• Published 2nd Nov 2019
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Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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A Pokémon's True Strength

The full six on six battle between Flash and Lightning was still going, Flash ahead with five Pokémon remaining while Lightning only had four. Currently, Flash had Viper on the field while Lightning had just sent out his Guardroid.

"Guardroid?" Pinkie asked, "Why'd he pick that?"

"Guardroid's actually a good choice," Twilight replied, "It's immune to Viper's Poison attacks and its Heatproof ability will give it some protection from his Fire-type attacks."

"But Flash will still have an advantage," Sunset finished as the two began their battle.

"Flamethrower!" Viper unleashed its flame attack, striking Guardroid head-on, the robot crossing its arms as the fire pushed it back. "Now, Flame Wheel!" Viper stopped the fire breath and leapt forward, biting his tail and spinning as he was consumed by fire.

The flaming circle blazed across the field, burning the grass beneath it as it charged at Guardroid. "Flash Cannon!" The beam of light exploded out of Guardroid's shoulders while its arm remain crossed, the beams connecting in front of it and hitting Viper. It wasn't able to stop the flaming serpent, but slowed down until he managed to reach Guardroid and slam into it, pushing the robot backward some more.

"Guard!" Guardroid grunted before swinging its arms apart, knocking Viper away and out of his Flame Wheel.

"Bullet Punch!" Before Viper could react, the robot slammed its fist into the snake, sending it flying.

"Carrr!" He cried while rolling along the ground, soon pulling himself to a stop.

"Use Bite and aim for the joints!" Viper slithered up to the robot, Guardroid standing defensively as the snake leapt to bite the arm, only for Guardroid to pull its arm away.

"Flash Cannon!" Before Viper could try again, Guardroid turned and unleashed the blasts from its shoulders.

"Hack!" He was thrown back, allowing Guardroid's rocket to fire and push itself into the air.

"Lock-On!" Guardroid brought its hands together, creating the ring as Viper turned to him.

"Flamethrower!" Viper unleashed the fire stream, striking Guardroid as the ring continued to form, Guardroid flinching at the heat but fighting through the pain.

"Guard!" The ring was thrown at Viper, hitting him in the head before the Anahakka could react. The target fully formed, making Lightning laugh.

"Ah, this is just too easy! Zap Cannon!" Guardroid created the orb of electrical energy, firing it straight at the snake.

"Flamethrower!" Viper launched the fire blast, seconds before the Zap Cannon struck, exploding against him. The flames hit Guardroid, making it cry out as well, the smoke forming around him.

Mic: "The attacks landed almost at the exact same time! But which side will survive it?"

The answer came when Guardroid fell out of the smoke and landed, falling to its knees. But at the same time, the smoke around Viper vanished, revealing him laid out on the floor with spirals in his eyes. "Carrr!"

Mic: "Anahakka's KO'd! The winner is Guardroid!"

Flash friends all sighed as they watched him return Viper. "Aw man..." Spike moaned as he slumped over. "Why'd that have to happen?"

"Viper just took too much damage from his battle with Sharazor," Twilight responded, "And Zap Cannon's a really powerful move. That was bound to happen."

"And now they're all tied up," Rainbow added as Flash took out a Pokeball.

"Skyler," he tossed the ball into the air, "I choose you!" In a flash of red, the large bird appeared and took the the air with a loud squawk.

Mic: "And Flash picks Tornavian, an odd choice against a Steel-type."

Celestia: "Flash must be hoping to counter Guardroid's speed."

"Flash Cannon!" Guardroid began firing shining blast of lights out of its shoulders, Skyler easily evading each beam. But as it did this, Guardroid to fired its jets, pushing itself into the air. "Now, use Bullet Punch!" Guardroid rocketed forward as its fist began to glow.

"Block it with Steel Wing!" Skyler's wings shined as he spun around and blocked the punch, allowing him to push Guardroid away. "Now, Aerial Ace!" Skyler then circled around, diving down at Guardroid.

"Zap Cannon!" Guardroid formed the sphere and threw it at Skyler, but the Tornavian easily barrel rolled before slamming into the robot. "Grab it!" Guardroid quickly snagged the bird as it hit him, "Flash Cannon!"

"Get out of there!" Flash yelled, but it was too late as Guardroid fired the blasts of light at point blank.

"TORNAVIAN!" He cried as the laser hit him, Guardroid keeping him from being blasted away. But when he let go, Skyler was sent hurtling toward the ground, slamming the dirt with a smoke cloud.

"SKYLER!" Flash screamed as the smoke cleared, revealing Skyler with spirals in his eyes.

Mic: "Tornavian's KO'd! The winner is Guardroid!"

"Skyler...return!" Flash sighed as he held out the Pokeball, recalling his Pokémon. "You did great." And as he put his Pokeball away, Lightning recalled Guardroid. "He's switching now?"

"Frillace, battle ready!" In a flash of red, the frilled poison lizard appeared, Flash frowning at the sight.

"That's not good...Riptide, I choose you!" He threw the ball, opening to reveal the water lizard.

"Tore!" He roared at his fellow reptile.

Mic: "Frillace verses Spranitor! How will this battle turn out?!"

"Water Gun!" Riptide unleashed the high pressure water blast, instantly striking Frillace back.

"Venoshock!" As soon as the water stopped, Frillace spat the ball of gunk at Riptide, the blob splattering on the ground. Seconds later, purple lightning shot out and zapped Riptide, "Now, Poison Jab!"

"Dodge it!" Frillace charged and thrust its tail, the lizard jumping back just in time to dodge that attack. The sight made Lightning growl before telling Frillace to do it again, the lizard doing so, but Riptide evaded again.

"Again! Hit that weakling now!" Lightning screamed as Frillace kept thrusting its tail at Riptide, the lizard dodging every blow before a lucky shot stabbed his shoulder.

"Tore!" He flinched as the venom was injected into him.

"Ice Punch!" Riptide then grabbed Frillace's tail, yanking him before throwing a freezing cold punch.

"Frill!" It cried while Riptide leapt back, Flash noticing Lightning staring at Riptide. Flash looked back at Riptide, seeing no problem with Riptide.

"Poison Jab!" Frillace charged again, Flash gasping as he realization stuck him.

"Return!" Flash held out his Pokeball and recalled Riptide, surprising the audience.

Mic: "Strange. Flash recalled Spranitor just as the battle was heating up."

Grand: "He clearly realized what Lightning's up too."

Celestia: "He was trying to poison Spranitor, wanting Venoshock to get powered up."

"I hate to do this, but I can't risk another poisoning." Flash grumbled as he took out another Pokeball. "Hopper, I choose you!" He threw the ball into the air, unleashing the Skeidran as it let out a roar. But as it landed, it flinched at the effects of his poisoning. "Sorry to have you fight, but I need you to stay strong bud!"

"Dran!" Hopper nodded.

"Tch. I knew you were a loser, but I didn't think you would just keep making this easier. Venoshock!" Lightning cackled as Frillace quickly launched the venomous orb.

"Fly up!" Hopper took the air just before the orb struck the ground, protecting him from its effects. "Now, Steel Wing!" His wings glowed as he shot down, intending to slash at Frillace.

"Poison Jab!" Frillace ran up and intercepted the attack, getting slashed in the stomach but grabbing onto Hopper's wing before impaling its stinger.

Hopper cried out in pain, only to throw Frillace off of him. But as he did this, he felt a burst of pain from the poison, "DRAN!"

"Venoshock!" Before Hopper could recover, Frillace unleashed the gunk shot. It hit the ground at Hopper's feet, exploding and unleashing the lightning right at Hopper.

"DRAN!" He screamed again, the lightning soon fading as he began to stagger back.

"Brutal Swing!" Frillace charged up, ready to deal the finishing blow.

"Dragon Tail!" Hopper's eyes shot open, spinning around and slamming his glowing tail into Frillace, sending it flying back. Frillace cried out as it hit the ground, rolling like a pin.

But as this happened, Hopper let out a scream, "SKEIDRAN!" And with that, he slumped over with spirals in his eyes.

Mic: "Skeidran's KO'd! The winner is Frillace!"

"Not again!" Spike cried before turning to the board. "Now Lightning has twice as many Pokémon."

"But they've all taken damage," Twilight pointed out as Lightning returned Frillace. "This battle isn't over yet."

"Guardroid, battle ready!" In a flash of red, the robot appeared again.

"Guardroid?" Flash asked before turning to Springer, "Alright, I'm counting on you bud!"

"Riolu!" Springer nodded back before running onto the field, staring down Guardroid as the robot smirked at him, giving a 'bring it' gesture.

"Let's go! Aura Sphere!" Springer created the orb, firing it at Guardroid.

"Flash Cannon!" Guardroid unleashed the laser, hitting the orb and causing it explode. Smoke covered the area next, the machine Pokémon staring into the cloud, only to see a shadow appearing in the left side of the cloud.

"Drain Punch!" It expected Springer to shoot out from there, only to vanish.

"RIOLU!" Guardroid looked up, now seeing Springer leap out from the other side, his fist glowing as he smashed his paw into Guardroid's head.

"Guard!" It cried, staggering back as Springer landed and began to punch him again.

"Flash Cannon!" Guardroid pointed itself at Springer, charging up its attack.

"Double Team!" Springer quickly multiplied before the lasers fired, hitting two of the clones but leaving the real one safe. "Now, Extreme Speed!" All but the real Springer vanished as he zipped up at blinding speed.

"Ri!" He spun around and slammed his foot into Guardroid's chest, knocking the machine back again.

"Lock-On!" And as Springer prepared to strike Guardroid again, the robot created the circle. Before Springer realized what was happening, he struck Guardroid, only for the robot to hit him in the chest with the ring.

"Ri?" Springer yelped as he hopped back while the target appeared on him.

"Not good," Flash gulped as Guardroid readied its next attack.

"And that's that. Zap Cannon!" Flash watched as the sphere of electrical energy form in the robot's hands, his brain working a mile a minute for a plan.

"FLASH!" Twilight yelled, "You can't let that move hit!"

"But he can't dodge!" Rainbow barked, "How's he supposed to protect Springer?"

Mic: "Will Flash be able to find a way to stop this high-powered attack, or will Lightning claim another victory in the battle?"

"Not gonna happen!" Flash growled as an idea formed in his head. "Springer, Aura Sphere!" Springer created the orb and threw it at the Zap Cannon, the two attacks colliding and pushing against one another. But slowly, the Zap Cannon pushed the Aura Sphere back.

Celestia: "It's not strong enough."

Luna: "It'll destroy the Aura Sphere and keep moving until it hits Riolu."

"Oh, no it won't!" Flash yelled, "Springer, Drain Punch on the Aura Sphere!"

"RIO!" Springer charged with a glowing fist, hitting the back of his last attack, everyone gasping as they watched the two forces push against one another. And eventually, the Zap Cannon was pushed back, "LU!" Springer began to shove the two orbs toward Guardroid as the Zap Cannon's energy was drained into the Aura Sphere.

"What?!" Lightning screeched while Guardroid tried to fire its rocket to evade.

"RIOLU!" Springer leapt and slammed electrified Aura Sphere into Guardroid's chest, causing it to explode and the stored lightning to fly into the machine.

"GUARD!" It roared while getting zapped by its own electricity.

"Yes!" Flash exclaimed, the crowd cheering at this amazing counter. "Now, while it's distracted, Extreme Speed!" Springer's body sparked as he morphed into a blur, quickly hitting his opponent with a barrage of blows.

Guardroid groaned with every hit, Lightning growling. "What are you doing?! Get out of there already!" Guardroid blasted its rockets and took to the air, forcing Springer to miss his attack and slide to a stop as the lightning around him vanished. "Now, Bullet Punch!" Guardroid rocketed back down, throwing a glowing fist at the Riolu.

"Double Team!" Springer multiplied, Guardroid phasing right through the one it struck before hitting the dirt with the punch...and getting its fist stuck.

"Droid?" It asked while trying to pull itself free.

"Now, Aura Sphere Barrage!" The remaining Riolu charged while forming their small Aura Spheres, reaching Guardroid the same second it finally pulled itself free. And with a mighty uproar of cries, each slammed their attack into Guardroid from every angle.

"RI/DROID!" They all yelled as the fakes vanished, the real Springer leaping back from performing the blow. And as it landed, Guardroid fell back as its eyes became spirals. "Guard..."

Mic: "Guardroid's KO'd! The winner is Riolu!"

The crowd cheered, the sound even louder before as Lightning returned his Pokémon.

"Yay!" Pinkie clapped, "Flash is catching up!"

"But he's still one Pokémon down," Sunset added, "And the ones he has left have a disadvantage to the ones Lightning has. He's still gonna have trouble."

"Flash will be fine," Twilight told them. "He believes in his Pokémon, and that belief will let them push past any obstacle Lightning throws at him." The others smiled at this, nodding as they turned back to the battle.

"You okay to keep going Springer?" Flash's Riolu gave him a thumbs up, "Okay! I'm leaving it to you buddy!"

"Chimplug, battle ready!" Lightning yelled as he threw a Pokeball, so revealing the electric monkey.

"Plug!" He roared as he leapt up and down, he and Springer glaring at each other.

Mic: "Riolu verses Chimplug. This is sure to be an interesting match."

"Thunder Punch!" Chimplug quickly charged with its now sparking fist. Springer dashed at him as well, Flash ordering him to use Extreme Speed.

"Ri!" Springer's body was wrapped in the blue lightning, easily dodging Chimplug's first punch before getting behind the monkey, "Riolu!" Springer threw a kick at Chimplug's head, the monkey managing to raise its arm to block. Despite this, the attack knocked Chimplug back, only for the electricity from his fist now zapped Springer's foot, making him flinch.

"Brick Break!" Chimplug leapt at Springer again, only for Springer to dodge with a quick side-step.

"Plug!" Chimplug growled as he spun around, trying to hit Springer again. Despite this, Springer kept evading, dancing around as Chimplug kept swiping at him.

"You're not gonna be hitting us this time!" Flash commented as Springer dodged another blow before smacking Chimplug back with his tail.

"Don't be so sure," Lightning growled as Chimplug slid to a stop. Springer began running circles around it again as Lightning commanded, "Thunder Wave!"

"Plug!" Chimplug thrust its tail into the ground, unleashing a powerful blast of electricity out in all directions.

Flash's eyes went wide, "Look out!" But it was too late, as the electrical surge struck the speeding Riolu, making him freeze in place as the paralysis took hold.

Mic: "Ouch! Now Riolu is paralyzed."

Grand: "That should make hitting him a lot easier for Chimplug."

"Thunder Punch!" Chimplug ran up to the frozen Riolu, hitting him with lightning coated fist.

"Chim!" It threw its fist into Springer's chest, "PLUG!" Springer cried out as he was thrown back, the Riolu flying across the field. And as this happened, Chimplug laughed at the sight.

"Let's finish this! Charge Beam!" Chimplug quickly raised its tail, pointing at the Riolu before firing the beam at the recovering Pokémon.

"Double Team!" Springer was quick to create several clones before the blast struck one, causing it to fade while the others began to run around Chimplug. "Now, Aura Sphere Barrage!"

"RIOLU!" They all roared before creating tiny spheres in their paws, all running at Chimplug as Lightning gave his next command.

"Thunder Punch, back to back!" Chimplug slammed its fists together as they charged up, soon throwing wild punches at every Springer that got close. Some blows managed to hit the fakes, only for other tiny Aura Spheres to hit him.

"Plug!" It cried at the tiny hits, the damage from the multiple attacks building up into major damage.

"Hey! Stop taking damage and get out of there!" Lightning ordered as a fresh wave of Springer charged, Chimplug now leaping onto its tail, using it as a spring as it launched itself out of the circle of Springer. The clones then collided, their Aura Spheres exploding to wipe them out as Chimplug landed. "Now, Charge Beam!" Chimplug raised its tail, building up power as the remaining Springer clones turned to him. "Wait for it..."

"Wait for what?" Spike asked.

"Opportunity," Doc replied, only to then see one of the Riolu suddenly flinch as lightning surged around him.

"There! FIRE!"

"CHIMPLUG!" Chimplug unleashed the stored up lightning across the field, hitting the paralyzed Springer. A roar of pain came next, falling to his knees as the clones vanished.

"Mic: "That had to hurt!"

Luna: "And every time Chimplug uses Charge Beam, its Special Attack increases."

Celestia: "Flash will find himself in trouble if he doesn't do something to stop that attack soon."

"Thunder Punch!" Chimplug charged at the kneeling Springer with a powered up fist.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer brought his paws together, managing to make a decently sized one seconds before Chimplug reached him.

"Plug!" It roared while throwing its punch, Springer lifting the sphere to block the attack. But as they hit, an explosion came next that knocked them both back. "Lu/Plug!" They cried as they went flying, only to land on their feet.

"Drain Punch/Brick Break!" The two dashed at each other with glowing fists, meeting at the center of the field and beginning to launch rapid jabs and chops at each other. Neither were focused on defense, instead simply beating each other as Springer's Drain Punch was restoring a little of the energy he lost with every hit.

But then, Springer's onslaught was halted when he suddenly froze up as the paralysis kicked in. "RI!"

"Now, Thunder Punch!" Chimplug ceased the chopping and closed his fist, hitting Springer in the chest. "Now hit it with a point blank Charge Beam!"

"Chim!" Chimplug began to build up power in its tail at this, Springer now pushing himself to his feet.

"Springer, block with Aura Sphere!" As Chimplug leapt at him, Springer brought his paws up and formed the sphere. As he did, Chimplug spun around and thrust its tail as it let the lightning stored up loose.

The Charge Beam exploded as Springer launched his Aura Sphere, the two attacks hitting one another as another explosion consumed them both. "Ri/Chim!" They cried as they were thrown back, both managing to stay on their feet as they slid backwards. Springer slammed his left paw into the ground, his claws upturning the dirt as he stopped while Chimplug grabbed its left wrist with its right.

The two glared at one another, both panting heavily as their trainers gave them their next commands. "Aura Sphere/Thunder Punch!"

Chimplug's grip on its wrist tightened, lightning surging around it as Springer brought up his right paw and began forming the sphere. The two continued to stare at each other, both charging up their attacks while pulling their fists back. The crowd went deadly silent as the two leapt forward, nothing but the sound of their attacks filling the air as they met in the center of the field, "RIOLU/CHIMPLUG!"

The combined power of the two attacks unleashed a blinding light, forcing everyone to close their eyes as both lightning and aura exploded out, wrapping around the two while they tried to overpower the other. That is, till the attack became too much for both.


Both Springer and Chimplug were thrown back, rolling along the dirt before stopping in front of their trainers. The two slowly got up, their bodies covered in burns and bruises. Flash and Lightning watched as they picked themselves up, Chimplug the first to his feet while Springer followed.

"You okay Springer?" Flash asked his partner, the Riolu turning back to smile at him.

"Ri," Springer nodded before glancing back at Chimplug. But as soon as he tried to take a step forward, his body gave out. "Riolu..." he moaned before he hit the floor.

"SPRINGER!" Flash yelled, seeing spirals appear in his partner's eyes.

Mic: "Riolu's KO'd! The winner is Chimplug!"

The crowd cheered as Flash ran up to his partner, holding him in his arms and looking him over. "You okay bud?" Springer opened his eyes and barked an apologetic yip, Flash weakly smiling as they returned to the podium and put his partner down. "Don't worry about it." He patted his head. "Just sit and watch while I finish what you started." Springer nodded as Flash stood up, his eyes turning to the trainer's board.

The board showed that Flash had one Pokémon left, Lightning still having three. He glared back at his opponent, the biggest grin on Lightning's face as Flash whispered to himself, "This isn't over yet. Lightning's Pokémon have all taken damage. That means I can still win this." He looked down at his last ball, "It's up to you. Riptide, I choose you!" He threw the ball, quickly revealing his Spranitor.

"Nee..." he landed and got into a fighting stance, "tore!" He glared at Lightning, Lightning's grin turning into a chuckle before morphing into full-on laughter.

"HAHAHAHA! You...I know you're a loser, but....HA! You intend to beat me...using that thing?" Lightning laughed, Chimplug catching the giggles himself.

"Don't underestimate us!" Flash barked back, "You may have beaten us in the past, but since then we've trained hard!" Riptide nodded. "It's true Riptide didn't start out the strongest Pokémon in the world, but we've worked hard and he's grown strong because of that hard work."

"Strong?! That weakling?!" Lightning cackled, "HA! Don't make me laugh!"

"Shut up! We'll show you!" Flash yelled, "We'll show you Riptide's true strength!"

"True strength?!"

Flash pointed at him. "You once said you had a sixth sense about a Pokémon's strength, but I'm betting that's only the strength on the surface. You're completely blinded to their true strength, because it's not something a Pokémon's born with...it's something they obtain through hard work, like the strength Riptide has. The power he has now was achieved because he pushed himself to grow stronger despite what people like you tell him. And that's why he's gonna win! Because power earned will always outshine power given."

But as those words came out Flash's mouth, Lightning just let out a long sigh, shaking his head, "Are you done?" Flash growled at this, making Lightning chuckle again, "True strength? I've never heard such lame words. Why should I waste my time helping a weakling find their strength? What's that gonna get me? Nothing." He pointed at Flash, "It's time you realized the hard truth of this world, and I'm so gonna enjoy beating it into you."

"Dream on!" Flash barked back. "We'll beat you!"

"No...you're just another loser wasting my time." Lightning said while rolling his eyes, "Chimplug, finish this with Charge Beam!" The monkey pointed its tail at Riptide, unleashing the electrical beam.

"Dodge it!" Riptide leapt to the side, dodging the attack as Flash added, "Now, Rock Smash!" Riptide spun forward, his legs glowing as he got close to the monkey.

"Tore!" He swung his legs down, axe-kicking Chimplug in the head. The monkey groaned at the blow, the water lizard hopping back as Lightning gave a command.

"Thunder Wave!"

Flash's eyes went wide as he saw Chimplug leap into the air, "Not good. Jump Riptide!"

"Nee!" Riptide yelled as he leap over the electric wave that streamed across the battlefield.

"Now, Water Gun!"

"Spran!" Riptide unleashed the jet of water, hitting Chimplug while it was still on its tail.

"Plug!" It cried as it was knocked back, Riptide landing as the Thunder Wave's charge fade.

"Ice Punch!" Before Chimplug could recover from the Water Gun, Riptide reached him, slamming his ice cold fist into the chimp. This made it cry out as the freezing energy flew through its body, super-cooling it and causing the water that soaked it to begin to freeze up.

"Plug!" Chimplug cried as he was thrown back, its chest, legs and tail suddenly becoming encased in ice.

Mic: "Oh! Spranitor's Ice Punch as frozen Chimplug! This doesn't look good for Lightning!"

The teen growled at this as he saw Chimplug hit the ground, the ice around its lower half remaining as Riptide landed a safe distance away. "Don't you dare let it beat you! Break that ice right now! Use Brick Break!" Chimplug let out a roar, slamming his glowing hand into the ice, causing it to crack.

"Aqua Tail!" Riptide ran up as his tail was encased in water as Chimplug continued to smash at the ice. But as Riptide got closer, Lightning gave a new command.

"Block it with the ice!" Riptide spun around as Chimplug stopped slamming at the ice and instead used its hands to handstand himself, letting his frozen part of his body being struck by the tail. The force of the impact knocked Chimplug flying back again, only for more cracks to appear all over the ice.

"Chim...PLUG!" With a mighty thrash of its legs and tail, Chimplug broke out of the ice just as Riptide leapt at him again.

"Rock Smash!" Flash yelled seconds before Riptide thrust his glowing knee into Chimplug's gut, making it cry out as the wind was knocked out of it.

The crowd cheered as Chimplug hit the ground, Riptide hopping back again. Lightning's eyes twitched at this, hearing the cheers and growling as they got louder. "Chimplug…" he hissed the monkey started to get up, "Get up this instant and beat that weakling! You're stronger than it'll ever be, so stand up and show him why he'll never be anything but a loser!"

"Chim," he groaned, barely standing on one knee.

"CHIMPLUG!" Lightning screamed, "GET UP RIGHT NOW!" His words came to a stop as Chimplug's entire body was suddenly consumed by light, making everyone go wide-eyed as the anger on Lightning's face faded, a giant grin now forming, "So it's finally happening...."

"No way!" Pinkie yelped.

"Is that what I think it is?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah," Twilight nodded with a gulp, "Chimplug's evolving."

They all watched as the evolution completed itself, the light beginning to fade. The new Pokémon's body shape was similar to Bloxx, being a large gorilla Pokémon with giant fists it put its weight on. Its body was a mix of yellow and black with a few hints of white, the head, neck, hands, wrists, feet, arms and legs up to the elbows and knees were black with white outlining them. The rest of its fur was bright yellow along with a metal collar around its neck that had several sockets in it that looked like they could have plugs placed in them. Metal gauntlets covered its knuckles, the back of its hands, wrist and arm up to its elbows, with straps around its wrists and arm holding it in place. Its head also had a yellow lightning bolt hair spike pointing backwards.

The Pokémon jumped onto its legs and began beating its fists into its chest. "GORILLAMP!"

Mic: "INCREDIBLE! Chimplug has evolved into Gorillamp!"

Grand: "Chimplug was strong before, but this evolution may have increased that strength tenfold."

Flash pulled out his Pokedex and scanned it.

Name: Gorillamp
Category: Current Pokémon
Type: Electric/Steel
Info: The evolved form of Chimplug. The gauntlets it wears can fire over ten thousand volts of electricity. When angered, its electrical power will explode from it and cause an electro magnetic pulse.

"That's not good," Flash gulped as he saw Lightning scanning Gorillamp with his own Pokedex. "But we're still gonna win!" He pointed forward, "Rock Smash!"

"Tore!" Riptide ran up and thrust his foot into the gorilla's chest, "SPRANITOR!" The foot connected, but Gorillamp wasn't even budged by the force. "Tore?"

"No way!" Flash cried when he saw the Pokémon not even flinch.

"Thunder Punch!" Gorillamp raised its giant fist as lightning surged around it, Riptide being quick to escape by jumping back. But as it did this, the fist hit the ground, the force of the impact so strong that it unleashed a burst of air that knocked Riptide off balance. "Brick Break!" Before Riptide could recover, Gorillamp's other arm swung around, slamming into the lizard.

"TORE!" He yelped as he was sent flying, rolling on the ground as he tried to come to a stop.

"Thunder Wave!" Gorillamp slammed its fists together, about to thrust them into the ground as Flash yelled out.

"Jump!" Riptide hopped to its feet, ready to leap as Gorillamp prepared the attack. But as did it, the wave of lightning suddenly became dome-shaped, lightning exploded out of the gauntlets and forming around Gorillamp before rapidly expanding. Electricity shot out in every direction, Riptide unable to escape the attack.

"TORE!" He cried as he was struck, causing him to fall over as the sparks surged around his body and shocked him more. "Spran...nee...tore."

"Riptide!" Flash yelled as Riptide tried to pick himself up, only to flinch when the sparks continued to wrap around him.

"Thunder Punch!" Flash now saw the charging Gorillamp, its fists slamming into the ground as it moved. And as the ape reached Riptide and swung its colossal electrified fist at him, the Spranitor barely hopped away, soon evading a second fist after that. A third punch came next, only for the lizard to suddenly freeze up from the paralysis, Gorillamp now pouring all his power in this third jab.

"GORE!" It screeched as is punch connected, sending Riptide flying back while the lightning surged through him.

"So much for your true strength!" Lightning laughed as Riptide hit the ground, "I guess it just can't compete with pure natural power!" Gorillamp roared while beating its chest again.

"We'll show you what real power is!" Flash barked back as Riptide picked himself up. "That thing might be strong, but at that size, it'll have lost a ton of speed. Use Rock Smash!" Riptide ran up and began to circle around the Gorillamp, Flash being right as the ape tried to grab him, only to miss as his bulk got in the way. "DO IT!"

"Tore!" Riptide yelled as he smashed his leg into Gorillamp's side, then jumped away before it could counter. "Nee!" He kneed it in the shoulder next, only to hop behind Gorillamp before performing two spinning punches into the ape's back. "Spranitor!" The blow knocked the ape forward, only for the lizard to do a sliding kick into one of the gorilla's fists, knocking him over.

Mic: "Wow! Despite the evolution, Spranitor is proving quite capable against its opponent."

Celestia: "An evolution can be both a blessing and a curse. Gorillamp's body is very different, so it's gonna take time for it to adjust to it properly."

"Tore!" Riptide smirked as he flipped around break-dance style to get back to his feet, only to then flinch from the paralysis.

"Ugh...stop cheering for this weakling." Lightning growled before pointing at Gorillamp. "Brick Break, on the ground!" Gorillamp pushed himself up before raising its fists, slamming them both into the dirt so hard that the entire stadium suddenly started shaking.

Luna: "WHOA! What's he doing?!"

She got her answer when the ground began to break apart, several chunks of earth being pushed upward, some even hitting Riptide. "Tore!" He cried, unable to escape because of the paralysis.

Grand: "He's making the ground harder to move on, trying to slow Spranitor down."

"Don't let that faze you! Aqua Tail!" Riptide began to jump from rock to rock once he could move again, soon reaching Gorillamp before spinning around to slam his water covered tail into it. However, Gorillamp used its large arms to block the blow, only to quick swat Riptide back. And as the water lizard fell back to the ground, he tried to land on his feet as Flash let out another command, "Water Gun!"

"TORE!" Riptide unleashed the water stream, hitting Gorillamp in the head. The blow made it stagger back, Riptide growling at the sight as began charging at the ape.

"Let's end this!" Flash yelled before pointing at Riptide, "Ice Punch!"

"Heh...idiot." Lightning whispered. "Grab it!" Gorillamp quickly side-stepped, dodging the blow as Riptide flew past him.

"Nee?" Riptide asked, only for the paralysis to kick in. "TORE!" And at that moment, Gorillamp snatched him with his giant hands. His palms were so big that they wrapped around Riptide's entire body, pinning his arms to his side. "Spran!" He cried, trying to break free from the electric ape's grasp.

Flash gasped, about to yell another command, "Rock-" Before he could finish, Gorillamp grabbed both Riptide's feet and tail, preventing him to move completely while making Riptide face away, his Water Gun not even able to do anything in his position. "No..."

"It's over." Lightning chuckled, shining the biggest grin, "I'm so going to enjoy this next part." He then saw Gorillamp giving him the same grin he was wearing, "Now, it's time to show off true power and not worthless heart junk." He pointed at Riptide, "Gorillamp...Thunder."

"Thunder?!" Flash yelped as he watched the electric ape lift Riptide up, lightning beginning to surge around him. "No...don't!"

"Gore," the electricity built as Riptide struggled to escape, "rill..."

"STOP IT!" Flash yelled.

"AMP!!!" The lightning exploded out off Gorillamp's gauntlets, electrifying the water lizard as it screamed out in pain.

"TOOOOORE!" Flash's friends gasped at the horrible sight, Fluttershy covering her eyes while the others flinched at the cry Riptide was screaming out. The rest of the audience was doing the same, only Lightning showing a smile as he saw the electricity dissipate and a smoking Riptide remained in Gorillamp's clutches. "Nee..." Riptide whimpered as he forced his eyes open.

"That felt good." Lightning commented, "Gorillamp, finish this with Thunder Punch!" Gorillamp tossed Riptide straight into the air, then clench its fist and pulled it back as the charge built.

"Riptide! You gotta get out of there!" But as he said this, the paralysis surged again despite Riptide not even being able to move in the first place. Unending pain was surging through him as gravity began to pull him down toward his fate. "RIPTIDE!"

"And...that's it." Lightning announced as he raised his hand. And as Riptide fell within range, the trainer snapped his fingers as Gorillamp threw his electrified fist forward, socking Riptide right in the chest.

"TORE!" Riptide screamed as he was thrown flying across the arena.

"Riptide!" Spike yelled.

"No!" Flash cried as Riptide hit the ground and rolled along the grass, eventually coming to a stop.

Everyone watched as the lizard sat there smoking, Pinkie letting out a cry and covering her eyes, "I can't watch."

But as this happened, Riptide suddenly began to push himself up, his legs shaking as he tried to stand, "Alright!" Flash cheered as Riptide got to his feet. However, before he could give a command, he saw how weakly Riptide was standing, swaying back and forth, his head and shoulders slumping. "Riptide?" And then, to Flash's horror, Riptide began to fall backward.

"Oh no!" Rarity screamed in horror, "Riptide's going down!" Rainbow and Applejack growled as Doc and Sunset closed their eyes and looked away.

Twilight couldn't take her eyes of Riptide's trainer, "Flash..."

"RIPTIDE!" He screamed as his partner fell further and further back.

"Spranitor..." was all the water lizard could force out. If Flash understood his language, his heart would have broken at the words. "Flash...I'm sorry." With that, he slumped over and his eyes were replaced with spirals.

Mic: "Spranitor's KO'd! The winner of Gorillamp! All of Flash Sentry's Pokémon are now unable to battle, so the winner, and champion of the Hoofington Battle Tournament is...LIGHTNING BLITZ!"

As those words echoed through the stadium, Flash fell to his knees. The sight made Lightning roar with laughter, cackling as he pointed at the teen.

Flash had lost. He had failed to keep his promise.

Up in the stands, Flash's friends all sighed while the rest of the audience began to cheer for the winner.

"Poor Flash," Fluttershy muttered.

"I can't believe it," Rainbow added. "He lost...to that guy."

Sunset shook her head, "I guess...Lightning just wanted it more."

Twilight couldn't help but keep her eyes on Flash, seeing pure despair on his face. "Oh Flash....I'm so sorry."

As Lightning returned Gorillamp, Flash staggered over to where Riptide was laid and fell to his knees again. Springer slowly made his way as well as Flash picked the Spranitor up, the water lizard's eyes barely opening to stare at his trainer. "Spran?"

Flash looked down at the ground as he held him tightly to his body. "I'm sorry Riptide. I...I wasn't strong enough."

"You got that right. You're pathetic." said a voice, making him look up to see Lightning slowly walking over. "I knew gramps was going senile when he thinks someone like you is actually worth something." Flash growled at the sight, Springer trying to get into a battle ready stance.

But once he was a few feet away, he stopped with a sly grin on his face. "So? What happened to showing me the true strength of a Pokémon?"

Flash's entire body shook while he grit his teeth, fighting back tears. He had tried so hard to show his training style could work...but he was only able to do a draw at best with their first battle. Now it had been another loss as Lightning spoke up again.

"Honestly, stop playing around with weaklings." Flash's eyes went wide at this, "I'll admit, you helped that thing in your hands get far, but it still worthless." He then pointed to the audience, "That's your problem. You keep picking up trash on the road, thinking you can make them into great Pokémon...but you won't. Real Pokémon are strong from the start."

"Tore," Riptide growled while Lightning just smirked at him.

"You wanted to teach me a lesson, but it's clear you're the one who needs to learn the truth. If I went and caught any run of the mill Pokémon that passed my way like you, I'd never be able to reach my true potential. It's time you took a hard look at Pokémon and ask yourself...are really they worth my time?"

"I...I'd never do that to my Pokémon!" Flash barked back, "It's not right!"

Lightning chuckled again. "If it's not right, then answer me this. Why did I win?" Those final words send a jolt through Flash's heart, making him freeze in place. "Thought so." With that, Lightning spun around and walked away, the biggest grin on his face as Flash sat there in despair.

It wasn't long till Lightning was standing in the middle of the field on a podium as Present Mic, Celestia, Luna and Grand stood in front of him.

Mic: "Let's give another round of applause to the winner of the Hoofington Battle Tournament, Lightning Blitz!"

The crowd cheered, with even Flash and his friends giving a round of applause so as to not be rude. As they congratulated him, Celestia, Luna and Grand walked up to the teen. "Congratulations," Celestia slowly said, Lightning telling she and Luna were forcing their smiles. The sight made him shine the biggest grin, especially the frown on Grand's face. "Here's your prize."

Grand stepped up, holding the tray of items. And as Lightning took them, he leaned down and whispered, "So, what did I tell you? That true strength of the heart...it was just crushed by my unstoppable power."

"Maybe...but you can't say Flash didn't give you a run for your money."

"HA!" Lightning laughed, spit flying onto Grand's face as he cackled, "That wasn't even a mild jog! He was the easiest battle of this farce, just like I told you! He deserved to lose. And even if that loser was somehow able to do more...it's the end result that matters. And the end result is that I won and he lost, just like I said would happen. Ready to admit I'm right?"

"So what now?" Grand asked, ignoring his question, "Are you planning on finding Shining and challenging him?"

"Eh, as easily as I could crush him, I think I'll give him a little while longer to enjoy his reign. Maybe once all my Pokémon have evolved, then I'll go after him. Or heck, I'll just wait until the Equestria League so the whole world can see how he doesn't deserve what he has. I mean, it's clear now who'll be the one winning the whole thing."

Grand shook his head at this, "Perhaps...or maybe they'll be someone else there more powerful than you could ever hope to be." He stared up at Lightning with a longest stare possible, "The Equestria League is a long way from now. A lot can happen in that time."

Lightning's grin vanished, his eyes and face turning red in anger as he was about to yell, but Grand stepped back as the crowd once again cheered. The teen's anger somewhat vanished at this, spinning around while raising his prize up high. "Look upon me Equestria!" He yelled, "For I am and, will always be, the strongest trainer to walk your soil!" The crowd continued to cheer, Flash and the others not choosing to join in this time.

Mic: "What an amazing tournament this has turned out to be! So many twists and turns, strategies and counter-strategies on full display, and the amazing strength of the Pokémon! I'm sure we're all be looking forward to next year's Battle Tournament. But until then, I've been your host: PRESENT MIC!"

Several hours later...

The group was now standing outside of the stadium. Lightning had left almost as soon as his Pokémon were healthy enough to travel, the biggest grin returning to his face while Flash chose to let his get a little bit more rest at the center. As for the others, they were all talking about their future plans.

"I need to get back to training," Rainbow chimed in first. "This tournament's shown me I still have a long way to go."

"Same here," Applejack and Trixie added with a nod.

"I want to get stronger too," Fluttershy said while Rarity and Pinkie smiled at their friend's determined expressions.

"I just wanna go somewhere fun," Pinkie announced.

"Wherever we go, I hope it's some place marvelous with extraordinary sights."

"Back to the lab for us," Sunset commented to Celestia as she nodded before turning to Twilight, "What about you guys?"

"I'm not sure," Twilight replied while staring at her journal. "We haven't really decided."

"In that case, might I suggest a place?" Celestia held out a hand, Twilight giving her the device. A few seconds of typing later, she gave it back to the teen.

"Manehatten City?"

"That's right," Celestia responded, "It's a little ways off from here, but I'm sure it would be an excellent place to go and see."

"Oh yes," Luna added, "And Manehatten City has a Gym there."

"I'm sure Flash will be happy about that," Twilight replied while Doc and Spike nodded in agreement.

But as they did this, they turned to the teen in question. Flash was a good distance away, having moved over to the edge of the lake. He was glaring out at the water while leaning against the railing with his arms crossed.

"Do you think he's gonna be okay?" Spike asked, Grand patting him on the shoulder.

"Just give him time," the older gentleman chimed in, "Don't try and force him to feel better. Just be there to support him when he needs it." The others nodded as Rarity moved over to Twilight, holding a wrapped package.

"Here." She said as she gave it to Twilight.

"What's this?"

"I was planning on giving it to Flash as a victory present. But maybe it'll be best for you to hold onto it until he's feeling better."

"Oh...thanks Rarity." Twilight responded while the rest continued to stare at Flash.

The teen was stared at the water, Lightning's words echoing through his head. "If it's not right, then answer me this. Why did I win?" That question kept repeating itself, every time Flash's heart feeling like it had been impaled.

"Why did he win?" He whispered, "Just...why? Why couldn't I win? He beat me like I was nothing..."

"Ri!" said a voice, making him turn to see Springer standing behind him with bandages covering his body. And he wasn't alone, as Skyler, Riptide, Prongs, Viper and Hopper stood behind him, all of them just as bandaged up but all smiling at him.

"Guys? What are you doing out here? Go back inside-whoa!" Flash yelped as his Pokémon suddenly tackled him, all of them soon tickling him with their claws, fur and whatever else. "HEY!" He yelped through his laughter, "Stop that! What are you all doing?!"

Another laugh made him turn to see Twilight, Doc and Spike smiling at him.

"I think they're trying to tell you to smile," the glasses wearing girl responded.

Flash did smile as the six got off of him, Twilight holding out a hand to help him up. "Thanks," he replied while brushing himself off.

"I know you're upset about this, but it'll be okay."

"Yeah!" Spike added, "So you lost, who cares?! You'll get that jerk next time!"

"And we'll be there to cheer you on and help you train for that next time," Doc finished.

Flash tried to smile back, sighing as he looked away, "Yeah...I guess you're right." He turned back to his Pokémon as a small smile appeared on his face. "Lightning hasn't seen the last of us. Next time, we'll show him why he shouldn't mess with us! Right guys?" His Pokémon all cried out in agreement as Twilight pulled him over to say a proper goodbye to the others.

But despite his words, Flash couldn't keep his smile. His time at the Hoofington Battle Tournament had been intense, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't overcome Lightning Blitz. Now, his future was one of uncertainty as he felt his heart shake from the battle. As the journey continues.

Author's Note:

Well, some of you knew it was coming. Flash's big loss to Lightning Blitz. What will this mean for Flash's future? Only time will tell.


Name: Gorillamp
Design: Beast machines Optimus Primal with Shocksquach colours
Name: Gorilla and Amp
Pronounced: Gore-rill-lamp

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