• Published 1st Jan 2020
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KINGDOM HEARTS: Dark Order - OliverSparkle

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Chapter II: Smolder saves Lightning & Sora’s Dream

The friendship express was steaming on the tracks before pulling up at the Crystal Empire station. The doors of the coaches swung open and out came the passengers on board along the mane eight, Spike, Oliver, Capper, Sunburst, Tempest Shadow and the Young Seven with Lightning riding on Silverstream’s back.

“Ah, it feels good to be back here at the Crystal Empire,” Sunburst said with happiness while remembering the good times he had at the Crystal Empire, “Feels like only yesterday I just moved to Ponyville after marrying the pony I love.”

“Oh you,” Starlight playfully smirked at her husband before gently punching his hoof as he playfully smirked back at her.

“Well come on then,” said Capper in a friendly way, “Mustn’t keep the Crystal Empire family waiting any longer.”

The ponies and creatures all nodded in agreement before they all started making their way out of the station and towards the Crystal Empire.

As they were walking towards the Empire, Lightning saw something on the right which made him shake in fear before holding onto Silverstream’s neck and started to whimper in fear while continuing to shake. The others quickly heard and saw this as they all stopped and looked at the poor scared colt on the pink hippogriff’s back.

Fluttershy walked towards Silverstream and gently stroked her son’s back in comfort before asking, “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”

Lightning pointed a shaking hoof forward to the right to show his mother what was making him so scared. They all looked to the right and saw twenty Floods coming towards them with an new unversed following them.

The new unversed was a giant turtle with light dark blue skin and a dark purple shell with light purple spikes on it. Its eyes with dark purple with dark red line on each one for eyes. The feet of the unversed had purple diamond shapes on them with a bit of purple around the end part of the foot. There was light pink on its stomach with light dark blue lines on it. There was also a whisker on each side of the face to help it fight in battle and an unversed symbol on the front of its face. It was a Spiked Turtletoad.

“What the? What are those things?!” Asked Rainbow in shock.

“New heartless? New dusks?” Guessed Pinkie.

Oliver continued to look at the new strange creatures and suddenly saw the unversed symbol on the Spiked Turtletoad’s face. He now know that they weren’t the heartless or the dusks, because the heartless they encountered didn’t have a symbol on them and the symbol wasn’t anything like the one on the big unversed, and the heartless were black shadows with yellow eyes not blue skin with red line eyes.

“No, they can’t be the heartless or the dusks,” answered Oliver, “Because those tiny things aren’t the tiny black shadows with yellow eyes, the symbol on the dusks looked nothing like that and we never encountered a big heartless looking like that.”

“So what are they then?” Applejack asked confusedly.

“And could they be the strange creatures Cadence was on about in her letter?” Added Spike.

“Well, one thing’s for sure, they don’t look at all friendly,” Said Tempest getting ready to fight the strange creatures.

Suddenly, the Spiked Turtletoad opened its mouth and out came its long tongue as it then reached towards Lightning Twister. The tongue wrapped itself around Lightning before pulling him off Silverstream’s back and towards the big unversed making him scream in fear.

“Lightning!” Fluttershy shouted in shock.

“Help me!” Cried Lightning as the tongue pulled him into the Spiked Turtletoad’s mouth and it suddenly closed it locking the poor colt inside.

Everyone gasped in shock after seeing what that unversed just did to poor Lightning Twister. That was when Smolder turned her shock look into an angry look, a very VERY angry, as she growled with anger and her fists began to shake furiously.

“Alright! That does it! NO more Mrs nice dragon!”

Smolder started to flap her wings and flew towards the Spiked Turtletoad very fast like she never did before.

“Wait wait, come back, Smolder! That thing is dangerous!” Sunburst called out to the orange dragon. But she didn’t listen, she continued to fly towards the big unversed to rescue her boyfriend.

The two whiskers of the Spiked Turtletoad started to glow dark purple and stretched towards Smolder ready to attack her. But the teenage dragon was too fast for the whiskers as she dodged the four wracks the whiskers tried to do to her.

Smolder took a deep breath in and then bursted a big fire blast at the unversed making it open its mouth and let out a roar of pain. That was when Smolder took her chance and flew into the mouth of the Spiked Turtletoad before it closed its mouth.

The Spiked Turtletoad didn’t realise what just happened or what it has done. But before it could do anything else, Smolder started punching and kicking inside its stomach making it unable to move anywhere and attack.

After two more kicks and punches inside its stomach, Smolder started to make the big unversed fly in the air by flying inside its stomach and moved forward the inside stomach as the Spiked Turtletoad started to shake in fear of heights and not wanting to find out what’s gonna next.

Suddenly, Smolder stopped flying inside the unversed’s stomach, which means, the Spiked Turtletoad was now about to fall to the ground, and where the Floods were standing.

The Spiked Turtletoad started to make its fall to the ground as it landed on top of the Floods making them vanish without a trace after their defeat. The Spiked Turtletoad grossly spat out Smolder and Lightning Twister. The two landed on the ground with gross belly slime over them before the big unversed vanish without a trace after their defeat.

Smolder and Lightning coughed while slowly getting up with belly slime running down from them as they began to rub the slime off them.

The others quickly rushed towards them hoping that they’re okay.

“Lightning! Smolder! Are you two okay?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Lightning let out one more cough before answering, “I think so.” He looked at Smolder, “Thanks for saving me, Smolder.”

Smolder rubbed the last remaining slime off her before smiling at her boyfriend. “No need to thank me, cutie. No friend gets left behind.”

Lightning smiled back at his special somedragon before seeing his Auntie Twilight walking towards the orange dragon with a proud smile on her face. She was so proud of what Smolder just did back there with the big unversed.

“Smolder, I can not begin to tell how proud I am of you! That was the most bravest and friendship move no creature has either done before! You should be proud of yourself!”

“Yeah!” Rainbow agreed as she flew in mid air, “That was so awesome! I won’t be forgetting that!”

Smolder began to blush while smiling and rubbing the back of her head after hearing what Twilight and Rainbow just said to her.


“Well, shall we continue on now that those things are gone?” Asked Tempest in a friendly way, “We don’t want the family to get worried about us if we take long to get there.”

They all nodded in agreement before Silverstream gently placed Lightning on her back again and they all started to continue their way to the palace of the Crystal Empire.

Inside the throne room of the Crystal Empire palace, Princess Cadence was sitting on her throne with, Celestia, Luna, Shining Armor and Amore standing on the right while Vincent and Constantine stood on the left. They were all waiting for their friends to arrive.

Just then, the throne room doors began to open revealing the mane eight, Spike, Oliver, Capper, Sunburst, the Young Seven and Tempest Shadow entering the room.

“There they all are!” Cadence said happily as she got off her throne and trotted towards her sister in law and son before giving them both a hug. “I am so glad you all made it!”

The three broke the hug before Shining walked towards them.

“Good to see you lot again. And I see you’re still wearing that armour I’ve gave you.”

Oliver chuckled while smiling before looking at Constantine and Vincent. “Hi, Constantine! Hi, Vincent!”

“You alright, mate?” Constantine said in response to Oliver’s hello.

“Hey, Oliver! How are you?” Said Vincent while raising his right hand in the air.

“So I take it you all know why I asked you all to come here on short notice?” Cadence asked earning nods from everyone.

“Yes,” answered Oliver, “We were all shocked after hearing you were attacked by strange creatures and a shadowy figure. We got so worried.”

“Yeah,” agreed Gallus, “By the way, did the strange creatures happen to be tiny, coloured blue and have red strange line eyes by any chance?”

Shining, Cadence and Amore were left in shock. Gallus actually knew what strange creatures Cadence was on about in the letter, but how did he know that?

“Yes, those are the ones that attacked us,” answered the shocked princess of love, “But how did you know what they looked like?”

“We’ve just got attacked by them as well while we were on our way here,” replied Smolder.

“Yeah, big one ate poor little pony like he was its dinner,” Yona added.

Cadence looked at Lightning and saw he was now in Silverstream’s talon arms being comforted by her with Smolder gently stroking his mane with her claw in comfort. After being inside the belly of the big unversed, he was still scared after being eaten.

This made Cadence worried and also wonder after hearing Yona say “big creature”.

“Interesting,” She said, “That shadowy figure must have different size creatures in his army of, whatever they’re called. Oh I just hope it’s not really him, it can’t be him.”

“Cadence, don’t worry,” said Twilight as she walked towards her sister in law with a smile on her face, “I’m sure it’s not Sora who’s behind it all. Sora is a good friend, very kind and would never turn to darkness, not without a good reason.”

“Twilight’s right, Cadence,” agreed Applejack, “That shadowy figure might look a lot like Sora, but we know that isn’t OUR Sora.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow also agreed, “It could be somecreature pretending to be Sora to make us believe he’s betrayed us and giving the real Sora a bad name, or somecreature made an evil version of him and gave him those strange creatures to help him attack innocent lives across Equestria.”

“The wielders of Harmony are right, my niece,” said Celestia as she walked towards her, “If Sora had turned over to darkness, he would have showed his entire form. But since that figure appeared as a shadow, it proves that it can’t really be the real Sora.”

Cadence closed her eyes and looked down while given some deep thought. She wanted to believe that the shadowy figure wasn’t indeed Sora, but her mind won’t stop telling her to believe that the keyblade wielder has fallen to darkness.

After a few seconds of thought, she let out a sigh before looking at her aunt and said, “You’re right, Aunt Celestia. Sora would never fallen to darkness, not while his heart is still strong.”

Everyone smiled at the princess of love as they were happy she stopped worrying that Sora had betrayed them.

“Now, what to do next?” Vincent asked.

Oliver closed his eyes and gave a four second thought before opening his eyes and said, “We protect the Crystal Empire as much as we can, while trying to figure what those creatures are, who that shadowy monster is and what does he want. Constantine, see if you have any books on how to contact with shadowy figures.”

“I’ll get started,” replied Constantine before running out of the throne room and towards the house of mystery.

“Dad, go through all the papers for the future guards and get them into training. We’ll need all the guards we can get to protect the Empire.”

“I’m on it!” Shining replied before running out of the room to get started.

“Tempest, you and Vincent go around both the Crystal Empire and the palace to make sure none of those creatures are still around somewhere.”

“Got it,” replied Tempest as she and Vincent ran out of the room to start searching.

“Celestia, Luna, can you go back to Canterlot and round up every royal guard you got and bring them here?”

“We certainly can,” answered Celestia as she and her sister started teleporting back to Canterlot to round up the guards.

“As for the rest of us...we stay here in the castle. Just to make sure if that shadowy figure appears again, we’ll be ready for it, and get some answers. Oh that reminds me actually, where’s Flurry Heart?”

“Oh she’s in her room still,” Cadence answered, “That shadowy figure really scared her and she refuses to leave her room until you come.”

Oliver playfully rolled his eyes while smiling. He knew the baby alicorn loved her big brother and would always want him to be there for her in case the villain wanted her.

“I better go see to her then.”

With that being said, Oliver walked out of the throne room and towards his sister’s room.

Flurry Heart was sitting on her bed holding her Whammy plushie while whimpering in fear. Ever since that shadowy figure appeared in her room, she couldn’t help but fear it might return to scare her some more.

Just then, her bedroom door slowly opened to reveal her big brother, Oliver, who walked into her room. “Hey Flurry Heart, guess who’s here.”

“Olive!” Flurry Heart said before letting go of her Whammy and reached her tiny hooves out to him.

Oliver walked over to the bed, gently picked his little sister up and hugged her as she rested her head on his chest.

“I came here as soon as I could to help,” he said to his sister, “Did that shadowy figure scare you really bad?”

Flurry Heart sadly nodded her head at Oliver before hugging his chest and burying her face into it.

Oliver kissed Flurry Heart on the head before saying, “Don’t worry. Whatever that thing wants, I’ll make sure it stays away from you and send it away from Equestria for good.”

Flurry Heart remained quiet as she closed her eyes while continuing to rest her head on Oliver’s chest while hugging him. But then, after a few more seconds of quietness, the baby alicorn quietly said something to herself,

“Sora, please come back.”

At a dirt ground filled of different keyblades of wielders that gave up their life for the previous light of Kingdom Hearts, just known as the Keyblade Graveyard, was a spiked brown hair boy standing in the middle of the big cross in between the rested keyblades. It was Sora.

The keyblade wielder was looking around the graveyard trying to figure how he got there, why is he there and how is he going to get back to his world.

Just then, after a few more seconds of looking around, Sora saw something up in the air. It was a small black sphere portal with darkness lines flying into it like it was going to create something.

Suddenly, the portal became to go smaller, after one last darkness flew into it, as it then got bigger before disappearing revealing a strange figure appearing from it.

The figure was wearing a smooth, black helmet that has an Unversed emblem on it. He was also wearing a black and white bodysuit, white boots with black soles, and a white half-skirt that has torn, black tips and is held in place by three grey straps. It was Vanitas Remnant.

He landed on the dirt ground on his feet while looking at Sora. Sora summoned his keyblade, the new one, and got ready to fight the stranger without trying to know who this figure was as Vanitas Remnant then summoned his keyblade and got ready to fight Sora.

The teeth and head of his keyblade were black with a red outline and possesses a round, cog-like shape. The handle is red and the guard has the same coloration and cog-like shape as the teeth. The shaft is predominantly colored in shades of grey and sports a copper-colored gear in the center, with two intersecting, black chains wrapped around it. Two more chains are wrapped around the base of the shaft in a similar fashion. It also has two Gazing Eyes: one located in the head of the blade and one embedded in the hilt. Its keychain is comprised of three small, copper gears and ends in a charm resembling two halves of a gear arranged in an S-shape.

“Darkness awaits!” Vanitas Remnant shouted before rushing towards Sora.

Sora jumped high into the air as Vanitas Remnant smacked his keyblade to where Sora was standing before looking up to where Sora was about to attack next.

“Take this!” Shouted Sora before falling straight down to the figure and smacked him with his keyblade making him fall back. Sora landed on his feet before Vanitas Remnant got back on his feet.

“Gotcha!” Vanitas Remnant teleported, appeared above the keyblade hero and attacked him with four smacks making Sora fly backwards before he landed on the ground again.

Sora rushed towards the figure, but before he could attack him, Vanitas Remnant teleported just before Sora smacked him with his keyblade and appeared behind him. “Too slow!”

“There’s no escape!” Vanitas Remnant swinged his keyblade in the air and tried to hit Sora, but he blocked the attack with his keyblade as he began to try making Sora fall back by pushing his keyblade towards his.

Sora was almost near to giving up, but he refuses to give up to someone who he thinks is just an imposter of the long gone Vanitas. Sora then pushed Vanitas Remnant away with his keyblade and started charging towards him.

“What’s yours is mine!” Vanitas Remnant powered up his Keyblade and slashes at Sora. It then released an X-shaped wave of energy that homes in on the hero.

Luckily, Sora managed to dodge the attack while still charging towards the figure.

“It’s over!” Sora shouted as a loud slash was heard making Vanitas Remnant freeze on his spot. He then dropped his keyblade to the ground before it vanished into thin air.

Sora was standing a few miles away from Vanitas Remnant with his keyblade reaching out on the right. He had just slashed the figure with his keyblade without living a line cut on his body.

Darkness smoke began to raise around and on Vanitas Remnant’s body, he was now fading away back to where he came from. Once Vanitas Remnant has disappeared, the darkness smoke faded away leaving only Sora in the Graveyard again as he turned around and looked at the spot where the figure was standing.

Just then, a bright light appeared on that spot, growing bigger and bigger making everything go all white and Sora was vanish into the light.

The light faded to reveal Sora laying on his bed asleep in his new room in Twilight Town. His room was large with a window, a desk, a chair, shelves and a wooden bed with a white pillow and a black bed sheet with silver crowns on it. The walls were coloured in red to match Sora’s clothing.

Sora suddenly shot open his eyes and let out a small wake up gasp and stayed laying on his bed for a few more seconds before setting up.

He rubbed the top of his head before saying, “Boy, what a dream that was. Guess all that thinking about Vanitas must made me think what he would look like if he had the rest of him.”

Sora moved around to set on the edge of the bed.

“Oh well, never mind. It was probably trying to make me feel bad for what me and Ven did to him since he keeps saying he’s our “brother”.” He then got off the bed and stood on his feet. “But that ain’t gonna stop me from having fun today. Because today’s the day the Twilight Town Festival starts! Better go and see how things are getting on.”

Sora ran out of his room and headed towards the main city of Twilight Town.

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