gonna get themselves killed."

Fluttershy bit her lip at Twilight's statement, only for Seabreeze to suddenly fly out of her hair, "Seabreeze?"

"Breeze! Breezie breeze bree!" he yelled, making Fluttershy lean back before looking down at Angel, the rabbit staring at her before nodding.


"Fluttershy?" Twilight asked while tilting her head. "What's wrong?"

"I...I'm going with them. Hopefully, I can calm the Grizzor down if it gets angry."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Doc added with a raised eyebrow.

"No," Fluttershy sighed while shaking her head, "But I have too. Rainbow is always way too reckless."

With that, she ran into the woods, the others unable to say anything in time to change her mind.

Deep in the forest beneath a large old tree, a certain Grizzly Pokémon was laying in a hole inside the pillar of lumber. It was the Grizzor, the bear now snacking on a pile of berries it had been gathering before it's tussle with Lightning. It devoured the berries in a few fell scoops, its claws gripping all of them with ease.

"Grizz...zor zor," he said as he smacked his lips before licking his claws of the berry juice. "Grizzzz…"

And as it finished the last one, it slumped over, closing its eyes as it wanted to go into the realm of sleep. But this wouldn't last, as it quickly lifted his head back up, sniffing the air next, "Zoooooor," it growled before picking itself up, "Grizzor!"

Its roar means only one thing. There was someone or something in its territory.


"Found it!" Flash called out as the others ran over, now seeing some clawed up trees.

They had started to find more of these markings as they made their way further into the forest, Rainbow shining a huge grin at the sight, "We're getting closer! That thing's den's gotta be around here somewhere." Flash and Pinkie nodded while Fluttershy and Trixie remained silent behind them. "Remember everyone, that thing could be anywhere, so we should stay alert."

"Okey-dokey-loki!" Pinkie exclaimed as she skipped through the forest, only to come to a sudden stop, "Say uh...what's the plan for when you do find it?"

"My plan is standing right there," Flash replied while pointing to Springer, the Riolu smirking and giving a thumbs up.

"And my plan's right here," Rainbow took out a Pokeball and opened it up, soon summoning a humanoid bird with red, white, green and orange feathers.

"Ha!" It cheered while posing, "Loo...cha!"

"Cool. Nice Hawlucha." Trixie added as she instantly observed that the little guy was a performer by nature. She would have said more, only for everyone to start hearing a rustling sound in the distance. Coming to a stop, Fluttershy quickly hid behind Trixie.

"I-I-Is it here?!"

"Springer?" Flash asked while looking down at the Riolu, the Pokémon now closing his eyes and scanning the area. It did sense something getting closer, but he could only shake his head. "Nothing?"

"Ri...riolu," Springer replied with a shrug.

"Well, if that's the case-" Flash tried to say, only for something to shoot out of the bush in front of them. "Whoa!" he yelled, only to see it was a Linoone run out and then hop into another bush.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, the group unable to stop themselves from smiling at the situation. But as they did this, Springer's ears suddenly shot up.

"RIOLU!" Springer cried as he quickly tackled Flash into the girls, knocking them all over. Before they could even remotely ask or react to why he had done this, a powerful laser suddenly shot above their heads. The sound of trees falling from the beam came next, making the group scramble to their feet.

"Whoa...thanks buddy," Flash added, the others about to say the same-

"GRIZZOR!" roared the bear as he landed in front of the group, the ground shaking on impact.

Everyone quickly got into a battle stance, staring at the beast as it growled at them, "So...this is it."

Pinkie tilted her head at the sight, "It's not as big as I thought it'd be."

The Grizzor's eyes narrowed at this, its form slowly lifting up to stand on its back legs. It was here that they saw it stood above ten feet tall as it roared again, "GRIZZOR!"

"I take that back!" Pinkie screamed, zipping behind Fluttershy before Fluttershy slipped behind her.

"Grizzor, I challenge you!" Rainbow yelled, her voice slightly trembling as she ran up to the front of the group.

"Ha!" Hawlucha added before hopping in front of Rainbow.

"Brick Break!" Its wing glowed as it leapt at Grizzor, ready to slam it with super effective damage.

"Zor!" It roared as its claws began to glow white, swinging to meet Hawlucha's attack in mid-air. They pushed for several seconds, only to smack Hawlucha away with ease. And as the bird landed, Grizzor opened its mouth before electricity began to spark in its teeth.

"That's Thunder Fang!" Trixie screamed as she pointed at the bear, Grizzor then surging forward to bite into Hawlucha's wing, making it cry out before Grizzor swung its head around, letting go a second later.

"X-Scissor!" Rainbow ordered, Hawlucha spinning in the air before crossing its arms. It quickly swooped down at the bear, slashing the air in an X shape as it hit Grizzor.

"Zor!" It flinched, staggering back.

"Now, Flying Press!" Hawlucha leapt over to a nearby tree and jumped onto its branch.

"Haa!" It leapt off the twig and spread its wings, white energy appearing around it as it began to divebomb the Grizzor.

The bear Pokémon growled as it looked up at the bird, quickly opening its mouth as light appeared inside it. Fluttershy saw this and gasped, "Look out!"

"GRIZZOR!" A Hyper Beam flew out of the mouth, hitting Hawlucha point-blank. The blow instantly sent him flying, slamming into a tree.

"CHA!" It cried as it slumped over, falling to the ground with a thud with spirals in its eyes.

"Hawlucha!" Rainbow cried as she ran over to the bird, Flash and Springer stepping up next.

"Our turn. Get ready Springer!"

"Ri!" Springer yelled before getting into a pre-running pose.

"Extreme Speed!" Green lightning crackled around Springer before he shot off, disappearing and reappearing in front of Grizzor. Springer started by swinging a high-speed kick into its chest, followed by several more hits all around its body.

But this wasn't enough, as Grizzor lifted his claws before they started glowing red, "Grizzor!" he roared as it started slashing wildly, Springer quickly stepping back at high speed. As he did this, Springer kept easily punching Grizzor after every few claw swipes. This continued for a minute, Springer jumping around and slamming Grizzor while evading its attacks.

However, as the tenth blow happened, Grizzor stopped swinging his claws. Smirking at this, Springer continued to do a punching barrage thanks to Extreme Speed, not noticing Grizzor closing his eyes. This sight made Flash gasp, "Springer! Watch out!"

"Ri?" Springer muttered as he did another punch, his head swiftly looking up to see Grizzor glare down him with two raised claws.

"GRIZZOR!" it screeched, Springer quickly hopping back, only to for Grizzor to appear behind him. "GRIZZ!"


The Grizzor slammed its Crush Claw into Springer, sending the Riolu flying back. "Ri!" Springer cried as he rolled along the ground, managing to jump back to his feet, "Rio?"

"How'd he do that?" Pinkie asked, Flash growling at the sight.

"He anticipated where Springer was gonna be."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, "Springer was unknowingly attacking in a pattern. Grizzor just found the pattern."

"That's not good," Rainbow gulped, Grizzor now charging while using Thunder Fang.

"Double Team!" Springer swiftly multiplied himself as Grizzor bit into one of them, making it disappear. Grizzor blinked at the sight, seeing the Springer army prepare to charge as Flash gave the order, "Drain Punch!"

The Riolu all charged, their fists glowing as the Grizzor stared at the Pokémon. His nose then began to sniff, the bear soon turning around to slash its Crush Claw at one of the clones. "RI!" Springer yelped as he was knocked back, the fakes all disappearing as they did.

"No way!" Flash yelled, "How'd it find him?!"

"It sniffed him out," Fluttershy responded, "The Double Team Springer don't have scents, but the real one did."

Flash gulped as he watched Springer get up, making him bite his lip as he pointed at the Grizzor, "Aura Sphere!" Springer jumped up and formed the orb in his paw while Grizzor's mouth started to glow.

"RI/GRIZZ!" The two launched their attacks, Aura Sphere meeting the Hyper Beam. The two pushed at one another for a second, only for the Hyper Beam to overpower the Aura Sphere, sending both at Springer. "RIOLU!"

"Springer!" Flash screamed as he saw Springer go flying, quickly catching him before he could hit anything. Looking down at his partner, he went wide-eyed as he saw injuries cover his entire body. "Not good." He looked back at Grizzor, now seeing a red-eyed glare on the bear's face. Knowing the only reason they hadn't been shredded because Grizzor needed to recharge, he turned and yelled, "RUN!"

The girls did not need to argue, all of them sprinting through the forest as the Grizzly Pokémon waited for his body to move again. And as ten seconds passed, he launched another Hyper Beam, the laser striking a tree near the running group, making them all scream as the lumber exploded.

Back at the camp, Twilight, Spike and Doc were all playing with Shine. Right now, they were helping her learn to control her psychic abilities, starting with levitating a rubber ball.

"Okay, are you ready?"

"Nee..." Shine nodded while focusing on the ball, her horn soon being enveloped by a yellow light. The ball was the same, the sphere slowly hovering off of Twilight's hand.

"That's it," Twilight calmly said, "Don't push yourself. Just see how long you can hold it for." Shine nodded again as she tried to keep focus, only for a tinge of pain to strike her head. The glow disappeared in this instance, dropping the ball into Twilight's hand.


"That's okay. You're doing great." Twilight replied while reaching out to scratch her behind the ear, "Good girl."

"Let's see...a good fifteen seconds," Doc added while staring at his pocket watch. "Five seconds more than last time."

"Awesome!" Spike cheered, Peewee, doing the same.

"It sure is." They all turned to see Timber, a huge smirk on his face, "You're doing great showing Shine the ropes."

"Thanks," Twilight told him with a blush on her face, "We still have a long way to go, but she's making progress."

Timber nodded, only to rub his chin in thought, "Hey, where's Flash and the rest of the Diamond Cabin?"

This made Twilight do a long gulp, knowing she wouldn't cover for them, but she also knew Timber could probably figure things out pretty quickly. However, as he asked this, a sudden rustling sound caught their attention. They all turned to it, now seeing their friends come out of the trees as Flash yelled, "Guys!"

Doc crossed his arms as he spotted Springer, "Well...I'm guessing you found it then."

"Yeah..." Rainbow panted while nodding.


"That thing was a monster," Pinkie replied with a giant gulp, "It took out two Pokémon it was weak too without breaking a sweat."

Trixie nodded in agreement, "No wonder you've been having so many problems with it."

Timber raised an eyebrow, "Wait...you didn't go looking for Grizzor, did you?"

Flash sighed, "Yes...and you're right. That thing's incredible. It's not just strong, it's smart too."

Timber sighed while rolling his eyes, "I told you guys to stay clear of it. What would have happened if the four of you had gotten hurt?"

They were about to reply, only for Rainbow to say, "Four?" She turned around, now seeing a certain person missing, "Wait...where's Fluttershy?"


Fluttershy sighed as she leaned against a tree, panting heavily as her legs felt like jelly, causing her to slide down the pillar of lumber. She looked down at Angel, "Oh dear...that was scary. Are you okay Angel?"

"Bun," the Bunnop nodded before Fluttershy twiddled with her hair.

"Seabreeze?" The Breezie popped out of her hair, doing a quick nod as well.


"That's good," Fluttershy added before taking a deep breath. Her eyes started to dart around next, the sights making her bite her lip, "Oh no...I got separated, didn't I? This is bad. I don't know which way the camp is."

She started to pant, causing Seabreeze to roll his eyes. "Breezie!" He yelled, Fluttershy looking back at him. "Breeze, bre, Breezie!"

Fluttershy's breath slowly steadied as she nodded, "You're right, panicking isn't gonna help. We need to find a way back to camp." This was followed by a loud grumbling, the cause making her glance down at her Bunnop, "Angel? Are you hungry?" Angel nodded while rubbing his stomach. "I'm sorry, I don't have anything to give you." This made Angel frown before jumping out of Fluttershy's arms, hopping over to a nearby tree. "Angel?"

"Bun!" Angel leapt into the air before slamming his foot into the tree, making it shake.

Fluttershy looked up at the tree's branches, blinking as she responded, "I don't think this tree has any fruit in it." Angel didn't listen and kept hitting the tree, making it shake more and more. But as he hit it, something suddenly dropped into the dirt in front of Fluttershy, The girl gulped at the thing, "Oh...hello mister Kakuna." She quickly turned to her Bunnop, "Angel! Stop hitting that tree!"

The bunny turned to his trainer, now seeing the Pokémon staring at him. A deep glare came from the Cocoon Pokémon, Fluttershy quickly walking in front of the rabbit, "Um...mister Kakuna, I'm really sorry. We didn't mean to disturb you."

"Ka..." it hissed, only for a crack to appear on the front of its body. Fluttershy's eyes shrunk as the bug's body was suddenly consumed in light, sounds of cracks gracing the forest next. And as the light faded, Fluttershy did the biggest gulp she could do as a new Pokémon appeared in the Kakuna's place.

"Beedrill..." Fluttershy gasped as the newly evolved hornet flew up to her eye level, "Um...Mister Beedrill? Please be calm. It was an accident, and we're really sorry and-"

The Beedrill just let out a hiss, sparking its drill hands as it glared at the teen. Before she could say another word, it charged at her, only for Seabreeze to leap out of her hair, "Breeze!" it roared as it beat its wings, a gust of green wind now hitting the bug back. Seeing this, Angel hopped into action, performing a Jump Kick right into the Beedrill.

"Bun!" he yelled as his feet smacked Beedrill into the tree they had been resting in, instantly knocking it out.

Fluttershy let out a long gasp of relief as she saw the bug twitch on the ground, "Oh dear..." she glanced down at her Pokémon, "Thank you, you two." They both nodded at her, only for the trio's ears to suddenly hear something new. Now all looking up, their eyes shrunk as they now saw a horde of Kakuna and Beedrill in the branches.

"Oh no...RUN!" the trainer screamed before grabbing her Pokémon, sprinting into the forest as the Beedrill began to give chase.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST LEFT FLUTTERSHY!" Twilight screamed at the four trainers, all cowering as she towered over them with death glares.

"We didn't leave her," Rainbow squeaked out, "We just...got separated."

"And you didn't notice until now?! Are you kidding me?!" Twilight screeched, only for Celestia to come and place a hand on her shoulder.

"That's enough Twilight. Blaming them won't fix anything."

Twilight glanced at her mentor, a sigh soon following, "You're right." She turned back to the four, now seeing Flash stand up and walk away, "Where are you going?"

"To find Fluttershy. I'm gonna have Springer find her." He looked down at his Riolu, the Pokémon doing a small nod, "Thanks bud. Sorry for putting this on you."


"Hang on. I'm going with you," Timber spoked up, Flash trying not to glare at him as he continued, "I know these woods like the back of my hand, so I know where all the dangerous Pokémon are. The Kakuna should be evolving around about now, and that's not something you should face."

Twilight crossed her arms and added, "Listen to him, Flash. You'll just be reckless and get lost."

Flash sighed and looked away, "Fine."

"I'm going too," Rainbow added. "It was my idea that got her lost, plus she's my best friend." Flash nodded while Twilight, Doc, Spike, Pinkie and Trixie all gave their agreement to go too.

Twilight then picked up Shine and handed her to Sunset. "You mind looking after her? I don't want her going in there."

"Of course," Sunset replied as she took her.

"We should start at the last area you saw her. We might be able to find some tracks to follow." Timber said as he pulled out a Pokeball, "Come out Breloom!"

The ball opened before the mushroom kangaroo appeared, "Brell, Breloom!"

"Oh wow! What a great Pokémon!" Twilight cheered, Timber shining a huge grin in response.

"But of course. He's the best, because he was trained by the best."

Twilight nodded, "he'll definitely help against that Grizzor!"

The rest rolled their eyes at the sight, Flash turning and gesturing them to follow, "Come on, we gotta get going."

Fluttershy was not in good shape. She was running on fumes, and the Beedrill were just feet away. And as she ran, she soon found herself at the edge of a large cliff, her eyes shrinking as she saw she about ten feet from the ground. Turning around next, she now saw a full swarm of Beedrill.

"BZZZZ!" the horde buzzed as they all stared at her.

She did a large gulp, tears beginning to appear in her eyes, "Please don't hurt us. It was an accident." The Beedrill either didn't understand or didn't care, for in that moment, one charged with its stingers primed. "NO!"

"GRIZZOR!" roared a new voice, a new Pokémon appearing and smacking the Beedrill away with ease as it landed in front of Fluttershy.

"Grizzor?" Fluttershy whispered, her eyes growing as she saw the bear stood over her and faced the swarm.

Several of horde began to buzz at this, all readying their Twineedle attacks, but Grizzor growled back as its claws began to glow. The bugs charged next, only for Grizzor to knock back a bunch with one Slash attack. Seeing this, the rest stayed back as their rear stingers began to glow purple. Seconds later, they started firing purple energy darts while Grizzor's claws changed to a red colour, swinging the paw next. The swipe summoned a wave of air, the wind smacking the Poison Stings back to their launchers. Grizzor then ran up and sunk its electrified teeth into one, biting down so hard that it caused lightning to spark around its body, zapping the rest of bugs around him.

"Amazing..." Fluttershy gasped as she saw the Grizzor knock away another group, "He's...he's beating the whole swarm."

"BZZZZ!" roared another Beedrill, making Fluttershy let out an 'eep' before turning around. It was a Beedrill that had dodged the Grizzor, its arm stinger glowing purple as it charged at the teen.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" She screamed, her instincts kicking in and making her spin around to shield Angel and Seabreeze. She expected to feel an excruciating pain in her back, but instead-

"GRIZZOR!" She looked back at the sound of the roar, gasping again as she now saw Grizzor standing between her and the Beedrill, its stinger stabbing into its gut. "Zor!" It flinched as Beedrill pulled back, its large body falling to the side as it began to pant.

"Grizzor!" She cried as she ran over to him, now seeing a purple blush appear over Grizzor's face. "Poison..."

A buzzing sound came next, making her turn again to see the Beedrill staring at her, its stingers shining.

"Mach Punch!" yelled a voice, a long arm extending to slam into the Beedrill. The bug was sent flying, hitting the cliffside before slumping over.

Fluttershy looked back at the arm and saw it retract, now seeing the Breloom it belonged too with her friends behind it. "FLUTTERSHY!" They all screamed as they reached her, all coming to a halt, Timber whispering, "Fluttershy, you need to move away...slowly."

"It's okay," she replied while looking back at Grizzor. "He...saved me. And he's hurt."

The others all exchanged glances, Spike asking, "What do we do?"

"We have to get it back to camp," Fluttershy responded, putting her hands to together in a praying motion. "Please...he saved me."

Hesitation was on every face, Timber grimacing, "Alright. We keep antidotes at the camp for emergencies."

He then pulled out a Pokeball, but Fluttershy waved her hands in front of the Pokémon. "No! We can't catch it!"

"Why not?" Rainbow asked while raising an eyebrow, "How are we supposed to move it without catching it?"

"I don't know, but it wouldn't be right." She looked back at Grizzor, "He saved me. Him being caught because of me wouldn't be right. He wants to stay wild, and it wouldn't be right to force him to be caught when he can't fight back."

Everyone looked at each other again, sighs following as Timber put away the ball, "Alright...but how are we supposed to get him back to the camp?"

"Simple," Flash said before moving over to grab Grizzor's paw. He then hoisted it up onto his back, the others quickly catching on as they all grabbed a piece and slowly lifted him up, the group struggling to hold up the weight of the half-ton bear Pokémon.

Twilight growled at Flash, "Simple, huh?"

"I said it was simple, not easy." With that, they all began to stroll through the woods while carrying the giant Grizzly.

By the time they got back at the camp, everyone had heard about Fluttershy's disappearance and were waiting for their return. However, they did not expect the sight of a giant, dangerous Pokémon coming along. "Timber!" Gloriosa spoke up, "What are you doing with that thing?!"

"It's hurt," Timber replied as they slowly placed Grizzor on the ground, soon explaining what had happened before turning back to Fluttershy, "Just keep it calm while I go get an antidote."

Nodding, Fluttershy sat down beside the Pokémon, "It's okay. We'll get you healed soon." Grizzor tried to reply, only for its face to scrunch up in pain. Seeing this, Fluttershy let out a whimper, "Oh...this is all my fault."

"It's not just your fault," Flash told her. "You were only there because of us."

Rainbow nodded in agreement, "We're as much to blame as you are."

Another pained gasp came out next, making them all look back down at Grizzor. "Come on...where is Timber with that antidote?!" Twilight asked while tapping her foot, only to feel something by her feet. She glanced down and saw Shine staring at Grizzor. "It's okay," she said as she leaned down and petted her. "We'll help him."

Shine then stepped closer to Grizzor, staring it in the eye. "Taa?" She said before her horn began to glow, soon unleashing a wave of different coloured lights, all of them spreading around Grizzor.

"What's going on?" Spike asked, Sunset chuckling at the sight.

"Pastel Veil. A Galarian Ponyta's ability."

They all watched as the light was absorbed into Grizzor, its breathing soon getting easier while the purple blush disappeared. "She healed the poison..." Doc gasped while Twilight kneeled down and pulled Shine into a hug.

"Oh, you good girl!"

"Nee!" She neighed happily, returning the hug. As they embraced, everyone else watched the Grizzor try to pick itself up, only to fall back. He let out a giant breath of pain, gasping as he laid there.

"You have to rest," Fluttershy responded while patting his head. "Don't worry, nothing's gonna happen to you. Just don't push yourself."

Grizzor opened its eyes to stare up at Fluttershy, eventually breathing an exhausted sigh before closing its eyes. Everyone smiled at the sight, now seeing Fluttershy calm him with such ease. But as this happened, Flash caught something in the corner of his eye, making him turn and smack something out of the air. Hearing the sound, everyone spun around and saw that Flash had slapped a Pokeball away.

The ball flew back to its owner, who caught it as Flash asked. "What are you doing Lightning?!"

"What does it look like?! I'm trying to catch a Pokémon I want! That's what a trainer does!" He threw the ball, Flash deflecting this one with a kick. "HEY! Stop getting in my way!"

"You stop it!" Fluttershy said as she stood up and spread her arms, "He doesn't want to get caught."

"Like that actually matters." Lightning replied with rolling his eyes, "Get out of my way." He grumbled as he reached out to push her away, only for Angel and Seabreeze to hop in front of her, the rest of the group soon following.

"That's enough," Twilight added.

"You can't catch Grizzor like this," Rainbow continued.

"Seriously?! It's weakened, making it the perfect time to catch it."

"You didn't weaken it," Flash growled back. "That doesn't give you the right to try and catch it."

"Ugh...you're so pathetic." Lightning grumbled as he almost facepalmed, "You're just jealous I'm attempting it before you could. As far as I'm aware, it's always been first come, first serve. Now...get out of my way loser, that Grizzor belongs to me." They all glared at him, now seeing Lightning reaching for his Pokémon as the others did the same.

But as they did this, Celestia and Luna walked up to the group, "Enough!" the multi-coloured haired professor told them, "This argument stops now."

"No one's catching that Grizzor while it's in that state," Luna added.

"You can't do that!" Lightning barked back, "I will have that Grizzor! That kind of power...it deserves to be mine, and you can't stop me!"

"But I can," Gloriosa said as she stepped in front of Lightning. "This is my land, and on it, what I say goes. So if I say no one's allowed to catch Grizzor while it's here, then that's that. Understand?"

Lightning grit his teeth, only to pull out a Pokeball anyways, "I will have that Pokémon. I deserve to have something that powerful."

Gloriosa wasn't fazed as the rest watched with wide eyes and glares, "I'll kick you out of camp if you don't listen."

Hearing this, Lightning just let out a laugh, "HA! That's the best news I've heard all day!" He leaned up to her face with a smirk, "That Grizzor is mine. Get out of my way."

Everyone went wide-eyed at this, only for Celestia to grab Lightning's shoulder, "If that's the case, listen to me Lightning." The teen turned to glare at her, but her face didn't change as she said, "If you catch the Grizzor in that state, you will be kicked out of camp...and you know what other consequences you will face. I will make them happen."

She could feel his shoulder tense up at her, quickly shrugging it off before turning around, "Fine...you win." Everyone could only blink as they saw Lightning suddenly give up, only for him to glare back at the group, "But the second that thing's out of the camp, it's fair game. Got it?!"

Celestia shook her head at this, but Gloriosa did a small nod, "That's fair. However, you need to leave and let us help the Grizzor in peace. Now."

"Tch." Lightning grumbled as he slowly walked away, everyone released a breath they had been holding.

"Oh...thank you, Miss Gloriosa. And you too Professor Celestia." Fluttershy said, the two turning with smiles and nods.

"Don't sweat it." Gloriosa replied before frowning at the Grizzor, "But you're gonna need to keep an eye on him. If he starts acting up, I'll have no choice but to lift the catching ban so no one gets hurt."

"Don't worry," Fluttershy knelt back down and continued to stroke him, "I'll make sure he behaves. As long as nobody does anything to upset him, I think he'll be fine." Grizzor said nothing, cracking its eyes open enough to look at her. The rest saw the bear stare at her, smiles on all their faces as they saw the confusion on his expression.

Hours soon passed with everyone off doing their own thing, Fluttershy remaining by Grizzor's side the whole time. The girl had Angel and Seabreeze watch over him, helping her make sure Grizzor was relaxed. "How's that?" She asked while gently pulling a comb through his fur, Grizzor letting out a near purr at the sensation. She had just unknotted a bit of fur that had been annoying him for a while, his claws too big to get it undone. "That's it...just relax while I finish up. Angel, Seabreeze, how's his claws?" The two were currently washing and filing the claws, both saluting in response, "Great work."

Grizzor was amazed that she was willing to do this for him, remembering that all other humans would just try to catch him and nothing more. However, she had done nothing but care for him, including her Pokémon. That and he loved the care she was giving his fur.

"You're so hairy," Fluttershy giggled as she continued to comb him. "Hairy, hairy, hair-E, ha-E, ha-ree...Harry." She patted his head as she asked, "Is it okay if I call you that? If it isn't, just say so." Grizzor didn't respond, just letting out a long sigh of relief as he felt the comb grace his fur, "Okay Harry. It's nice to meet you. I'm Fluttershy, and that's Angel and Seabreeze." The two waved at him while working, Harry saying nothing back as he continued to relax.

Dinner time came next, Fluttershy starting to get hungry despite not wanting to leave Harry. Luckily, her friends showed up with some food for them all. "Here you go," Twilight said while handing her a plate of tacos and a large bowl of Pokémon food.

"Thank you," she took the bowl first and placed it in front of Harry. "Here you go."

"Zor," Harry did a small nod before digging in, Angel and Seabreeze getting their own bowls while Fluttershy dug into the tacos.

"Thank you all so much," she replied as she finished her first taco.

"No problem," Twilight told her before glancing at Harry. "How's he doing?"

"He's fine. He should be ready to leave by tomorrow." As soon as she said that, a giant frown appeared on her face, everyone seeing the despair on her face.

Flash then nudged her side, "You know...you could always catch him." Fluttershy turned to him with wide eyes, "Fluttershy, it's clear you don't want him to go."

Fluttershy quickly shook her head. "Oh, I couldn't do that!" She turned to pat Harry, "It...it wouldn't be right. He wants to stay wild, and I have no right to take that from him." She turned to Springer, Peewee, Shine and her Pokémon. "Some Pokémon might want to be caught and trained, but I'm sure there are just as many out there that want to stay wild. Maybe they want to live in one place, or don't feel ready to be caught...not every Pokémon wants to stay caught, like Harry." She began rubbing Harry's head, "I just wish other trainers saw that. I wish there was somewhere a Pokémon could go where they could live without worry about being caught...a place they can live out their lives in peace."

Everyone couldn't help but smile at her wish, seeing she had a truly kind personality. She wanted a Pokémon sanctuary that was free of all human touch, a true paradise.

A few hours later...

The sun was about to set. Fluttershy was now filling a bowl for Harry to drink out of, pushing it in front of him as he started licking at it. As she did this, Celestia and Gloriosa walked up to her. "Fluttershy," the professor said, "It's time you got to bed."

Fluttershy turned to the duo, a huge frown on her face, "Um...can I stay out tonight, please?!" The two exchanged glances, blinking before looking back at her, now giving a pleading look, "l can stay right here, so it's not like you won't know where I am. Please, I don't want to leave Harry alone."

They both sighed, the pleading look enough to make Celestia say, "Very well."

"I'll come out to check on you," Gloriosa then handed Fluttershy a bunch of blankets she had been carrying. "Here. These should keep you warm."

Fluttershy gave her thanks while taking them, throwing one of the blankets over Harry. Once that was done, she laid against him while Angel and Seabreeze got into her lap and hair. Harry opened his eyes and stared at her, seeing the girl wrap the other blanket around her before snuggling up against his fur with Angel and Seabreeze cuddling into her.

"Good night Angel."


"Good night Seabreeze."


She then looked up at the Grizzor with a huge smile, "Good night Harry." He just grunted as she closed her eyes, the girl instantly falling asleep. But as he saw she had drifted off, his eyes noticed that all three were shivering. The cold of the night was too much for a few blankets.

Sighing and not sure why he was doing this, he shifted around until his leg was wrapped around her body and pulled her close. None of them woke up as he pulled them under his head, Harry using it and his claw to keep them warm as he laid his head over her. The shivering soon stopped as Harry closed his eyes, feeling an unusual amount of comfort in the girl's presence.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy began to dream. She dreamt of a beautiful paradise where any wild Pokémon could live in peace, free from the threat of being captured. And one of the Pokémon there was Harry, who was happily snoozing away while other Pokémon played. It was a good dream.

The next morning...

The sun's rays began to shine over the treeline, the light hitting Fluttershy's face as it slowly drew her out of the land of slumber. She rubbed her eyes before glancing up, doing a small yawn as she said, "Harry?" The girl began to blink, soon spinning around as she saw the Grizzor was nowhere in sight, "Harry?!" She quickly got up, accidentally knocking Angel and Seabreeze out of their sleep. Her heart started to beat rapidly, only to calm down as she spun around and saw the bear sitting under a tree.

"Harry!" she exclaimed as she ran over to him, the Grizzly Pokémon just turning to her with a low breath, "Harry...are you leaving?" He nodded, standing up and showing that his wounds were almost completely gone. "Oh...I understand." She stared at the ground as she said this, unable to look at her new friend in heartache.

The Sapphire and Diamond campers soon walked up, all a few feet away with only Lightning not being there. "You really think Harry's gonna leave?" Spike whispered to the others, "I thought he and Fluttershy became friends."

"Maybe..." Twilight patted his shoulder, "But it's still his decision."

Flash nodded, only to turn to see something in the corner of his eye. It was Lightning, the teen heavily breathing as he stood near the edge of the closest cabin. There was a look of pure anger on his face, obviously furious that he had to wait to capture Harry.

Everyone saw where Flash was glaring, soon following his vision before Doc let out a sigh, "That's not good. As soon as he leaves, Harry's gonna be in danger."

"But he beat Lightning once," Trixie pointed out before Twilight shook her head.

"That was when he took Lightning by surprise. Lightning won't make it easy this time."

"So what do we do?" Rainbow whispered.

"Nothing," Doc replied while shaking his head, "This is something only Fluttershy can do. If she wants to protect Harry, she needs to catch him herself."

Everyone turned back to Fluttershy, now seeing the girl and the Grizzor stare at one another. But as she did this, she spoke up, "Please...please...stay safe out there." They all sighed, some wanting to scream at her to catch him. But instead, she simply reached out and patted Harry on the head, "Goodbye."

"Grizz," Harry nodded before turning away, Fluttershy staring at the ground in response. Slowly, Harry walked away, his feet dragging him to the camp's border. As he did this, Lightning's face turned into a savage grin, drooling at the sight of the powerful Pokémon about to leave camp.

But as he got within inches of the trees, a voice called out, "PLEASE STAY WITH ME!" Harry stopped as all eyes turned to Fluttershy, her head now up with fire in her eyes. Harry just blinked at her, the girl trying to speak up with as much determination as she could muster, "Please don't go. I...I want you to stay with me." Harry stayed perfectly still, not responding as she continued, "I...I know I'm not too strong, but I...I want to get stronger. I want to be able to protect those that can't protect themselves, to build a place where any Pokémon can be safe from being caught until they're ready to take on the world." Her eyes were now trying to fight back tears as she continued, "But I know that'll make it a target for poachers and other trainers who don't respect what I want the sanctuary to be about. So please..." she took out a Pokeball and held it forward. "Help me grow strong enough to protect the paradise I want to build."

Everyone watched as Grizzor stared at Fluttershy and the Pokeball, then turning to stare at the forest before looking back. This shift continued to happen, Harry looking between the two. And as a few minutes passed, he just stared at the forest for almost a full minute before turning back to Fluttershy.

The bear stared down at her, a long breath coming out before slowly walking over. The ground slightly shifted as they watched him move, his footsteps loud and booming...yet there was a kind look to his face. And then he leaned down...and pressed his nose on the ball.

Everyone gasped as the sphere opened before unleashing a blast of red energy that enveloped the Grizzly Pokémon, sucking him inside. The ball then snapped shut and dinged in an instant.

"What the heck?!" Lightning screeched, his voice booming and grabbing everyone's attention, all except Fluttershy.

"Harry..." she squeaked out as she broke out into tears, soon wiping them away, "Oh...thank you."

But before she could say anything else, several loud footsteps made her look up and see Lightning stomping up to her, "Release that Grizzor right now!" He yelled, everyone else getting ready to intervene, "A weakling like you has no right to a strong Pokémon like that!"

Everyone turned to Fluttershy, ready to see her start crying, only for her to glare at Lightning and bark back, "No! Harry chose me!"

Lightning almost backpedalled at her response, only to start growling, "It's just confused! It needs to be with a strong trainer that truly understands it's power, like me!"

Fluttershy stomped her feet next, glaring at the teen, "You're wrong! Harry's strong because he chose me!"

Lightning looked like he was about to start laughing, "Oh yeah?! How could it be strong by picking a spineless twig like you?! You don't have the faintest idea of how to control that thing!"

"I don't want to control Harry! Pokémon aren't weapons or tools for us to do with as we please. They're our friends, our partners." She looked down at her Pokeball. "You're right, I probably don't know how to use Harry's power the best way right now. But...but I'll learn," she glared up at Lightning. "I'll work hard until I can understand Harry's battling style and know exactly how he wants to fight, because a real trainer changes their style to match their Pokémon's way of fighting, not force their Pokémon to fight their way! That's what bullies do, like you!"

Lightning's face turned pure red in anger, reaching for his Pokeballs as he yelled, "Why you little-"

"ENOUGH!" The two turned to see Celestia and Luna walking up, both glaring at Lightning, "Harry made his choice and we have to honour it. You will not ruin this great moment by saying something out of line Lightning, understood?!"

Everyone turned to the teen, his whole body tensing in anger before spinning around. He didn't say a word as he walked away, the professors sighing at the sight. But as they did this, Pinkie suddenly leapt over and threw her arms around Fluttershy's neck, "FLUTTERSHY! That was amazing!"

Fluttershy gently laughed, "Thanks." Pinkie jumped off while the others started to compliment her.

"You were awesome Fluttershy!" Rainbow cheered, "You managed to catch a super-strong Pokémon, and stand up to Lightning! Respect!" Everyone else nodded in agreement, all giving their own congratulations.

As they did this, Angel and Seabreeze appeared on her shoulder and head. She then held the Pokeball up to them, "Angel, Seabreeze, we have a new family member."

"Bun!" Angel cheered.

"Breeze..." Seabreeze added while patting the orb.

Fluttershy smiled rubbing the ball, wondering what Harry was thinking about inside. She had finally decided on her dream and knew that to achieve it, she needed to get stronger. It would be hard, but with Harry by her side, it would be a bit easier.

Pokémon and humans can connect in many different ways. Sometimes through battle, but other ways like a shared dream. And now, Harry the Grizzor was connected to Fluttershy through a shared dream of building a sanctuary for all Pokémon that don't wish to be caught. Only time will tell how that connection will grow, as the journey continues.

Author's Note:

Anyone else think this is one of my best Pokemon chapters? Me and my editor think so. Hope you do too. So what's next for the camp? You'll have to stay turned to find out.


Name: Grizzor
Design: Grizzlymon
Name: Grizzly and Preditor
Pronounced: Grizz-Zor

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