• Published 1st Jan 2020
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KINGDOM HEARTS: Dark Order - OliverSparkle

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Chapter XV: Face Their Fears

In another white room of the strange castle within the dark room underneath the Crystal Empire, the Keyblade wielder and the two unicorns were continuing their journey throughout the castle, after their meeting with Terranort, while trying to figure what was going on with the door.

But they were stopped by a dark corridor near them. Terra, Sunset and Starlight stood in battle mode and glared as the black corridor to reveal the Nodragon, Xocarl.

Xocarl grinned at the three. “I take it you’re Terra, Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer.”

“Are you with Xehanort or Vanitas?” Terra asked while glaring at her.

“You are half correct,” answered the Nodragon while using her claw finger and thumb to make a small hold to go with the answer, “Let us say that neither of them are the reason behind the threat that you thought it was. Vanitas is behind all of this and he is not behind all of this. Perhaps a “Nocreature” best conveys the idea.”

“Riddles were never our thing,” said Terra, “Try again.”

And so she did. “He belongs to neither the hot nor the cold but walks the storm between the air and ground.”

The two unicorns quickly figured the riddle out and let out a small gasp of shock before Xocarl let out a chuckle.

“Catching on now? He also now accepts those that stand in the dark but also those that stand in between the light and dark. Oh yes, you three also stand in between the light and the darkness. It appears we have much in common.”

Terra, Sunset and Starlight knew she was right about that. There was darkness left inside of their hearts, that has been there for years now and they haven’t fought it yet.

“Maybe...” said Sunset feeling defeated, “Like you said, there really is darkness left inside of us.” But Sunset glared at Xocarl again along with Starlight and Terra, “But so what?” The three stood in battle mode again with Terra’s Keyblade appearing in his hand as Sunset then said, “Darkness is our enemy! And so are you for trying to make us believe we are still pawns of the darkness!”

“Oh ho! So it’s a fight you lot want,” guessed Xocarl, “Very good, I shall take you all on!”

Xocarl smirked evilly at them before reaching her claw out and fire summoned her shield. It was shaped like an upside-down teardrop with two oval chunks taken out of each side. This has the effect of making it vaguely resemble the Unversed symbol turned upside-down. The top of the shield is lined by four small spikes and a fifth larger one in the middle. All of these spikes are red and resemble the spikes on the Unversed logo. The edges of this shield are orange and the face of the shield is mostly red, though the bottom tip is fire red. There is an upside-down, sky red triangle marking on the top of the shield, and a fire red "V" shape in the middle of the shield. The top inside edge is also fire red. It was her Lava Pride.

“Shatter!” Xocarl made a lava slide towards the three and did a slide break towards them, but they manage dodge the attack by jumping to one side.

Terra ran towards the Nodragon and attacked her with his Keyblade making four smacks on her body. “You want some?!” He then smacked her with his Keyblade sending her flying backwards.

“I had enough of this!” She shouted before spinning round really fast as fire balls shot towards them.

But lucky, Terra was able to block the fire balls with his Keyblade by smacking the fire balls making them fly the other side of them and hit the wall.

Once the balls were gone, Sunset and Starlight used their magic to shoot at Xocarl. But she blocked the magic shots with her shield. “No good!” The Nodragon shouted.

“Taste this!” Xocarl placed her shield in front of her and zoomed towards Terra. She hit him really hard with her shield sending him flying back towards the wall.

“AAAHHH!!” Terra shouted in pain before landing on his feet and slowly but carefully rose up again.

Sunset and Starlight glared at Xocarl and charged towards her.

“Sunset! Starlight! Catch!” Shouted Terra before throwing his Keyblade to Sunset and Starlight which they caught it with their magic grasp.

Sunset and Starlight used Terra’s Keyblade to hit Xocarl’s shield before pushing her back with it. They charged towards her again and smacked her shield again while struggling to push her back again as Xocarl was trying to push them back as well.

Xocarl let out an evil laughter before saying, “I find, coursing through you two, there is a darkness of formidable power growing! Well worth the trouble of aggravating you lot. All this excitement has provided me with invaluable data.”

“What?!” Shouted Sunset and Starlight in shock!

Xocarl swinged her shield making the two fall back, but able to land on their hooves safely, as they letted go of the Keyblade but Terra managed to caught it before they all stared at the Nodragon.

“Many thanks, Sunset and Starlight!” Xocarl said while waving at them as a dark corridor appeared and disappeared taking her along.

Terra let out a small angry growl before saying, “It must have been a trick all along.”

Sunset and Starlight looked at Terra and gave him a nod in agreement.

Back in the chambers beneath the Storm Kingdom, Xodiac was staring at the wall thinking about something until Xisnom walked towards him.

“What’s happening to the others?” He asked making the Nopony look at him.

“Vanitas has given Sora and Oliver a little more information about what’s going on,” Xodiac answered, “The Storm King may well succeed in getting what he wants.” He then placed a hoof on his chin. “Lightning would be a perfect asset to the Storm Army...” He placed his hoof away from his chin. “But Princess Twilight’s students’s actions from defeating Cozy Glow two moons ago, they...leave me quite uneasy.”

“And then there is Silverstream,” said the Noyak, “Who knows what that student might do now she isn’t afraid of The Storm King anymore.”

“Tempest Plagueis should take care of this,” said Xodiac, “His plans to stop them from saving Lightning are ready as he speaks.”

Xisnom wasn’t so sure about this since he knows who Tempest Plagueis use to be. “But Silverstream now despises Plagueis. Think of the mess it would make.”

“So we must tell Vanitas. Isn’t it better that he and Cozy Glow clean up the mess than leave to Plagueis?”

Back at the Crystal Empire castle, Celestia was looking at one of the windows feeling scared and worried for herself. After Sunset went to the door beneath the castle with Terra and Starlight, she couldn’t help but still feeling worried that something might happen to her like the time she went to the human world when she was evil and when she was a good guy again.

She couldn’t stop thinking that Sunset might get killed by dark magic or worse, something through that door might make her become who she hated the most like Celestia does, Demon Shimmer.

Just then, the sun princess heard hoofsteps coming towards her. She turned and saw her sister walking towards her with a worried look on her face.

“Sister, are you feeling okay?” Luna asked.

Celestia stared at her sister for a few seconds before slowly shaking her head in response.

“No, dear sister, I’m not feeling okay.”

“It’s about Sunset Shimmer, isn’t it?” Guessed the moon princess.

Celestia didn’t wanna lie to Luna, she knew her sister was right. So she nodded her head in response.

“Yes, it’s about Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia said before turning back to the window, “I can’t help but feel worried that something’s gonna happen to her, like the darkness taking control of her or something with dark magic might kill her. Or worse, what if something makes her become Demon Shimmer again and she’s unable to fight it to break free.”

A tear started to roll down her face. “Even though Twilight told me Sunset was doing okay in the human world after she got her crown back and helped Sunset see the path of friendship, I still couldn’t help but feel worried about her. She, along with Twilight, meant the world to me. She was like my first ever daughter before I showed her the mirror, and I can’t lose her. Not for real, not by anycreature that wants her dead.”

Celestia closed her eyes and let her tears roll down her face.

Luna could feel Celestia still have a motherly bond with Sunset Shimmer and have been worried about her ever since she went through that mirror and lived in the human world.

But Luna knows that Sunset is able to fight the dark magic that might try to make her who she was before and Celestia doesn’t need to feel worried about her. She then walked to stand by her sister.

“But, Celestia, Sunset Shimmer’s like Twilight.”

Celestia’s eyes were shot wide opened as she looked at her sister while saying, “What?!”

“No no no no no! Strong like Twilight,” Luna said in a proper way, “Plus she’s with Terra, one of the fighters that wields a Keyblade.”

“What are you saying, Luna?”

“I’m saying that, even without Starlight and Terra’s help, Sunset is still able to fight the darkness that might try to make her an evil pony again.”

“How so?” Celestia asked.

Luna just gave her big sister a friendly smile before answering.

“Even before Twilight went back to the human world to save it again, Sunset was still able to understand friendship and faced her fears of becoming an She-Demon again without Twilight’s help. Starlight did the same when she was afraid of visiting her old village and become who she was before Twilight helped her see the path of friendship. So if Starlight was able to face her fears, so can Sunset, even if she does see her fears through that door.”

Just then, Luna began to sing a lovely song.

Breath, should they take a deep?
Faith, should they take the leap?
Taste, what a bittersweet
All their, all their life

Luna flew up in the air with her horn glowing.

Let them face, let them face, let them face their fears
Oh, let them face, let them face, let them face their fears
Won't be long, won't be long, she’ll be here again
Watch them save all of their light

The moon princess magically made the place go all white with images of Celestia and Sunset doing things together when she returned to Equestria.

One has them having a picnic. The other had them sharing a hug together. And the other has them reading a book together. And many other images that you can think of with them being together again.

Luna walked all the way with the images flying by her.

Lose, soon have nothing to
Space, this is what they choose
A mile, could she walk in our hoof shoes?
All your, all your life

She then magically made the images fly around Celestia in hopes they’ll make her happy again, and it did as Celestia slowly grew a smile on her face once again.

Let them face, let them face, let them face their fears
Oh, let them face, let them face, let them face their fears
Won't be long, won't be long, she’ll be here again
Watch them save all of their light

Luna dance bouncing up and down.

Watch them save all of their light

The moon princess magically made the Sunset and Celestia images fly by again with Celestia walking by them.

Let them face, let them face, let them face their fears
Oh, let them face, let them face, let them face their fears
Won't be long, won't be long, she’ll be here again
Watch them save all of their light

The white area faded away as Celestia and Luna were now back in the room they were in. Celestia looked at Luna with a happy smile on her face but a one last year rolling down her face. Luna carefully brush the tear away with her hoof while smiling at her sister.

“Thank you, my dear sister,” the sun princess said happily, “Now I can believe that Sunset Shimmer will be just fine with Starlight Glimmer and Terra, and she'll return here in one piece.”

“Glad to hear it, sister.”

“Same here,” said the voice of Twilight.

The two sisters turned towards the doorway and saw Twilight standing there looking at them with a smile on her face before walking towards them.

“Sunset isn’t be under your protection forever, you know, Celestia,” said the princess of friendship, “She needs to be able to do things on her own without feeling worried. The same goes for Oliver and Flurry Heart. Once they become the new rulers of the Crystal Empire, they won’t need us to protect or help them no more. In fact, they’ll be the ones protecting each other. And when I become the new ruler with Spike by my side, I won’t be much of a worried plus scaredy cat to think I’ll be a terrible ruler and need your help to become the perfect one.”

Celestia and Luna smiled at Twilight.

“Such kind and wise words from you, Twilight,” said Celestia happily.

“I agree with you, sister,” said Luna.

Just then, before the three princesses could say anything else, a loud explosion was heard from outside the castle and made the room shake a bit.

“Whoa! What was that?!” Twilight asked shockingly.

“I don’t know,” answered Celestia worriedly and shockingly, “But we best go see what it was before it gets anymore worse.”

Twilight gave the two princesses a nod while saying, “Right. Go get Ventus, I’ll go get my friends, Capper, Shining, Cadence, Sunburst, Amore, Constantine and Vincent.”

The sisters gave her a nod before they all went off to get the others.

Outside the castle, there was fire on several buildings and crystal ponies running and screaming for their lives.

It wasn’t long till Ventus, Constantine, Capper, Vincent and the ponies ran into the town of the Crystal Empire and saw what was going on.

“Whoa there! What happened here?!” Rainbow asked shockingly.

“I don’t know, Rainbow,” replied Twilight, “But I bet it has something to do with Vanitas and Cozy Glow.”

Suddenly, something jumped near them making them jump and scream in shock.

Standing near them was an Unversed that was a goopy dark mass of negative emotions. It has a sad Unversed face at the bottom of its body. On top is the seal of the container, which is a blue sphere bearing the Unversed logo. To its sides and back are several canisters of screams, which give it power.

It takes a more slim, defined shape when it spreads its body over the area. It head now looms on top of a thin body, with wings to the side. The Unversed Logo now right above its eyes and takes a more jack-o-lantern appearance. It was the Lump of Horror.

“An Unversed!” Shouted Ventus while summoning his Keyblade.

“Another one?!” Applejack shouted shockingly, “This one’s times the big as the other ones!”

“I like to say I’m glad I believed Twilight was right,” Said Rainbow.

“Twilight, you and the others go save the other ponies! I’ll handle this guy!” Ordered Ventus politely.

“Right!” Said Twilight before she, her friends, the married couple, the sisters, Capper, Sunburst, Amore, Constantine and Vincent went off to help the other ponies leaving Ven to handle the big Unversed.

One of its wings swinged across to attack Ventus, but he quickly jumped to dodge its attack before running the Lump of Horror and gave it about six smacks with his Keyblade.

“Bring it!” Ventus gave it one big smack with his Keyblade before jumping back from it.

“Fire!” The boy shot two fire balls at Lump of Horror from his Keyblade making it roar in pain.

But the Unversed wasn’t done yet as it roared angrily at him before swinging both its wings at Ven. Luckily, Ventus manage to dodge the attacks by ducking and jumping quickly.

Ventus jumped towards the big Unversed and gave it another six smacks with his Keyblade.

“Bring it!” He gave it another big smack with his Keyblade.

Suddenly, one of the wings swinged towards Ventus smacking him really hard.

“AAAHHH!!” Cried the boy as he flew backwards while still holding his Keyblade and landed on his front very painfully.

“Ven!” Shouted the girls worriedly while rushing towards him and carefully helped him up.

The sisters, Sunburst, Capper, the married couple, Amore, Constantine and Vincent ran towards them as Ventus began to moan in pain and held his arm after his Keyblade magically disappeared.

“Are you okay, kid?” Asked Constantine.

Ventus let out a few coughs before answering, “I think so.”

Before they could say anything else, they saw Lump of Horror coming towards them as it then roared at them.

It was about to attack them when all of a sudden, a pear bomb landed on the Unversed and exploded on it making a pear juice mess. Lump of Horror roared in pain before an apple bomb landed on it and exploded on it making an apple juice mess before it roared in pain again.

“What the?” Vincent said in shock.

“Where did those come from?!” Rarity asked shockingly.

Just then, a big apple and pear bomb flew inside the mouth of the Unversed causing it to swallow it. Suddenly, after three seconds, Lump of Horror exploded into tiny blobs and landed on the ground before fading away accepting its defeat.

“Well that was, unexpected,” said Amore.

“Definitely unexpected,” agreed Cadence.

“But who threw those pear and apple bombs?” Shining asked curiously.

Fluttershy saw something up ahead. She pointed her hoof forwards while saying, “Look.”

They all turned forward and saw two strange figures walking towards them. Rainbow flew forwards a bit while glaring at the figures and saying, “Not this again!” She then stood in battle mode.

The two figures continued to walk towards them as they came clearly to what they look like. They took two final steps before standing near the ponies and humans, and as it turns out, they were ponies wearing pony like Organization black coats like Tempest Shadow use to wear during Sora’s first time in Equestria.

Ventus let out a small gasp of shock before saying, “The... The Organization?!”

“Let’s not jump to consolations yet, Ven,” said Twilight.

“Twilight’s right,” agreed Rainbow, “They could just good guys wearing those black coats to hide from the bad guys.”

Cadence moved forward a bit before saying, “Who are you two? Are you good ponies or bad ponies? Show us your faces.”

The two did what the princess asked them to do and took off their hoods to reveal their faces.

One was a stallion with pale light grayish olive coat, brilliant red mane and moderate harlequin eyes while the other was a female pony with pale gamboge coat, brilliant gamboge mane and brilliant turquoise eyes.

The mane five looked at the two ponies in shock, while Applejack looked at them in big shock, they knew who they were.

Ventus looked at them confusedly. “Who are they?”

“Applejack,” began Pinkie Pie, “Is that...Bright Mac and Pear Butter?”

“Ma? Pa?” Applejack asked.

Pear Butter and Bright Mac nodded their heads while smiling.

“That’s right, Applejack,” answered Pear Butter, “We’re your parents.”

“And we’re back,” said Bright Mac afterwards.

The mane five continued to look at them in shock before turning to Applejack who was still in shock as a tear started to roll down his face.

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