• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 362 Views, 1 Comments

What It Means To Be A Dragon - FluttershyLover55

Longing to be a hero, Spike visits a village of dragons in the Badlands as an ambassador. But...is there more to it, than there seeems to be?

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Chapter Twelve:The Wrong Prophecy

What It Means To Be A Dragon
Chapter 12-The Wrong Prophecy

Almost as soon as he opened his eyes the next morning, Spike jumped out of bed and rummaged through his pack beside the bed. He had just remembered that he hadn't talked to Twilight, since he had arrived. She was probably worried, maybe even furious. The dragon found what he was looking for, and pulled out a scroll and quill. Twilight was a bit old-fashioned and liked being sent letters, so Spike didn't try to contact her, mentally. After a few minutes, the scroll crackled into smoke that slipped outside, to its destination. A minute or two later, a scroll was belched into view, and he plucked it from the air.

"That was fast, but knowing her, she was just waiting for this to happen."

He unrolled it, to read her response. It basically, just said that she was glad to hear from him and that things were going well. Everything was fine back home, and they were rooting for him.

Spike decided that he would go explore the town today, but he needed to ask the Elder some more questions, first. He opened the mini-fridge and pulled out an apple, taking a bite out of it. He exited the room, still chomping on it, while heading towards the Elder's room.


"Silence, no more."

"But, I don't trust him, my Lord. I'm telling you, he's crazy! We heard him, talking to himself. I…"

"Silence! I'll hear no more, on this matter. He's the hero of prophecy, I just know it!"

The guard walked away, bitterly, passing Spike, as he entered. The Elder looked happy to see him, as if he expected his arrival.

"Ah, Spike, my lad! It's good to see you, but I suspect that you didn't just come to chat."

Spike was a little taken aback, by the Elder's forwardness. "Poor guy. Nothing this interesting ever happens around here, probably." Spike thought. "Yes, I have a few questions I'd like to ask you, if that's all right." He stated.

"All right. Ask away, my boy."

Spike felt strangely comfortable around him, sort of like the way one would feel around their grandfather. "Well, I wanted to ask why you aren't much bigger than I am, for one thing. Most of the dragons I've seen around here aren't very big, but I figured that you would be much bigger, since you're older." Spike wondered.

"You see, a dragon's size is controlled by the amount of things in their hoard. The bigger the hoard, the bigger the dragon, in other words. Ever since that dragon tyrant took control, he has taken all of our hoards, making him much larger in size, than the rest of us."

"Oh, okay. Well, I have one more question. Would it be all right, for me to explore the town? You know, so I can see what I'm supposed to be protecting."

"I don't mind, just come back if you have more questions or need help."


After leaving the room, Spike continued down the hall, throwing away his apple core in the trash bin nearby. As he walked, Spike remembered something. When the Elder showed him the hall of paintings, there was one painting that was covered by a white sheet. He couldn't help but wonder, why he hadn't been shown that painting. Eventually, his curiosity got the best of him, and he made his way towards the room.

After making sure that no dragons had seen him, he slipped inside and closed the door. He switched on the lights, and found the painting where the hall ended. Spike yanked off the cover, and was totally unprepared to see what was under it. The painting was showing the inside of a cave. Large yellow eyes peered from the darkness, staring down at a bruised and beaten form lying on its back, with a sword off to the side. The painting had a caption under it, describing what had happened in it. Now that Spike had noticed that all of the paintings had captions under them, he read them all together.

This, he realized, was the prophecy about him.

"An egg was laid, and a choice was made, to send it somewhere far away. For its protection wasn't guaranteed, this was a dragon of a different breed. He was destined for something much more, and he would come back to settle the score. To slay the evil dragon is his ultimate test, but in the end, he is destined, to fall like the rest."
Spike collapsed to his knees, feeling discouraged. If this was how it ended, then this was all for nothing.

Then, he started laughing, and began to slowly get back up. "You know what? No! This isn't how it's going to end. I'll do everything I can, to keep this from happening. If I'm the 'Chosen One', it's time for me to prove it!"