• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 362 Views, 1 Comments

What It Means To Be A Dragon - FluttershyLover55

Longing to be a hero, Spike visits a village of dragons in the Badlands as an ambassador. But...is there more to it, than there seeems to be?

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Chapter Sixteen:The Climb

What It Means To Be A Dragon
Chapter 16-The Climb

"Twi, I'm not sure that I can do this." Spike admitted, standing at the foot of the mountain he was supposed to climb. At the top masked by clouds, was the cave of Kazami.

"Don't worry, Spike, I have faith in you. We ALL do." Twilight assured.

"Wait. Is everypony else there, too?"

"Yes, we all got together to cheer you on!"

"Uh, do you guys have any advice for me? I could use some." Spike asked, not sure what to do exactly.

"I'm sure that we can help you out. Here's my advice: think it through, have a plan." Twilight said.

"Don't give up!" Rainbow chimed in.

"Try to talk to him, first." Fluttershy added.

"Trust the lemons." Pinkie whispered.

"Do things with style." Rarity said.

"Do your best to come back, safely." Applejack stated.

"I'll try to remember that, Girls, thanks."

"No problem, Spike."

"Twilight, if I were to…to…"

"Don't even say it, Spike."

"J-Just know that I love you all." Spike said.

"We know, Spike. We love you, too!"

Spike sighed, and began to climb the mountain, taking advantage of any hand or footholds that he could find.


"Do you think he can do it, Sister?"

"I hope that he will succeed. He HAS to, for I've seen what happens, if he doesn't. We don't want that future to come to pass."

"Tia', are you sure, that this was the right thing to do? To change his destiny?"

"I cannot be certain, but it's best this way. Only time will tell, if I made the right decision."

"I understand, Sister. But, can such a little dragon possibly save all of Equestria?"


Spike looked up, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand. The day was already half over, and he still had a ways to go. He would have made it sooner, but he stopped for lunch. By the time he had reached the top, the sun was setting.

Spike stood right outside the cave entrance for a few minutes, trying to gain the courage needed to venture inside. "Come on, Spike, you can do this. Look on the bright side. I can go inside and die a hero, or stay out here, and live as a coward." Spike tried to encourage himself mentally, but it wasn't working. He sighed, "This should be fun." Spike walked inside the cave, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

The cave was well lit, so at least, Spike could see where he was going. The dragon shuddered, as every step he took crunched like dry grass. The ground was littered with bones, remnants of those that came before him. Spike tried to block out the noise, as he went even deeper into the cave. Spike traveled the downward slope, into another area that was deep in the mountain. A large shape was huddled in a dark corner of the room, blood red in color.

"Ah, you've come at last, my son."

Kazami turned around to face the bewildered Spike.