• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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Friendships in the Forest

Continuing their journey to Applejack and Rarity's home town of Applewood and Flash's fourth Equestria Region Gym challenge, our heroes are still trekking through the Everfree Forest. After their meeting with Zecora and battle against the Timbark, they had been shown a safe path through the woods, which was thankfully true for two days.

It was here that they chose to take a break to rest their feet and have a bite to eat. "Grub's up!" Doc and Rarity placed the lunches down on the table, which Spike and Applejack had just finished setting while Flash and Twilight got done with the Pokémon food.

"Come on guys!" Flash called out, their Pokémon all rushing over. With them beginning to chow down, the humans all sat around the table, talking as they began to eat.

"So how long until we're out of the forest?" Spike asked, a spoonful of scrambled egg in his mouth.

"We should be out by the end of the day," Twilight replied while looking at her journal. "After that, there's a small town between us and Applewood City."

"Then it's home sweet home," Applejack cheered. "Oh, ah can't wait to see the family!"

"I can't wait to spend some time with mine as well," Rarity added as she took another bite. "I do hope everything is okay over there."

As this was happening, Prongs was enjoying his lunch, but having a few issues. The ground his bowl was on wasn't too stable, making the quadruped Pokémon struggle to get the last few bites into his mouth as the bowl was pushed away from him. "Fay..." he moaned as he chased after his food while it slid across the dirt. The others all saw this and tried not to giggle, all of them not having this issue since they hands or claws.

Eventually, Prongs pushed the bowl right into the side of a tree that Viper was sitting under, his tail wrapped around his bowl. With the trunk stopping it from going any further, Prongs could finally eat his meal, only for his leaf-like tail to now dangle in front of Viper.

"Scor," the Hisscor tried to pull his head away, but no matter where he moved, the tail was right up in his face. That is, till the leaf accidentally slapped him on the head. "Scor!" He created a small flame in his mouth and spat at the leaf, causing it to light on fire.

"FAY!" Prongs cried as the flames bit into him, causing him to run around the clearing like a headless chicken.

The others saw this, Flash standing up. "Prongs? What is-" Flash spotted the flame on his tail and gasped, "Riptide!" The Spranitor didn't need anything else, quickly building the water up in his mouth.

"Nee!" He shot his Water Gun, instantly taking out the flames.

The soaked Thawn sighed in relief, turning to give Riptide a thank you before glaring over at Viper. "Thawn!" He yelled as began to march over to the snake.

Viper looked back up at him as if to ask 'can I help you?', only for Prongs to begin to bark back, asking him what his problem is. Viper just hissed his tongue, the two then settling into a barking fest.

"Hey!" Flash yelled as he put a hand on both their heads before pushing them away, "No fighting!"

"Fay/Scor!" The two cried out, pointing at one another and yelling again.

"I don't care who started it, I'm ending it! Now, are you two gonna behave or do I have to put you both back in your Pokeballs?" The two growled before looking away, Flash sighing and shaking his head, "You two..."

Everyone else sighed in relief, Rarity chiming in, "Good thing that didn't get out of control. Though it is odd that those two would get into an argument."

"Not really," Doc added. "Those two are very similar, and that can lead to conflict."

Twilight nodded in agreement. "They're both Pokémon that didn't like humans until they met Flash. Plus they're also very stubborn and serious."

"Those types of personalities can clash against each other very easily. Especially if something annoys them." Doc turned from the still pouting Pokémon to Flash, "It isn't best to leave them mad like this."

"You're probably right." Flash turned to the two, only to sigh as both showed huge scowls on their faces, "But where do I start?"

"I might have an idea," Twilight replied as she stood up. "What about a double battle? Working together to defeat an opponent is a great way to make Pokémon grow closer."

Flash did a small hum before turning to the others, "Yeah, that sounds good. Anybody want to help me?"

"I'd suggest opponents that are the same type as them."

"So that means Grass and Fire-Types..." Flash rubbed his chin at this, turning to Rarity as he spoke up, "Hey Rarity, you mind facing off against us with Pyruby and Herbarald?"

"Of course darling," Rarity replied with a nod, quickly finishing the last few bites of her lunch. She then turned to the Pokémon in question, "you two ready?"

"Pie/Herb!" The sisters cheered, both getting up.

"Nice." Flash added as he went to his Pokémon, now seeing the two still glaring at each other. He leaned down and pointed at both, "Alright you two, we're gonna do a battle, okay?"

The two growled at each other before getting into position, the duo not noticing a pair of eyes watching them through the trees. Once everything was cleared away and the non fighting Pokémon back in their Pokeballs, Flash and his team stared down at Rarity and hers with Doc as referee. "Alright, this double battle is about to begin. Both sides will compete until both of team's Pokémon are unable to battle. Are you both ready?"

"I'm ready," Rarity announced as Pyruby and Herbarald got into a fighting stance.

Flash nodded, turning to his Pokémon. "You two ready for battle? You're gonna cover each others weak points and strengthen each others' strong points." The two glanced at one another, still growling.

"Very well. Then battle...BEGIN!"

Rarity was the first to give orders, "Power Gem!" Both Pyruby and Herbarald's forehead gems glowed, unleashing a pair of red energy beams.

"Flamethrower!" Viper took a deep breath before unleashing a stream of fire, the flames striking the Power Gem, causing an explosion. "Nice! Now, Double Kick!" Prongs shot through the smoke and spun around, thrusting his backhooves to the Diamalem Evolutions.

"Pie/Herb!" They both grunted as they staggered back.

"Now use Fire Spin on Herbarald!" Viper leapt into the air before his tail ignited, flipping as he launched the fireball at the green Rock-Type.

"Herb!" She flinched as the fireball hit the ground and exploded, encasing her in a tornado of flames.

"Herbarald!" Rarity cried, turning to Pyruby. "Help get her out of there. Fire Punch!"

"Ruby!" Pyruby ran up with an ignited fist, punching the spiral to extinguish it. The whirlwind vanished as Herbarald staggered out, panting as glared back at Viper.

"Energy Ball!" She formed a sphere and threw it at Viper, the snake ready to take the blow. But as he did this, Prongs jumped in and grabbed his tail, pulling him away just before the orb struck.

"Nice one Prongs!" Flash cheered, only to frown as he saw the now annoyed look on Viper's face as the Thawn put him down.

"Scor! Scor hiss scor!" Prongs blinked at the snake, only to bark back.

"Fay, Thawn fay!" Prongs yelled, explaining how he was helping him.

"Hisscor hiss!" Viper replied, telling him he didn't need help as Flash growled at the sight.

"Guys!" They turned to him, "You two are on the same team."

"Power Gem!" They looked back to see a pair of red energy beams ready to hit them, the duo unable to dodge as both were blasted back.

Rarity shined a big grin at the sight. "Sorry Flash, but if you can't get your Pokémon under control, this is what happens." Flash growled at her words as Rarity batted her hair back, "Now...I think I'll try something I've been thinking about for a while." She pointed at Herbarald, "Use Energy Ball!"

"Barald!" She roared as she formed the sphere, soon firing it at the two downed Pokémon.

"Now Pyruby, hit the Energy Ball with your Fire Punch!"

"Pie!" Pyruby advanced with a fiery fist, managing to catch up and punch the orb. Doing so accelerated the attack, the sphere now wrapped in flames.

"What the heck?!" Flash yelped as he started at his Pokémon, both still unsteady from the last attack. But as they tried to dodge, they ended up knocking into each other before the strange fusion move to hit them, unleashing an explosion of fire and nature energy.

"FAY/SCOR!" They cried as they went flying back.

"You two alright?" Flash asked as both pushed themselves up before shooting a glare at one another, only for to start a yelling fest again.

As this was happening, Applejack stepped up to Rarity. "What was that back there Rare?"

Rarity shined a cheeky grin, "I've been wondering about the possibility of combining two different moves. Wasn't sure it was gonna work, but it seems it really did. It helped that the ones using the combo move have such great teamwork considering they're siblings."

"Make sense," Twilight commented next.

Meanwhile, Flash was glaring down at his two Pokémon. The battle was still on, but he had a feeling he'd lose unless he could help them stop arguing. He then looked back up at Rarity, "Combo move, huh?" He smirked before turning back to Prongs and Viper. "Then that's what we'll do. Prongs and Viper...you're gonna make your own combo move."

The others all heard this, Twilight adding, "That could work Flash."

Flash nodded and turned back to his Pokémon. "Alright guys, we're gonna make a combo move. You ready?" The two glanced back, only to look away again while growling. "Come on guys, I know you can do it. Don't let some silly tiff break up your friendship. After all, you're more than just part of the same team. You're part of the same family. It doesn't matter how angry you get, you shouldn't let something silly stop you from working together."

The two continued to look away from one another, Flash sighing as he began to tap his feet in frustration. A few minutes later, he snapped his fingers before kneeling down by the two, "Here, I got something. Listen up you two." Flash started to make a few images in the dirt, "Here's the plan. First, Prongs fires off an Energy Ball, then Viper launches a Flamethrower into it. That flames will push the Energy Ball forward and surround it in fire. We'll call it the Energy Fireball!"

"Isn't that just what Rarity did?" Spike asked, Flash glared back at him.

"What matters is pulling it off, not what it looks like." He turned back to the two. "You guys ready?" The two let out an unenthusiastic cry, making Flash roll his eyes. "Alright, let's give it a go." He pointed at a nearby tree, "Try hitting that tree. Use Energy Fireball!"

"Fay/Scor..." The two began to build-up power, Viper being the first as Prongs was still building energy in the sphere. "Scor..." he moaned while rolling his eyes. But as he did this, Prongs finally fired the ball, Viper being taken by surprise and shot his Flamethrower. Everyone watched as the flames hit the Energy Ball, but instead of accelerating, the sphere exploded, smoke now engulfing the trio. The group backpedaled at the sight, the smoke soon fading to reveal a very sooty trio.

"Well..." Flash let out a cough, "That didn't work."

"Fay!" Prongs shook himself to remove the soot before barking at Viper, "Fay, Thawn!"

"Scor, Hisscor scor!" Viper barked back, the two about to butt heads before Flash pushed them away from one another.

"I said no fighting. Now come on, we're gonna keep doing it until we get it right." The two rolled their eyes at this, only to squirm as they saw Flash now glare at this. Letting out a sigh, the two tried it again...only for it blow up in their faces once more. Flash then commanded for them to try again, the others now seeing this was going to take a while. The only ones still watching were Springer and another set of eyes, which seemed more focused on Flash now than before.

"Come on!" He yelled after another failed attempt, enough smoke inhalation in him now to cause black lung. "Come on guys. Focus."

"This isn't gonna work, is it?" Applejack asked.

Doc shook his head. "Not likely. They're just too out of sync."

Rarity nodded in agreement. "For something like that, you have to be two Pokémon in one. Only when their hearts are one will they be able to pull it off."

"That could take a while to do..." Twilight finished as she tapped another button on her journal, "Maybe I can look up something to help."

Back at Flash, he was swatting away another smoke cloud as he said, "Alright, one more time. Use-" But as he tried to say his next words, only for a pair of vines to shoot out of the treeline, both wrapping around Flash's shoulders. "Huh? WHOA!" he yelped as he suddenly dragged into the treeline, Springer, Prongs and Viper frozen in shock as they watched him vanish into the foliage. Their shock quickly disappeared after that, all screaming as the others turned to the yelping Pokémon.

"What's going on?" Spike asked as they saw Flash's Pokémon rush into the trees, the rest of the group quickly joining the chase.

As they ran, Springer, Prongs and Viper were managing to get close to their trainer, only for a wall of roots to appear. "Riolu!" Springer yelled as he charged the wall, Prongs and Viper following his lead. But as they did, several smaller roots shot out and wrapped around Springer. "RI!" He cried as he was lifted up, more roots now trying to grab the two starters. Luckily, Prongs and Viper were able to dodge the weeds, both hopping over the wall as they continued the chase.

But as they left, the rest got up to the wall, Applejack yelling at the sight, "What the heck?! Where'd this thing come from?" But as she asked this, everyone's ears spiked as they now heard Springer's cry and looked up to see him tied up.

"Springer!" Twilight gasped before new roots shot out, all ready to try and grab them. "Oh no you don't! Peewee, use Incinerate!"

The Terragon leapt off Spike's shoulder and took a deep breath. "Tear...WAGON!" He unleashed the fire bullet, a flame explosion now consuming all the roots.

"Great!" Twilight cheered, "Now use Wing Attack and get Springer out of there!" Peewee did so, glowing wings now slicing the plants with ease.

"Riolu!" Springer added as he landed, only for another wall of roots to shoot out of the groud, making a circular wall around them.

"Good heavens! Just what is going on?!" Rarity cried.

As this was happening, Flash found he was still being pulled through the wood. And as the vines started to slow down, he groaned in pain as felt rocks grind into his back, "Not my day..." he moaned as he reached for his Pokeballs, "Now, let's find out who...aw crap."

His hand found that there was nothing to grab, the rest of this Pokeballs back at camp. "Darn it." he sighed as he patted his pants, now feeling the vines fully stopping. Feeling this, he tried to stand up and went wide-eyed at the new sight in front of him. It looked like a humanoid tree that stood around ten foot in height. Its skin was made up of brown wood, had a moustache made out of long thin twigs and a long thick beard made out of bushes. The top of its head had a crown shape with leaf-like hair behind it.

"What the heck?!" Flash yelped as he reached for his Pokedex, only for the Pokémon to grab its beard, moving its mouth as musical sound started to come out. Flash blinked at the sound, his eyes now starting to close, "Wait...what's...going...on?" That was all he could say before the sleep finally overtook him, the trainer now slumping over into a snoozefest.

"Oak..." it muttered as it held up its sleeping prey.

"FAY/SCOR!" the tree looked up and saw Prongs and Viper jump out of the trees, angry looks adorning their faces as they glared at the creature. Both let out a roar before preparing a Flamethrower and Energy Ball. But before they could launch, the Pokémon's eyes glowed green, thin roots now shooting out of the ground. The vines quickly wrapped around Prong's leg and Viper's tail, the two yelping as they were pulled into the air, turning their attention to their bindings.

"Oak..." The Pokémon again lifted its beard to its mouth, now playing the soothing melody. Prongs and Viper both tried to block their ears, but the vines keep them constricted, making them fall asleep.

"Fay/Scor..." The two began to snore as the Pokémon went back to his hostage. Seeing this, it turned around and disappeared into the foliage.


"I don't like this," Spike grumbled as he stared at the vine wall. "It's like something out of a horror movie."

"Don't panic Spike. I'm sure there's a logical explanation to this." Twilight replied as she adjusted her glasses.

Doc nodded in agreement. "I think this is the work of a Pokémon." He stepped up to the roots, tapping them. "Yes, this is most definitely a Terror Root attack...and those roots holding Springer before were likely Ingrain."

"So a Pokémon took Flash?" Rarity asked, Doc nodding again.

"Why'd it do that?" Applejack responded next.

"Not sure," Doc replied. "But we better find them fast to be on the safe side....which means getting out of this cage."

"No problem," Twilight pointed at the roots. "We'll use Incinerate again!"

"Tear!" shot another fireball, burning the root...only to reveal more roots. The dragon roared again, firing a volley of fire that singed away three more walls.

The group went through the new burned hole, Twilight now commenting, "Alright, now which way do we go?" Springer stepped up and began scanning the area for Flash's aura, only to shake his head. "Too much life in the forest?" The Riolu nodded in response. "Figures..."

"Don't worry, ah got this," Applejack pulled out a Pokeball. "Winona, come out partner!"

The ball opened to reveal her Redog, the dog woofing, "Red!"

"Alright Winona, we need yah to find a scent. Flash, Prongs or Viper. Any of them'll do." Winona nodded and began sniffing the ground, only to freeze up. "Yah got it?"

"Red!" Winona woofed again before cutting into a sprint.

"She's got something!" Applejack yelled as she ran after her, the others following as they ran deeper into the forest.

"I hope Flash is okay," Rarity commented. "We're heading off the path, which means there might be more dangerous Pokémon lurking around.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Twilight told her. "After all, Prongs and Viper are with him...I hope."

Prongs and Viper weren't with Flash. They were still fast asleep, the Ingrain roots holding them up. "Fay...fay..." Prong muttered as his eyes began to open, only to go wide-eyed, "Thawn!"

"Hiss..." he turned to see Viper hanging beside him. His eyes began to flicker open, waking up to see the Thawn. "Scor!" he growled before also noticing their current situation. "Hisscor!" he unleashed a small flame that hit the root, burning it all at once. The vines vanished as he spun around, landing perfectly. "Flawless," he said in his own language.

"Hey!" Prongs cried in his language, "What about me?!"

Viper rolled his eyes before creating another fireball, launching it up at the root and burning it as well. Prongs let out a yelp as he fell to earth, unable to spin around, so he was forced to land on his head. This caused Viper to laugh, Prongs growling as he picked himself up.

"You did that on purpose!"

"Did not! Besides, how could I make you fall on your head?! You just have no sense of balance!" The two growled at each other, only for both to go wide-eyed, "FLASH!"

Both started looking around, trying to find any trace of their trainer. "Look!" Prongs ran over to a spot on the ground, patting a large footprint, "This must have belonged to one who took Flash."

"But why'd it take him?" Viper slithered up to the mark, only to see another, "He went this way. We have to find him."

Prongs nodded, squatting down. "Get on. I'm faster than you."

"Says who?!" Viper almost yelled.

"Just do it!" Prongs grumbled, both locking eyes. But as they were about to break out into an argument, Flash's words echoed in their heads.

"You two are on the same team."

"You're gonna cover each others weak points and strengthen each others' strong points."

"You're more than just part of the same team. You're part of the same family. It doesn't matter how angry you get, you shouldn't let something silly stop you from working together."

Those words floated in, the snake grumbling as he hopped onto Prong's back, "Alright, I'll ride." He then wrapped his tail around his stomach, "Let's go save Flash!"

"For once, I agree with you!" With that, Prongs began to gallop through the woods, following the footprints.

Meanwhile again...

The owner of the footprints was still trodding through the forest, Flash hanging in its armpit as he began to stir from his sleep. "Where..." He opened his eyes, groggily licking his lips before blinking at the Pokémon carrying him, "Who's that?" He asked reached into his jacket and pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Oaking
Category: Grand Tree Pokémon
Type: Grass
Info: The evolved form of Oakid. Known as The Lord of the Forest, Oaking claim forests as their territories and will protect it and the Pokémon that live there from any danger.

"Is that why you grabbed me? You thought I was gonna put the forest in danger?" Oaking didn't respond, causing Flash to start struggling. "Look, I'm not gonna do anything. Just let me go! I've gotta get back to my friends!" He continued to yell out, but Oaking just ignored him.

Luckily, another Pokémon heard his screams. "Fay!" Prongs roared as he jumped out of the bushes, Viper still on his back.

"Let me go!" Flash repeated, only to gasp as he saw a red and green blur shot past them. The sight made him shine a big smile, the Oaking coming to a stop as he saw the duo stand in front of him. and caught his attention.

"Thawn!" Prongs growled while scraping at the ground.

"Scor!" Viper barked as he jumped off, shining his teeth at the tree.

"Prongs, Viper!" Flash cheered, only to look back at his Pokedex, "What moves does this guy have...that one!" He glared back at his Pokémon, "Watch out for his Grass Whistle!" The two nodded, Prongs charging first, "Use Body Slam!"

"Fay!" Prongs leapt up as gravity began to pull him back down, only for Oaking's beard to start rustling. Vines spring out of the tree, whipping at the deer. "Thawn!" he yelled as he slammed his body into the vines, crushing the branches as Viper slithered around the Oaking, sneaking up to the tree's side.

"Scor!" He fired a volley of Poison Stings, all striking Oaking's side, but not the arm holding Flash.

"King!" It flinched, dropping Flash with a thud. He let out a yelp of pain before hopping back up, quickly running back as Prongs and Viper leaped in front of him.

"Nice going you two. Now that's working as a team!" he announced as he pointed at the opponent, "Time to show off the results of our training. Just remember to focus and use Energy Fireball!"

"Fay/Scor!" The two began to build their power, Prongs creating a ball of energy while Viper ignited some flames in his mouth. Prongs then launched his attack, the sphere flying at Oaking as Viper spat his fire stream. However, when the flames hit the sphere, the same result happened as an explosion occurred.

"Oh, come on!" Flash yelped while pulling at his hair, his Pokémon flinching at the sight. "Not again..." As the smoke cleared, Oaking was seen glowing before the ground began to shake. Roots then shot out of the dirt, all of them whipping down at the two, knocking both flying back.

"Fay/Scor!" They screamed as they flew, Prongs tasting a bowl of dirt while Viper smashed into a tree.

"Guys!" Flash yelped as he run up to his Pokémon, looking them over as he saw the new bruises covering their bodies. He then felt the ground shake, spinning around to see a new Terror Root attack about to happen, "No! I won't let you!" Flash leapt in front of two, crossinig his arms as he closed his eyes.

"Fay/Scor!" Prongs and Viper both cried, the two trying to get up as they saw their trainer about to be assaulted.

But as Flash waited for the roots to hit...he felt nothing. Nothing happened. His eyes began to slowly open as he looked up at Oaking, now seeing the roots hovering inches from his head. They then pulled back and retracted into the ground, Oaking staring at him with a long, blank stare.

Flash let out a long sigh, putting his arms down to his sides, "So, you get it now? I want to protect my Pokémon, and I'm not here to hurt your forest." Prongs and Viper got up as this happened, watching Flash continue to talk to the Oaking, "Now...why did you take me away from my friends? Was it because you thought I was gonna harm the forest?" Oaking shook its head, "Then what?" The Grand Tree Pokémon turned around and gestured to follow with his hand, the three raising an eyebrow at the sight, "You...want me to come with you?" Flash and his Pokémon shared a glance before nodding, "Okay...but this better not be some kind of trap."

The Oaking nodded before walking away, the four walking through the forest for a good five minutes. It was here that the Oaking came to a stop, now pointing up at one of the trees. Flash looked up and saw what looked like a large net hanging from a bulky metal cord, "What's that?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes, staring at the net as he saw what was inside, "Wait...are those?"

"Oakid!" a Pokémon cried out from inside, confirming their identities as a wooden child shaped Pokémon with three large leaves poked out their heads.

"A bunch of Oakid?" Flash replied before turning to the Oaking. "Did you bring me here to help get them out?" Oaking nodded, Flash showing a small smile at this. "Alright. I get it now." He hugged the tree tightly, soon shimmying up the pillar of lumber, "Leave it to me." As he began to reach the net, he started to comment to himself, "Though I gotta say, if you're that powerful, why'd you need my help? You shouldn't be having problems with this-AAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!" he yelped as he reached for the net, only for a powerful surge of electricity to fly through his arm and into his body. The blow knocked him off the tree, his back slamming into the dirt. "Blaugh!"

"Fay/Scor!" Prongs and Viper cried, now seeing him twitching as yellows sparks danced across his body.

"Ow..." he moaned as he slowly tried to get up, shaking his head, "So that's why you need me. That net's electrified....ow." His Pokémon then walked up to his side, slowly helping him up, "Thanks guys."

As he fully got up, his ears heard a new voice, "FLASH!" He turned to see his friends, Springer at the front.

"Rio!" He leapt at Flash, who caught him and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm okay bud. Sorry for worrying ya." he replied before looking back up and seeing everyone ready to attack the Oaking. "No, wait! Stop!"

"Flash! This thing kidnapped you!" Twilight barked back before pointing at the Oaking, "Peewee, use-"

"STOP!" he yelled as Viper and Prongs ran in front of her, both yelling as Flash walked up as well. "Please...just let me explain."

One rushed explanation later...

"That's horrible!" Rarity gasped as she stared at the net, "Who would do such a terrible thing?!"

Doc shook his head, "It doesn't matter. What matters is getting them out before they come back."

"Right!" Flash turned to Spike, "You know what to do."

Spike nodded as he pointed at the net. "Peewee, burn through that cord with Incinerate!"

"Tera!" Peewee flew up to the cord before taking a deep breath, unleashing the fire rocket that melted right through the metal rope.

"Get ready to catch them!" Flash announced as everyone got under the tree. The net began to descend, ready to be caught...only for a sudden metal claw to appear, snagging the net in one fell swoop. "What the heck?!"

Inside the net, the Oakid began to scream in pain as the claw yanked it violently, everyone gasping as they saw the net slam into the ground. As it did this, the sound of laughter now echoed through the trees, causing Twilight to yell, "Who's there?!"

"Show yourself!" Flash demanded, only to growl as he now saw the owners of the laughs step out from the shadows. It was a trio of criminals Flash and his friends knew all too well.

"Long time no see Sentry," Big Score chuckled.

Flash let out a long groan, "Not you guys again."

"Still up to your old tricks, I see," Twilight added.

Rarity and Applejack turned to them, "You know these...brutes?!"

"Unfortunately," Doc hissed.

"Well, who are they?"

"Bad guys!" Spike yelled as Peewee let out an angry snort. "They steal Pokémon and whatever else they can get their hands on!"

"We're not stealing these Pokémon," Rickashay replied while patting his chest. "We're catching them like any normal trainer would."

"Any normal trainer wouldn't need to use an electrified net," Flash barked back. "Let them go, right now!"

"Not happening," Score and his men pulled out their Pokeballs. "Jesterror, go!"

"Stompice, chill out!"

"Spikorn, attack!"

They tossed the balls into the air, unleashing their Pokémon. "Jest/Stomp/Korn!" they cried out as they got into a battle stance.

"Let's go guys!" Flash's Pokémon leapt in front of him, Winona doing the same.

"We got this! Quick Attack Winona!" The Redog charged at high speed, aiming at the Stompice while Springer, Prongs and Viper charged at Jesterror and Spikorn. The Redog reached the walking block of ice and slammed into it, making it stagger back with a cry of pain.

"Drain Punch, Energy Ball and Bite!" Springer reached Spikorn as his glowing fist, thrusting it into the beetle shaped Rock-Type.

"Spike!" It flinched as it was pushed back as Prongs launched an Energy Ball at Jesterror.

"Dark Pulse!" Jesterror brought his hands together before thrusting them into a Kamehameha pose, unleashing a flurry of dark energy rings that struck the Energy Ball. A explosion followed this, but as the smoke formed, Viper leapt out of the cloud and quickly bit down on Jesterror's arm.

"TERROR!" It screamed as it flailed its arm around, trying to get it off. But Viper continued to bite down as hard as he could, not daring to let go.

"Fire Fang!" Winona jumped at Stompice, her mouth consumed in flames as it bit down on Stompice's head.


"Stompice!" Rickashay yelled before turning to Boulder, "A little help?"

"Huh? Oh...right." He pointed at his Spikorn, "Use Rock Blast!" Spikorn turned to Stompice as its horn glowed, the light firing arrow-like rocks at Winona.

"Dodge it!" Applejack ordered, Winona cutting her attack as she leapt off seconds before the rock made contact.

Instead, the rock struck Stompice. "STOMP!" It cried, falling over as the Fire Fang coupled with the Rock Blast had been enough to completely knock it out. The sight made Rickashay screamed, turning to yell at Boulder, only for another explosion to occur.

It was Springer, as Flash had said, "Double Team!" The Riolu copied into an army, all charging at Spikorn. "Aura Sphere...BARRAGE!" Each Springer created a tiny Aura Sphere and surrounded Spikorn, thrusting them all in one go. The blows caused an explosion, the Rock-type now flying out of the dust cloud.

"KORN!" It cried out, falling to the ground with swirls in its eyes.

"Alright!" Everyone cheered, seeing they only had one opponent left.

"Terror!" Jesterror continued to shake Viper around, the snake not letting go. "Terror, jest!"

"That's enough! Knock him off with a Slash!" Jesterror stopped squirming and used his other hand to swipe at Viper's face, only for the Hisscor to let go. He then leapt back, Prongs jumped under him, the snake landing on his back. They both nodded at each other with a smirk as Jesterror rubbed its arm. "Stop whimpering and use Shadow Sneak!"

Jesterror began to charge at the two, only to disappear into a shadow. Flash saw this and grit his teeth, knowing his Pokémon didn't have any basic techniques to stop it. That is, till he pointed at the shadow, "We got no choice. Guys, you gotta work together. Use Energy Fireball!"

The two stared at the approaching shadow, both building up their power. As they did this, their forms began to relax, their heartbeats slowly thumping. They both heard this, the two quickly realizing that it was their teammate's. The two heartbeats continued to beat separately, but then both seemed to come to a stop. And when they started again, they were beating in rhythm as the let out a roar.

"Fay/Scor!" They launched their attacks together, the Energy Ball flying out as the Flamethrower slammed into it's back. But instead of exploding like before, the flames wrapped around the sphere, creating a new fireball with green energy sparking around it.

And as the attack flew at the shadow, the Energy Fireball's explosion was enough force to blast Jesterror out of its shadow, knocking him flying back into Score. "Jest!"

"BLAUGH!" Score yelped as he fell over.

"YES!" Flash screamed, the rest all cheering again.

"Grrrr….you blasted kids!" Score yelled as everyone turned back to him. "Eh, it doesn't matter. At least we've still got those Oakid." He turned to the net, "Let's grab'em and...and..." He stopped when he saw that the net was gone, "Huh?!"

"Yoohoo!" He turned to Rarity's voice, seeing she and the others helping the Oakid out of the net. Oaking had used his Ingrain to grab the net and pulled it away. Now that the Oakid were free, there was nothing keeping the Pokémon from his wrath on these criminals.

"Go get 'em, your lordship!" Flash added as the Grand Tree Pokémon stepped in front of everyone, pure rage showing on its face.

"Now hang on," Score whimpered as he and his cronies started backpedaling. "Let's not get aggressive. This is just a big...misunderstanding." The two nodded in agreement, but it was too late.

"OAK!" He roared before the ground shook, a bunch of Terror Roots shooting out of the ground before whipping at the criminals. In the blink of an eye, the three were sent flying into the sky. Everyone watched as they disappeared over the horizon, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Thank heavens," Rarity sighed.

"Can't believe there are people like that," Applejack added, shaking her head.

"It's a very small percentage of the world," Twilight assured her before turning to Flash. "That Energy Fireball was amazing."

"Thanks." Flash chuckled before looking at the creators of the move, "And it only happened because you two worked together. You see just how amazing you two are when you work as a team?" Viper and Prongs turned to one another, both sighing before bumping hoof and tail. The sight made everyone smile, the Oaking and Oakid all soon giving their thanks and offered to show them back to their camp. It was here they found out that they knew a way to get out of forest with ease, which there were more than happy to agree too.

A little bit later...

As the sun kissed the horizon, our heroes smiled as they all found the exit of the Everfree Forest. The sight made Spike let out a cheer, "Yes! I can't believe we're finally out!"

"Told yah we'd be fine," Applejack replied, only to get a glare from Rarity.

"Though you have to admit that it wasn't easy," Rarity grumbled, "Thank goodness we're out of this awful mess."

The others all shook their heads before turning back to Oaking and the Oakid, the Grass-Types all smiling at them all. "Oak..."

"Thanks for showing us through," Flash told them back. "And be careful. If I know Score and his cronies, they don't give up. Be sure to keep an eye out." The Pokémon all nodded before heading back into the forest, our heroes all waving them goodbye.

It wasn't long till they setup camp for the night, glad they could sleep under the stars. Their journey through the forest had been a difficult trek, but by working together, they had managed to overcome its many adversities. Now with Applewood City so close, our heroes adventures were ready for the incoming gym battle on the horizon. But as for what happens next, stay tuned to find out.

Author's Note:

Well, the Everfree Forest didn't last as long as I'd originally intended. Unfortunatly, the rest of the season required less time spent here. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter.


Name: Oaking
Design: Treebeard
Name: Oak and King
Pronounced: Oak-king

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