• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 361 Views, 1 Comments

What It Means To Be A Dragon - FluttershyLover55

Longing to be a hero, Spike visits a village of dragons in the Badlands as an ambassador. But...is there more to it, than there seeems to be?

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Prologue:A Legend Is Told

What It Means To Be A Dragon
Sequel/Prequel to 'Distorted World' (Book Two of the 'Undestined Hero Trilogy) Started on 2-20-14
Prologue-A Legend Is Told

About two months after Discord's defeat…

A knock sounded in the 'Golden Oaks' Library, stirring Twilight out of her book-induced trance.

"Spike! Could you see who's at the door?" She called, up to the second floor loft, where the unicorn and dragon assistant shared a room.

"I'm on it!" He responded, bounding down the steps two at a time, and nearly tripping.

A purple and green blur sped past her, blowing her mane to the side, in the resulting gust of air. On the other side of the door, was the mailpony. Spike had forgotten his name, but he was new. This pony was the replacement for Ditzy Doo, or 'Derpy', as her friends called her. If he recalled correctly, she had been fired, and moved to a job more suited for her, after messing up on too many deliveries.

"I have a package here for, uh," He glanced down at the label, "A Mr. Spike the Dragon." He announced, still holding the box.

"That's me." Spike replied, signing the piece of paper handed to him, "Thank you!" The door was closed, after the mailpony left, and the recipient carried it over to the table, where Twilight was.

"Whoa, what's got you so exited?" Twilight questioned. She hadn't seen him THIS excited, since his last date with Fluttershy.

Spike used a claw as a box cutter, unsealing the box, and holding up what was inside for the unicorn to see. "My book, came in the mail today!" He answered, joyfully.

"Oh! Who's the auth…or?" She noticed where the cover, told the author's name. "'The Legend of Spike the Dragon' by Spike the Dragon?! When did you have the time, to write a book?"

"Well, remember when you were gone for a whole week on vacation?"

"Yes?" Twilight remembered a few weeks ago, when she took a break. It had taken a lot of convincing, but in the end, Spike had persuaded her to go. He was left to run the Library by himself, for a while.

"That's when I wrote this book, and published it! It's copyrighted, and everything!" Spike explained.

"Okay, but what's it about?" Twilight asked, now curious.

"Do you remember the night that I went on a date with Fluttershy, and you first found out about our relationship?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with my question?"

"I'm getting to that. Anyway, before I left, I told you that there were a lot of things you didn't know about me. That's what this book is about. It explains it all! Can you call the others here? I want to tell all of you this, at the same time." Spike requested.

"Sure thing, Spike. I'll call a meeting here, at the Library." Twilight took off outside, to retrieve the other five.


"Where's the fire, Twi?" Applejack asked, as they entered the Library.

"Yeah, what's the emergency? You don't usually call a meeting, unless it's important!" Rainbow wondered.

Once they were all inside, they sat down at various spots in the Library.

"Everypony, listen up! You're probably wondering why I called you all here." Twilight announced, addressing the group as a whole. The rest all murmured in agreement, ready for her to get to the point. "For once, it's not because the world is in danger. This time, it's because Spike has something to tell us. Go ahead, Spike." Twilight pulled out a beanbag, and plopped herself down on it.

Spike was slightly nervous, now that six pairs of eyes were staring at him, but he swallowed, and cleared his throat. "Twilight's right, girls. I-I've been hiding some things from you, and I think it's time for me to tell the truth. You all have saved the world several times, and I'm grateful for it. I've always been thought of as the sidekick, the little dragon who isn't really that important."

"Spike, I don't…" Twilight protested.

"Yes, you do, Twilight. I've seen it in your eyes. All of you just think I'm in the way, and that I can't do anything right!" Spike took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down. This isn't what he wanted to tell them, even if it was true. He sighed, then continued in a less heated tone. "I'm sorry, everypony. This isn't what I meant to talk about. What I was trying to say, was that there was a time that I saved the world."

"Yeah, we already know about when you and Fluttershy saved us, a few months ago." Rainbow reminded.

"No, there was a time before that. There was a time that I saved the world, all by myself."

Rainbow Dash held it in as long as possible, before busting out laughing. "Pffft, Bwahahaha! You, a hero? As if!"

"Rainbow! What have I told you, about being rude?" Twilight scolded.

Fluttershy glared daggers at the pegasus, giving her the full power of the 'Stare'.

Rainbow stopped, beginning to get uncomfortable from her gaze. If looks could kill, she'd be dead three times over. "O-Okay. I-I'm sorry." Rainbow stuttered, terrified.

Fluttershy grinned, happily. "Now, that's better! You shouldn't treat anypony that way, Rainbow Dash, especially not Spike!"

The fact that such a normally, sweet and adorable pegasus could turn mean that fast, was unsettling to Rainbow.

"It's okay, Rainbow. I'm used to it. Thanks for defending me anyway, Fluttershy."

"You're welcome!" She answered, scooting over to where Spike sat, and nuzzling his leg.

Spike smiled, as she lay over onto his lap. He stroked her mane, causing her to quietly moan in pleasure. They all 'awwed', while Rainbow pretended to gag.

"Whether you believe me or not, it's all in this book. I'll read to you, the tale of a handsome, young dragon who became an unlikely hero." Spike laid the book on the floor in front of him.

"I made popcorn!" Pinkie pulled out a huge bucket of popcorn.

"How do you do it, Darling?" Rarity wondered, puzzled.

Applejack placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Sugarcube, she's just being Pinkie."

"Yeah! Just go with it, Rarity!" Rainbow agreed, reaching a hoof into the bucket and digging out a few pieces of popcorn.

"This will take a while, so sit tight. You already know part of this story, since you all were there. Although, you didn't realize that you were part of something bigger than you could have imagined, at the time." Spike reminded, causing them to nod in confirmation. "It all began, on the day that I was ready to give up, on ever becoming a hero…" He started.

"Ooh! I LOVE flashbacks!" Pinkie exclaimed, her voice muffled by a mouthful of popcorn.