• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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I Ain't Losing The Fight

Cheers ripped through the air as the citizens of Hoofington City and the visiting fans all took their seats, anxious for the start of the final match of the battle Tournament. In the commentators box, Present Mic along with the professors Celestia and Luna were now seated.

"WHAZZ-UUUUUP!" The announcer cheered into his microphone. "The time is finally here battle fans! Sixteen trainers entered this tournament, and now only two remain!" The megascreens changed to show the faces of the two finalists. "Flash Sentry claimed victory in the Battle Royal against Time Turner, Pinkie Pie and Rarity before defeating Rainbow Dash in the semi-finals. Meanwhile, Lightning Blitz took down Micro Chips, Sandalwood and Spark Plug in his Battle Royal and went on to overcome Twilight Sparkle in order to get into the finals! Now they must face off for the chance to earn the title of Battle Tournament Champion and win the amazing prizes!" He turned to the sisters. "Professors, how do you think this battle will turn out?"

Celestia: "It's hard to say. There are so many factors to take into account. It's impossible to accurately say who may come out on top."

Luna: "All we can do is wait and see how everything turns out. We'll have our answer soon enough."

As they said this, Flash and his friends were standing outside the entrance to Flash's hallway. They stared up at the TV as Mic and the professor's conversations continued, images of the previous battles now showing on the screens. While this happened, Twilight turned to Flash, now seeing the frown on his face, "Nervous?"

"A little. It's just...this is Lightning. One of the toughest trainers I know. I haven't beaten him once yet, but now I have to fight him in front of an entire crowd. Heck, all of Equestria will be watching."

"Then they're gonna watch you cream that jerk!" Rainbow barked, "You've got this!"

The others all nodded as Twilight continued, "Just remember all the stuff you taught me. Believe in your Pokémon and there's nobody you can't beat." Flash turned to them, seeing them all nod while giving him a reassuring smile. Twilight, Spike, Doc, Sunset, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Trixie all had total faith in him.

"You're right," Flash replied, "I just have to believe in my Pokémon."

"Speaking of which, where are they?"

"I let them out down there," Flash pointed into the corridor. "I figured they could use some stretching before the big battle." A buzzer went off next, telling everyone the match would soon start. "You all better get to your seats."

"Alright," Twilight responded, "Just remember what we told you."

"I will," Flash nodded as they disappeared down the hallway. But as they did, Flash's smile vanished before he looked down the hallway. "Lightning..."

Lightning was making his way down his corridor, only to stop when he spotted his grandfather standing in front of him. A large frown was on the former's champion's face, a look of pure disapproval. The sight made Lightning sigh while rolling his eyes, "If you're here to give me a lecture, save it. I don't have time to listen to your drivel." He walked past him, only to stop when Grand spoke up.

"Don't expect an easy battle out there." Lightning glanced back at him. "Flash and his Pokémon aren't to be taken likely. The fact they've made it this far shows how strong they all are."

"Oh please. I've seen what that loser is capable of. He's nothing." Lightning fully turned around at this, "He can't hold a candle to the true strength someone like me has."

As these words left the teen's mouth, Grand let out a chuckle, making Lightning hiss at him, "Don't laugh at me!"

Grand shook his head at this, "True strength? You believe you have something like that? Tell me Lightning, what does true strength mean to you?" Lightning raised an eyebrow, "Is it just pure brought power? It's true your Pokémon have plenty of that, but they also lack something. Something Flash's Pokémon have in droves."

"And what would that be?"


Lightning's eyebrow went down as he glared at his grandfather, "Heart? Gramps, you know junk like that doesn't matter in battle."

"It does." Grand instantly replied, "Sometimes I think you forget that being a Pokémon trainer isn't like some video game. While it's true Pokémon have different strengths and weaknesses, that's not all that define them. They aren't pieces of code whose power is determined by a bunch of math. They're living, breathing creatures with a will of their own. And if that will is strong enough, they can overcome any weakness they possess."

"And you're saying my Pokémon don't have these wills?"

"Your Pokémon are naturally talented in battle, and it's that talent they rely on. Because of that, they haven't faced the true hardships needed to help them push their limits. But Flash's Pokémon have all faced challenges, both physically, mentally and emotionally. Because they've faced those challenges, each of them have grown stronger. And they will continue to grow stronger, far beyond the point your Pokémon's talent will take them. Because they have the will needed to help them push past their limits."

Lightning remained silent, his gaze shifting away from him.

"There was a time I thought you would raise Pokémon to have that same will...and it's not too late." Lightning glared back at this as Grand continued, "The path you walk is yet to be set in stone. You can still grow into the trainer I'd always hoped you would be." He held out his hand, "If you'd just let me and those around you in."

He waited for Lightning's response, seeing him slowly lift his hand up...only to slap it away, "This is sounding like a lecture. And I told you, I don't have the time." He turned away. "I'm here for one thing. To win and show everyone why I will be the one to defeat Shining Armor."

Grand stared at his hand for a second before glaring back at Lightning. And as he spoke up, Lightning noticed the low growl in his voice, "Even if you beat Flash, you'll never stand a chance against Shining."

"No...I will, just like I'll beat this loser I'm about to battle." Lightning hissed before turning back to Grand again, "Because he's just like you. He thinks something so pointless like 'heart' matters, and Shining is the same." Lightning shined a huge grin as he pointed at himself, "Just you wait, by the time the Equestria League comes to an end, Shining Armor will we kneeling at my feet."

With that, he began to walk away, making Grand sigh and shake his head again, "Flash...it's up to you now. He won't listen to me and even if he lost to Shining, it would be meaningless. Only you can save him now."

Outside the corridor, Flash continued to wait, twiddling his thumbs as he watched the megascreen. As he did this, Mic continue to make announcements, "We're just moments away from the start of the final battle. I'm sure you're all looking forward to seeing our competitors go all out in an attempt to claim victory. I hope they're not shy, because this battle isn't just being seen by those in the stadium. All of Equestria is watching and waiting to see who will come out on top!"

As he said this, in a random city far away, Shining Armor was watching the battle on TV of a Pokémon Center. A large crowd had gathered to watch in excitement, some cheering for Flash to win.

The same was happening in another city, Timber Spruce watching the battle with intense focus. "Don't you lose Flash. We've got a score to settle, and it won't be as fun if you've lost to that jerk."

And in yet another city, the Dazzling trio were sitting around a table. Sonata stared longingly at the image on screen before bringing her hands together, "You can do it Flash."


In a hidden building that nobody could find, Sombra was sitting in his office, watching the battle that was about to begin. Chrysalis was sitting on a couch crossed legged and sipping tea while Doom Raizer leaned against the wall. "Flash Sentry..." their boss whispered, "Just how strong have you gotten? It's time to find out."

Doom shook his head at this, "Honestly, I'd like to see that kid get his butt handed to him for all the problems he caused us."

"Agreed," Chrysalis added, "Karma is such a fickle thing."

"Shush!" Sombra hissed, raising a hand, "I need to watch this."

And as this happened, in the cities of Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Applewood, Appaloosa and Cloudsdale, the Gym Leaders of those gyms were watching.

In the Cloudsdale Gym, Cloud sat on a couch beside Spitfire and Fleetfoot. "Stay strong kiddo," she whispered to her grandson. "Believe in your Pokémon and they'll never let you down."

Flash took a deep calming breath before opening his eyes, starting his walk down the corridor. As he made his way, he first met Springer stretching, their eyes meeting as Flash was reminded of the day they met: when Shining had captured him after that Lucario had stolen his evolution.

Springer walked beside him, soon seeing Skyler. Flash was then reminded of meeting him, helping him learn to fly before remembering their battles against Rainbow and his grandmother, including his evolutions. As they did this, Riptide came next, Flash flashing back to when he helped him save Champagoon and Canterlot, followed by him coming with Flash, his evolution coming to mind along with the memory of their loss to Lightning and Chimplug.

And as this happened, Prongs and Viper walked up to them, memories of the Prince of the forest and the snake that had been abandoned by his last trainer. He remembered the events that lead to him earning their trust, both smiling at their trainer.

After this was Hopper, Flash remembering when he found Hopper's egg, hatching and catching him before the times when he evolved. Hopper joined the group as Flash marched toward his most important battle yet, all six of his Pokémon walking beside him. But they weren't just his Pokémon. They were his friends, his partners...his family.

"Guys..." they turned to him. "No matter what happens, I just want you to know that I'm proud to say that I battled alongside the best team any trainer could ask for." His Pokémon all nodded back before Flash pumped his fist, "Now, let's get out there and show Lightning who he's messing with!"

"RI/TORE/SPRAN/LEAF/CARRR/DRAN!" They all cheered in unison before Flash returned all but Springer. Once they were back in their balls, Flash and Springer walked out onto the field. The crowd's cheers were deafening, but his focus was squarely on the trainer standing on the red podium.

Lighting glared back at him while Flash simply frowned, he and Springer walking onto the blue podium. "So, it's finally time. Time to show all of Equestria the true meaning of strength."

"Yeah..." Flash replied, "And hopefully, you'll see just how wrong you are."

"No," Lightning shook his head, "it's you who'll see how wrong you are. All those stupid fantasies about friendship and how any Pokémon can be strong...that's a nice fairy tale to tell kids, but this is the real world. And in the real world, power is the only thing that decides anything. And it's the power I have that'll ground your pathetic team of weaklings into the dirt where you belong."

Flash growled at this, but held his tongue. 'I have to win this, for Grand and for everyone who's been supporting me up to this point.' He turned to the stands, spotting his friends as they all cheered his name and yelled that he could do this.

And was in that moment that the X-shaped field retracted into the ground.

Mic: "It's time to see what kind of battlefield our competitors will be competing on."

The field then returned, revealing a field covered in grass. In the middle of it was a white line with a Pokeball design at the very center.

Mic: "It's a grass field."

Celestia: "The trainers won't get much of a field advantage from that."

Luna: "Which will make this battle all about the trainer's own skill."

"Exactly," the three turned to see Grand walk into the box. "That's how it should be. The final battle like this shouldn't have any gimmicks or tricks, just two trainers fighting their very hardest to come out on top." The trio nodded as he took his seat, all turning back to the field.

Mic: "It's time to see which trainer will be the first to select their Pokémon!"

The wheel appeared between the two's images, spinning before stopping on the blue section.

Mic: "With that, Flash Sentry will be the one to select his Pokémon first! Trainers, show us what'cha got!"

"Prongs!" Flash took out his Pokeball, "I CHOOSE YOU!" He threw the sphere upward, revealing his Chitaleaf.

"Leaf!" Prongs roared as he landed on the grassy field.

"Alright!" Spike cheered, "Prongs should feel right at home on a grass field!"

"But now Lightning can pick a Pokémon strong against it," Twilight sighed, seeing Lightning taking out a Pokeball.

"Frillace, battle ready!" The ball flew through the air, unleashing the toxic lizard.

Mic: "It's Chitaleaf verses Frillace!"

Celestia: "On the surface, it appears Lightning has the advantage."

"Not just in type, but in mood too." Doc commented as the others turned to him, "Look at Prongs." They glanced back to see the Chitaleaf glaring at Frillace, "Those two have battled before, and in that match, Prongs lost."

"So that's why Lightning picked it," Sunset grumbled.

Flash growled at this, about to speak up before Present Mic stood up.

Mic: "It's time for the Hoofington Battle Tournament's final battle begin! Trainers, fight hard and fight well, as all of Equestria will be watching you! In three!"

"TWO!" Almost everyone in the stadium yelled, "ONE!"


"Prongs," Flash held out the his Pokeball, "return!" This made the crowd go wide-eyed as Flash recalled his Chitaleaf, Lightning raising an eyebrow at this.

Mic: "What's this? The battle just started and Flash is putting Chitaleaf into early retirement?"

Celestia: "Recalling a Pokémon isn't against the rules, but that's the fastest recall I've ever seen."

Grand: "Flash is playing smart."

"Sorry Prongs," Flash told the ball before putting it away. "But against Frillace, you're at too much of a disadvantage." He took out another ball. "You're up instead. Hopper, I choose you!" He threw the ball into the air, unleashed his Skeidran as he took to the air.

Luna: "Now Skeidran will be facing off against Frillace. This is looking a little more even now."

"Use Steel Wing!" Hopper flew down with glowing wings, ready to slash at Frillace.

"Dodge it, then use Brutal Swing!" Frillace charged as Hopper flew right above the ground, then slid along the grass. He zipped right under Hopper's wings, dodging the blow before grabbing his tail in its claws and pulling Hopper to a stop.


"Frill!" Using all its strength, Frillace swung Hopper over its head, slamming them into the dirt.

"DRAN!" He cried in pain, but was quick to pull his tail from Frillace's grasp and then whip back into Frillace's face. The swap made Frillace stagger back, Hopper side-stepping away.

"Extreme Speed!" Hopper glowed before suddenly vanishing, instantly hitting the Frillace with a barrage of fast paced clawing, punching and slamming of his tail and wings. Frillace moaned at every hit, Lightning just blankly staring at the sight.

"Use Faint Attack to get out of there!" As Hopper tried to do another slash, Frillace hopped back and then dealt a punch to Hopper's chest. "Venoshock!" It fired a orb of poison out of its mouth, hitting Hopper's feet before exploding to a torrent of purple lightning.

"DRAN!" Hopper screamed, only to flare his wings and took to the air.

"That's the way! Dragon Tail!" Hopper did a quick circle around before dive-bombing Frillace, his tail glowing. Frillace waited for an order to dodge, but Lightning gave none. Instead, it crossed its arms as Hopper spun around and slammed his tail down onto it. The blow made it flinch, only for Lightning to call out a command.

"Use Poison Jab now!" Frillace pulled its tail with a glowing stinger, thrusting it upward as it stabbed Hopper in the leg.

"Dran!" Hopper screamed, pulling away to and fly back, only for purple lightning to surge out of his body, "Skeidran!"

"No!" Flash yelled as he saw his Pokémon start to stagger.

Mic: "Ouch. Looks like Skeidran's been poisoned."

Celestia: "This could be bad for Flash."

Flash growled, knowing Lightning would be going for Venoshock next. "Hopper, return." He held out his Pokeball, the beam of light hitting his Skeidran. As this happened, Flash stared at Frillace and saw it panting, knowing the Extreme Speed barrage must have taken its tol.

Fluttershy let out a long sigh, "This battle's only just started and I can hardly breathe."

"Well catch your breath while you can," Doc replied, "I get the feeling the real battle's only just starting."

"Alright," Flash took out his Pokeball, "It's time to finish this thing up! Skyler, I choose you!" He threw the ball upward, unleashing the Tornavian within.

"Tore!" He squawked as he flew around, Flash instantly calling out to him.

"Skyler, be careful. We can't afford for you to get poisoned like Hopper." Skyler nodded back. "Okay, let's start with Tornado Burst!" Skyler brought in his wings and started spinning, the tornado forming around him as he flew for Frillace.

"Venoshock!" Frillace fired the purple orb and struck the tornado at the tip, the ball exploding and unleashing the purple lightning around it. But seconds later, the tornado shot through, Skyler suddenly accelerating out of it.

"TORE!" He roared while slamming into Frillace, the force knocking it flying back.

"Nice! Now use Steel Wing!" The Tornavian circled around with glowing wings, Frillace still recovering as the bird charged at him.

"Use Brutal Swing!" Frillace tensed its body, bracing itself as Skyler slammed into it, the force making Frillace skid backward, but the lizard managed to grab hold of the bird's wing.

"Frill!" Once again, Frillace swung Skyler down into the grass, "FRILLACE!

"TORE!" Skyler cried in pain as his back hit the dirt.

"Now, Poison Jab!" Before Skyler could pick himself up, Frillace raised its tail, stabbing the bird's chest.

"NO!" Flash yelped as he watched Skyler getting injected with venom. "You gotta get it off of you! Use Steel Wing!" Skyler's eyes shot open before he swinging his wings around, slamming them into Frillace's face.

"Frill" it screamed, its tail flailing back as it began to stagger away.

Skyler rolled himself over and spread his wings before taking to the air, Flash sighing in relief when he saw Skyler hadn't been poisoned.

Mic: "This battle is really starting to heat up and it hasn't even really gotten started yet!"

Celestia: "Who knows what these trainers will choose to do next."

"Return!" Lightning ordered while holding out his Pokeball, recalling Frillace.

Luna: "He's switching now?"

Grand: "I think he was banking on that Poison Jab poisoning Tornavian. Since it didn't, he knows Flash will be more careful. Better for him to cut his losses and switch his tactics before Flash can adapt to them."

"Frostoak, battle ready!" Lightning threw the ball, revealing the Pokémon inside. Frostoak stood tall while flicking his cloak open to reveal its body.

"Frost!" It looked up at Skyler, the bird hovering in the air.

Celestia: "An Ice-type. That could be a problem for Flash."

Luna: "But it's also a Fighting-type, meaning Tornavian's Flying-type attacks will do some damage as well."

"Ice Shard!" Frostoak created a pair of ice kunai in its hands and threw them at Skyler, the bird barrel rolling to dodge it before diving down.

"Aerial Ace!" A slipstream appeared around him as he got in close, Frostoak ready to intercept.

"Use Metal Claw!" Frostoak's claws glowed before it thrust them out, hitting Skyler head-on. The two collided, pushing both back before Skyler spread his wings to take flight while Frostoak did several back flips before stopping and falling to one knee.

"Tornado Burst!" Skyler charged and spun as a tornado formed around him.

"Blizzard!" Frostoak took a deep breath as it grabbed its mouth covering, pulling it down to unleash a large wave of freezing wind at the tornado. It struck and despite being surrounded by spiralling wind, Skyler still felt the icy sting of Frostoak's attack.

"TORE!" He roared as he exploded out of the tornado, blowing the Blizzard away as he slammed into Frostoak. Knocking it back, he took back to the sky, catching his breath. "Tore, nay, vee, en," he said between pants while Frostoak picked itself up.

"Use Steel Wing!" Skyler flared his wings again, taking to the air.

"Ice Shard!" Frostoak summoned the twin kunai and held them in a backhanded grip, the snow wanderer spinning on the spot as Skyler charged. The ice met the metal wings, and despite the frigid chill, he broke through the ice and slammed Frostoak in the face.

"Frost!" It cried, only to slash Skyler's chest, making him squawk as he was pushed back.

"Now, Metal Claw!" Frostoak dropped the kunai and charged with glowing claws, reaching Skyler before the bird could react. There he started slashing at him with rapid fury, Skyler crying in pain with each metal slash, trying to cover himself with his wings, but this sent several feathers flying.

"Skyler, block it with Steel Wing!" Skyler nodded as his wings glowed, Frostoak now feeling his claws clang against the guard.

"TORE!" Skyler roared as he spread his wings, smacking Frostoak back.

"Blizzard!" Lightning ordered, the Ice-type pulling his scarf down before unleashing a blast of freezing air. The attack struck Skyler head-on, making him cry out in pain as he felt his body beginning to freeze over.


Grand: "If Flash doesn't do something soon, his Tornavian won't be able to hold on much longer."

Flash growled until he saw Skyler jump up and spread his wings, allowing him to fly out of the ice storm. However, his body was shivering, making Flash sigh before pulling out a Pokeball, "Skyler, return!"

Mic: "Once again, the trainers recall their Pokémon."

Luna: "If this keeps up, it could be a very long battle."

"Come on!" Rainbow barked, "Stop swapping your Pokémon out and just beat that jerk already!"

"They're both being extra cautious," Sunset responded while shaking her head, "Though can you blame Flash?"

"Its not just him. Neither of them want to risk doing something that might risk their chances of victory," Twilight added as Flash turned to his Riolu.

"Alright Springer, this is all on you. You ready?"

"Ri!" Springer nodded before running onto the field, he and Frostoak sharing a glance. Both remembered back to their time together in the underground tunnel, feeling slight hesitation before glaring at each other.

"Use Metal Claw!" Frostoak charged with a glowing claw, Springer running at him at the same time.

"Drain Punch!" Springer's fists glowed as they reached each other, both engaging in a flurry of paw to claw combat, throwing punches and slashes at each other in a torrent of blows.

"Ri/Frost!" They cried as they hit one another simultaneously for the twentieth time before leaping away.

"Blizzard!" Frostoak pulled down its scarf, firing the freezing wind at Springer.

"Ri!" he yelped as he felt himself bombarded with ice and snow.

"Springer! Use Aura Sphere to block the wind!" Springer did so, forming the orb thrusting it in front of him. The spinning motion pushed the wind away, keeping him from freezing. "Now go!" Springer charged as he began to get close to Frostoak, forcing the Ice Fighting-type to stop his attack and leap away, "Throw it!" Springer tossed the Aura Sphere at Frostoak, slamming into his chest.

"FROST!" It cried as it was thrown backward.

Springer smirked as he watched Frostoak stumble back before Flash ordered, "Don't let up! Extreme Speed!" He charged at this, blue lightning appearing around him as he moved at high velocity.

"Ice Shard!" Frostoak formed the twin kunai in its hands and crossed them seconds before Springer reached him, the Riolu throwing a punch that was blocked by the Ice Shards. Frostoak pushed its arms apart and knocked Springer back before slashing at him, only to miss as Springer dodged it with ease.

The two found themselves fighting in close quarters again, Springer throwing high speed punches and kicks while Frostoak tried slashing at him with the Ice Shards. But as it tried to do this, Springer dodged and struck Frostoak's side, only for it throw the Ice Shards at Springer.

The Riolu was forced to back-flip away, dodging both as Lightning gave his next command. "Brick Break!" Frostoak shot forward with a glowing hand, ready to deal a karate chop right to Springer's head.

"Double Team!" Springer suddenly multiplied, the one Frostoak hit vanishing. "Now, Aura Sphere Barrage!" The Springer army charged, all forming tiny Aura Spheres that they prepared to thrust at Frostoak.

"Blizzard!" Frostoak spun on the spot while firing the freezing cold wind, hitting the clones and freezing them in place.

"I knew you'd do that!" Flash smirked, making Lightning raise an eyebrow until the real Springer leapt out from behind the circle of fakes with a normal sized Aura Sphere in paw. "Do it!"

"RI!" Springer shot the orb right at Frostoak, hitting it before it could defend itself, the explosion sending out a shockwave that caused the ice around the clones to shatter before they faded away.

"Frost!" It cried as it slid on the ground.

"Extreme Speed!" Springer raced forward, Frostoak pushing itself up just in time to see a kick right into its face. The blow made it cry out, just as Springer leapt away to a safe distance.

"Ice Shard!" As Springer charged again, Frostoak swung its frozen kunai around to try and slash at him. Springer narrowly dodged it, quickly getting around him before Frostoak spinning around to slash at him again. This kept happening, Springer hitting his side while Frostoak tried to counter, the Riolu doing more damage.

"Now Springer!" Flash yelled as his Riolu got close again, "Drain Punch!" Springer clenched his fist as Frostoak spun around, Ice Shard primed to slash him. But before it could, Springer suddenly fell to his knees and slid under the blade.

"Rio..." Springer threw his fist forward, "LU!" The attack collided with Frostoak's gut, powered up by the acceleration of the Extreme Speed. The force sent Frostoak flying back with a mighty cry of pain before crashing into the dirt, rolling along the grass before stopping with spirals in its eyes.

Mic: "Frostoak's KO'd! The winner is Riolu!"

The crowd cheered as Springer pushed himself back to his feet. "That's the way!" Spike screamed, "First win goes to Flash!"

"But Flash can't get cocky," Doc added, the others nodding as Flash gave Springer a thumbs up before glaring back at Lightning.

"This is no time to be celebrating," he told himself as Lightning returned Frostoak. "We're a long way from winning." As he said that, Springer ran over and he kneeled down, "Great work bud," he patted his head. "Take a break." Springer nodded and sat down beside him, Flash and Lightning both taking out Pokeballs. "Prongs, I choose you!"

"Chimplug, battle ready!" The two balls opened, unleashing the Pokémon onto the field.

"Looks like Flash has the advantage in this battle," Rainbow chuckled.

"But Lightning knows that," Rarity responded, "I'm sure he's planning something."

"Energy Ball!" Flash ordered, Prongs quickly shooting the sphere at Chimplug. It cross its arms as the orb struck, exploding with the nature energy flowing through it.

"Thunder Wave!" Chimplug leapt into the air before slamming the tip of its tail into the ground, unleashing a shockwave that flew across the field before hitting Prongs.

"LEAF!" He cried as he was zapped.

Mic: "Ouch! Flash probably wasn't expecting that."

Grand: "Now Chitaleaf has been paralyzed, meaning it'll be slower and freeze up from time to time."

Flash was about to call another attack, but then Lightning held out his Pokeball and returned Chimplug without a word. "He's switching out already?"

"All he wanted to do was paralyze Prongs," Doc commented. "Now he won't be as fast."

"He knows how to put Flash at a disadvantage," Twilight sighed. "He must have gone over all of Flash's Pokémon and come up with a plan to take them all down."

"Pitchawk!" Lightning threw his Pokeball, "battle ready!" In a flash of red light, the hooded avian appeared, flying upward as Prongs felt himself flinch from the Thunder Wave's effects.

"Not good. Prongs, don't stay where you are! You're a sitting duck when you're stationary!" Prongs nodded and started running in random directions, Pitchawk just circling in air in response.

"Air Cutter!" Pitchawk started beating his wings, firing several blades of air that hit the ground around Prongs. But as he did this, static sparked around his body, making him freeze up. "Now, Aerial Ace!" Pitchawk dove down, a slipstream appearing around it.

And as Prongs' paralysis began to weaken, Pitchawk flew close to the ground before slamming into Prongs with an upward cut. "Leaf!" He cried, staggering back but managing to keep his footing and stay upright.

"Stay strong Prongs!" Flash yelled.

"This isn't good," Twilight gulped. "Flash is already facing an type disadvantage, but now he has to deal with being paralyzed as well."

"FLASH!" Rainbow called out, "You gotta switch Pokémon!"

"I can't," Flash growled. "If I switch Prongs for someone else, he's just gonna switch it up to another Pokémon and this battle'll never end." His fists clenched. "If I wanna take down Pitchawk, it has to be here and now."

Lightning let out a laugh at this, "Like you can. Anything you think of, I'm already three moves ahead. My victory is already a guarantee, as you're nothing but a loser. Now, let me show you why..."

"Oh, I'll show you something!" Flash barked before pointing at Pitchawk, "Use Leech Seed!" Prongs quickly fired the lights off his antlers, striking Pitchawk before the seeds ingrained themselves and began sprouting the vines around the bird.

"Hawk!" It squawked.

"Night Slash!" Pitchawk charged at this command, ready to hit Prongs with a glowing purple wing.

"Use Bounce to dodge it!" As Pitchawk got closer, Prongs jumped straight up, evading the blow, "Alright, now use Body Slam!" Prongs used the Bounce's momentum, slamming his hooves onto Pitchawk, smacking it into the dirt.

"Pitchawk!" It screamed, the bird now sliding along the grass while Prongs jumped off his back and landed. But in doing so, Prongs suddenly tensed up as the lightning surged around him.

Mic: "These two's status conditions are really causing them both problems."

Luna: "It won't be long before one of them falls."

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk pushed itself up and spun around, firing the dark sphere.

"Counter with Energy Ball!" Flash replied, Prongs managing to fire the orb just in time. The two spheres clashed, causing an explosion that covered the field. Prongs then charged into blast, coming out the other side...only to find nothing.


"Above you!" Flash yelled, making Prongs look up as the smoke cleared. He went wide-eyed as he saw Pitchawk had used the smoke as cover to get back into the sky, though the Leech Seed suddenly flared up.

"Shake it off and use Air Cutter!" Pitchawk roared as it fired the wind blades, Chitaleaf reacting by jumping back.

"Energy Ball!" Prongs fired his attack, hitting the bird head-on before it could dodge.

"Pitch!" It cried as it was thrown back.

"Shadow Ball!" Pitchawk flared its wings, firing the orb seconds before the Leech Seed flared up again.

"Bounce!" Prongs leapt up, flying over the Shadow Ball while Pitchawk was forced to glide towards the ground. "Now, Body Slam!" Landing behind the now exploding Shadow Ball, Prongs accelerating as he body checked Pitchawk before it could recover from the Leech Seed.

"Hawk!" Pitchawk staggered back as it landed, Flash ordering Prongs to use another Body Slam.

"Night Slash!" Pitchawk spun around and slammed its wing into Prongs, knocking Prongs flying back. "Now, Aerial Ace!" Pitchawk quickly took to the air, dashing at Prongs with a whirlwind around its body.

"Stop it with Energy Ball!" Flash ordered.

"Chit!" Prongs nodded before forming the sphere in front of him, only to suddenly tense up when the Paralysis kicked in. "LEAF!" He screamed, the Energy Ball vanishing as Pitchawk slammed into him.

"HAWK!/LEAF!" They both cried at the impact, Prongs being thrown back while Pitchawk began to take to the air again. Everyone gasped as they turned to Prongs, now seeing spirals in his eyes.

Mic: "Chitaleaf's KO'd! The winner is Pitchawk!"

Flash's friends all sighed at this, Sunset shaking her head, "Tough luck. That paralysis hitting when it did was just a matter of poor timing."

"Now they're both even," Pinkie whimpered.

"They're not. Both of them might have five Pokémon, but more of Flash's have battled and taken damage."

"Plus Hopper's been poisoned," Rainbow added, "Flash is still at a disadvantage." They looked back to the field, watching Flash return Prongs.

Mic: "Now let's see which Pokémon will Flash choose to use now."

Before Flash could make a choice, Lightning suddenly returned Pitchawk. "He's switching out again?!" Flash sighed, only to nod and take out a Pokeball. "Alright Riptide, I choose you!" He threw the ball up, revealing the Spranitor a second later.

"Tore!" He roared as landed and got into a fighting stance.

"HA!" Lightning cackled, "So, the prodigal weakling shows himself! I was wondering how long it would be until you resorted the your worst Pokémon. Am I making you sweat already?!"

"I'm not sweating, and Riptide isn't my worst Pokémon!" Flash explained. "We may have lost to you before, but we're ten times stronger then back then!"

"Maybe you are," Lightning took out his Pokeball. "But zero times ten is still ZERO!" He roared, throwing the ball to reveal his chosen Pokémon.

"RAZOR!" The humanoid shark roared as he stood tall, Riptide slightly shivering at the sight as he remembered the last time they faced off.

"Sharazor..." Flash growled while Lightning smirked.

"Thought I'd give your Spranitor an up close and personal look at what a real Water-type looks like. Maybe he'll learn something, though I doubt it can even touch my Sharazor."

"We'll beat you! Use Rock Smash Riptide!" Riptide's legs glowed as he charged Sharazor, the water lizard beginning to throw several kicks that the land shark easily dodged and blocked before Riptide struck him in the chest.

"Shar!" He staggered back as Riptide leapt away to a safe distance.

"Water Gun!" Riptide unleashed a burst of water, only to see Sharazor grin at the sight.

"Water Pulse!" Sharazor fired an orb of water, striking Riptide's attack. Both exploded into a cloud of mist that the shark Pokémon charged into. "Now, use Crunch!" Sharazor shot out of the fog, instantly biting down on Riptide's arm.

"Tore!" He cried, flinching at the blow.

"Riptide!" Flash yelped, only to shake his head, "Quick, use Ice Punch!" Riptide fought through the pain and clenched his free fist as it glowed an icy blue.

"Spran!" He swung it into Sharazor's throat, making it cry out and release its grip on his arm.

"Now, use Aqua Tail!" Riptide was quick to spin around as his tail was wrapped in water, the lizard slapping it into Sharazor's head, forcing it to stagger back.

"Water Pulse, then Aqua Jet!" Sharazor threw the orb at Riptide, then leapt into the air as water spiralled around its body.

"Ice Punch!" Riptide slammed his fist into the orb, freezing it solid. The ice ball fell apart, only to see the Sharazor now charging at the lizard. "Water Gun!" Riptide launched the stream of high pressure water at Sharazor, but it didn't even faze the shark as it instantly got to Riptide.

"RAZOR!" He roared as he tackled Riptide, the lizard cried out in pain before being struck upward. "Shar!" Sharazor then broke out of the water, ready for the next command.

"Water Pulse!" Sharazor threw the orb at Riptide, the ball exploding in Riptide's face.

"Nee!" He cried as the shockwave slammed him crashing into the grassy terrain. "Tore!"

"Riptide!" Flash screamed while Sharazor landed in front of Lightning, everyone waiting to see if Riptide had already lost. And after a few seconds, Riptide rolled over and pushed himself back to his feet.

"Tore?" He muttered, only for the lizard to start staggering side to side.

Mic: "Uh-oh! Looks like that last Water Pulse left Spranitor with a serious bout of confusion."

Celestia: "This could be trouble for Flash is he's not careful."

Flash growled and held out his Pokeball, "Riptide, return!" The beam hit Riptide and he was sucked back inside, Lightning chuckling.

"That's right. Return the weakling before he embarrasses himself further...wait, he can't! HA!"

"Just you wait..." Flash hissed as he replaced his Pokeball. "Riptide'll have another chance to even the score and wipe that stupid grin off your face! But for now, Viper, I choose you!" He tossed the ball upward, unleashing his Anahakka.

Mic: "Flash is using a Fire-type? What's he thinking?"

The rest of the crowd all exchanged glances, including his friends. Some were now fearing that the pressure of the battle was getting to him.

Luna: "I'm sure Flash has a reason for picking Anahakka."

Grand: "I look forward to see what it is."

"You really are an idiot," Lightning laughed. "We'll end this is one move. Sharazor, use Water Pulse!" Sharazor fired the water ball at Viper, but Flash just stared at him blankly.

"You know what to do!" Flash told Viper, the snake's body starting to weave side to side. When the Water Pulse got close, Viper's movement easily evaded it, the orb exploding behind him. "Now, Flamethrower!"

"CARRR!" Viper unleashed a burst of fire, the flames striking Sharazor head-on.

"Razor!" It cried as it was pushed back, but endured with little damage.

Mic: "Flash is gonna need something more than that if he wants to win this."

"Aqua Jet!" Sharazor body was then surrounded by water, charging ahead to knock Viper out with a single hit.

"Look out Flash!" Spike yelled from the stands.

"You can't let this hit!" Rainbow added.

"Flamethrower!" Flash ordered as everyone went wide-eyed. "Do it straight down!" Viper nodded before launching flames at the ground, the force pushing him straight up. A pile of smoke came next, making it impossible for Sharazor to see as it flew into the cloud, soon hitting the ground and groaning at the impact.

Grand: "Impressive move. Now how will Flash use this opening?"

"Poison Fang!" As the smoke cleared, Sharazor picked itself up and saw the falling Viper.

"Hack!" He roared as he thrust his fangs into Sharazor's tail, biting down hard as the venom began to inject itself into the shark.

"That's the way!" Flash cheered as Viper then released Sharazor and leapt to a safe distance. Sharazor turned to growl at him, only to suddenly cry out as purple lightning sparked around it.

Mic: "Ouch! Now Sharazor's been poisoned!"

Celestia: "Must have been why Flash used Anahakka."

Luna: "Likely returning the favor for what Frillace did to Skeidran."

"Water Pulse!" Lightning yelled before Sharazor threw the orb at Viper, hitting him instantly.

"Carrr!" He was thrown back, only to roll up before slithering forward as Flash commanded him to use Flame Wheel. "Hacker!" He bit his tail and spun, morphing into a flaming wheel.

"Another Water Pulse!" Sharazor fired the orb as the flaming wheel, but Viper managed to jump up right over it.

"Carrr!" He roared as he fell onto Sharazor, who crossed its arms to block the attack. The flaming wheel grinded into the shark, only to spin away just as the poison flared up and it roared in pain.

"Crunch!" Sharazor ran up to bite Viper, but the Anahakka used his rope like body to evade the snapping jaws, only to smack Sharazor in the face with his tail.

"Bite!" Viper launched himself at Sharazor, biting into its neck. The shark roared in pain before it grabbing his tail and pulling him off.

"Razor!" It cried before slamming Viper into the ground, then reflexively throwing him into the air.

"Water Pulse!" Sharazor fired the orb at Viper, who whipped himself around to point toward it.

"Flamethrower!" Viper unleashed the fire stream, striking the orb, but unable to prevent the water from exploding in his face.

"Carrr!" He cried as he crashed from the blow just as Sharazor was zapped by the poison. Both Pokémon groaned as they pushed through the pain, turning to each other as their trainers gave a command.

"Aqua Jet/Flame Wheel!" The two shot forward, wrapping themselves up in their respective elements. Both rocketed into each other, soon hitting in a singular clash.


The impact caused an explosion that filled the stadium with super hot mist, blocking the two Pokémon from view.

Mic: "Will this attack be the end for one of them?"

Viper then leapt out of the mist, hitting the ground panting as everyone else turned to where Sharazor was supposed to be. And as the mist faded, Sharazor appeared standing ready.

"HA! I knew that wouldn't do a thing!" Lightning laughed, "Alright, do another-"

"SHAR!" It roared in pain as the poison flared up again, causing it flop over...and spirals replaced its eyes.

Mic: "Sharazor's KO'd! The winner is Anahakka!"

The crowd cheered as Lightning returned Sharazor. "Alright!" Spike yelled, "that's two for Flash!"

"But this battle's far from over," Doc commented, "He still needs to be extra careful."

Twilight nodded in agreement, "Who knows what Lightning has planned next."

"You okay to keep going Viper?" Flash asked, the snake nodding back. "Alright then." He turned to Lightning, "What have you got for us this time?"

"Guardroid!" He yelled before throwing the ball, "Battle ready!" The ball opened up to unleash the robotic Pokémon, letting out its mechanical roar before glaring down at Viper. The two stared each other down, remembering their last battle together.

Viper had been victorious in that fight, but this was a different battle. And even if one of them beat the other, they still had several other opponents to face. Flash and Lightning would both be going all out in this fight, intending to hold nothing back until only one was left standing. But who will win? Find out next time.

Author's Note:

Well, Flash and Lightning's battle has begun and so far, Flash is ahead. Will he keep this momentum up or will Lightning find a way to turn the tables.

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