• Published 2nd Nov 2019
  • 1,621 Views, 594 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Adventures - Banshee531

Our heroes adventures through the Equestria Region continue. With new friends, new rivals and new Pokémon to encounter.

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When the Dust Clears

The day of Flash's fifth Equestria Region Gym challenge had arrived.

After meeting Appaloosa's Gym Leader Braeburn and seeing the overwhelming might of his powerful Stampalo, Flash was beyond excited for the tough battle ahead. "Come on!" he yelled as he ran down the street, Springer running by his side while his friends dragged behind.

"Hold on Flash!" Twilight moaned, "The gym isn't going anywhere."

"I know, but I can't help it! This battle's gonna be so cool!" The others rolled their eyes, Derpy turning to the others.

"Is he normally like this?"

"Only when a battle is taking place," Spike laughed.

"He should be careful though," Doc added as Flash and Springer ran around a corner. "If he's not careful, he might-"

"AUGH!" They heard Flash cry out, causing them to turn the corner and see Flash on the ground with a barrel filed with sand. "Oww..." he moaned while rubbing his head.

"You okay?" Twilight asked as she helped him up.

"Yeah..." Flash grumbled as he turned to the barrel, "But what's this doing here?"

"Fire suppression." They turned to a new voice, now seeing Strongheart and Thunderhooves. "With how hot this place gets, plus most of the buildings are made of wood, it isn't hard to get a flame going."

Thunderhooves nodded in agreement, "Barrels of sand are kept everywhere in case one starts up. Sand is an excellent suppressant." He pointed down the street, everyone now seeing a man burning something in a bin before shoveling in some sand, sputtering the flames out.

"Cool," Flash whistled.

"So..." Strongheart turned to him, "You ready for your match?"

"You know it!" Flash cheered, "How far to the gym?"

"It's right over there." Strongheart pointed to a wall of the city, the girl soon leading them over. They now found themselves staring at a large building built into the side of the rocks. "Welcome to the Appaloosa Gym."

"Wow..." everyone gasped before the doors swung open to reveal Braeburn.

"Howdy ya'll!" he exclaimed before looking at Flash, "Ready to battle?"

"More than anything!" Flash exclaimed, "Let's do this thing!"

"Alright," Braeburn replied while nodding. He gestured them to follow as they walked in, soon finding a room that looked like a basic stadium with seats off to the side along with a large glass wall between them and the field. The field looked like a giant sandpit with a solid Pokeball podium in the center that was connected to the end of the stadium by two long concrete lines.

"Welcome to dah Appaloosa City Gym," Braeburn chuckled before turning to Flash. "Now, which of ya'll wish ta do battle with me?"

Flash stepped forward. "I, Flash Sentry, challenge you to a battle."

"And ah except. Follow me." Braeburn walked down to the field with Flash following, Strongheart taking a position on a podium in the middle.

As this happened, everyone moved up to the seats to sit down. While this happened, Derpy stared up at the glass wall, "What's this for?"

"Not sure," Doc added, "Never seen a gym with one of these before."

"It's to protect the spectators," Thunderhooves responded, but before they could ask why, Strongheart spoke up.

"The Gym Battle between the challenger Flash, and Braeburn the Gym Leader, will now begin! Each side will be allowed three Pokémon, and the battle will end when all three of either sides' Pokémon are unable to battle. In addition, only the challenger may be allowed to substitute Pokémon." She glanced at the two, "Is that understood?"

Flash and Braeburn both nodded before Braeburn pulled out a Pokeball. "Dah land, nurturing and gentle....but now ya'll see just how powerful it is as a force of nature. Giddy up, Redog!" He tossed the ball into the air, now revealing the dyed furred dog Pokémon.

"RED!" It howled before jumping around, kicking up the sand at the same time.

"A Redog, huh?" Flash commented as he remembered his battle with Winona. 'Those things are fast and if it uses Sandstorm, it'll be even faster thanks to....what did Twilight call its ability? Sand Rush? Plus it'll be next to impossible to find it unless...' He looked down at his Riolu, "You're up bud."

"Riolu!" Springer cheered before racing onto the field.

"Why isn't he using Skyler?" Spike asked, Derpy nodding in agreement. "Doesn't he have an immunity?"

"He's probably planning to use him later," Twilight replied, crossing her arms, "And I'm sure this is fitting into his strategy."

Doc nodded as well, "Springer's just as good a choice as Skyler. But even so, Braeburn's likely used to facing opponents with the type advantage. That's a challenge every Gym Leader needs to face in their own way."

"Ground is one of the most balanced types in the Pokémon world." Thunderhooves chimed in, "With just as many weaknesses, it has strengths. Braeburn understands this and will have likely found a way to protect each of his Pokémon from several of their weaknesses in someway."

They all nodded before turning back to the battlefield as Strongheart spoke up, "Redog vs Riolu. Are both trainers ready?" They and their Pokémon nodded. "Then let the Appaloosa gym battle begin...NOW!"

"Extreme Speed!" Flash yelled as Springer charged, blue lightning sparking around him as he zigzagged across the field.

"Riolu!" Springer roared as it reached Redog and swung his foot.

"Bite!" The red hound's head thrusted ahead, Springer's attack slamming into its back instead of its head as the dog's mouth clamped down on Springer's tail.

"RI/DOG!" They both cried, only for Redog to pull Springer before swinging its head backward. RIOLU!" Springer yelped as Redog began tossing him around like a rag-doll, slamming him into the ground three times before flinging him upward.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer quickly spun around and fired the blue projectile down at the dog as he fell.

"Use Dig!" Redog thrusted his body down like a drill, diving right into the sand as the Aura Sphere hit the ground. A cloud of sand kicked up from the blow, Springer landing right into the dusty fog.

"Ri!" he yelped as he squinted his eyes in the sand.

"Springer, don't panic!" Flash yelled from the side as the sandy cloud began to fade, "Try to lock onto Redog's aura!"

Springer nodded and closed his eyes, a pulse of blue energy flowing through his body. And as this happened, his eyes shot open as he yelled, "Riolu!" He quickly ducked, Redog bursting out of the sand before flying right over the Riolu.

"Dog?!" Redog gasped as he found his target ready for him.

"Drain Punch!" Springer slammed a glowing green fist into Redog's gut, the hound yelping as it was thrown flying back.

"Redog!" he yelped as he rolled on the ground.

"You okay Redog?" Braeburn asked as his Pokémon picked itself up, nodding.


"Good," Braeburn replied before glaring at Springer, "Time for the big guns! Sandstorm!" Redog let out a roar as the sand beneath its feet began to shake, only for a cloud of tiny stones began to surge out. The audience gasped as the battlefield was completely blocked out a second later, now seeing the glass wall getting pelted in sand.

"Now the glass makes sense," Spike commented while the others nodded in agreement.

"Gyah!" Flash groaned as he put his hand in front of his eyes, "Can't....see."

"Ri..." Springer grunted as he felt the sand start to scratch his fur.

"Bite!" Springer heard Braeburn announce, the Riolu opening his aura as he tried to track Redog. But as he did this, the energy suddenly vanished before reappearing a second later.

"RED!" The aura appeared behind him, the Riolu spinning around as Redog gripped the Pokémon in his fangs.


"Drain Punch!" Flash yelled into the storm, Springer trying to counter with the move. But as he did this, the Redog released him and disappeared into the sandstorm. "Whenever Redog's close, use Drain Punch to counter whatever it throws at you."

Springer nodded as both of his fists began to glow, the Riolu closing his eyes to focus. He then felt an aura behind him, spinning and throwing a punch....only to hit nothing. He tried again as the aura reappeared by him, but the Redog just jumped back into the cloud. And as he did this, the Sandstorm kept scratching him.

'This isn't working. Gotta find a way to protect Springer,' Flash growled, only for a bulb to go off in his head, "Springer, Double Team!"

Springer howled before a bunch of Springer clones appeared around him, Redog coming to a stop as the clones began t hopping around.

"That's the way!" Twilight cheered. "Now Redog will be too busy looking for the real one while Springer only needs to focus on Redog."

"Don't be so sure," they turned to Thunderhooves. "Redog might be surprised, but it wasn't its eyes that let it find Riolu in the Sandstorm."

"What do you mean?" Derpy asked, Twilight and Doc then gasping as they understood what he meant.

"Get ready to use Aura Sphere!" Flash told the Springer army, each nodding.

"Use Bite!" Braeburn ordered as Redog leapt at the real Springer, the Riolu gasping as the dog suddenly latched onto his paws with his fangs, only to see that the hound's eyes were closed.

"RIOLU!" He cried as Redog put pressure on his Bite attack, the pain making the fake Riolus vanish.

"What?! How?!" Flash yelped.

"It's its nose." Twilight called out to Flash, "Redog can't see in the sand. It's been using its nose to track you this whole time."

"No way...." Flash gasped.

"Yes way," Braeburn cheered. "Now for the finisher! Thunder Fang!"

A bolt of lightning surged from the Redog's mouth, zapping Riolu just as the Sandstorm began to die down. As it did, Redog spun around, flinging Springer across the field. "Ri!" he yelped as he was sent rolling across the ground.

Flash growled and narrowed his eyes, biting his lips as he muttered, "I need to shift gears....Springer! Come on back bud!" The Riolu turned to him, nodding before hopping up and running over to his trainer. And as he got to Flash, the teen leaned down and patted his head, "Sorry bud, but if we keep battling like that, we're not gonna win. I gotta beat Redog with someone else."

"Ri," Springer nodded back as Flash stood up.

"A smart decision," Thunderhooves commented, "Sometimes it's better to retreat and live to fight another day, even if it feels cowardly."

"I wonder who he's gonna pick?" Spike asked next.

"Skyler, Riptide and Prongs would all be good choices," Twilight added, "But you have to take Redog's moves into account."

"Do any of his Pokémon have a way to cancel out Sandstorm?" Derpy chimed in.

"No, I don't think so." Twilight replied while shaking her head, "Especially since it has Thunder Fang as well."

'She's right. That Thunder Fang's a dangerous move. Against it, Skyler and Riptide will be in trouble. Guess that only leaves me one choice.' Flash looked down at his Pokeballs, only to enlarge one, "Prongs, I choose you!" He threw the Pokeball up, unleashing the Chitaleaf, who shook his whole body before getting into a battle stance.

"Leaf!" He roared before glaring at Redog, the hound smirking at him.

"A Grass-type, huh?" Braeburn chuckled while tipping his hat, "Alright, let's see how well yah do with it."

"Oh, I'll show you." They turned to Strongheart and nodded, the girl nodding back before raising her arms.

"Redog vs Chitaleaf. Battle...BEGIN!"

"Energy Ball!" Prongs summoned the green sphere, firing it at the Redog.

"Dig!" the dog dove into the sand, the Energy Ball exploding the ground above it.

"Prongs!" The Chitaleaf turned to its trainer, "Don't stay in one spot. Remember you battle with Winona." Prongs nodded and began to run around, zigzagging all over the place.

"Just wait..." Braeburn quietly told his Pokémon, knowing that even though it couldn't hear him, he knew it understood. "The right moment will present itself. For now, conserve your energy." Prongs kept hopping, only for Braeburn to yell, "NOW!"

"RED!" The ground beneath Prongs exploded, Redog leaping out and slamming into his underside, knocking the deer into the air.

"Prongs! Use Leech Seed!" Flash yelled, Prongs' horns glowing as a pair of lights shot off and hit Redog in the head, the lights exploding to reveal a bunch of vines wrapping around the dog. Redog looked down at the vines, only for pain to surge through its body.

"RED!" It cried as its energy drained through its body, unable to see that Prongs had landed and was now charging at him.

"Thunder Fang!" Redog turned to the deer and opened its mouth, lightning beginning to surge in his fangs.

"Bounce!" The Chitaleaf suddenly leapt over the Redog, causing it to miss as Prongs landed behind him, spinning around before tackling the dog.

"REDOG!" It cried as it was knocked into the dirt, sliding along as Prongs leapt back to a safe distance.

"Energy Ball!" Prongs fired another ball of nature energy at Redog, the hound about to dodge, only for the Leech Seed to flare up again. It let out a cry of pain as the ball hit him, Flash then yelling, "Use Bounce again!"

But as Prongs hopped to slam its hooves into Redog, Braeburn gave his next order. "Sandstorm!" Redog grunted in pain as it howled again, sand shooting out of the ground.

"Leaf?" Prongs yelped as the Redog disappeared into the sand as it covered the area.

"Thunder Fang!" Before Prongs could react, he was sudden tackled to the ground as a pair of electrified fangs bit into his neck.

"LEAF!" He cried as he tried to get Redog off, the Redog just staying on him till the lightning stopped to surge. And as this happened, it leapt away before disappearing into the sand.

Prongs shook his head, only to feel the sandstorm buffet him. But as it did this, the Redog tackled his side, making him stumble over before rolling and kicking the dog off him. "He's open! Energy Ball!"

"LEAF!" He roared as he shot the sphere at Redog, the dog trying to disappear into the sand...only for Leech Seed to flare.


"RED!" It cried before falling back, the Sandstorm dying down as everyone now saw the swirls in the pooch's eyes.

"Redog is unable to battle," Strongheart announced before turning to Prongs. "Chitaleaf is the winner."

Flash sighed in relief while the others started clapping. "Great work Flash," Doc said first.

"You too Prongs," Twilight added. "Great work."

"That was amazing," Derpy gasped, "I never knew a Gym Battle could be so intense."

"Well, you're about to see it get a whole lot tenser," Spike chuckled, "Flash is gonna keep this streak up."

"Maybe," Thunderhooves hummed as he stopped clapping, "But this was only the first battle. There's still a long way to go before victory is his."

The others nodded back as they saw Braeburn return Redog. "Great work partner," he said as the he replaced one Pokeball with another. "Now, giddy up Douburrow!" He tossed the ball up, unleashing the red energy that formed into the two headed serpentine Pokémon.

"Burrow..." the two heads hissed as they glared down at Flash.

"Douburrow," Twilight gulped while remembering the last time they fought one.

"It's huge!" Derpy gasped. "It looks like it could eat Flash's Pokémon in one bite!"

"This could be an issue," Doc added.

"Come on Flash!" Spike called out, Peewee roaring as well.

Flash held out his Pokeball. "Prongs, come on back for now." The Chitaleaf nodded as he was sucked back into the ball, Flash putting it away before looking down at Springer. "Ready to get back in there bud?"

"Ri!" Springer cheered as he ran in and took on a battle stance.

Strongheart nodded at the two before raising her arms and speaking up. "Alright, Riolu verses Douburrow. "Battle...BEGIN!"

"Start off with Dig!" Braeburn yelled, Douburrow quickly bringing its heads together before slamming them into the sand, burrowing with its tail following. Springer tensed up at the sight, scanning the ground for Douburrow's aura.

He suddenly located it in front of him, hopping back as one of Douburrow's heads shot out the ground, missing Springer completely. The Riolu smirked, only to sense the same aura coming up from behind him. "Ri?" Springer turned to see the second head shoot out, slamming into him.

"SPRINGER!" Flash gasped as he saw his partner was sent flying, only for the Riolu to land on his feet.

"Ri..." Springer growled as it turned back at the worm.

"That's the way! Now, Extreme Speed!" Springer zipped across the area, slamming a foot into one of the heads, knocking it back while the other tried to take a bite out of Springer. "Drain Punch!" Springer spun around in midair, hitting the head with his glowing fist, knocking it into the ground.

"Dragon Rage!" Braeburn yelled, both of Douburrow's heads opening as blue flames began to spew out. The head's combined together, the Riolu hopping back as the worm surged the flames at the Pokémon.

"RIOLU!" He cried out, the flames pushing him across the sand.

"Faint Attack!" As Springer picked himself up from the blow, one of Douburrow's heads charged to headbutt him. Springer crossed his arms to brace himself for the attack, only for the head to stop inches away from him.

"Ri?" Springer asked as he lowered his arms, only for the other head to suddenly slam into his side. "LU!"

The Riolu went flying, only to hear Flash yell out, "Aura Sphere!" Springer spun around as he fired the orb at Douburrow, the sphere striking the two-headed beast head on.

"DUB!" They both cried as the heads knocked back, falling over as Springer landed.

"Now use Extreme Speed, don't stay in one place!" Springer nodded as the blue lightning began to spark around him.

"RIOLU!" He body-checked the beast's left head before jumping back, bouncing around as he was about to hit the right, "Ri..." he then leapt and dealt a kick into the spot where their necks became one, the blow knocking the worm back.

"Don't falter! Dragon Rage!" Douburrow roared as it stretched its heads back before launching a barrage of blue flames, Springer hopping back as he tried to dodge the fire. And as he did this, Braeburn yelled a new command, "Now Dig!"

"BURROW!" The twenty-four foot serpent curled itself backward to dive down into the ground, disappearing completely in just a split-second. The sight made Springer shiver, feeling the ground shake as his eyes started to dart around.

"This isn't good. He's getting paranoid," Twilight commented.

Doc nodded in agreement, "This is a completely new way of fighting for him. He's never battled more than one opponent at a time before."

"So what's he gonna do?" Spike asked, only for the ground to explode beneath Springer with both Douburrow's heads slamming into him.

"RIOLU!" He yelped as he was sent into the ceiling, the blow making everyone flinch.

And as he began to fall, Douburrow split its heads as far as they could go before Braeburn gave his final order. "Smack Down!" Both mouths opened up as an orange ball of light appeared, both firing at Springer as he fell.

"Look out!" Twilight told Flash, the teen knowing he had no way of stopping them both.

"Aura Sphere, right at Douburrow!"

"RI!" Springer roared as he quickly formed the orb, throwing it down at Douburrow seconds before the twin orbs struck him. "RIOLU!" he screamed as an explosion consumed him while his Aura Sphere hit Douburrow, exploding and knocking it back while Springer hit the dirt. "Ri..." he moaned as swirls replaced his eyes.

"SPRINGER!" Everyone yelled as Strongheart raised an arm.

"Riolu is unable to continue. Douburrow is the winner."

Flash ran over to Springer and picked him up, the Riolu groaning as he opened his eyes and let out a low moan, "Hey bud. Don't worry, you did great." Springer nodded as Flash returned to his stand, putting him down before turning back to the battle.

"That Smack Down attack is tough," Spike gulped.

"And it's a good move for a Ground-type to have." Doc added, Spike and Derpy turning to him in confusion. "If that move hits a Flying-type, it cancels out their immunity to Ground-type attacks for a while."

"So Skyler's in real danger?" Derpy asked.

Thunderhooves nodded. "It makes sense that a trainer specializing in a type would try to find a way to neutralize another type's immunity to it. Remember, this battle is meant to be a test for your friend. How he overcomes an obstacle like this is a big part of that test. The question is, can your friend overcome it?"

Twilight took a deep breath, only to shine a big smile, "Flash can overcome it. He's not your ordinary trainer. Just watch."

'That Smack Down's gonna be tough to beat, plus it's practically two against one. If I'm gonna win this, I need speed and agility....that means only one choice.' Flash thought before taking out a ball, "Riptide, I choose you!" He tossed the ball next, unleashing the water lizard.

"Tore..." Riptide roared as he landed, standing at full height with his crossed arms, "Spranitor!"

"He picked Riptide?!" Spike asked, "But now he can't use Skyler!"

Twilight nodded in agreement, "He had to make a choice. Sometimes that choice means not taking what seems like the best course of action."

Strongheart spoke up. "Are both trainers ready?" Flash and Braeburn nodded, Strongheart raising her arms again. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Dragon Rage!" The two heads came together as they spat the blue fire at Riptide, the Spranitor quickly back-flipping to dodge the flames.

"Water Gun!"

"Tore!" Riptide shot a long stream of water, hitting Douburrow in the face, drenching its mouth and stopping the Dragon Rage.

"Now, Rock Smash!" Riptide's legs began to glow as he ran under the worm's head, flipping to a handstand before thrusting his arms out.

"TORE!" He propelled upward, striking Douburrow in the bottom of its chin, knocking the right head back while the other turned to it.

"Faint Attack!" It thrust the left head forward, slamming Riptide across the arena and into the glass wall.

"Ooh!" Everyone flinched as Riptid slide down the wall, Flash grimacing at the sight.

"You okay?" He asked as Riptide hit the dirt, quickly shaking itself and nodding back.

"Nee!" Riptide yelled as he quickly ran back onto the field as Douburrow's other head recovered. The two Pokémon glared each other down, both doing a small circle around them.

"Aqua Tail!" Flash ordered as Riptide's tail became enveloped in water, the water lizard running up to the worm.

"Smack Down!" The twin-headed Pokémon opened both its mouths before launching a volley of energy orbs, the Spranitor jumping side to side. But as he did this, Riptide leapt over the explosions and got to Douburrow's joint neck before spinning forward.

"TORE!" The water whip struck Douburrow and carved into it like a buzzsaw, the worm letting out a mighty roar of pain. The strike knocked the beast away, the lizard hopping back as the worm fell over...only to get right back up.

"Not bad," Braeburn told him while adjusting his hat, "But it'll take more then that to beat mah Douburrow."

"Oh, I've got plenty more to give," Flash replied with a confident smirk.

"Then let's test that! Dig!" Douburrow quickly dived into the earth, vanishing instantly.

'Not good,' Flash thought as he saw Riptide glance around, 'Come on, think...think...wait! If it has to go through the sand, that means...' He shined a huge grin as he yelled, "Riptide, remember our Baltimare Gym Battle. Use Water Gun everywhere!"

Riptide's eyes went wide, his grin also appearing as he roared, "TORE!" He unleashed a stream of water onto the sand, the brown dirt quickly soaking it up.

"What's he up too?" Braeburn asked as Riptide soon coated the entire field in water, "Silly tricks aren't gonna work on mah Pokémon. Douburrow, do it!" The sand shook as Douburrow's two heads rocketed out of the ground. But as they were about to slam into Riptide, they suddenly froze.

"BURROW!" They screamed in pain.

"What's happening?" Thunderhooves asked with wide-eyes.

"Of course! Riptide used the field to his advantage!" Twilight cheered while clapping. "Just like last time!"

"What are you talking about?" Derpy added.

"He wet the sand so that when Douburrow touches it, it'll touch the water and take damage."

Derpy let out a gasp, "That's amazing."

Doc nodded in agreement, "And now Douburrow can't move around as much or the same thing will happen. Flash has him trapped."

"Awesome!" Spike cheered.

Riptide smirked as Douburrow shook its body while slithering the rest of its body out of its hole. But as it did, it touched more of the wet sand and hissed in pain. "Burrow!" it cried as it tried to move around, but kept moving over every wet spot.

"Alright!" Flash pumped his fists, "Let's finish this! Aqua Tail!"

"Spran!" Riptide roared as he charged with a water-filled tail, Douburrow unable to move as they saw the incoming attack.

"Smack Down!" It fired several energy orbs at Riptide, only for the lizard to zigzag around every sphere. "Alright, use Dragon Rage instead!"

"BURROW!" The two heads launched the blue fire right in Riptide's face, the Spranitor crossing its arms and flying through the flames.

"Nee!" Water spiraled around his tail as he spun and slammed his tail into the joint of the two necks.

"BURROW!" It screamed in pain as Riptide jumped back again. And as he did this, Douburrow fell back in pain, slamming into the ground while soaking up more water. That was the straw that broke the Camerupt's back as Douburrow's eyes were now replaced by spirals.

Strongheart ran over to check the worm before nodding, "Douburrow is unable to battle. Spranitor is the winner!"

"Alright!" Flash cheered as Riptide ran over to him, "Way to go!"

"Tore!" Riptide added as he ran over, Flash now seeing his body in burns from the Dragon Rage. Despite this, he turned back and put himself in a battle stance.

"Way to use the field to your advantage," Doc called out.

"Two down, one to go!" Spike cheered.

"But you know who that one is," Twilight added as they all turned to Braeburn return Douburrow. "The real battle starts now."

Thunderhooves nodded in agreement, "Yes, and all his Pokémon have taken damage. Braeburn's last Pokémon is starting off completely fresh."

"Great work partner," Braeburn told Douburrow while it was in its Pokeball. "Yah did great." He then replaced his Pokeball with another, enlarging it while smiling at Flash. "Ya'll done great up until now. You and yer Pokémon have worked well together despite dah many obstacles." He held his Pokeball up. "But now yah face your greatest challenge here in mah gym. Stampalo, giddy up!"

He threw the ball and unleashed the red energy, taking shape of a certain stampede Pokémon. "STAMP!" It roared while slamming its front hooves into the ground.

Flash, Springer and Riptide all flinched at the sight of the Pokémon, feeling that even though Douburrow had been larger, but Stampalo's presence felt like it was a hundred foot tall. "This isn't gonna be easy."

"Stampalo verses Spranitor. Are both trainers ready?" They nodded back, "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Water Gun!" Flash ordered, Riptide taking a large gulp of air.


"Magnitude!" Braeburn yelled as Stampalo's body began to glow brown, the bovine jumping up onto its back legs.

"STAMP!" It brought its front hooves crashing down, causing the whole room to shake.

"TOOOOORE!" Riptide lost his balance and fell back as he unleashed his Water Gun, the attack spraying everywhere except in Stampalo's direction.

"What's happening?" Spike asked as he clung onto his seat, Derpy about to fall out of hers before Doc caught her.

"Its Magnitude," Doc replied, "It's an attack that causes a small earthquake."

"This is small?!" Derpy yelped.

With Riptide off balance, Stampalo began to charge at the lizard, "Double Edge!" Stampalo's body glowed yellow as it started to pick up speed.

"Spran?" Riptide muttered as he saw Stampalo charging at him, only to suddenly be slammed by the bull, "TORE!" He was thrown back, flying over the sand before rolling through the dirt. He then spun around, getting back on his feet before glaring at Stampalo.

"Rock Smash!" Flash yelled as Riptide charged at him with glowing legs, leaping over and stomping into Stampalo's face, causing it to stagger back. "Again!" Riptide charged again, but as he thrust his legs forward, Stampalo jumped onto its back hooves.

"Body Slam!" Riptide's eyes went wide as Stampalo came crashing down on top of him, crushing him beneath its immense bulk.


"Riptide!" Flash gasped while Springer covered his eyes, Stampalo remaining like this for several seconds until it finally stood up and revealed Riptide laid out on the ground.

"Nee," he groaned before rolling over to pick itself up.

"You okay?" Riptide gave him a thumbs up as he slowly got back to his feet.

"Not for long," Braeburn barked back, "Magnitude!"

"STAMP!" the bull yelled as it thrust his hooves into the ground, causing the whole place to shake. But to everyone's surprise, the shaking wasn't nearly as bad as before.

"What's going on?" Spike asked, "The attack feels...weaker?"

"Magnitude is a move that varies in power," Twilight replied, "This one's just weaker than the last."

This time Riptide was able to stay on his feet, evading a bum-rush from Stampalo. "Aqua Tail!" Flash yelled as Stampalo spun around and charged him again, Riptide jumping to the side as his tail was encased in water. He then slammed his tail into Stampalo's side, knocking it off balance. "Now, Echoed Voice!"

"Spran..." Riptide took a deep breath in, "NITOOOOOOOOR!" The high-pitched screamed rocketed around the room, everyone crying out as they covered their ears. Stampalo winced in pain as well before turning to Riptide, looking over the Spranitor's shoulder at Braeburn.

The trainer saw this and quickly shaped his hand so his fingers mimicked Stampalo's hooves, signaling the move Magnitude. Stampalo nodded and jumped up onto its back hooves, "STAMPALO!" It then pushed its legs crashing into the ground, knocking Riptide off his feet while also stopping the scream.

"Let's end this!" Braeburn called out. "Double Edge!"

"Stamp!" It mooed before charging, the yellow aura surrounding the beast as it got closer.

Riptide was still trying to get his balance as Flash saw this, "Water Gun!" Riptide took a deep breath, firing the strongest stream of water he could muster and hitting Stampalo dead on. But Stampalo just kept running, pushing past the water as it reached Riptide, slamming into him at max speed.

"STAMP/TORE!" They both cried as the attack connected, sending Riptide flying back until hitting the dirt face down.

"Riptide!" Flash gasped as the others saw Riptide tried to pick himself up, only to flop over with swirls in his eyes. "No!"

"Spranitor is unable to battle," Strongheart announced. "Stampalo is the winner."

Everyone sighed at the sight, Flash pulling out his Pokeball to returned Riptide.

"Now Flash is only down to one Pokémon," Spike sighed.

"Maybe," Twilight added, "But Stampalo must have taken a lot of damage form that battle. Flash still has a chance."

"He just needs to pick his moves right," Doc finished.

Thunderhooves hummed while rubbing his chin, "He may find this last battle more difficult then he realizes."

The others turned to him with curious looks, but Thunderhooves just remained quiet.

"You did great Riptide," Flash told him once he was back in the ball. "Don't worry, your efforts won't be wasted." He replaced the Pokeball and looked down at it. "It's all on you now bud. I know you can do it. Prongs, I choose you!" He tossed the ball, unleashing the Chitaleaf.

"Chita!" Prongs roared as he landed down and stared at its larger opponent.

"So it's yer Chitaleaf against mah Stampalo." Braeburn commented as he tipped his hat, "This is sure ta be a battle ta remember."

"You bet. And it's a battle I'm gonna win."

"We'll see about that. But just know, win or lose, yer a trainer ah can respect."

"Same here Braeburn. You're one tough battler, you and your Pokémon. You do your ancestors proud." Everyone smiled at the respect they were showing each other as Strongheart spoke up.

"Stampalo verses Chitaleaf. Are both trainers ready?" They nodded, "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Magnitude!" The bull-like Pokémon's body glowed again before it stamped its hooves down, causing the shake. The vibration knocked Prongs off his feet, Stampalo roaring at the moment before charging, "Body Slam!"

"STAMP!" It leapt into the air, gravity about to take its toll as it got over the Chitaleaf.

"Dodge it!"

"Leaf!" Prongs hopped to his feet and leapt to the side, just in time as Stampalo crashed into the sand.

"Energy Ball!" Prongs fired the ball into the now forming sand cloud, Stampalo picking itself up, only to be hit in the face.

"STAMP!" It cried out, staggering off to the side as the cloud faded.

"Leech Seed/Double Edge!" Stampalo's entire body glowed yellow as it charged while Prongs' horns began to shine.

"Chitaleaf!" The light fired off his horns, hitting the bull head-on before wrapping him in vines.

"STAMPALO!" It smashed into Prongs, making him cry out as he was thrown backwards. Stampalo then came to a stop, flinching in pain as the Leech Seed drained him while Prongs hit the sand.

"Time for dah big attack," Braeburn yelled, "Use Flame Charge!"

"Flame Charge!?" Flash yelped as the others went wide-eyed. They all turned to see Stampalo's body burst into flames, now slamming into the still recoiling Prongs.

"LEAF!" He screamed as the flames bit into him, knocking him around as Stampalo circled around.

"Keep usin' Flame Charge!" Stampalo's body continued to burn as it charged at Prongs again, the Chitaleaf managing to get to its feet as its opponent got closer.

"Bounce!" Flash ordered, Prongs jumping over the bull just in time. "Now use Energy Ball!" Prongs formed the green sphere and tossed it at Stampalo, only for the flames to stop the orb, making it explode before it could reach the target. "Dang it."

Prongs landed while Stampalo came to a stop, the flames vanishing as the Leech Seed flared up and drained its energy. Twilight winced at the sight as she commented, "That Flame Charge is completely protecting Stampalo. With Energy Ball neutralized, Flash's only hope to do damage is with physical attacks. But with Flame Charge-"

"Anytime he touches Stampalo, he'll get burnt," Doc finished. "Then there's the fact Flame Charge boosts the user's speed." They watched as Prongs and Stampalo stared each other down, the bovine scraping its hoof along the ground. "If it keeps using Flame Charge, it'll eventually be able to keep up with Prongs."

"So what's Flash gonna do?" Derpy asked, but the others remained quiet.

'There's gotta be a way to get past that Flame Charge,' Flash thought to himself. But as his mind began to wander, Braeburn spoke up.

"Magnitude!" Stampalo glowed again before stomping its feet, causing the most powerful earthquake they had seen in the battle.

"CHITA!" Prongs cried, every bone in his body rattling as Stampalo charged.

"Now, Double Edge!"

"Dodge it!" Flash yelled, but Prongs was too disorientated from earthquake to move, allowing him to be body checked by the Stampede Pokémon. Once again Prongs fell to the floor, Stampalp coming to a stop as he drained again by the Leech Seed.

"Now use Flame Charge!" Its body exploded as it bum-rushed Prongs again, slamming into him at full force.

"LEAF!" He yelped as he was thrown halfway across the field, slamming into the sand. He formed a trench in the sand as he slid along it, coming to a stop as Stampalo circled back around for another attack.

'There has to be a way to stop that attack. But how?' Flash's brain yelled at him, his eyes darting across the field. And as he watched Stampalo charge again, his eyes saw the flames tap the sand. The sight made a memory spark in his head, "THAT'S IT!" he yelled, "Prongs, use Energy Ball and fire it at the ground!"

This order made everyone go wide-eyed, confusion sweeping the gym as Prongs turned to his trainer, "Leaf?" He looked back at his trainer, seeing him confidently nod. Prongs nodded back before turning to the flaming projectile approaching him. "Chit...aaah..." The ball formed at his snout and as Stampalo got close, he fired. "LEAF!" The Energy Ball hit the ground right in front of Stampalo, a massive sand cloud suddenly forming in front of the bull.

"What's Flash doing?" Spike asked as he turned to his sister, only to see smiles on Twilight's and Doc's faces. Looking back, he saw the answer as Stampalo shot out the other side of the cloud, everyone seeing it was covered in sand...and the flames had now gone out.

"Brilliant!" Twilight cheered. "He used the sand to dose the flames!"

"Stamp?!" It yelped as it came to a stop, tensing its body again to ignite its body...only for no flames to appear, "Stamp!"

Braeburn smirked while tipping his hat, "Smart move...but just because you took down Flame Charge, doesn't mean you'll win! Stampalo, Magnitude!"

Flash's eyes widened as Stampalo began to glow, the bull jumping off its front hooves. But as it did this, he pointed at his Pokémon, "Prongs, use Bounce right now!"

"Leaf!" He roared as he leapt, dodging the earthquake before slamming his hooves into Stampalo's head, causing it to stagger back in pain.

"Energy Ball!" The sphere of nature energy formed before it was shot at Stampalo, slamming into its head as well before the Leech Seed flared up again.

"Magnitude!" Braeburn yelled in frustration, Stampalo quickly slamming its hooves into the ground...but the quake was only a light tremor. The two trainers then called out the same attack.

"BODY SLAM!" The two charged, both picking up speed. But as they were about to clash, Stampalo's superior strength was about to hit the deer, only for Leech Seed to flare up, making it slow down. And as both hit each othehr. Prong's higher speed thrust into the bull, knocking both back in even strength and damage.

They both skidded to a stop in front of their trainers next, both glaring as their trainers locked eyes. Both knew the next attack would likely be the last as they yelled, "DOUBLE EDGE/BOUNCE!" The two charged one last time, both picking up as much speed as possible. And as they collided, the force of their charges shook the sand around them, forming a giant cloud of misty brown grains.

Everyone stood up from their seats, now seeing the cloud slowly begin to fade. The first Pokémon to be seen was Prongs, the Chitaleaf panting with his legs wobbling despite still being upright. But when the sand cloud revealed Stampalo, the bovine was laid out on the floor with swirls in its eyes. "Stamp..." it moaned as Strongheart checked him over.

"Stampalo is unable to battle, Chitaleaf wins! All of Braeburn's Pokémon are unable to battle, so the winner is Flash Sentry!"

"ALRIGHT!" Flash cheered.

"RIOLU!" Springer howled in joy as everyone began to clap.

"He did it!" Spike yelled while hugging Peewee.


"Didn't doubt him for a second," Twilight added.

"Me neither," Derpy giggled. "Well...maybe for a few seconds."

"It sure was a nail biter," Doc commented. "But in the end, Flash won."

"Yes," Thunderhooves nodded as Flash and Springer ran over to Prongs. "They showed great courage in the face of overwhelming odds. He'll go far, that boy."

"You were awesome Prongs!" Flash exclaimed as he crouched down to pat Prongs' head, "We won!"

"Leaf!" Prongs cheered before tackling Flash, rubbing his head into his trainer's cheek.

The teen laughed, "Okay okay, you're happy, I get it." He continued to laugh as Braeburn returned Stampalo to its Pokeball.

"Great work partner," he told it as Strongheart moved over to him. "Yah did yer kind proud." He put the ball away before turning to Flash, he and Strongheart sharing a smile as they watched Flash get licked to death.

A little later...

Everyone was now outside of the gym, Braeburn chuckling as he held out his hand to Flash, "Well Flash, that battle was surely one ah'll remember for a while. Thanks for giving me such and fun challenge. Ah don't even care that ah lost."

"Thanks Braeburn," Flash shook his hand while his Pokémon all cheered.

And once they let go, Braeburn turned to Strongheart as she held up a tray. He took something off and gave it to Flash, "This here's proof that ya'll won here at the Appaloosa City Gym." He was holding a badge that was shaped like a brown gust of wind. "The Dust Badge."

Flash shined a huge grin as he took the badge, now holding it up for all to see. "Alright! I just won...THE DUST BADGE!"

"RIOLU/SPRANITOR/CHITALEAF!" His Pokémon cheered as everyone else began clapping again, Flash now putting it in his badge case.

"Just three more to go," Flash added as he closed the case before glancing over at Twilight, "Alright guys, where we heading next?"

"That's a good question," Twilight replied as she took out her journal. "I'm not sure what the closest Gym to us is."

"If I may," Strongheart moved over and typed something into her journal. "This would be the closest city with a gym, though it's still a ways off."

Everyone looked over Twilight's shoulder to see the name. "Cloudsdale City?" Derpy asked while the others blinked at the name.

"Isn't that where Rainbow and Fluttershy are from?" Spike chimed in, the others nodding.

"My grandma's from there too," Flash commented before snapping his fingers. "Alright! Cloudsdale City, here we come!"

The others nodded in agreement as Doc turned to Derpy. "I guess this means our time together is coming to an end."

Derpy let out a small sigh, "Yup. Sorry, but I have to stay and wait for my next orders." She then shined a big smile, "But I'll be rooting for you guys the whole way. Count on it."

The others nodded back, Derpy giving Doc a hug in response. And as they all decided to retire for the day and Flash's fifth badge was now in his hand, the group was ready to get going to Cloudsdale City.

As the journey continues

Author's Note:

And with that, Flash's badge total goes up to five. Hope you enjoyed the battle.

Don't forget to check out the Pokemon Game Blog, which is newly updated.

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