• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 363 Views, 1 Comments

What It Means To Be A Dragon - FluttershyLover55

Longing to be a hero, Spike visits a village of dragons in the Badlands as an ambassador. But...is there more to it, than there seeems to be?

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Chapter One:A Hero Is Born

What It Means To Be A Dragon
Chapter 1-A Hero Is Born

Just like nearly every day, Twilight and her friends were gone on an adventure. Spike was once again, left home alone to do the chores that Twilight put on a list for him to do. The dragon was now 18, so he was more than old enough to run the Library. A broom glided across the floor, capturing any dust or dirt in its path. The dustpan was dumped into the trash bin, then returned to the storage closet with the broom.

He sighed, as he read the list and checked off, 'clean the library'. "Man, I'm not even halfway through, with these chores! How does Twilight expect me to finish all of this, in one day?" He complained, thinking aloud.

Spike picked up a few books from the floor, and placed them in their proper spots, before deciding to take a break. Through the window, the sun was at its peak in the sky, unhindered by any clouds. Spike's stomach rumbled, begging for something to satisfy its hunger.

"I guess, it's lunchtime." Spike decided, heading into the nearby kitchen to get some food.

He returned a few minutes later, with a plate of steaming nachos in hand, and sat down at the table. He reached for one of the cheese-covered chips, but stopped before grabbing it.

"I can't put a finger on it, but something just doesn't feel right." Spike thought to himself.

He felt like he was going to throw up, but he knew what was really going on. Spike belched, causing a green swirl of flame to erupt from his mouth. A scroll materialized in the smoke, and Spike reached out to pluck it from the air. Like most of the letters he received, this one was tied with a ribbon that bore the royal seal of the Princesses. He did a double take, when he saw the seal that marked this one, because it had a crescent moon on it.

"What? Why would Princess Luna, send me a letter? She's never sent me one, before." Spike broke the seal, unrolling the scroll, so that he could begin reading the words written on the parchment. "'Dear Spike the Dragon, I have for thee a request. I hope that thou can do us a favor. This meeting must be kept secret from even Twilight Sparkle, for I doubt that she would allow us to proceed, if she knew what it was about. I have arranged transport for thou, because this is a matter of utmost importance. Your Princess of the Night, Luna.'"

"Wow, I guess, I'd better get ready, then." Spike said to himself, as he went upstairs to pack.

He got a picture of Rarity, and placed it in a backpack he found, then headed back downstairs. A knock was heard, so Spike opened the door. One of Luna's guards stood there, wearing armor that was almost black, in comparison to Celestia's guards' armor.

"I've been sent to take you to 'Her Majesty's' abode. You must come with us." The guard spoke.

Spike nodded, and followed the guard to a chariot, then jumped into it. The guard put on a harness next to another guard, and they took off into the afternoon sky.


Upon arriving at the castle, the dragon was led through a series of well-lit hallways, before entering a nearly, pitch-black hall. Torches along the walls glowed with a faint blue light, not helping very much, to see where he was going. The guards knew where they were going, however, and continued through the dim hallway, stopping at a door with a crescent moon etched into the top of its wooden frame. The Princess somehow, knew that he had arrived, and called out for him to come in. The door swung open, and Spike glanced at the guards that stood on each side of the frame, before entering the room.
The door shut behind him, the darkness within, swallowing him whole. Two torches, one on each side of the room, sparked to life, illuminating everything in a dim, midnight hue.

Luna was staring out the window, but she turned to face him. "I'm glad that you are here, for like I said in my letter, I am in need of assistance."

"Yes, what exactly do you need my help with?"

"Well, I was asked to do something, but I think that YOU will be far better at it, than I."

"What? Are you asking me to do your chores? Why can't YOU do them?"

"I wouldn't call it a chore, per se. It's more like, a secret mission."

"Oooh! A secret mission?" Now, Spike was interested. This could be the chance he was hoping for, his only chance to be a hero, like his friends all were.

"Yes, a secret mission. I need you to go to the 'Badlands', and try to make peace with the dragons that reside there. I thought that since you are one such creature, you might be able to persuade them. I want you to be an ambassador on my behalf. I won't force you, but think wisely, before telling me your answer." Luna suggested.

"Do I REALLY, want to do this? I've been waiting for an opportunity like this, but now, I don't know if I want it or not." Spike thought, "I also, don't want to worry Twilight."

Luna magically listened to his thoughts, and decided to give him some encouragement. "I am sorry for intruding upon your privacy, but I know that you want to be appreciated, and for ponies to see you as more than just a baby. If you wish to earn their respect, this is your chance. Isn't this, exactly what you've been hoping for?" Luna's intentions were good, even if it seemed that she was just pushing her work off, on somepony else.

"She's right. I DO want to be a hero. I need to do this! I just hope, that Twilight will understand." He made a decision, mentally. "I…I'll do it."