• Published 1st Jan 2020
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KINGDOM HEARTS: Dark Order - OliverSparkle

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Chapter XXXIII: Let the Darkness In

Terra, Sunset and Starlight walked through the new hallway of the strange castle while looking around, until they stopped and looked forward to see something, or someONE, was there waiting for them.

The three stood in battle mode and glared as it was Xisnom looking at the floor was his eyes closed and holding his Skysplitter.

It is about a meter long and has a dark red handle roughly as long as the blade, which is made of black and red metal.

The Noyak heard Terra’s Keyblade summoned and opened his eyes while slowly moving his head up to stare crossly at them.

Terra held his Keyblade while he, Sunset and Starlight stood near Xisnom in battle mode and glared at him as Sunset then said, “That scent... You’re another one of those “Nocreatures”.

“You three have done well thus far,” said Xisnom, “But to possess your powers and yet, fear the darkness... What a waste.”

“We do not...fear it!” Terra shouted angrily.

“I sense that you do. You lot are also capable of controlling the darkness. Cast away your useless fears, open your hearts, embrace the darkness.”

“And if we say no?” Asked Starlight crossly.

Xisnom glared at them before answering, “Then you all lose both light and darkness... And disappear!”

Xisnom very hardly stomp his left front and back hoof to the floor and made a dark and red grasp appear around him as wind began to glow away from him. The three covered theirselves with their hooves and Keyblade to block the wind, then after a few more seconds, the wind ended and the grasp disappeared.

Terra, Sunset and Starlight stood in battle mode again while glaring at the Noyak.

“I, Xisnom, will not yield to the frail hearts, of three infantile cowards! Now, stop resisting...” He picked up his Skysplitter and swung it to the left before swinging it back to the right while glaring at the three, “And let the darkness IN!”

“Never!” Starlight shouted. She then charged towards Xisnom, only to be smacked by his Skysplitter as she flew backwards and hit the wall before collapsing down to the floor.

“Starlight!” Cried Terra and Sunset worriedly and shockingly before glaring back at Xisnom.

“Return to the Earth!” Xisnom held his Skysplitter up in the air and slammed it to the floor making medium size grey rock mountains rise from the ground and popped all the way towards the Keyblade Wielder and pony before disappearing one by one.

“Duck!” Shouted Terra as he and Sunset jumped to one side just before the last four mountains popped and disappeared.

Terra and Sunset stood back on their feet and hooves. Terra ran towards Xisnom and smacked him six times with his Keyblade.

“Take that!” Terra gave Xisnom a big smack with his Keyblade which caused him to move back a bit.

“Just give it!” Xisnom tossed his Skysplitter, like a boomerang, towards Sunset. But the yellow pony was too smart for the yak and quickly magically disappeared just the Skysplitter smacked the wall instead of her and flew back to Xisnom as he grabbed it with his hoof and Sunset magically appeared near Terra.

Sunset magically shot three red magic grasp at Xisnom and he manage to block the two with his Skysplitter, but not for last one as it smacked him which caused him to slide back a bit.

Xisnom screamed very angry and the red and dark smoke appeared around him again, but made him glow dark yellow this time and it made him stronger than before.

The yak zoomed towards Sunset and pushed her with his Skysplitter. Sunset flew backwards before smacked the wall and collapsing to the floor.

“Sunset!” Terra shouted worriedly.

Suddenly, Terra saw Xisnom zooming towards him. But he was quick on his feet and sliced the yak with his Keyblade causing the yellow grasp and his strength to disappear. Xisnom began to breath heavily as he walked back a bit and nearly collapsing to the floor.

“You’re finish!” Terra angrily shouted before charging towards Xisnom with his Keyblade.

But Xisnom was able to get back onto his hooves and glared at Terra before moving his Skysplitter to the left while yelling, “Don’t mock me!” Once Terra was near the yak, Xisnom smashed Terra with his Skysplitter causing him to fly up and smacked the ceiling on his face before falling to the floor while dropping his Keyblade and fell unconscious.

Xisnom placed his Skysplitter down, but still held it, before slowly walking towards Terra while saying, “You three were too much trouble.”

But unknown to him, dark red smoke appeared around the unconscious Sunset Shimmer that not even Sunset knew about it happening.

Xisnom stopped and quickly noticed the smoke around the yellow pony. “Hmmm?”

The dark red smoke disappeared to reveal Sunset Shimmer now standing once again but her head was hanging down to the floor. Xisnom had a bit of shock with some anger look on his face after seeing what just happened.

Suddenly, Sunset’s horn began to glow as it shot a red grasp laser beam at the Noyak. The laser beam went straight through Xisnom causing him to stand still and dropped his Skysplitter to the floor.

Sunset’s eyes began to slowly open and she grinned before saying, “Too slow.”

Xisnom slowly collapsed in pain but also realising that Sunset Shimmer was indeed a demon a long time ago.

“You are the once she-demon.” Darkness smoke rose up from the floor and around Xisnom, he was now defeated and started to fade away. But he was able to say one last thing before disappearing, “Forgive me, Xodiac. This was a fight I shouldn’t have started.”

The darkness smoke faded away taking Xisnom away in now defeated and no more.

Sunset lifted her head up to look at the spot Xisnom was once standing while smiling a bit.


There was darkness everywhere and not a single building model in sight. Sunset Shimmer was unconscious, laying on her back and floating in the air.

“I can see you now...clearly.”

After a few more seconds, Sunset shot her eyes open and stood up again but still floating while looking around the darkness area she was now in.

“Xisnom?! Terra?! Starlight?!”

“Sunset... I can see your heart...”

Sunset suddenly know where she was now. “No...it’s not. Darkness this foul could only...only be...”

“That’s it, remember me... Let me drift into your heart...”

“Demon Shimmer!” Sunset glared up in fear after figuring out that voice.

Demon Shimmer began to chuckle in the distance before doing an evil laugh after that. Sunset looked around to try to find her.

“You called out my name. You have been thinking about me since the day you returned to Equestria...You’re afraid of the darkness I control.”

Sunset began to grow more fear inside of her.

“Good...The more you think of me, the closer my return draws. And when I have awoken, I will take hold...”

Sunset looked in front of her in shock and fear as a dark corridor appeared and then disappeared to reveal a dark red, human form, raging she-demon with demon wings and on top of her head was the second version of Twilight’s crown with darkness smoke on the Sparkle mark.

“Your heart shall be mine!”

Demon Shimmer grinned evilly before reaching her demon hand out to grab Sunset. But Sunset tried to move back a bit in fear to try to avoid the touch.

Suddenly, the pony saw the tiny spark ball of light appear in front of her just as a familiar voice was heard from it.

“Sunset, fight! Don’t let her win!”

A bright light appeared causing Sunset and Demon Shimmer to cover their faces. The light disappeared. Sunset slowly moved her hooves away from her face and let out a small gasp of shock as she saw who was now in front of her.


Princess Celestia glared at the She-Demon while placing her hooves out to stop her from coming near Sunset Shimmer.

Demon Shimmer removed her arms from her face before glaring at the sun princess. “You meddlesome Princess!”

Sunset, Starlight and Terra we’re still laying unconscious in the room they fought Xisnom in. Until seconds later, they regain conscious and slowly got back onto their feet and hooves.

Starlight rubbed her head with her hoof before asking, “What just happened? And what happened to Xisnom?”

“I’m...I’m not sure,” Replied Sunset after rubbing her forehead, “One minute, I was back on my hooves and struck down Xisnom. Then, I was in darkness where Demon Shimmer tried to take over me again until...Celestia saved me.” She placed a hoof on her chest and smiled happily, “She really is inside of me from the very start.”

Terra and Starlight gave Sunset a happy smile.

“You two share a good friendship together, don’t you?” Terra said softly.

Sunset gave him a nod before saying, “Yeah. And I didn’t even know she still cared about me before I betrayed her and after I changed. Even after the second time I returned to Equestria as a good pony.”

“What for?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Just some incident with a memory stone and everyone in the human, including my friends there, not remembering me as a good guy.”

Terra and Starlight were in shocked after hearing that.

“Someone, made everyone think you were still mean?” Terra asked.

“It was Wallflower. She’s been invisible and found it hard to say the right words so long that not even I was mean to her. When she found the memory stone, she used it not only for small things, but even to erase everyone’s memories about me not a meanie no more just so she can teach me a lesson.”

Terra and Starlight was not amused by this as Terra crossed his arms and Starlight looked down to the floor.

“Without evening bothering to see that you have changed and being alone is your weakness,” said Starlight Glimmer.

“She even tried to erase my friends’ memories about the school breaking their friendship like I once did. And she still didn’t even see she was becoming who I used to be, only by stealing.”

“So what did you do to stop her?” Asked Terra.

“I sacrificed my memories to save them,” she answered, “And they still saw I was right before releasing who the actually bad guy was. And once the memory stone was destroyed, all our memories got restored and things were back to where they were.” Sunset smiled while looked to the left. “Guess Friendship’s stronger than wanting things you actually want.”

“It would seem so, Sunset,” Terra said while smiling and placing his hands on his hips.

The two ponies smiled back at Terra, knowing that their friendship have just grown bigger.

Xodiac had his hoof on his chin, but quickly moved it away while letting out a small gasp after realising that Xisnom was gone.

“Xisnom’s gone as well.”

Just then, a dark corridor appeared near the Nopony and disappeared to reveal Cozy Glow.

“Third Shadow, Tempest Plaguies, Second Shadow, Xocarl, Xisnom...I wonder who will be next in line.”

“I thought perhaps it might be Fourth Shadow,” guessed Xodiac.

“Her? No way,” Cozy Glow turned behind her to face the wall while saying, “She already took her fight with Roxas, Xion and Axel, and she’s not even done yet.” The evil filly remained quiet for four seconds before saying, “Nope, I think it’ll be the replicas next. For disobeying us and targeting Sora instead of Lightning Twister and the others.”

Cozy turned back to Xodiac. “So, what about you? I thought you guys had plans for Terra, Sunset and Starlight.”

“Yes, we were going to set them off against the traitors of The Storm King...” replied the Nopony before placing a hoof on his chin again, “But with Tempest Plagueis gone there is no more need. They’re nothing but a both of nuisance now.”

“And they’re dangerous, as well,” the filly pointed out, “After all, Celestia’s ex-student took down Xisnom.”

“You know that’s not how I do things.” Xodiac then thought of an idea to take care of the three, “Tell me, do you have the information about Starlight Glimmer’s past?”

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