• Published 1st Jan 2020
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KINGDOM HEARTS: Dark Order - OliverSparkle

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Chapter IX: Sunset’s Fear

Sora and the five were walking outside the Crystal Empire, while Flurry Heart was riding on Oliver’s back, and towards the Gummi Ship.

“So, Sora, how will we get to Radiant Garden since that place is in your world?” Asked Oliver.

“Well,” Sora began to answer, “Instead of telling you, we’ll show you.” They stopped walking as they were now a couple of miles away from the Crystal Empire. Sora turned to Goofy and said, “Goofy, care to do the honours?”

“With pleasure!” Goofy replied before taking out the Gummi Ship keys out of his pocket and pushed the tiny red button as it went “beep beep”.

Just then, a bright light appeared in the sky. The light got brighter and brighter before slowly fading away revealing the Gummi Ship making both Oliver and Flurry Heart go wide eyed in shock with impress. The ship slowly landed safely on the ground in front of the group.

While smiling at the two ponies, Sora said, “Oliver, Flurry Heart, say hello to the Gummi Ship!”

“Wow!” Oliver said in amazed, “Sora, this is amazing!” Flurry Heart clapped her tiny hooves.

“Oh you’ll like the inside of it as well,” said Goofy while walking towards the ship.

The door of the Gummi Ship opened up as the three stood one side near the opened doorway of the ship and looked at Oliver and Flurry Heart. “After you,” said Donald politely.

Oliver walked into the Gummi Ship, while Flurry Heart was still sitting on his back, with Kairi and Aqua following behind him. Sora, Donald and Goofy were the last ones to walk into the ship as the door slowly closed behind.

Inside the control room of the Gummi Ship, Oliver and Flurry Heart were looking around the place while Sora, Donald and Goofy sat in their seats and Kairi and Aqua standing next to Sora’s seat which is the one near the steering bars.

“Now this is very amazing!” Oliver said proudly, “You’re very lucky to have this ship to travel to different worlds.”

“Well, let’s just say that without this ship, we wouldn’t be able to fight the darkness across all worlds,” said Sora proudly and happily.

Sora grabbed hold of the steering bars before saying, “Alright everyone, hold on tight. Next stop, Radiant Garden!”

With that being said, the Gummi Ship slowly lifted up and then blasted off into the sky all the way to Radiant Garden.

In the secret abandoned mini room, with the one door and stairs attach to the wall and goes around, underneath the Crystal Empire castle, Terra was walking down the stairs, with Sunset and Starlight following him behind, as they reached the bottom part of the stairs and stopped near the door and looked at it.

“So this is the door that shows you your greatest fear,” said Terra while staring at it.

“Led by King Sombra who once ruled this kingdom for evil,” added Starlight.

“Whatever darkness is lurking in there,” Sunset said, “It’ll show us our greatest fear.”

“In which case, we best be ready,” said Terra before summoning his Keyblade.

The Ends of the Earth Keyblade features a longer and more extravagant blade with teeth on both sides at the tip of the blade. The hand guard also elongates to form a wing-like shape of sorts. The Keychain is a rock fragment.

“Whatever’s inside that door, it will try to attack us,” explained Terra, “When I say now, you two will open the door and I’ll fight it off so we are clear to enter what lurks inside the door.”

Sunset and Starlight gave him a nod in understood as the two stood each side of the door. Starlight wrapped the door handle with her magic grasp and waited for the signal.

Terra took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. He then opened his eyes and said, “Now!”

Starlight quickly opened the door with her magic and the two ponies rushed out of the door as Terra stood in battle ready to fight whatever’s gonna come out. But after a few seconds, nothing came out of the door. No unversed, no dark shadows, no shadows of Sombra, heck, not even a nightmare.

The three looked at the opened doorway in confusion.

“Well that’s strange,” said Starlight while rubbing her forehead, “Why’s nothing coming out and trying to attack us?”

Suddenly, darkness smoke came rushing out of the doorway and towards the three.

“Oh never mind, there it is,” said Starlight in shock.

“Look out!” Shouted Terra while running towards the two ponies and tried to cover both him and the two girls with his Keyblade.

But it was no good, the darkness smoke wrapped itself around the three and pulled them into the dark room through the door as they screamed in terror.

Once they were inside the dark room, the door closed hardly locking them inside the room without leaving a trace to what has happened to the three.

Darkness covered the entire area for a few more seconds before the darkness smoke rushed away revealing Terra, Sunset and Starlight covering their faces in a room from Canterlot.

They soon uncovered their faces, as Terra’s Keyblade disappeared, and started looking around the room.

It was a bedroom, with a brown bed with white sheets, a desk near the window and a chair, a couple of book shelves and the wall was blue as the sky along with a couple of spider webs.

“Wha...what is this place?” Terra asked while looking around the bedroom.

“It looks like one of the bedrooms from Canterlot,” guessed Starlight, “But, how did we get here? Why are we here? And whose room is this?”

Just then, Sunset Shimmer started to realise who’s room this is. It was HER bedroom for when she was Celestia’s student. “Wait! This is my old bedroom! Back when I was Celestia’s faithful student!”

Terra and Starlight looked at Sunset in shock and surprised.

“Sunset, this was YOUR bedroom?!” Starlight asked in shock.

Sunset nodded her head.

“This was the room I stayed in ever since Celestia made me her faithful student, and before I went down the wrong path after trying to study that mirror Celestia showed me. I studied every spell and history in this room and never really cared about trying to make some friends.”

“Which is why this bedroom doesn’t belong to you anymore,” said the voice of an angry Celestia.

Terra, Sunset and Starlight turned to the opened doorway and saw Princess Celestia walking into the bedroom with an angry look on her face.

The three heroes were all shocked and confuse by this. Was Celestia actually in the room with them, or is it some kind of fear vision we’re talking about here?

“Celestia? What are you doing here?” Asked Sunset, “I-I thought you were still at the Crystal Empire trying to figure out what’s going on with the Unversed.”

Celestia started to glare at Sunset like she has done something wrong. “The only thing I’m trying to figure out is, why are you still here in my castle?”

The three were shocked by this. Why would Celestia say such a thing to somepony that she had missed? Surely Sunset didn’t do anything wrong now that she’s a good pony.

“Huh? W-What do you mean, Celestia? Did I do something wrong?”

“Of course you did something wrong!” Shouted the princess making Terra and Starlight go into deep shock. They couldn’t believe that Celestia had shouted at the one pony she missed ever since she went through the magic mirror years ago.

“You betrayed me! Continued to study that mirror when I told you not to! Stole Twilight’s crown! Turned into a raging she-demon! And tried to use that evil form to take over Equestria and to show how powerful you are than I am!”

Sunset was in shock after hearing what Celestia just said.

“W-W-What? But but, Celestia! I have changed, I’m no longer that bad pony! Didn’t Twilight tell you that after her first time in the human world when she got her crown back and showed me the right path?”

“All Twilight told me is how you rejected her friendship offer, swore revenge on her and the five human friends, and tried to bring chaos to Equestria with that dark magic you had inside of you still!” Celestia yelled, “Why should I believe in your awful lies?! I should have never made you my student in the first place!”

That made Sunset go into more deep shock as tears started to form in her eyes. Surely Celestia didn’t mean any of that, even after realising that she forgive her all the things she’s done and missed her after all this time.

Just then, before Sunset or Celestia can say anything else, Terra and Starlight stood in front of Sunset in battle mode ready to attack, what it seems to be, a fake version of Celestia.

“Don’t listen to her, Sunset Shimmer!” Starlight said while glaring at the princess. “Princess Celestia would never believe you’re still a threat to Equestria!”

“Huh?” Sunset was confuse by this.

“Celestia forgave you for all the mistakes you did ever since Twilight told her all the good things you’ve done,” explained Starlight, “And while you were still a bad guy, Celestia had faith that one day, you will become good again. The princess of the sun we know would never continue to be mad for what you have done and still have a heart to care for you. So, that must be the Celestia, from the fear you once had when you didn’t want to return to Equestria, because you thought she would be mad at you for all the bad things you’ve done.”

“My, fear?”

“Yes,” answered Starlight, “The darkness through that door, it sucked us in and is now trying to drown us in our greatest fear. But we’re not gonna let those stupid fears get to us again. Not while we’re still here for Lightning Twister.”

That was when Sunset Shimmer started to realise that she was right. Celestia missed her after going through that mirror and she forgave her when she first returned to Equestria. The Celestia that said all those things to her, was indeed, her old fear.

“You’re right,” she said before standing next to Terra, “Celestia did forgave me. This Celestia, is a fake. A fear vision from the darkness.”

Celestia glared very angrily at the three as her eyes began to have fire in them. Then, a fire circle appeared around her before it covered her entire body and causing the three to cover their eyes.

After a few more seconds, the fire disappeared as Terra, Sunset and Starlight uncovered their eyes and saw what was now in front of them.

It was still Celestia but her coat was now light gambogeish gray, her mane and tail still flows as normal but in the colour of pale yellow and brilliant amber, her cutie mark was still the Sun with a brilliant orange background, her eyes were yellow with dark red instead of white and her royal armour was similar to Nightmare Moon’s only in brilliant amber, red ruby on her crown, her chest armour goes up to her wings and has her Sun cutie mark on it. It was the Celestia version of Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker.

“SUNSET SHIMMER MUST BE PUNISHED!!” Daybreaker roared with her horn lightening up.

“Not if we have anything to say about it!” Said Terra summoning his Keyblade as he, Sunset and Starlight got ready to fight Daybreaker.

Daybreaker shot a fire magic beam at Terra but he blocked it with his Keyblade and pushed it away making it hit the wall near the window.

Terra quickly slide towards the evil Celestia and smacked her with his Keyblade six times.

“Begone!” He shouted before giving one last smack and jumped back to the two ponies.

Terra pointed his Keyblade at Daybreaker and shouted, “Fire!” As three fire balls shot out at the end of his Keyblade and hit Daybreaker making her move back a bit.

“Want some?!” Terra did an jump spin attack at Daybreaker with his Keyblade causing her to fall back a bit.

“LET THE SUN BURN!” Fire tornado spun around Daybreaker as it then shot fire balls at Terra, Sunset and Starlight, but they manage to dodge them by jumping or rolling over to the other side.

Terra quickly dashed towards Daybreaker and dash smacked her six times.

“So long!” Terra flew in mid air before slammed the evil Celestia with his Keyblade making her fly back and hit the wall before slowly getting up again and glared at the three.

“Hey Sunset, you thinking what I’m thinking?” Starlight asked while smirking at Sunset.

Sunset smirked back at Starlight. “Yes I am. Let’s do it!”

Sunset and Starlight’s horns began to glow as their magic grasp went all over them and made spun around each other while floating in the air. They then float by each other. Sunset and Starlight placed their hoof near each other’s before reaching out and shouting, “Go!” Then, out of nowhere, magical angel wings appeared behind them. They flew towards Daybreaker and smacked her with their wings seven times. Then they finished her off by flying in the air and shot a big magical beam at her with both of their horns.

Once the attack was done, Sunset and Starlight slowly landed on the ground safely and saw Daybreaker slowly collapsing to the ground. She moaned in pain as tiny fire smoke rose from her, she was fading away now that she is defeated.

Daybreaker sadly looked at Sunset and was able to say a few final words before vanishing.

“So you really have changed. Guess this fear wasn’t needed after all.”

Once those words were said, the fire smoke rose up thicker as Daybreaker disappeared into the darkness ending Sunset Shimmer’s greatest fear.

Terra’s Keyblade disappeared before he turned to the girls and smiled at them.

“That was incredible!” He said in amazed as he walked towards them, “When did you two learn that move?”

Sunset and Starlight smiled at Terra.

“It was a magic spell we learned two months ago,” answered Sunset, “We told Twilight about it and she allowed us to try it out. Took us two weeks of practice to get it right, but we manage to get it right in the end.”

Terra gave the two ponies a proud smile and said, “I’m impress. You two did a grand job on that move. And I’m sure Twilight and Celestia would be impress and proud of you as well.”

The two ponies smiled at each other with glee.

Suddenly, Sunset’s old bedroom started to tear away, making the three go all worried and shocked, as they were now in white area with nothing underneath or around them. It was like they were floating in the air.

“Huh?! Wh-What’s going on?!” Starlight asked worriedly.

“I don’t know!” Answered Terra trying to remain calm, “But just keep calm! Something might appear to help us!”

Just as those words came out of his mouth, a bright light shone a few miles away from them and revealed a big white doorway with two doors like it was a castle and had two white crowns on each door. The three were in shock after seeing that door appear out of nowhere but also happy to see it appear.

“A doorway? Where did that come from?” Sunset asked confusedly, “Was it sent from Celestia but from the real world?”

“I’m not quite sure,” replied Terra, “But where ever it came from, it must want us to go through it.”

“Well, let’s go through it then,” said Starlight kindly and calm, “It’ll probably much better than staying here.”

Terra and Sunset nodded in agreement before they all walked towards the doors. Once they reached the doors, Terra gently pushed them open to reveal what room they’re now entering, but that’s for another chapter for what the room looks like.

The three then walking into the next room one by one as the doors slowly closed behind them. The doors then magically disappeared in a bright light leaving the white area an empty place.

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