• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 362 Views, 1 Comments

What It Means To Be A Dragon - FluttershyLover55

Longing to be a hero, Spike visits a village of dragons in the Badlands as an ambassador. But...is there more to it, than there seeems to be?

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Chapter Eighteen:The Other Dragon

What It Means To Be A Dragon
Chapter 18-The Other Dragon

Spike assumed that this would be an easy fight, but he was beginning to realize his error. Kazami had the advantage in size and experience, and for a creature so large, he could move very fast. Spike was fast, but he didn't have as much experience, because of his youth. It was all Spike could do, to dodge most of the attacks and block the others. So far, neither dragon had landed a strike.

Every time Spike blocked an attack, a terrible screeching filled the cave, as claws raked across steel, like nails on a chalkboard. Kazami's blows were powerful, so it took a lot of effort and energy to keep him at bay. Spike was trying to hold out until Kazami got tired, to attack him head-on. Spike saw an opening and took the opportunity, but it was a ploy by Kazami. One super-sized claw swept Spike to the side, slamming him into the far wall in the dark corner of the room. A dragon-shaped imprint was left in the rock, as Spike fell onto his back, dropping his sword, severely bruised. He was left reeling, stars circling his head in a daze.

Kazami laughed, loudly. "Hahaha! I told you, but you wouldn't listen. You're finished, my son."

Spike laid there in defeat. "After all I did to prevent it, the prophecy still came true. The painting was exactly like this. My sword is beside me, I'm bruised and beaten, and all that's missing is…" Kazami went over to him, causing his eyes to gleam in the darkness, large and yellow. "There we go, now, it's just like the scene in the painting. I don't know what to do." Spike thought, in despair.

A familiar voice cut through his thoughts, pulling him into the depths of his mind. "Don't stop now, Spike. You HAVE to win this, like I know you can! With my experience as a samurai, I can help you block, by moving the sword from within to save your strength, if need be."

"He's right, Spike! You can do this, we're with you every step of the way. Just remember our advice, and use your wits."

Spike snapped out of the trance instantly, and tried to get up. He could hardly move, but he struggled to his knees, then stood up. All bruising disappeared, thanks to his sword, and Spike's adrenaline kicked in, causing his heart to beat loudly in his ears. All of the advice his friends had given him filled his head, and he realized something. There was a difference between him, and the dragon in the painting. The other dragon in the painting didn't have friends to keep him going, like Spike did. He was certain that he could change his destiny, and win.

Spike stood there, thinking of a plan. Since his friends had helped him get so far, it only seemed fair to use all of their advice in his plan to defeat Kazami. Rainbow Dash had told him not to give up, and Spike had used that advice, already. He continued, making a mental list. He had made a plan like Twilight said, so that was done. Now, that left Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack. He didn't see how he could do things with style or 'trust the lemons', whatever that meant. And, as for coming back safely, he wasn't sure if he could fulfill that one or not. He had forgotten about Fluttershy's advice, but he had already tried talking, and that didn't work. For now, he decided to focus on trying to take down Kazami.

Kazami and Spike stepped back into the light. "I don't know how you're still alive, but that can be fixed." Kazami bellowed, stomping towards Spike, and attempting to crush him underfoot.

The stomps shook the ground under him, and he felt like he was about to hurl. Smoke blew from his nostrils, as emerald fire flew from his mouth, spiraling in a circle, before forming a scroll with a 'pop'! Spike caught it and unrolled it, to find a spool of white thread. He ran away from Kazami, reading the scroll along the way.

"Dear Spike, I heard that you needed help doing things in style, so I sent you this thread, in hopes it would assist you. Your friend, Rarity." He scrunched his face up, in confusion. "How did she…"

"I can hear your thoughts, Darling. Remember?" The white unicorn chimed in his ear.

"Oh, yeah! Thanks, Rarity!"

"It's no problem at all, Spike. Give that brute a beating for me, would you?"

Spike grinned. "Sure thing!"

Spike noticed that Kazami had stopped stomping, and circled the confused dragon, who got dizzy following his movements. The thread was wrapped tightly around Kazami's ankles, and Spike ran away, giving it a tug. This caused the huge dragon to fall down, onto a pile of gold coins.

"Timber!" Spike yelled.

"Hey Spike, you're in the center of the mountain, right?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, why?"

"I thought of a way to take down Kazami!"

"You did?"

"Yes, get him to punch the wall, instead of you! This should cause lava to fill the room, so make sure you get out, and he doesn't!"

"Will do, thanks, Twilight!"

Kazami was enraged and he charged at him, with the intention to punch his lights out. He was moving so fast, that Spike wasn't sure if he could get out of the way in time. It was then, that a totally random thought entered his mind. He remembered Pinkie's advice to 'trust the lemons', almost as if she were whispering in his ear, and suddenly, he spotted a small pile of lemons sitting right next to him.

He raised an eyebrow, but he didn't have the luxury of thinking this through. Spike grabbed a few lemons and tore them open with his claws, throwing them straight into Kazami's eyes. The dragon roared in pain, missing him at the last second and punching the wall beside him, creating a hole in it.

"Uh, Pinkie, did you…" Spike started to ask, even though he knew that there wasn't much time for it.

"What did I tell you? I knew that it would work out, somehow. Not sure how those lemons got there, though. It was just a lucky guess, you know?" She responded, cluelessly.

Spike shook his head in disbelief. He didn't know what she was talking about, not at all. And, this was no time to be getting distracted, either.

Lava gushed out of the hole, quickly filling the room. Dragons were resistant to fire, but not something as hot as lava.

Kazami was determined not to let Spike escape. "If I'm going to die, you're going down with me!" He created more holes, so that the room would flood faster.

A piece of the ceiling fell down, but Spike dashed past it, as it sealed the room's entrance, trapping Kazami inside.
Spike exited the cave and jumped off the mountain, as lava spewed out behind him. He watched the ground rushing up to meet him, and hoped that he wouldn't die from his stupid decision.

"Oh well, at least I got rid of him. My quest is done."