• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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Farmyard Throwdown

The day of Flash's fourth Equestria Region Gym challenge had arrived. Today, Flash would be challenging Granny Smith for the chance to win the coveted Harvest Badge. "Alright!" Flash cheered as he, Springer, Twilight, Doc, Spike, Peewee, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo all arrived at the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. "Time to get this party started!" He slammed his fist into his palm, Springer mimicking his movement.

"Just be careful Flash," Twilight instantly responded, "Don't forget how powerful Granny's Pokémon are."

Doc nodded in agreement, "That Timbark of hers is way stronger than the ones you fought in the forest."

"I know. Don't worry, I've got this," he assured him as they walked into the farm, soon spotting the Apple Family standing by their barn house.

"Howdy ya'll," Granny said as she stared at Flash. "Yah ready youngin?"

"Ready and waiting," Flash replied while crossing his arms with a smirk, "I challenge you to a Gym Battle."

"And ah accept. Now come along, the battlefield's waitin fer us." They all nodded and headed over to the orchid, now noticing it was a truly sunny day, even brighter than it had been the day before.

But as they reached the arena, Flash stopped Granny. "Sorry about this, but I gotta do something before this battle." Flash reached for his belt and pulled out a Pokeball, tossing it into the air, "Hopper, come on out!"

The ball released the Pokémon, the little guy immediately cheering as he hopped into Flash's arms, "Hop! Hoppin!"

"Oh? Is that little fellah your first pick? He looks awful young." Granny asked with a raised eyebrow.

Flash shook his head in response, "No, Hopper here just hatched from his egg. He joined my team soon after, and I want him to witness a gym battle." He then turned to Twilight, "Could you hold onto him during the battle please?"

"No problem," Twilight took Hopper as Flash began to pat his head.

"Hopper, if you're gonna be part of my team, you'll need to see what a Gym Battle's like. So pay close attention, alright little buddy?"

"Hoppin," he replied, nodding as Twilight began to go to the benches...and had to ask Rarity to restrain Sweetie from grabbing and death hugging Hopper. As such, the group all sat down as Springer joined Twilight and the others, Flash having decided to not use him in this match. With this, Flash now stood on a podium opposite of Granny, Applejack walking up to the ref's spot.

Applejack then raised her arm, "The Gym Battle between the challenger Flash, and Granny Smith the Gym Leader, will now begin! Each side can use up ta three Pokémon, and the battle will end when all three of either sides' Pokémon are unable to fight. Also, only the challenger may be allowed to substitute Pokémon." She glanced at the two trainers, "Got that?"

"Got it!"

"Ah understand," Granny pulled out her first Pokeball. "Grass Pokémon are a sign that all life is connected. Plants, humans and Pokémon, they all can't exist without the other. Now ya'll see just how powerful that connection is. Pipple, take root!" She tossed the ball into the air, a blast of red energy revealing the apple-shaped Pokémon.


"A Pipple?" Spike asked, "Why not use an Orcidacre?"

"I'm sure we'll find out," Twilight added before turning to Flash. "Now, which will he pick?"

"Skyler, I choose you!" Flash threw the ball up, now revealing the Wingust as it flew down to the ground.

"Wing/Pip." The two Pokémon stared each other down, the trainers doing the same.

Applejack glanced at both before nodding, "Wingust versus Pipple. Are both trainers ready?" Flash and Granny nodded, "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Quick Attack!" Flash commanded barely a second after Applejack's words. Skyler instantly reacted, beating its wings as it propelled itself forward.

"Dodge it!" Granny ordered, Pipple jumping to the side just as Skyler rocketed past him.

"Wing?" Skyler gasped before looking back at his opponent in surprise.

"It's faster than it looks." Flash muttered before pointing at the Pokémon, "Alright then, use Air Cutter!"

"Wing..." Skyler flew up and pointed himself at the Pipple, "Gust, gust, gust, gust, gust!" He began to beat his wings, unleashing a barrage of air blades. Seeing this, Pipple quickly started jumping around, avoiding each attack with ease.

"How is that thing moving faster than Skyler?!" Flash asked with wide-eyes, only for Granny Smith to giggle at him.

"Ya'll can thank today's overly sunny weather. The brighter the sun, the faster the Pipple gets."

"Seriously?" Spike gasped, turning to his sister.

Twilight nodded. "It's Chlorophyll, Pipple's ability. In overly sunny weather, its speed increases."

"Meaning Flash is gonna have a tough time landing an attack," Doc added.

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom cheered, "Granny's so awesome!"

"Well, this Flash guy's no slouch either," Scootaloo pointed out. "He did get second place in the Hoof Cup."

"Hop..." Hopper muttered out as he began to show a frown, only to feel Twilight rub his head, making him look up, "Hop?"

"Don't worry, the fight has just started. Flash can do it."

Hopper stared at her, seeing the confidence in her eyes before looking back at his trainer, "Hop! Hop, hop, hoppin!"

"Ri, ri, riolu!" Springer cheered as well as Granny gave her next order.

"Time ta use the perfect move for a sunny day." She pointed her walking stick at Skyler, "Solarbeam!"

"Pip!" Pipple's head leaf began to glow, making Flash smirk.

'Solarbeam takes time to warm up. This is our chance.' "Use Steel Wing!" Skyler flew up into the air as his wings began to glow, then arched to divebomb at Pipple.

"WING!" He roared as he charged at Pipple, only to see the Grass-Type smile.

"PIPPLE!" It opened its mouth and unleashed a beam of sunlight, Skyler gasping as he tried to pull away.

"Wing!" He grunted as the Solarbeam hit his wing, making him stumble in mid-air before tasting dirt, "Gust!"

"Skyler!" Flash yelled, watching his Wingust try to pick himself up. "How?!"

"How did Solarbeam fire so quickly?" Rarity asked, remembering her battle against Rainbow and how long it took her Movine to fire that move.

"It's the sunlight," Applejack replied while pointing to the opening in the canopy. "It's as bright as it would be during a Sunny Day attack. That's why Solarbeam fired so quick."

Twilight rubbed her chin at this, "I'm starting to see why she chose to use this Pipple instead of its evolved form."

"Use Slam!" Pipple charged at the command, Skyler trying to spread his wings to escape, only to flinch as the burn on its left-wing reacted.

"Wing!" He cried as the spinning fruit Pokémon slammed into him, making him stagger back.


"Finish this!" Granny pointed her staff at Skyler again, "Magical Leaf!" Pipple's head leaf began to glow a rainbow of colors before it swung its head around, causing multiple leaves to shoot off like boomerangs.

Seeing Skyler still in no shape to evade, Flash pulled out his Pokeball and pointed it at Skyler. "Return!" The red beam flew out and hit the Wingust, pulling it back before the Magical Leaf made contact. Instead, they exploded off the ground, a small cloud of dust now forming.

Everyone else sighed at this, Sweetie then commenting, "Wow. That's Pipple's tough."

Doc nodded in agreement, "Take that speed, power and add the bright sunlight, and you've got the recipe for a majorly tough opponent."

Spike looked worried, holding Peewee extra tightly. "How's Flash supposed to beat something like that?"

"Good question," Twilight added as saw Flash stare at his Pokeball.

"Great work Skyler," he told the ball. "You rest up for later. Let the rest of the team handle this for now." He enlarged another ball and pointed it at the battlefield. "Prongs, I choose you!" He tossed the ball, opening to release the Grass-Type starter.

"Fay!" The deer Pokémon cheered as it landed on the battlefield.

Granny raised an eyebrow at this, "That's an interesting choice. What made you choose this one?"

"You'll find out. Let's go Prongs."

"Fay!" The Thawn added, now getting into a battle stance.

"Guess ah will. Ready Pipple?"


"Thawn versus Pipple, battle...begin!"

"Energy Ball!" Prongs opened its mouth before the sphere of nature energy appeared, quickly shooting the orb at the Pipple.

"Dodge!" Pipple leapt to the side, the sphere blasting the dirt beside him.

"Now Body Slam!" Prongs galloped at the apple, ready to bum-rush the Pokémon.

"Dodge a-gin!" Pipple once again jumped away, but Prongs and Flash just smirked.

"Not this time. Do it Prongs!" The Thawn suddenly shifted direction, instantly smashing his head into Pipple.

"PIP!" Pipple cried as it went flying in pain, rolling on the ground next as Prongs stood tall.

"What?!" Granny gasped, only to look up to see grinning Flash. She then started chuckling, shaking her head, "Huh. Not bad at all sonny boy. Yah figured out Pipple's flaw."

"What flaw?" Spike asked, Twilight snapping her finger in response.

"Of course. Pipple's fast, but it's not agile." Everyone turned to Twilight as she continued, "During Skyler's battle, Pipple kept moving in one direction. Whenever it picked up speed, it couldn't turn unless it had to slow down. Skyler might have an issue with this, but Prongs doesn't."

"You got that right!" Flash yelled as he pointed at Pipple, "Let's go! Double Kick!"

"Fay!" Prongs galloped at the fruit Pokémon, the opponent quickly trying to jump away. But as it tried, Prongs spun around and smacked the fruit with two thrusting back legs, "THAWN!"

"PIP!" It cried as it flew back, rolling along the battlefield.

"Solarbeam!" Pipple then hopped back up, its leaf beginning to glow.

"Energy Ball!" Flash commanded, Prongs creating another orb as it tossed it at Pipple, only for the apple Pokémon to leap away.

"Pip!" it cried as the Energy Ball exploded at the ground in front of it, the force sending Pipple flying back. But as it flew into the air, it's attack finished charging. "PIPPLE!" The Solarbeam launched, rocketing down at Prongs.

"Energy Ball, again!" Prongs fired another sphere, which hit the Solarbeam and exploded. Despite this, the beam continued, causing the ground in front of Prongs to explode. But the impact of the Energy Ball had greatly weakened it, making Prongs just slightly stagger back. "Body Slam!"

"Fey!" The Thawn galloped as Pipple got close to the ground.


"Pip!" Pipple started spinning, turning into a red sphere that rolled along the ground the second it touched down.

The two clashed, the force of their attacks equaling before causing them to both be knocked back, "Energy Ball/Magical Leaf!" The two launched their ranged attacks, both slamming into another, creating an explosion of smoke.

"Solarbeam!" Pipple started building up power again, but Flash just pointed at it.

"Oh no you don't! Double Kick!" Prongs raced through the cloud, shooting out of the other side before spinning around to slam both back hooves into Pipple. The little fruit Pokémon cried out as it was sent flying, only to fire the Solarbeam.

"FAY!" Prongs cried as the laser hit, pushing him back to the other side of the field.

"Now's yer chance! Synthesis!" Pipple nodded before its leaf started glowing, that glow now quickly spreading to the rest of its body.

"Not good," Twilight commented, "If Flash doesn't stop that, Pipple will be completely healed."

"Seriously?!" Spike gasped.

"Prongs!" Flash cried out as his Thawn picked himself up, "Body Slam!" Prongs went into a charge, quickly closing the distance and slamming himself into Pipple. It cried out as its Synthesis stopped, though it had regained a good third of its health. "Now Body Slam, back to back!"

"Fey!" Prongs began running in a circle around Pipple, giving it nowhere to escape.

"Solarbeam!" Pipple began building up its energy, only for Prongs to slam into it again. He then did it again, then again and again and again. It grunted with each hit, ready to hop away as soon as the laser was ready.

But as this happened, something began to change. The field suddenly grew a lot less bright, the sun's light seemingly disappearing. Everyone looked up to see a bunch of clouds now covering the sun, making Pipple's fast Solarbeam impossible.

"Dagnabit! Oh all the time fer that to happen!" Granny yelled before glaring at her Pokémon, "Ya'll gotta fire it now!"

"Double Kick!" Prongs appeared in front of Pipple again, spinning around to slam his hooves into it again.

"Pip!" Pipple flew back as Prongs jumped back to a safe distance. But at that moment, Solarbeam reached full charge. "PIPPLE!" The beam shot out, but Prongs was ready.

"Jump up!"

"Thawn!" Prongs used all its strength to leap into the air, the explosion caused by Solarbeam hitting the ground, pushing him even further.

"Now, BODY SLAM!" Gravity took its toll as it pulled Prongs back down, ready to fully bum-rush the fruit.

"Magical Leaf!" Pipple aimed its attack at Prongs as its leaf began to glow. But just as it was about to fire, the clouds moved away from the sun, the bright light now making it flinch as it felt a blast of energy in its body.


"FEY!" Prongs slammed his front hooves into Pipple, knocking it flying across the field. It then leapt back, landing in front of Flash as the apple Pokémon came to a stop, now showing everyone swirls in its eyes.

"Pipple's KO'd, Thawn wins!"

"Yes!" Flash yelled as the rest of his friends all cheered.

"Way to go!" Spike hollered, Springer, Hopper and Peewee letting out joyous cries.

Twilight clapped her hands at this, "Well done! Prong's maneuverability really helped him there."

Doc nodded in agreement, "But that battle still took a lot out of Prongs. Add in the damage Skyler took along with Granny having two fully rested Pokémon, and I'd say the odds are even."

"So Flash can't afford to lose focus?" Rarity asked, Big Mac nodding.


"Excellent work Pipple, ya'll did great." Granny added as she returned her Pokémon to its Pokeball before smiling at Flash. "Yer Thawn's a strong critter, ah'll give yah that."

"Thanks. We've trained hard."

"Fay," Prongs scrapped his hoof along the ground.

"Ah'm sure yah have." Granny took out another Pokeball, "So let me show yah what all that hard work could lead ta. Chitaleaf, take root!" She tossed the ball into the air, releasing a swirl of red energy to reveal a new Pokémon.

It was a deer-like Pokémon standing at around four and a half feet. Its body was mostly light green, with brown running from the end of its nose to its lower mouth and down the front of its neck to its underbelly. It was also at the end of its flank while having a pair of brown spots on its back, one on either side, along with a large brown spot on its rear. A patch of grass could be seen sprouting out of its chest, growing around its neck to form a collar while its back legs were brown, running from its knees to its hooves while its flank had a small assortment of large leaves. On its head were a pair ten-inch antlers with one or two leaves on them. The Pokémon opened its eyes before letting out a long grunt, "Leaf!"

Everyone flinched at the sight before Spike asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

Doc gulped and nodded, "if you think it's Prong's evolved form, then you're right."

While he said this, Flash pulled out his Pokedex.

Name: Chitaleaf
Category: Leaf Pokémon
Type: Grass
Info: The evolved form of Thawn. When in conflict, Chitaleaf charge at one another and lock their horns together. It's theorized that herds of Chitaleaf are led by the one with the largest horns.

"This could be bad." Flash muttered before asking Prongs, "You up for this buddy?" He let out a growl in response as he stared at his evolved form. "Alright, I trust you."

It was here that Applejack spoke up, "Thawn versus Chitaleaf. Are both trainer's ready?" They nodded, "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"BODY SLAM!" They both yelled at the same time, the two deer charging before letting out a cry, both slamming into each other. As they did this, Chitaleaf instantly overpowered Prongs, knocking him back with a mighty push.

"Now use Poison Jab!" Chitaleaf's horns glowed purple before thrusting the antlers with a leap.

"Dodge it!" Prongs began jumping back, Flash then commanding, "Now, use Leech Seed!"

"Fey!" Prong's horn nubs began to glow before shooting off and flying at his evolved form, hitting it in the head and embedding a pair of seeds into its fur. Those seeds then broke open before unleashing a horde of vines, all of them wrapping around Chitaleaf.

"Chit?" It gasped, only to start flinching as the Leech Seeds flared up.

Flash smirked while Granny growled, the two quickly selecting their next moves. "Energy Ball/Seed Bomb!" Prongs formed the sphere of nature energy in front of it while Chitaleaf opened its mouth, the gullet now glowing.

"Fey/Chita!" The two launched their attacks, Chitaleaf now spitting several large orange seeds wrapped in green energy. They collided, only for the first Seed Bomb to be destroyed, causing an explosion. But as this happened, the others flew through the smoke and struck Prongs. "Thawn!"

Flash grimaced as he watched Prongs fall back, kneeling down for a second, "You okay?"

"Fey..." Prongs moaned as he picked himself up, "Thawn!"

"Alright..." Flash stared back at Chitaleaf and saw the Leech Seed flare up and sap even more energy. "We just gotta be careful. We can't overpower that thing, so let's outspeed it. Start dashing!" Prongs let out another roar before charging at his opponent.

"Keep up with it!" Granny ordered as Chitaleaf began running after Prongs. Everyone watched as the two deer Pokémon danced around each another, one barely managing to keep pace as their trainers gave commands. Granny ordered a Body Slam, but Prongs leapt away before Flash told him to use Double Kick. Prongs spun around and did so, but Chitaleaf also spun around and used one of its back legs to knock away Prong's legs before hopping back to a safe distance as the Leech Seed flared up again.

"Seed Bomb!"

"Leaf!" It launched several seeds again, these hitting Prongs as he was still off-balance from being knocked away by Chitaleaf.

"Fey!" Prongs cried out, backpedaling as Chitaleaf charged at him again.

"Poison Jab!" Chitaleaf's horns began to glow purple before jabbing them into Prong's side.


"Prongs!" Flash yelped, seeing his Pokémon now falling over. Everyone gasped at the sight, now seeing Prongs trying to get up.

"Come on Prongs!" Spike yelled as the other Pokémon cheered.

"Fay..." Prongs moaned as he got back to his feet. But as he did this, purple lightning surged around his body, making him flinch. "THAWN!"

And when the lightning faded, he fell to the ground with spirals in his eyes.

"Thawn is KO'd. Chitaleaf wins."

Everyone frowned at this, Rarity shaking her head, "Tough luck there."

"What was that lightning?" Sweetie asked.

"Poison, all brought on by the Poison Jab." Doc answered.

Twilight sighed at this. "Prongs did really well considering he was up against his evolved form. Now things are all tied up."

"Return Prongs," Flash recalled his Pokémon into his Pokeball before smiling at it. "You did great out there. Take a nice long rest."

Granny chucked next, "Yer Thawn's no slouch. Ya'll have raised it well. The fact it gave Chitaleaf such a hard time shows how well it's been trained."

"Thanks," Flash took out his next Pokémon, "But don't think I'm giving up."

"Ah'd hate it if yah did. Alright, who's next?"

"This guy. Viper, I choose you!" He tossed the ball into the air, now unleashing the Hisscor.


"A Hisscor, huh? Good choice." She looked down at her Chitaleaf, "Ya'll ready?"

Chitaleaf replied with a nod, "Leaf!"

"Alright then," Applejack announced. "Hisscor versus Chitaleaf. Battle...BEGIN!"

"Seed Bomb!" Chitaleaf quickly fired off a new the barrage of high-speed seeds, but Flash just smirked.

"Not this time. Flamethrower!" Viper took a deep breath before unleashing a long stream of fire, instantly incinerating them. "Oh yeah! Now use Poison Sting!"

"Hiss..." Viper took another deep breath before unleashing a stream of poisonous needles, "SCOR!"

"Dodge it!" Chitaleaf jumped out of the way, only for the Hisscor to continue firing more Poison Stings, Chitaleaf soon managing to continuously evade them without issue.

"Flamethrower!" Viper changed from his Poison-type ranged attack to his Fire-type, blasting another stream of fire. But Chitaleaf dodged this as well, though not without getting a few singed hairs.

Eventually, Chitaleaf reached Viper as Granny Smith gave her next order. "Body Slam!"

"Leaf!" Chitaleaf pulled its front legs up before thrusting them back down. But as it did this, Viper slithered away, the hooves hitting the ground on either side of him before he wrapped his body around one.

"Alright Viper, use Bite!"

"Scor!" Viper bit into Chitaleaf's leg, causing it to cry out in pain.

"CHITALEAF!" The grass deer started thrashing around like a bucking bronco, but the Hisscor continued to keep a tight grip. It was here that the Leech Seed flared up, sapping a portion of his energy. And after a minute passed, the evolved starter finally shook Viper loose, allowing it to slip its leg out of the coil before jumping back. But as it landed on its bitten leg, it flinched at the pain.

"Alright! That'll slow Chitaleaf down!" Spike cheered, "Get'em Flash!"

"Fire Spin!" Viper leapt into the air as his tail caught fire, then flipped to flick the fireball at Chitaleaf. But despite the pain in one leg, Chitaleaf pushed himself off the ground, dodging the fireball as it exploded into a fire tornado.

"Time to take a page out of your book. Leech Seed!"

"Chit!" Chitaleaf's horns glowed before a pair of lights shot off and hit Viper before he landed, causing him to become wrapped up in the vampiric vines.

"Scor?" He asked as he looked himself over, only to flinch as his energy began to drain away. "Hisscor!"

"You're okay Viper, just tough it out! Use Flamethrower!" Flash commanded as Viper spat out another stream of fire, this one striking Chitaleaf dead-on.

"LEAF!" It cried as the flames hit, "Chita!" it yelped as he hopped around, its whole body now badly burnt.

"Get'em with Poison Jab!" Chitaleaf cut into a sprint next, galloping as it made sure to keep most of its weight off its injured leg while its horns began to glow purple.

"Counter with Fire Spin!" Viper spun around and flicked its burning tail at Chitaleaf, the fireball exploding into a flaming spiral right in front of it. Chitaleaf was unable to stop its rush, now galloping into the flames. But despite this, it went through the flaming tornado before slamming its horns into Viper.

"Scor!" He cried as he was sent flying back, slamming into the ground and rolling to a stop as Chitaleaf staggered back. They both shook their heads next, Viper picking himself up, only to then feel the draining force of the Leech Seeds. "SCOR/LEAF!"

And as the Leech Seed's effect ended...only one Pokémon stood.

"Leaf..." Chitaleaf moaned as it fell over, eyes now spirals as it tasted dirt.

"Chitaleaf is KO'd," Applejack announced. "Hisscor wins."

Everyone cheered at this, Doc now saying, "And then there was one."

"But that doesn't mean it's gonna be easy," Twilight told him. "Don't forget whose coming next."

"Its fine. You got this Flash," Spike added.

"Just stay calm," Rarity noted while the younger girls nodded.

"Chitaleaf, return." Granny replied as she recalled her Pokémon, only to stare back at Flash, "Ah admit, ya'll are a strong one. No wonder ya'll have managed to git three badges already." She then took her hand off her staff's top, revealing the Pokeball connected to it. "But ta get mah badge, ya'll need to overcome yer greatest challenge."

Flash smirked back, Viper doing the same. "Bring it on."

"Very well," she held the staff up. "Timbark," she slammed the stick into the ground, "take root!" The ball opened to unleash a swirl of red energy, soon revealing the wooden wolf.

"HAWOOOOO!" Timbark howled to the sky before glaring down at Viper. "Timbark…"

"Alright," Applejack raised her hand, "Timbark versus Hisscor. Battle...BEGIN!"

"Flamethrower!" Flash instantly ordered, Viper unleashing a stream of fire.

"Terror Root!" Timbark's eyes began to glow as it slammed its paws into the ground, causing large roots to shoot out and block the flames. The Terror Roots quickly burst into flames as Timbark retracted them back into the ground, the wood wolf charging ahead as soon as the roots disappeared, "Use Bite!"

"Tim!" Timbark thrust its mouth forward, Viper quickly trying to hop back from the crunching of the wolf's teeth. But as he tried this, the Leech Seed flared up, making him flinch right before the Timbark got a hold of him.

"Scor!" He cried in pain, Timbark's teeth now chomping down on the end of its tail.

Timbark smirked before wildly thrashing around, swinging Viper into the dirt like a ragdoll. "Tim! Bark! Tim! Bark! Tim!" He then let go as he flicked his head up, sending Viper flying.

"Dark Pulse!" Timbark began forming the dark energy beam in its mouth as Flash let out a command.

"Use Flamethrower!" Viper pointed his head down, firing a blast of fire as Timbark unleashed a barrage of dark energy rings. The two attacks collided in midair, exploding and blocking Timbark's vision enough for Viper to land without issue.

"Scor!" He flinched again as the Leech Seed flared in his side.

Seeing this, Granny gave her next order, "Terror Root!" Timbark called upon the giant roots, all firing at Viper. But as they tried to charge at the snake, Viper quickly leap away, just barely dodging the vines.

"Use Flamethrower! Aim for the base of the roots!" Viper fired another blast, the flames cutting down the roots with a single stream of fire.

"Dark Pulse!"

"Dodge it and use Fire Spin!" Viper leapt to the side as his tail lit, the Dark Pulse hitting the ground. He then flicked its tail, launching the fireball.

Timbark didn't react in time as the fireball hit the ground, exploding to form the tornado. "Bar..." it growled as the flames swirled around it, burns now covering its body.

"Oh no yah don't! Use Dark Pulse!" Timbark howled as the dark energy rings shot out of its mouth, all of them hitting the base of the tornado. The attack cut off the legs of the flames, causing the blazing vortex to fade. But when it was free, it looked up to see...nothing. "Behind you!" Timbark's trainer yelled, the wolf turning around to see the Hisscor with an open mouth.


"SCOR!" Viper breathed the stream of fire again, this one shooting across the field before hitting Timbark with a full blaze of fury.

"Timbark!" It whined as the flames bit into its body, the wolf starting to jump around as the fire kept pricking at its sides. But as it came to a stop to attack Viper, it suddenly ignited again, making it howl in pain before the flames disappeared.

"Alright!" Doc cheered, "Looks like Timbark got burnt."

"Now's Flash had a chance!" Spike added as the other Pokémon cheered.

"Go, darling!"

Flash pointed at Timbark with a big smirk, "Poison Sting!"

"Dodge it!" Granny yelled as Viper spat out the toxic darts, the wolf quickly dodging all but one, a single needle piercing his leg. "Its okay. Just use Terror Root!" It slammed its paws into the ground again, another barrage of large roots now shooting out from underneath Viper.

"Scor!" He cried out as the first vine threw him into the air, the second and third ones quickly swinging down and slapping him. "HISSCOR!" As this was happening, the Leech Seed flared up again.

Granny now seeing this chance, pointed at the falling Viper, who had been caught by another root that wrapped around him. "Wood Hammer!"

"Tim..." the wooden wolf crouched down as its tail began to glow, "BARK!" He shot into the air, the Terror Root swinging Viper to the wolf.

"VIPER!" Flash yelled, but it was too late. Before Viper could open his eyes, the opponent was already within reach.

"TIMBARK!" It spun and slammed its tail into the Hisscor's head, sending him rocketing to the ground at high speed.

"SCOR!" He cried before tasting dirt, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

"Viper!" All Flash and the others could do was watch as the dust cleared, revealing a limp Viper on the ground with swirls in his eyes.

"Hisscor's KO'd," Applejack pointed at the wooden wolf as it landed. "Timbark wins."

Everyone sighed at seeing this, Spike slumping in his seat, "Aww man. And just as he got that wolf burned."

Rarity nodded in agreement, "That Wood Hammer is one incredible move. It tore poor Viper apart."

Twilight rubbed her chin at that statement, "Maybe, but it's a very risky one. Since it causes recoil damage, using it too much is dangerous."

"Now Flash only has one Pokémon left to win with," Doc added.

After returning Viper, Flash smiled down at the Pokeball, "You did great bud, now take a long and well-deserved rest." He placed the Pokeball back into its holder while smiling at Granny, "You sure live up to your title as a Gym Leader. You've had me on my toes all match." Granny chuckled back as he took out one last Pokeball, "But I'm still winning that badge. Skyler, I choose you!" He tossed the ball, unleashing the bird Pokémon.

"Gust!" Skyler panted, his body a little shaky from the previous battle.

"Wingust versus Timbark. Battle...BEGIN!"

"Use Quick Attack!" Skyler leapt up and charged at the Timbark, picking up as much speed as he could.

"Terror Root!" Timbark howled as giant roots shot out around it, all swinging around wildly to act as a shield.

"Wing?" Skyler began to slow to evade the roots, barely managing to keep himself from being struck. "Wingust!" He then flew above the canopy, out of the attack's range.

Flash growled at the sight, only to point at the roots, "Use Air Cutter!"

"Wing..." Skyler pulled his wings back, "Gust, gust, gust, gust!" He rapidly beat his wings, unleashing a volley of air blades. But as they began to cut the roots, each blade seemed to only be able to cut into about a third of the vines.

"Try Steel Wing!" Skyler's wings began to glow as he slammed into the roots, now cutting out a huge chunk of the vines.

"Dark Pulse!" As Skyler flew cut his way through the last root, he suddenly found himself face to face with a stream of energy rings.

"Gust?!" His eyes went wide at the sight, the attack striking him flying back.

"Skyler!" Flash screamed as he watched the Wingust fall, just managing to recover from the attack as he flared his wings open, barely flying out of freefall.

"Wing..." he panted while flying back up. But he then heard Granny order another Terror Root attack, which made him look over his shoulder to see the roots shoot out of the ground.

"Double Team!" Everyone watched as Skyler began to evade the roots, multiple versions of him appearing all the battlefield. The Skyler flock flew in every direction, most getting swatted out of existence by the Terror Root. "Quick Attack!"

"Wing!" Skyler tried to fly around the roots while picking up speed, but the sheer amount made it impossible to pick up speed. Due to this, when he finally got past the last root, the wooden wolf saw him coming and spun around.

"Bark!" Its tail smashed into Skyler, knocking him back into the forest of roots. He would have ordered them to attack, only for the burn status to flare up, "Timbark!"

"Now's your chance! Steel Wing!" Skyler nodded and began chopping his way through the roots, reaching the Timbark as he began to recover.

"Dark Pulse!"

Skyler's eyes went wide at the sight, quickly pulling himself back as the Dark Pulse hit the ground, making it explode. "Gust!" He cried as the force pushed him away, but his wings quickly flared to stop him in midair.

Seeing this, Twilight bit her lip, "This is really bad. Skyler can't get close. If he uses Quick Attack, the Terror Roots block him. But if he uses Steel Wing, Timbark will use Dark Pulse."

"Don't be like that Twilight! There has to be some way he can win!" Spike added, the other Pokémon nodding in agreement.

"Terrot Root!" Granny ordered, Timbark unleashing another wave of large roots. This time, it was so many that they covered the entire battlefield, forcing Skyler to take to the sky.

Flash stared into the forest, unable to get even a glimpse of Timbark. He then looked up at Skyler, who was staring with obvious intimidation in his eyes. "Skyler," the Wingust looked down at him, "You can do this. I believe in you." He pointed at the forest, "We're gonna find a way to bust through those things no problem."

Granny shook her head at this, "That's a very naïve thing ta say. As a trainer, yer supposed to help yer Pokémon learn their limits."

"I know that," Flash glared back at her. "But the whole point of learning their limits is so they can bust through them, and that's what we're gonna do! Trusting in my Pokémon is never naïve. I know Skyler can find a way through those roots and I know he can beat your Timbark! No doubt about that...we're winning this!" This statement echoed through the orchid, everyone smiling at it.

But no one was smiling more than Granny Smith. "Well said Flash, well said. In that case," she pointed her cane at him. "Bring it on!"

"With pleasure. Let's do this, SKYLER!"

"WINGUST!" Skyler cheered out, Flash's words having filled him with determination.

"Quick Attack!" Skyler flew up before circling back down to divebomb the forest of roots. As he did this, he spotted a glimpse of Timbark between the roots, the sight making him feel something inside click. Not taking his eyes off that spot, Skyler charged at the forest as Timbark mentally ordered the roots. But as each one got close to Skyler, he shifted his body, making each miss by inches. As this continued, Skyler kept picking up speed, evading every attack as it got close to Timbark. And as he kept getting faster, white streaks began to appear around him.

"Dark Pulse!" Granny ordered as Skyler got passed the last root, but the bird's movement was so fast that Timbark didn't have time to register the command. Skyler dipped low to the ground before shifting his trajectory, shooting right up to tackle the wooden wolf.

"GUST/BARK!" The two cried, Skyler in joy while Timbark in pain. Timbark staggered back as Skyler retreated to the air, the Terror Roots now having retracted back into the ground.

Everyone was in shock at the sight, Apple Bloom now asking, "What was that?"

Twilight smirked in response, "Aerial Ace. Its a move that never misses." This made everyone smile, with no one smile brighter than Flash's.

"Alright Skyler!" The Wingust let out a happy chirp as he flew around. "Let's keep the momentum up. Air Cutter!" Wingust launched a new volley of air blades, the wooden wolf looking up to see attack, only for a few blades to strike him.

"Counter with Dark Pulse!" Timbark unleashed a barrage of energy rings, only for Skyler to dodge them with ease.

"Double Team!" The Wingust multiplied over the battlefield next, forcing Timbark to divide his attention as he fired several short rapid bursts at the many Skylers. And as the fakes were destroyed, the real one got up close. "Steel Wing!"

"Gust!" His glowing wings shot past the Timbark, slicing along its side as it now howled in pain. Seconds after that, the burn kicked up again, causing even more damage.

Granny frowned at this, only to point her cane at her Pokémon, "Hang on there. We ain't done yet! Terror Root!" Timbark slammed its paws into the ground, new roots flying out of the dirt. However, Wingust still had his Steel Wing activated, letting him spin around to carve the roots away.

"Aerial Ace!" Skyler flew up over the orchid before arching around, now divebombing again at Timbark.

"Dark Pulse!" Timbark fired another barrage of rings, but Skyler spiraled around the attack, evading the blast with ease. "Not good. Timbark, block that attack with Wood Hammer!" Timbark leapt into the air as Skyler reached the ground and shot up, white streaks appearing around him.

Its tail glowed green before it spun ahead, slamming the Wood Hammer into the Aerial Ace. The force of the two attacks seemed to freeze the two in place for several seconds, both glaring at each another. "Bar/Wing..."

But as they did this, the backlash soon unleashed itself, pushing both away. The two went skidding across the ground from the blow, making them slide up to their trainers. In mere seconds, they both hopped back up, ready to stare down each other. They were both panting, their legs shivering in pain. That is, till-

"TIMBARK!" The wooden wolf cried out as the burn flared up again, sapping the last of its strength. And as the flames dispersed, Timbark fell to the floor as its eyes were replaced with swirls.

Applejack looked it over and nodded, "Timbark is KO'd, so Wingust's the winner! All three of Granny Smith's Pokémon are down for the count, which means the winner of the match is Flash Sentry!"

"YES!" Flash exclaimed as all of his Pokémon cheered.

"HE DID IT!" The four young teens added as the others all stared clapping.

"What a marvellous turnaround!" Rarity continued.

Twilight nodded in agreement, "It happened because Flash believed in his Pokémon and they responded to his words."

"That's just how Flash rolls," Doc finished. "Fantastic match."


Flash smirked as he let both Prongs and Viper out of their Pokeballs, the two having recovered enough to stand. "We did it guys!" He told them as the three stood in a line, all shining huge smiles. "You were all awesome!"

"Gust/Fay/Scor!" They cheered before the four heard footsteps, making them turn to see Hopper jump into his trainer's arms.

"So Hopper, what did you think?"

"Hop!" The Hoppin replied, nuzzling up to his trainer next.

Flash was about to say something, but Granny Smith, Timbark and Applejack stepped up to him with the teen holding a tray with a familiar badge on it. "Congratulations Flash," Granny took the badge off. "Ya'll have shown great strength, but also shown even greater trust in yer Pokémon. Never let that trust waver and it'll take yah far." She held out Flash's prize, "This here's proof ya'll won here at the Applewood City Gym. The Harvest Badge."

Flash shined a huge grin as he took the badge, soon holding it up for all to see. "Alright! I just won...THE HARVEST BADGE!"

"RIOLU/WINGUST/THAWN/HISSCOR/HOPPIN!" his Pokémon cheered as everyone else began clapping again. Flash not putting it in his badge case alongside his other three badges.

"That makes four."

"You're halfway there," Doc added.

Flash nodded before turning to Twilight, who was already pulling out her journal to see where the next Gym was. But before she could even switch it on, Applejack spoke up. "Hey, if yer looking for yer next Gym match, why not head to Appaloosa City?"

"Appaloosa City?" The four all asked, Twilight typing the name into her journal.

"That's right," Granny replied with a nod. "Appaloosa City's got a pretty strong gym there."

"And our cousin lives there! It'll be perfect for yah!" Apple Bloom added with a big grin.


Twilight then found the city on her journal, nodding in agreement. "Its a bit far...but you're not wrong in terms of it being the closest. Looks like Appaloosa City is next."

"Nice! Appaloosa City, here we come!" Flash finished while pumping his fists...only for Hopper to hop into his arms again.

Everyone giggled at this, Twilight then suggesting to take the rest of the day off. It was here that Granny offered them all a big feast to celebrate Flash's win. And so, Flash's Applewood City Gym challenge ends in a victory. Now having obtained the coveted Harvest Badge, he and his friends set their sights on their next big challenge. One can only wonder what adventures our heroes will have on their journey to Appaloosa City. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out.

Author's Note:

Woo. Flash is one step closer to the Pokemon League and Skyler learned my favourite Flying-Type move.

Interesting lore behind Aerial Ace. Did you know the move's Japanese name translates to Swallow Return, which is a sword move created by a famous Japanese swordsman. The move is meant to mimic the V shape of a swallow's tail, with one downwards slash followed by a fast upwards slash.

And now we can get back to something that hasn't been updated in a while, the Pokemon Game Blog


Name: Chitaleaf
Name: Chital and Leaf
Pronounced: Chi-tal-lead

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