• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 361 Views, 1 Comments

What It Means To Be A Dragon - FluttershyLover55

Longing to be a hero, Spike visits a village of dragons in the Badlands as an ambassador. But...is there more to it, than there seeems to be?

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Chapter Nineteen:Limitless

What It Means To Be A Dragon
Chapter 19-Limitless

Spike covered his eyes, as he landed on a hard surface. Whatever it was, it was moving. Spike peeked through his fingers, and was relieved to see a familiar face.

"Thanks, Riptide. That's another one, I owe ya!

"Aw, it's nothing. So, what happened in there?"

"Well, I killed the dragon that was my father, and finished my quest." Spike said, a little sadly.

"Oh. I'm so sorry, Spike, that must have been hard."

"Yeah, but I'll be okay. To be honest, I didn't really feel much of a connection with him, and he was KIND of a jerk."

Even so, he couldn't deny that it made him sad, regardless of what kind of dragon his father was.

That night, they had a feast in Spike's honor, but he didn't really feel like celebrating. After the feast, he received a medal and prepared to head home. He made it clear to the Elder that he wasn't really interested in ruling over the Badlands, but the older dragon told him that the position was still there for him should he ever change his mind. Riptide offered to fly him there, so Spike thanked the Elder and the other dragons, who cheered, as Riptide flew off.

The dragon only took him as far as the Everfree forest, because he didn't want ponies to panic.


Spike traveled through the forest, becoming lost again.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked mentally, in a concerned tone.

"Oh no, I'm just fine, after killing the only family I had, for being evil!" Spike snapped, sarcastically.

"Geez, Spike. I guess, I'll leave you alone now."

"No, Twilight, I'm sorry. I'm just dealing with a lot, right now. I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"It's okay, Spike. I understand."

Spike had been so busy with everything that he had forgotten about his main goal. "Shoot! I forgot about the 'Peace Treaty'! Wait a minuteā€¦Luna, you sly dog."

"Excuse me, but I look NOTHING like a dog."

Spike jumped, as Luna materialized beside him. "It's just a saying, Luna."

"Yes, of course. That was a good deed you did, helping those dragons." She said, keeping pace with the dragon, as he walked. "Thou art a true hero."

"Oh, please, I'm no hero. I did that, because it was the right thing to do."

"Just like a hero would." Luna replied, easily, resting her case.

Spike sighed. "There never WAS a treaty, was there?"

"Admittedly, no, but we needed an excuse for you to go see the dragons."

"So, was there any other reason you came here?" Spike asked.

"I came to warn you that a big evil is coming, and thou art the only one who can stop it, in the end. Be ready, for the danger that looms on the horizon. I also, came to offer you my assistance. The Everfree forest is a dangerous place, especially at night."

"Thank you, some help would be appreciated."

"Good luck, Spike. I fear, you'll need it." Luna faded away into the night, and a neon blue arrow appeared in front of him, pointing in the direction of Ponyville.

Spike followed the arrow, thinking about the information that Luna had given him.


Spike reached the Library in the center of town, and nopony was outside their homes. Spike figured that Twilight was sleeping, since no lights were on in the windows. He tried the door, and upon finding it unlocked, slipped inside, locking it behind him. He sneaked upstairs silently, and got in his basket that was almost too small for him. He went to sleep, noticing that Twilight already was.

The next morning, Spike woke up, to notice that Twilight wasn't in her bed. When he went downstairs, he saw an unsettling sight.

The Library had been ransacked, and a note lay on the floor.